Friday, June 22, 2007


I want to bang my head on the table. Several times. But I can't because of all the organic chemistry I studied yesterday.

Studying is hard. It is. Especially when you're someone who's the in-between sort.

You know, you have your super hardworking HCI/RJC students who can mug for days without sleeping. They breathe the H3 science syllabus, and no, the fact that they take almost no time to spend having fun with their friends doesn't bug them at all.

Well yeah they'd do it after their A's and whatever, but.... I just can't work that way.

Then on the other extreme, people who just can't sit down and study. The thought of memorising chapters of chemistry or practicing math might clog their arteries and give them a heart attack. But these people tend to excel in many many other things so it works out for them.

And finally, you have me. The in-between. I can sit down for a few hours, yes, but I lose focus so fast its not funny. And my motivation? Last minute panic.

Last minute panic gave me 13 points for my O's. And I was bawling my ass off in the hall.

I only have about 3months plus before the A's. I'm waiting for the panic to kick in. But it seems to be taking its time.

Am I gonna be mediocre my whole life? :(

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