Friday, May 23, 2008

exactly 72 hours to my departure...

....from Nine Mile Ride.

Things to do when I get back (cue 'Oh fuck no not again')

3) Go back to vurk at the Vild Oats. Haiya. I think i'm on schedule everyday cos of some Hamlet thingo that's being done and WO is gonna cater every night for a few weeks i'm not sure. On top of that there are other events tooo.

4) Look for another job. A day job with fixed hours from Monday to Friday so - my nights are free to partay and so are my weekends.

5) Step up on the tuition. Erika actually misses me! I need to pay Deborah too for covering for me the past 3 weeks.

6) Do Pa's birthday present thing. It's been sitting in my head for the longest time, about time I actually DO IT.

7) i <3 my rats...

Yeah this is about the umpteenth time i'm blogging about them yeah?

So i've bought a bit of stuff.. If you asked me for something in particular, I would've bought it for you, but in any case don't expect stuff cos it's just too expensive.

I haven't bought Yigang the tacky London tourist t-shirt he asked for cos I was trying to hard to haggle in Camden Town. I should've though, cos I don't know for sure if i'm going into London again on Saturday with Uncle Matt and the kids.

My aunt said she'd hook me up with a hottie who said he'd bring me to Southampton but he fought with his momma. HAHA! Wao.

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