Sunday, January 11, 2009

go if you haven't already!

I wouldn't have missed this for the world. I went with Mon on the first day almost right after it opened. It was a fairly small crowd at first, and we all got to see Chris Garver up close, followed by an awesome lion dance involving high speed jumping at quite a height. During moments of silence you could hear the constant buzzing of tattoo needles.

It was mad awesome to see so many studios from all over the world in one place. It was very very tempting for Mon and I to just get a taste of the atmosphere by getting inked but we figured it really was not worth it. Some tattoos were stunning, some were cheesy/ugly and some were quite typical. There was a studio from New Zealand that did amazing Japanese art tattoos... New Zealand's only a $300 flight from Melbourne :P

It's a good place to people-watch too.. Rod Monteiro and Glenn Ong were there, some people were over-dressed, and others (like us) were in t-shirts, shorts and slippers. I told Mon when I noticed some people similarly dressed, "Confirm they all live in the East." The expo is too nearby.


Anyway... I've been doing something productive everday, and sticking to my plans for the week. Things have changed a bit today tho - No ice skating. But i'm going to see Gilles Peterson at Hacienda later! And it's a free gig.

Also i've bought some random items online to take with me to Australia...

Moleskine diary! I almost bought another Elmer the Patchwork Elephant diary again but I opted for something a bit more subtle.

Yay for berets! I want more beanies!

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