Thursday, August 04, 2005


Hurhur. I have been put in charge of saving our class's yearbook page. Either that, or we use jie yu's one, which is nice, but looks like 4E4's, and that's not good.


We learnt the new national day dance. The dance song's beat is good for dancing, but in the actual song has no beat. So it's kinda confusing. It was fun to learn though!

Blah. Heard from yiling who heard from yining that ameer's ecstatic over the 4/2 girls obsessing over him. I never knew that many people read my blog. Flattering.

In 4 days time, i'll be sitting in the national stadium, with a fully charged camera and a hyperactive family. It's kinda exciting, I haven't gone for NDP for 2 years! Ok not long, but still!

Uh oh. Nanaji is in the hospital. Chest pains. Gonna visit him later then.

Ok the class page is going pretty shitty. My inability to pen the visions in my head is annoying me. I wanna stab the paper with my pencil, but that'll ruin fatimah's giant head. Gargh.

Have I ever mentioned that Final Fantasy theme songs are soo... heart wrenching. Really tugs-, YANKS at your heartstrings. So do the storylines. Now I feel like playing FF IX. Not good, not good.

I'll have plenty of time to play after the o's! Letsee my lineup.

Finish Kingdom Hearts (yes I haven't finished now SHATAP!)
Start on grand theft auto: sans andreas, lego star wars revenge of the sith, batman begins
Maybe throw away the sims: urbz
Play bust a groove till I drop (eh my tv plasma now ok)
Play crash team racing
Finish final fantasy X (i'm trying to get the celestial weapons now SHATAP!)
Maybe play FF IX

Yeh, that's the least of it.

Ok you know what, I give up on the class page. It looks like shit. And ma just wrecked my mood. FUCK YOU CLASS PAGE! FUCK YOU MA!

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