Wednesday, March 22, 2006

i'm on a MANHUNT. garr.

Yes. To find the random person that nominated me to win them tickets. So far I haven't found anyone. Sigh.



merrymary said...

ZOMG I READ "I'M ON MANHUNT" HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH i apologize for being stupid sometimes. ):

Anonymous said...

hi, i was just wondering what acne medication you take? does it work fast or have you been taking it for a while? im looking for a possible way out of my misery too. its a killer.

aroona said...

i'm on antibiotics taken orally, plus special creams prescribed by the doctor. i got them at the national skin centre though, you could get a referral through a polyclinic so it'll be cheaper.

my acne's not totally gone, i still break out here and there, but there's definitely a visible change since my appointment a month ago.

Anonymous said...

sorry to seem draggy, but how much did it cost you? cos i was actually planning to find cash and go for laser.if this is much more effecient and cheaper, time's on my side.
do the antibiotics make you drowsy?

aroona said...

it was REALLY cheap. about 50 bucks give or take. and the antibiotics don't make me drowsy. but when i first started taking them i vomited.. then again the doctor said it'd be one of the side effects, but it wears off after awhile.

Anonymous said...

alright! thanks for saving me tons of trouble.cheers.