Sunday, August 19, 2012

crazy things

So I've been working my new job for about a week now, and it's been great. The animals so far have been absolutely adorable and the work is relatively easy going save for the driving.

Basically I pet sit. When people go on holidays, they call up the agency I work for, and I may get assigned to it if it's west-side. I get their details, get to know them (so far they've all been lovely) and off I go. I've been ridden with I think the worst flu bug possible (it's lasted all weekend and it makes my entire face hurt :( ) which has made the driving a bit of a task but hopefully i'll get better soon. Next week i'll be faced with 9am-5pm days with morning and evening jobs which will absolutely swamp me. I thought I'd catch up on study this weekend but this flu has had me doing the absolute bare minimum. Of life. It's upsetting because I was really getting into the swing of studying but what to do.

What do you do when the Sudafed no longer works? I hate taking any sort of medication but this bug has really been something else.

Back to my job. I usually look up addresses prior to leaving and remember the route there as I don't have a sat nav and I think it's much quicker this way and I just like to look at maps and navigate old school. So this one particular job I got was about a 15 minute drive from mine and I looked it up on Google maps, to find this while looking for a shortcut;


But really, how long did he (or she) have to wait for that to show up on on satellite view? Madness. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I really enjoy reading about Singapore politics nowadays, ever since the exciting 2011 General Election. We're living in exciting times, things perhaps may change now as people are actually standing up to voice their dissatisfaction. Despite being of voting age I have never voted, and probably had my name struck off the registry which doesn't bother me and yet it does, I feel like a bit of an outsider and now all I can do is merely observe.

The Singapore government has warmly embraced hundreds of thousands of foreigners, some highly skilled and some working basic hospitality jobs, allowing them to lead cushy lives and providing them with nearly on-par benefits with us, the native Singapore citizens. I have not worked a tax-paying, CPF-contributing job (had to love being a tutor back in the day) but as long as my dad is a tax-paying Singapore citizen surely I am not a complete outsider. I've only been in Australia nearly 4 years and I love Singapore as the place I grew up in, but all this civil tension is going to boil over sometime and get messy. The government has cited various reasons for herding in foreigners by the masses, and when it backfires they provide weak excuses, insult and threaten Singaporeans and yet keep hammering away at their terrible policies, haha perhaps in an attempt not to lose face? To avoid an I-told-you-so?

So here I am, just over a year from graduation and having to make a pretty big life changing decision soon as to where I am going to be for the next few years. Maybe this is just my opinion, but the veterinary profession is rather politically and economically isolated. Maybe I could go back home and save myself the trouble of moving elsewhere, but I wonder if that is the right decision. Educated Singaporeans are packing up shop to start anew elsewhere, seeking a better life and I have yet to hear anyone who's made the move complain about anything really apart from getting used to paying larger taxes. Surely this is sending some sort of message to the ruling party? How will you one day afford to import highly-skilled labour once the population has been saturated with foreign blue-collar workers? How far will you underpay them? How will you afford to keep the rich Singaporeans rich when there is no local middle class to exploit after you've run your cheaply paid foreigners into the ground?

Ahh... So I wonder what the future of Singapore will be like. Will the government heed and finally listen to the people as a democratically appointed government should? Or will they press on with stupid policies only to buffer them with exponentially stupider, stifling and less accountable policies?

STOP IT WITH THE QUESTIONS ARUNA. Okay. I'm just mind-mapping outcomes. Interestingly enough, I googled 'working in singapore' to find this;

Contact Singapore is an 'alliance' of the Ministry of Manpower.

Next, I googled;

I am probably taking it out of context. But it's just funny how they are on both ends of the spectrum. Amazing.

Haha, I wonder when the kiss-assery will stop and when Singapore will emerge as the badass nation that it truly is. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"I'm not sure which of these individuals has a radio for a head, whoever he is he ought to try Classic FM and calm down."

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

This is the 2nd night in a row I am sleeping less than 8 hours. Why am I still up instead of sleeping I do not know, I guess it's because I wanted to blog about nothing at all really, haha. Today I attended Paul's graduation, and the entire nearly-2-hour-long presentation got me thinking about my own graduation (only after Paul received his degree - he was one of the first then I kinda spaced out cos there were a million engineering degrees afterward). And having that sense of euphoria and anxiety at the same time about the future. It seems so daunting, life after uni. But everyone has gotten on with it, I hope my mind will finally settle when I have a daily routine.

I just realised how shit I feel when I don't get enough sleep so I should really be doing that. In the meantime, I never knew how therapeutic weather news was to me until one of my favourite songs was played over it. It was just ultimate therapy. And I don't mean weatherman style news, but just the sort that has a Google-earth kinda vibe and a marquee. It works wonders, my brain just takes off into space and I think about all those other people all over the world with all sorts of different weather and what they're doing. It's almost a dreamlike state and quite reminiscent of what it felt like when I saw planes as a kid. All I could think about was how the people in the plane felt and always wondered if they were excited about going to a different place as I was for them, even if I was on the ground. We all have our own little things I guess.

Now I'm starting to wonder what sort of unconventional therapies exist for other people. Like we all get kicks from certain smells, but I wonder what sort of events happen for other people for them to feel similar. Hmmm....

Sunday, August 05, 2012


I am the blanket lady of Hanging rock.

Spent a nice hour or so walking up Hanging rock and checking out the awesome views. Didn`t study a wink this weekend but to be honest i`m glad I didn`t, it was nice and relaxing and got some much needed fresh air while having a bit of a cigarette detox.

Gotta love Android`s ICS camera update.

The main reason for coming up was to bury Roti. It was a beautiful morning and I tried meditating but couldn`t keep it up for too long unfortunately. I'll have to try again soon.

Roti loved beer.

Friday, August 03, 2012

interactions with a cat

This is one of David's cats back in Macedon, Zacky.  He's a bit of a bully and a grump but he didn't seem to mind big squishy bear hugs. He just sat there and took it. I'm surprised he didn't scratch my face off. I'm not well versed with cats, grew up with dogs. I probably won't keep one and I certainly don't hate them, but I will appreciate yours.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

one of those days

I hate these days when I feel like i'm just going to suck at everything I'm going to embark on in the future. I know it's too early to call it, we've done fuckall vet work but it's just a feeling of impending doom.

But i'm guessing i'm just having one of those days. It fucking sucks.

Also.... Ever since my A Levels I have absolutely lost the ability to take any sort of study seriously enough till the last minute. Every. Single. Semester. I sit here at my desk at the start of the evening all determined, and actually not go on Facebook every 5 minutes but this shit still isn't productive! It's never nearly as productive as panic-mode study. Why? I take 3 hours to get through a 1 hour lecture. Why? Especially this year. But I guess now lectures are getting more condensed, like those new canned soups in the supermarkets that give you MORE soup for the soup you're getting. Are you feeling me? Yeah.

Yet another unproductive evening, I could've perhaps watched a nice movie, read a book, played my keyboard, but instead, I AM WASTING MY LIFE AT THIS DESK. Like I have for the past four fuckin' years. SHIT. I am so glad this is the last formal uni semester. I feel like i'm losing my fucking mind.


Time for bed.