Monday, October 04, 2010

Gosh the weather was just perfect today. The sun's almost gone down and it's not even cold! Feels like summer. Henry, Cooper and I skipped an entire lecture just to sit outside in the sun. It really was so lovely. I wish it could just stay this way.

Tomorrow we head to Dookie, bright and early at 730am. It's gonna be 4 days of farms, vet talks and fatigue. On the other hand, 4 days of awesome friends, booze, free food and adventures (and with a small joint thrown into the mix) sounds completely worth it.

But in all seriousness I am looking forward to seeing all the different types of farms. Should be good stuff. I had a test this morning and just did mediocre. With the exception of this test, I feel like the effort I put in is somehow not enough, I just keep getting mediocre marks. Secondary school, JC, it all feels like child's play compared to this. I won't stop trying, and I know i'll be a great vet. Just need to get over things like Physiology and Biochemistry. Blargh. Exam blues are on its way.

Went to visit Aresha in Sydney over the 2nd week of mid-sem break. Had a lot of fun, drank way too much and spent way too much of her money. Haha. Sorry sister. I will pay you sister maintenance when I start earning big moolah.

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