Saturday, June 14, 2008

full, full day.

God I am so unbelievably shagged. Never again will I allow Yigang to con me into things with words like 'You're so not spontaneous.'

Bright and early today for tuition, and she was 30 mins late. No worries, just push everything back 30 mins. Went to the bank, went on to Parkway to pick up some assessment books for my kiddos. Did my jungle mafia eyebrows, then rushed back to get ready to leave the house again to meet Yigang for swimming.

After an hour of nonsensical laps and checking out all the eye candy (hardly), I had to cab home so I could get ready for work at Wild Oats in time. The amount of effort it took me to scale Mt. Emily cos I was already so tired caused my back strain in 2 different areas.

Mitchy tried to crack my back, much to both of our amusement, but it didn't quite work out too well.

Today also happened to be one of the BUSIEST days a Wild Oats ever, sans event. To think I was gonna call in sick to cover photography for the Plain Sunset album launch for Magmug. Butttt I decided not to, I don't even listen to them, so I called up Lani to ask her if any of her friends were interested to do it in my place.

My back is FUCKED. Can I pay someone who could give me a kickass back massage? I don't wanna smell like those chinese massage parlours, and I heard it hurts more than it provides relief. I still have to work tomorrow, and we have to carry cocktail tables to the 2nd floor.

Blah, 4am. I am going to wake up tomorrow at some crazy time in the afternoon feeling like absolute SHITE.

Good night.

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