Tuesday, June 12, 2012


[11:49:19 PM] aroona: i swear it's so easy to pull off any clothes when you're thin
[11:49:22 PM] aroona: rahh
[11:49:54 PM] David Cooper: whatever man
[11:50:28 PM] aroona: you think i can pull off clothes like her?
[11:51:00 PM] David Cooper: her clothes are pretty shit
[11:51:51 PM] aroona: haha really
[11:51:55 PM] aroona: some of them are nice
[11:52:38 PM] David Cooper: being skinny just means you can wear shitter clothes

It's time I stopped wondering about how i'd look in that neon-lacy-scalloped hem playsuit and enjoy the way I look in my sense of style. This shit's just getting out of control.


6/9 exams done!!! HOME STRETCH! I cannot wait to resume life starting this Friday.

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