Wednesday, June 07, 2006

things i MUST buy for my engrand trip.

1) bag
2) jeans
3) face powder (not so important)
4) sneakers (also not so important)
5) jacket
6) stuff

And stuff I MUST do

Taper stupid 3/4 pants
and uhh... Dunno lah.

Yeah. The mom is pms-ing, the dad is missing in action, the sister will be landing in an hour and the new maid is deeply traumatised by the mom's pms-ing.

Even i'm not spared, albeit the fact that i'm so sick I can barely walk straight. I'm just trying to stay out of her way as much as I can without going to sleep. Blah.

I'm gonna fail my common tests. I brought my notes to pre u sem, but never got a chance to study. A day after I come back, I fall sick. Arg.

Fail lah. I'll just have to work my butt off for promos if I don't wanna get retained. Oh man this is scaring the shit out of me. I'd study now, but my head is throbbing way too much. Life sucks.

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