Tuesday, June 10, 2008

so he does not have a brain tumour

From a Rat Care website;

Weaving the head back and forth and swaying on the front end: Commonly seen in red and pink eyed rats, this strange behaviour is the rat trying to judge depth perception. Rats have very poor vision and pink and red eyed rats can often see even worse. Moving from side to side like this helps them judge how far away something is in relation to them.

Aha. That explains Stalin's weird swaying. And here we were thinking he was tripping on something.

Stop looking at me Rasputin, you are being punished for being such a meanie to Stalin.

He just loves to peer out of his cage, with his chin resting against the metal wires. Watching me. Stupid monkey.


Anonymous said...

oh so you actually mentioned my name in ure 6th october 2005 post. wad old habits die hard? fuck u wad the fuck do u know abt me anyway. dimwit

aroona said...

fuckity fuck

so i did, so i did. considering you came here and tagged, it proves my point exactly doesn't it?


Anonymous said...

wad point? the fact that i wanted to beat u at bio is a habit? err since when? dont flatter ureself. ure not even close to being a competition. in any way. why not let me remind u that i beat u and carlos in english and tell me if im wrong but enlgish is def more impt than bio. but i really think ure a bitch la. i mean using ure blog as a medium to badmouth me karmun etc.. and over wad? marks? based on sec skl? are u really so ful of ureself? i thank god i dont have a friend like u. dont even bother replying because my frankly my dear, i dont give a two hoots.

aroona said...

whoa someone's ranting.

if you didn't give two hoots, then why even comment? grow up, it was three years ago.

by far this is THE most hilarious thing you've done.