Saturday, March 24, 2007

manymany things are happening

Summarising by day -

First MLB lesson on Monday. The paper is chicken shit easy. But I still failed the close passage section. I'm hopeless -_-

Went to the subordinate courts on Wednesday. They detected my camera in my bag using the scanner they use in airports and I had to leave it at the counter :( BUT! We sat in the electronic courtroom which is super cool while being informed on courtroom protocol.

THEN! The nice lady let us sit through a hearing. So exciting right! And guess who's hearing it was? Everyone knows who he is!


When we came in, all 18 (i think) of us, we made a bit of a racket with our bags which kinda disrupted the proceedings, which made everyone turn around including the accused himself, sitting in THE box.

I swear.
His stare.

He turned around and looked at each and everyone of us, brow furrowed, and had a slight frown. In fact, his entire face looked like a giant frown. And evil alien-like eyes. It was a damn boring hearing, almost all of us were gonna fall asleep. They were speaking so softly, with many pauses so the typists can catch up. Sharon fell asleep, and the police guard at the door told Ms Lim to wake her up. LOL!

After about 30 mins, we left. Before the hearing started, and way before it ended. So we dunno the verdict. In fact, we didn't even know what the hearing was about! HAHA!

The tour lady was wearing the elven necklace from LoTR! OMG! I recognised it immediately and... I want it. Haha.

After that, we ate dinner at Vivo. The rest went to Daiso while me, Fizah, Fad and Samu walked around the outdoor area, and we reached the pool-thingo! Within 5 minutes our shoes were off and we were splashing around happily like deprived kids. Samu kept splashing Fad and Fizah and almost splashed me if I wasn't yelling that I was holding on to my camera.

Ryan came and joined in later after Daiso. We were practically soaked after that, so we went to the toilet to dry ourselves. I wasn't intending to dry myself cause I wasn't that wet, until I turned and saw the reflection of my butt.... and my cartoon underwear was showing! OMG!

I HATE the school skirt! As in.... its THIN-NESS. I can't wear any of my stripey/cartoon underwear cause its clearly visible through the skirt. I also had this incident about being too patriotic and... stripes. All too traumatising to recount.

I just bought motherfucking bright orange and blue undies the other day. Looks like I can't wear them to school :(

Dental tomorrow! And maybe lunch with Mimi! Yay!

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