Tuesday, May 27, 2008

i am simply amazing

Finally bought the rattys cage today BUT ALAS! The bar spacing was too wide for Stalin, he could squeeze through very easily. Rasputin on the other hand kept trying to squeeze out, he was soo lost in the new cage.

So I had to move Stalin from his baby cage to Rasputin's old one and he has gone absolutely nuts.

The cage is about 32 inches long, and I carried it all the way back on the bus. Yes that is why I am amazing. Then again, any normal person would've just taken a cab. But a cab from Ang Mo Kio would be a bit costly so I braved the bus. Luckily for me, even tho it was during the peak hours I didn't end up having to squeeze my way thru people and piss them off by lugging around the huge cage.

It is lovely though, it fits all the toys and hammock I bought for them, and I bought a new water bottle which is HUGE.

Time for sushi! With Mon!

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