Monday, December 01, 2008

part 2 NOT up yet

I tried to extend the validity of my passport so I could apply for my student visa, but no, I just HAD to apply for the goddamn biometric passport.

There go all my lovely immigration chops.... Heathrow, Gatwick, Siem Reap, Chiangmai, and like a gazillion Malaysia chops, courtesy of all our JB makan trips. I thought that passport would be a memorable one.

Okay well, i'm hoping to travel a lot over the next 5-6 years, and much more subsequently, so no matter.


I finally watched REC in the cinema! My life is almost complete. At first, it was just us two in the cinema, for the 2.20am show at GV Plaza Singapura. Luckily for us (more so him than me) we were joined by 4 more people.

It was what... my 3rd time watching this show? And it still freaked me out. Especially the ending - which Quarantine completely RUINED in their trailer. I cannot emphasize any more how much Quarantine is shit. From an excellent Spanish zombie movie to Hollywood trash. If you must watch Quarantine, at least watch REC first. I think the original deserves that much.

Hopped on a night rider home after that, and bumped into Ernie on the bus! I miss that idiot actually.

Yesterday night was madness at Danesh's house. Was just a casual gathering of drinks and card games and smokes, and it turned hysterical. Najib fell off his chair laughing too much, and made us all laugh even more. Made some cool new friends too. Hopefully this becomes a regular thing cos it's really mad fun.

I'm so happy I met so many lovely people this week. Especially Yigang and Maya! Watching Tropic Thunder a 2nd time was so worth it, and it was really good to see you happy Maya! <3 you fuh-eva BFF!

And mr hip heppenin' fit NSman Iggy, I hope you'll never get tired of me ranting about the whole world. I REALLY miss meeting you at random times of the night. When I get my license you will be one of the select few that can play your own music in the car.

Everyone else will be subjected to my awesome tunes, unless you want to walk. HEHEH
(talking as if I already passed tsk tsk)

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