Tuesday, May 29, 2012

countdown is t minus 6 days

"What? I have 23 bird lectures to finish BY TODAY?"

I have decided to start taking more pictures. Of myself, of things around me, of whatever. Also, some blog resolutions post exams. I promise to blog at least 3 times a week. I want this back to what it used to be. Everybody's life has somehow transitioned onto Facebook, and now with twitter, micro-blogging is all the rage. And repeated photos on every social media platform possible. I think this may be the reason why my attention span may have dwindled to the width of a staple. Or staplet. You know those stapler bullets? I never know what they're really called. Wait a second...
Crisis averted!

But NO! I shall strive to resurrect this shit page with updates on my REAL life, with less emotional bullcrap. Looking back on previous entries is rather depressing. Oh poor me. How sad are those events that have panned out that I allowed to happen in the first place :''''''((((( NO ENOUGH OF THAT SHIT.

It is quite surprising that i've come to this realization while i'm actually feeling pretty shit with some sort of rogue cold bug I picked up (where could I possibly have picked it up from?!?! I haven't left the house in like 5 days!). Which explains why my lips are so shiny in the pictures, I am dehydrated like a prune so it was vaseline to rescue.

While yes there are things in my life that are not exactly ideal, there is a whole world of opportunity coming up in my life really, really soon, just over 6 months actually. So we must be forward-looking, yes?

As for this blog, I can't say i'm as hardworking as I used to be with pictures and all but I'll try to build it back up to that as close as I possibly can. There are so  many new things happening in my life that I haven't even talked about! Like my decision  to dye my hair some fucking crazy red.

Give it time... it's a DIY job but i'll get there. So far I have only done the underside of my hair because I was fairly confident i'd botch it up. Even the hairdresser I asked for advice at Werribee Plaza was so concerned about the results that he gave me his namecard.

Even if I did botch it up, I wouldn't go to a salon cos I can't afford it. Also I dyed my hair with red box-dye (the supermarket kind) and it was alright at the start but my stubborn Asian hair only gave it a bit of a tint. With all the beach trips this semester and over summer I really couldn't be bothered taking care of it, so it faded to a coppery-brown sort of colour. But dyeing it on impulse months ago has proved to be such a mistake now that I want to dye it a crazy red. So only the underside so far because I ran out of money this month. A new month is coming up and it will be round 2... I hope to go back to Singapore with red hair :D

In other news, David 'Coops' Cooper Scooper will be making his tall appearance in my motherland of short hobbit folk very shortly. Granted, he still does not have a passport or a ticket but trust is really all you need right? I trust him with everything else so it's all good. Let it be said here that if it does not happen he will have hell to pay HEHEHE :F I don't really know what that face means.

Also I have lost some weight despite winter quickly approaching. I am quite pleased with myself, it required a bit of discipline and eliminating all the bad options. Everything in moderation. Lessons learnt, if I predict I am going to demolish that 200g Cadbury Fruit and Nut block in one sitting (at my desk over about 4 hours), I will have to forgo at LEAST.. dinner.

Lastly, believe it or not, I have cut down smoking by approximately 86%. And maintained at this percentage for this whole semester!! It's crazy talk. I've come to realize I don't like the smell and feeling I get after a cigarette while sitting in a lecture theatre. I apologize to everyone who's had to sit near me/next to me after an inter-lecture smoke break. I can't believe people have just put up with it! I feel like a gross human being.

However, tackling my habit on a night out is going to be a monumental task and I will take it step by step.

Those are my little bits of news that might've been lost in time and space had I not written it down. Sure, i'll know my hair is red and i've cut down on smoking, through what, Facebook photos/statuses? Pfffff no thanks!

Alright 23 bird lectures! Your ass is grass!

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