Friday, April 29, 2005


I feel like I just had an hour long orgasm, watching the OC!

Today's episode was damn funny, and seth was extra cute today. He and surin are so similar it's scary. Especially the hair.

So many different climaxes. I was squealing so much and talking to dog. She was hyper too, as usual.

Well I just hope everyone else watched it too. It would really suck if you missed it.

I can't blame Jimmy for kissing that redhead.. Julie? I mean, when you really look at her, as in REALLY STARE, she's kinda irresistable. And marissa is a dumbfuck for going out with the gardener. Too bad his looks pale in comparison to the Desperate Housewives gardener hoho.

Ok that aside, we went bowling today! The multiracials heheh. We're not a clique right. I hate cliques.

It was fun fun. I actually bowled WELL.

Aw shoot. The mid year's are next week.. I really feel so not bothered to study. I feel like slacking now and studying properly later, but I just can't bring myself to do it.

Ow shit my eyes are burning. Shit.

We couldn't thrash 4.1 during P.E today cause it was fucking RAINING. We were all so disappointed I tell you. Brian especially. The weather's been a bitch today.

After school we sang hidayat 5 birthday songs. Carlos, wait k? Hidayat got his present 2 MONTHS late.

Okay sleeptime. NIGHTY!

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