I have the hots for actors like Clive Owen and Eric Bana. I never realised this. I think actors like Orlando Bloom and Jude Law are okay... but they're just so... sissy.
Oh and the movie Closer, BRILLIANT! I just love Natalie Portman. She still has her monotone Queen Amidala voice going on but I still think she's gorgeous and a great actress.
Yesterday I was watching House of Extreme Idiocy- I mean Carters. Fucking stupid show. I seriously cannot believe the kinda stupid verbal exchanges that go on in that house. You might lose a couple of brain cells watching it but if you're a Nick/Aaron Carter fan (WTF ARE YOU THINKING), then you might not want to ruin that perfect celebrity image of them in your head.
Momster just got home, and within 10 seconds of her arrival, the shouting has begun. HOHO!
Oh and Christmas Eve was fun. Surin and I went for Jungle Balls! Didn't quite feel like working it on the dance floor that night, not that I was embarassed or what, but I just wasn't in the mood. Got home at 5+am, slept at 6am.
Woke up at 4.30pm on Christmas Day haha. Had breakfast at 5pm and the family went out at 7+. I finally got my new school shoes! The beautiful brown Pumas i've been eyeing for awhile.
Only downside's the pigskin exterior so I just gotta keep it dry and not kick any Muslims.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
its christmas eve!
And i've already opened all my presents.
I got...
1. 2 tank tops
2. A giant spongebob tin
3. A spongebob mug set (cause Ash broke the one Ma bought last christmas)
4. 2 spongebob boxers
Okay before I go on.. I have no idea why I received so many spongebob things this year. But I love them all the same :D
5. An Adrian Mole book (haha, from Ash)
6. Puma shoes!
Unfortunately, Ma bought a pair one size too big and.... I didn't like them. I tried my best to pretend I did but she saw right through it and it ruined her mood. After she calmed down a bit I explained stuff to her and she says we can go change it! So yay. No harm done.
Tonight's Jungle Balls at BBBC. Was so set on going at first but now I don't know. I'll still go la I don't wanna stay home for Christmas Eve cause thats just sad.
My robot necklace came in the mail! Yay! It's so nice haha I think i'll wear it tonight.
Ok la I think i'm gonna nap for awhile haha.
I got...
1. 2 tank tops
2. A giant spongebob tin
3. A spongebob mug set (cause Ash broke the one Ma bought last christmas)
4. 2 spongebob boxers
Okay before I go on.. I have no idea why I received so many spongebob things this year. But I love them all the same :D
5. An Adrian Mole book (haha, from Ash)
6. Puma shoes!
Unfortunately, Ma bought a pair one size too big and.... I didn't like them. I tried my best to pretend I did but she saw right through it and it ruined her mood. After she calmed down a bit I explained stuff to her and she says we can go change it! So yay. No harm done.
Tonight's Jungle Balls at BBBC. Was so set on going at first but now I don't know. I'll still go la I don't wanna stay home for Christmas Eve cause thats just sad.
My robot necklace came in the mail! Yay! It's so nice haha I think i'll wear it tonight.
Ok la I think i'm gonna nap for awhile haha.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
its a bledy hot day i says
Ma left for Chiangmai this morning, and Raj's going to Perth tonight. Aresha's starting work on Monday and Pa is going somewhere from Monday to Tuesday. And what am I doing? Absolutely NOTHING! Yay.
Played the ps2 just now but I got bored of it so fast. I need new games already! But buying new games is like a deathwish right about now, one year to A levels and all.
Playing Tekken has made me wanna pick up Capoeira. I swear it's the coolest form of martial arts I HAVE EVER SEEN. No way in hell would I be able to execute moves like Eddy but still. Fighting with rhythm is just the coolest.
Now i'm watching videos of it. Hahah.
I'm getting my braces off in (most likely) a month! I went in today thinking he was gonna change my rubber bands, and I wanted to alternate red and green cause christmas is coming, but he said I didn't need to change my bands anymore! Woohoo! I can't imagine myself without braces, I'm so used to smiling with them and taking extra effort to speak properly. And my teeth are so square. Like Ajay's chiclet teeth, but his look fine.
I was walking out of Tanah Merah mrt when these two chinese girls walked past me, all dressed up and stuff. I just went to the dentist so I was in slack clothes. It's a pretty bright day so I brought my sunglasses with me, yes my fake Armani ones. When I was walking underground they were on my head, then the taller of the two chinese girls glared at me from head to toe then looked at my sunglasses with so much anger I thought she might've grabbed it off my head.
Weirdo. Sorry ah I buy fake Armani cause I have NO MONEY haha that rhymes.
Played the ps2 just now but I got bored of it so fast. I need new games already! But buying new games is like a deathwish right about now, one year to A levels and all.
Playing Tekken has made me wanna pick up Capoeira. I swear it's the coolest form of martial arts I HAVE EVER SEEN. No way in hell would I be able to execute moves like Eddy but still. Fighting with rhythm is just the coolest.
Now i'm watching videos of it. Hahah.
I'm getting my braces off in (most likely) a month! I went in today thinking he was gonna change my rubber bands, and I wanted to alternate red and green cause christmas is coming, but he said I didn't need to change my bands anymore! Woohoo! I can't imagine myself without braces, I'm so used to smiling with them and taking extra effort to speak properly. And my teeth are so square. Like Ajay's chiclet teeth, but his look fine.
I was walking out of Tanah Merah mrt when these two chinese girls walked past me, all dressed up and stuff. I just went to the dentist so I was in slack clothes. It's a pretty bright day so I brought my sunglasses with me, yes my fake Armani ones. When I was walking underground they were on my head, then the taller of the two chinese girls glared at me from head to toe then looked at my sunglasses with so much anger I thought she might've grabbed it off my head.
Weirdo. Sorry ah I buy fake Armani cause I have NO MONEY haha that rhymes.
just in case i forget or have no time - for the lovely few who read this <3
Since my Nikon's out of comission thanks to the [sarcasm] wonderful [/sarcasm] friends I have, I used my V3x to take these. Apart from it being a little dark, they're not half bad! *grin*
I'll be super busy next week, what with Orientation '07 meetings, OGL camp PLUS the family chalet, then immediately after that's Christmas eve. Since the family chalet's so close to Christmas we're having our yearly Christmas dinner there instead, and the 24th will just be a quiet, wine-sipping, present-opening session.
BUT MY SIS AND I ARE GOING FOR.... JUNGLE BALLS! HEHEHEHE. Funkycool DNB event at BBBC again I think. Whoever's interested *cough*surinyigang*cough* let me know cause you need to be invited for it.
Heheh. Heheheh. Spacing out when you're tired is fun. Cause the screen gets bigger and bigger and bigger and you feel like your head is being inflated with air.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Oh dear lord. Did you see the knife stabbing video? The PRC man stabbing the woman over and over, and people walking by not wanting to get involved. I've known Singaporeans to be ignorant motherfuckers, but HELLO SOMEONE'S BEING STABBED, DO YOU NOT REALISE THE FUCKING URGENCY? Only later did two fellas bother to help, after standing around for a bit. =/
Whatever la even if he's from China. Who's to say Singaporeans aren't capable of something like that? Oh wait, they are.
Okay okay okay I was supposed to blog about watching March of the Penguins and Little Miss Sunshine yesterday. More happy things so I will.
I think right, if you were to condense all 23 years of my parents marriage and our family life into 2 hours you'd get Little Miss Sunshine. Seriously. Putting the FUN in dysfunctional alright.
And March of the Penguins! Penguins have such hard lives I swear you'd have no idea. APPARENTLY, Happy Feet has like a snippet of how difficult a penguin's life is but I guess seeing it animated and in real life are two different things. And best of all, the commentary's in French! Just the way I like my movies babay!
I was SUPPOSED to be at a class chalet for the past 4 days, from Tuesday to today, but unfortunately it got so unbearably boring we checked out yesterday afternoon.
Oh damn.
I just found out something along the lines of someone you used to have a thing for sorta has a thing for someone that coincidentally you've known since P1 and that thing they have has become a relationship so all you wanna do now is take the keyboard and smash someone's face in.
Keywords here: USED to
But... just... DAMN IT.
Whatever la even if he's from China. Who's to say Singaporeans aren't capable of something like that? Oh wait, they are.
Okay okay okay I was supposed to blog about watching March of the Penguins and Little Miss Sunshine yesterday. More happy things so I will.
I think right, if you were to condense all 23 years of my parents marriage and our family life into 2 hours you'd get Little Miss Sunshine. Seriously. Putting the FUN in dysfunctional alright.
And March of the Penguins! Penguins have such hard lives I swear you'd have no idea. APPARENTLY, Happy Feet has like a snippet of how difficult a penguin's life is but I guess seeing it animated and in real life are two different things. And best of all, the commentary's in French! Just the way I like my movies babay!
I was SUPPOSED to be at a class chalet for the past 4 days, from Tuesday to today, but unfortunately it got so unbearably boring we checked out yesterday afternoon.
Oh damn.
I just found out something along the lines of someone you used to have a thing for sorta has a thing for someone that coincidentally you've known since P1 and that thing they have has become a relationship so all you wanna do now is take the keyboard and smash someone's face in.
Keywords here: USED to
But... just... DAMN IT.
Friday, December 08, 2006
If you have too much free time right, try counting the number of times I start sentences with 'I tell you's.
It's quite funny reading your entry right after typing it and realising how you accidentally said the same thing too many times. And the funny thing is I say that a lot in person too.
Haha ok not so funny la hor.
It's quite funny reading your entry right after typing it and realising how you accidentally said the same thing too many times. And the funny thing is I say that a lot in person too.
Haha ok not so funny la hor.
today's a good day!
Yep. Was supposed to see the doctor in the morning for my GASTRO-ENTERITIS! Yes. I have a funky-ass disease going on in my digestive system and it' s been going on for 2 weeks and I haven't seen a doctor. Tomorrow i'll go. I swear. :D
I managed to get minimal christmas shopping done! Got Aunty Man's present and the my 06S02 secret santa present. Heheheh. I HOPE THE 06S02 MONKEYS DON'T FORGET CAUSE THAT'LL JUST SUCK.
Raj wanted to shop so he asked me along and so we went to Marina Square. Lunch, window shop, a really bad game of pool and more shopping then dinner then window shop a bit more then go home. So now my leg is painingggggg.
The night before was crazy. But if I talk about it then i'll have to start from the beginning and that'll take years. HOWEVER! I shall try and summarize with my terrible summary skills.
Okay so Ash has been on 4 types of medication popping 10 pills a day as prescribed by IMH which my dad stupid followed. This turned him into a human zombie incapable of talking properly or keeping his spit in his mouth or walking properly. Since Aresha came back and my school term ended, we've been gradually cutting it down to less and less.
Now he's getting off the harshest of the 4 different pills and he's down to half of that pill. He's going through withdrawals like a real hardcore drug addict - tremors, sweating, nausea, hallucinations and all sorts of other terrible things.
Then suddenly last night he insisted on going to the hospital, and WALKING there. So me my mom and him took a hike to CGH at 10pm at night, while making many stops for him to try and puke.
When we were on our way back he kept trying to puke by sticking his finger down his throat and we were all so fed up of telling him to stop that rubbish so we all imitated him vomiting. After awhile he started smiling and insisted he hike all the way back home. We decided to give him a pail so he wouldn't puke on his t-shirt. The rest of us followed him slowly in the car, like a support vehicle for some marathon runner, lowering the windows and screaming at him then making loud puking noises.
I tell you I never laughed so much before in a span of 30mins. Yep so that was my Wednesday night for you. Thursday early morning was spent at Simpang with Aresha, Primela and Aresha's friends talking about stuff.
I tell you don't buy salonpas when you have muscle aches. Buy tiger balm! I tell you the plasters work wonders in just a few hours.
I managed to get minimal christmas shopping done! Got Aunty Man's present and the my 06S02 secret santa present. Heheheh. I HOPE THE 06S02 MONKEYS DON'T FORGET CAUSE THAT'LL JUST SUCK.
Raj wanted to shop so he asked me along and so we went to Marina Square. Lunch, window shop, a really bad game of pool and more shopping then dinner then window shop a bit more then go home. So now my leg is painingggggg.
The night before was crazy. But if I talk about it then i'll have to start from the beginning and that'll take years. HOWEVER! I shall try and summarize with my terrible summary skills.
Okay so Ash has been on 4 types of medication popping 10 pills a day as prescribed by IMH which my dad stupid followed. This turned him into a human zombie incapable of talking properly or keeping his spit in his mouth or walking properly. Since Aresha came back and my school term ended, we've been gradually cutting it down to less and less.
Now he's getting off the harshest of the 4 different pills and he's down to half of that pill. He's going through withdrawals like a real hardcore drug addict - tremors, sweating, nausea, hallucinations and all sorts of other terrible things.
Then suddenly last night he insisted on going to the hospital, and WALKING there. So me my mom and him took a hike to CGH at 10pm at night, while making many stops for him to try and puke.
When we were on our way back he kept trying to puke by sticking his finger down his throat and we were all so fed up of telling him to stop that rubbish so we all imitated him vomiting. After awhile he started smiling and insisted he hike all the way back home. We decided to give him a pail so he wouldn't puke on his t-shirt. The rest of us followed him slowly in the car, like a support vehicle for some marathon runner, lowering the windows and screaming at him then making loud puking noises.
I tell you I never laughed so much before in a span of 30mins. Yep so that was my Wednesday night for you. Thursday early morning was spent at Simpang with Aresha, Primela and Aresha's friends talking about stuff.
I tell you don't buy salonpas when you have muscle aches. Buy tiger balm! I tell you the plasters work wonders in just a few hours.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
YEAH! TPJC's Prom was featured! But the shitty part was that VJC has the same theme as us. Damnit. But never mind la not like it makes a difference.
Prom was a wonderful, beautiful success. I won't take credit cause I was in Cambodia for the 2 weeks leading up to prom, but to everyone who put in all the time and effort for this, you have my appreciation and respect.
Not that they read this but hey it's the thought that counts right?
Went to IKEA Tampines on Friesday! Made a spontaneous decision to go with Mon after his many many errands for the day. It was SO fun! Getting freebies and shouting randomly. We went to check the restaurant queue twice before actually lining up when Fi joined us. Mon kept leaving his name on the walls scribbling with the Ikea pencil.
Met Surin, Yigang and Marr at Simpang for awhile after that just to talk for a bit. Then yesterday went to Changi Beach with Surin for awhile and visited Nani. Pretty eventful days i've been having.
I was SUPPOSED to go to the John Little sale with Yigang but till now his royal highness hasn't woken up. So i'll just sit at home and do some holiday homework or something and go later with Mon if Yigang is still happily sleeping.
Last night, my sis, mom and I were watching this Tamil movie, Veera, on DVD. Everyone's probably going OMGWTF but I tell you its the most hilarious tamil movie i've seen so far. There is no link from every scene and the song and dance parts are SO FUNNY. The only reason why Aresha bought it and we were watching it was because she heard it was damn funny.
I told Raushan about it and he said he's definitely gonna watch it. You should too!
Wah. I've been having the worst case of the runs ever. 1 week and it's still not letting up. At least 3-5 times a day I get horrible stomachaches and gotta run to the toilet within 15 minutes of eating. I drank Vitagen yesterday and it's slightly better but I still got a stomachache today after breakfast. Rarrr...
Lesson learnt: Drink tequila in moderation. Take no more than three over two days. And do not drink other theengs unless you want to die.
And the shot I had at the prom after-party at DXO DID NOT HELP. Felt so fucked up after that at Lau Pa Sat I could've died. But the after-party was a blast! Danced my heart out with everyone and I even saw Andrew of all people there. Haha.
I tell you this entry is so boring but today is pretty boring so okay.
Prom was a wonderful, beautiful success. I won't take credit cause I was in Cambodia for the 2 weeks leading up to prom, but to everyone who put in all the time and effort for this, you have my appreciation and respect.
Not that they read this but hey it's the thought that counts right?
Went to IKEA Tampines on Friesday! Made a spontaneous decision to go with Mon after his many many errands for the day. It was SO fun! Getting freebies and shouting randomly. We went to check the restaurant queue twice before actually lining up when Fi joined us. Mon kept leaving his name on the walls scribbling with the Ikea pencil.
Met Surin, Yigang and Marr at Simpang for awhile after that just to talk for a bit. Then yesterday went to Changi Beach with Surin for awhile and visited Nani. Pretty eventful days i've been having.
I was SUPPOSED to go to the John Little sale with Yigang but till now his royal highness hasn't woken up. So i'll just sit at home and do some holiday homework or something and go later with Mon if Yigang is still happily sleeping.
Last night, my sis, mom and I were watching this Tamil movie, Veera, on DVD. Everyone's probably going OMGWTF but I tell you its the most hilarious tamil movie i've seen so far. There is no link from every scene and the song and dance parts are SO FUNNY. The only reason why Aresha bought it and we were watching it was because she heard it was damn funny.
I told Raushan about it and he said he's definitely gonna watch it. You should too!
Wah. I've been having the worst case of the runs ever. 1 week and it's still not letting up. At least 3-5 times a day I get horrible stomachaches and gotta run to the toilet within 15 minutes of eating. I drank Vitagen yesterday and it's slightly better but I still got a stomachache today after breakfast. Rarrr...
Lesson learnt: Drink tequila in moderation. Take no more than three over two days. And do not drink other theengs unless you want to die.
And the shot I had at the prom after-party at DXO DID NOT HELP. Felt so fucked up after that at Lau Pa Sat I could've died. But the after-party was a blast! Danced my heart out with everyone and I even saw Andrew of all people there. Haha.
I tell you this entry is so boring but today is pretty boring so okay.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Harlo harlo yes it's been slightly over 12 days of not being in Singapore. And I didn't miss anything at all! Not even the computer! Haha.
Ten days in Battambang and 2 days in Siem Reap. There's so much to say I don't know where to start.
We did work at Kok Daung Primary School. The kids there were a bit cold at first but by the end of the day we left with smiles and they waved at us even till our bus was out of sight. We worked on sprucing up the school building - sanding the old paint off and painting on a new coat, washing all the windows and grills and painting enamel on them and painting a mural on the wall that faces the road. 8 people worked on the mural and it took 2 days in total. The final thing was AWESOME although a certain teacher had the audacity to undermine our efforts and give us a black face whenever he could.
I seriously never thought a teacher could be so childish, but whatever.
We spent time playing all sorts of games and teaching them numbers and shapes and nursery rhymes. Which they eventually forgot, but I know the games will continue even after we left.
They couldn't understand us and vice versa, but we needed the translator only to a minimal extent cause they understood our demonstrations and hand actions. Me and Cheryl did a dramatic demonstration of the game 'Monkey' and they understood it immediately.
Throughout the entire trip I had the Photography Club's D70S with me and I couldn't be happier. I got so many UN/National Geographic Channel-worthy photos. But at one point when I climbed on a table to do the mural, the lens slammed into the wall and it popped out but Mr Koh thankfully managed to snap it back in.
Haha. I'd really type everything but there's just too much lah. There's one thing I just gotta put in though. It's the friends I made on this trip. I knew them before it, but I never thought that this trip would bring us so close. Rish, Shangari, Zahra and Raushan. All crazy people. And Jasmine too! My bus/tuktuk partner.
The farewell ceremony on Thursday was fun. We finally did our performance although I fell on my ass during the last part haha. After that we had some peanut curry thing which we gladly gave the kids and had a mini dance session with them before leaving. I had already bawled my eyes out on Tuesday when I thought I really was never gonna see them again, so this time I just wanted to have fun with them for the last time.
I miss the kids so much. Laek, Raten, Pon, Kiyan, Yan, Kun and the rest. Laek was so sweet, she gave me this drawstring bracelet which I used everyday till I left Cambodia. A couple of days before that, she and the group of girls I played with before dragged me away from a game of Volleysoccer with the kids to make me a whole bunch of leaf bling!
They made me 4 leaf rings and 2 leaf bracelets. I couldn't bring them back cause they either fell apart, fell apart in my jeans pocket or got lost in the hotel room. I took pictures of them though!
The orphanage was alright. We only spent 2 days there, and I spent only a day cause the first day was spent at the primary school painting the mural. The kids there were better off than those at the school cause each kid was sponsored by a french family. They did put up the most adorable performance for us though - a traditional Cambodian musical and dance.
Unfortunately, I only have the pics of our last day in Siem Reap and Cambodia too cause I've been uploading the pics into Max's lappie every night cause I could only take about 300+ shots at a time. He's now got 4 gigs of my photos in his laptop and no CD burner and sharing folders don't work on my com so.... hmm.
Came back yesterday morning at 11something am with my funky-ass imitation Armani shades. I bought my dad an Angkor Beer tee, my mom a Buddha head and a painting, a gorgeous red bag and two tank tops for myself and a blue shawl and an ugly fake red Chanel watch to piss my sister off.
I was running around the central market bugging my friends for ideas on what to buy my sister who wears strictly ORIGINAL Chanel and they were all stumped. The rest of my US$100 was spent on coconuts for lunch and soft drinks for dinner everyday, tuktuk rides to Pub St and back several times, a Cambodian prepaid card which turned out to be a waste of money and a bit of alcohol here and there.
I've gotta share the first night we had in Battambang though. Me, Max, Fahmi and Jasmine were bumming on one bed looking at Max's laptop when a truck went past the hotel and Max asked if the windows were closed. I said they were and he went to check. He went behind the curtains, closed it, looked up and JUMPED from the window.
He ran to us yelling about a lizard being as big as his forearm and we all thought he was bullshitting. I made fun of him being a scaredy cat and told him he must be exaggerating. Fahmi felt brave and demanded Max show him the lizard. And so he did.
He went up to the curtain and Max pulled it open to show him the lizard. Fahmi jumped back and the MONSTERTEENAGEMUTANTNINJA LIZARD ran out from behind the curtain to behind the cupboard. Although me and Jasmine were seated some distance away on the bed, we jumped back too. I have never ever ever in my life seen a mutant-sized GREEN house lizard. It's a very light shade of green, so light I thought it was beige.

Exactly what we saw, but green. I swear Marr probably would've died seeing this.
Max ran out and got Shangari, Zahra and Rishibha to come see, and in the process everyone else on the third floor came to see what the commotion was about. Max pulled the cupboard away from the wall to let everyone see the horror hiding behind it - a harmless, probably terribly frightened gargantuan lizard.
Since it was Shangari's and my room, we went downstairs to get the reception people to help us out. They didn't know English so conveying the message was a bit tricky. First they gave us a rubber band thinking it was a tiny lizard and we could just shoot at it with a rubber band. After further gesticulations with regards to its massiveness they gave us insecticide. At our wits end we decided to bring them up to our room, and one of them made sure he didn't leave the insecticide behind.
Upon reaching our room the lizard already ran behind the curtain of the other window. I yelled at Max to get my open suitcase away and he did. The reception people looked behind the curtain and they themselves were pretty shocked at what they saw. In the end, they grabbed the section of curtain the lizard was on, and peeled it - I literally mean PEELED it, you could hear the peeling sound - off the curtain. Everyone cheered when they finally got it. I ran into Zahra's room which was across from mine as they walked out of ours with the lizard in one of their hands.
I didn't take any pictures cause the excitement of the whole thing was a bit too much haha.
That's about it I guess. If there's any bits here and there i'll put them here. Don't expect to see much pictures cause they're too huge and too many. If i'm feeling nice i'll show them to you myself.
Ten days in Battambang and 2 days in Siem Reap. There's so much to say I don't know where to start.
We did work at Kok Daung Primary School. The kids there were a bit cold at first but by the end of the day we left with smiles and they waved at us even till our bus was out of sight. We worked on sprucing up the school building - sanding the old paint off and painting on a new coat, washing all the windows and grills and painting enamel on them and painting a mural on the wall that faces the road. 8 people worked on the mural and it took 2 days in total. The final thing was AWESOME although a certain teacher had the audacity to undermine our efforts and give us a black face whenever he could.
I seriously never thought a teacher could be so childish, but whatever.
We spent time playing all sorts of games and teaching them numbers and shapes and nursery rhymes. Which they eventually forgot, but I know the games will continue even after we left.
They couldn't understand us and vice versa, but we needed the translator only to a minimal extent cause they understood our demonstrations and hand actions. Me and Cheryl did a dramatic demonstration of the game 'Monkey' and they understood it immediately.
Throughout the entire trip I had the Photography Club's D70S with me and I couldn't be happier. I got so many UN/National Geographic Channel-worthy photos. But at one point when I climbed on a table to do the mural, the lens slammed into the wall and it popped out but Mr Koh thankfully managed to snap it back in.
Haha. I'd really type everything but there's just too much lah. There's one thing I just gotta put in though. It's the friends I made on this trip. I knew them before it, but I never thought that this trip would bring us so close. Rish, Shangari, Zahra and Raushan. All crazy people. And Jasmine too! My bus/tuktuk partner.
The farewell ceremony on Thursday was fun. We finally did our performance although I fell on my ass during the last part haha. After that we had some peanut curry thing which we gladly gave the kids and had a mini dance session with them before leaving. I had already bawled my eyes out on Tuesday when I thought I really was never gonna see them again, so this time I just wanted to have fun with them for the last time.
I miss the kids so much. Laek, Raten, Pon, Kiyan, Yan, Kun and the rest. Laek was so sweet, she gave me this drawstring bracelet which I used everyday till I left Cambodia. A couple of days before that, she and the group of girls I played with before dragged me away from a game of Volleysoccer with the kids to make me a whole bunch of leaf bling!
They made me 4 leaf rings and 2 leaf bracelets. I couldn't bring them back cause they either fell apart, fell apart in my jeans pocket or got lost in the hotel room. I took pictures of them though!
The orphanage was alright. We only spent 2 days there, and I spent only a day cause the first day was spent at the primary school painting the mural. The kids there were better off than those at the school cause each kid was sponsored by a french family. They did put up the most adorable performance for us though - a traditional Cambodian musical and dance.
Unfortunately, I only have the pics of our last day in Siem Reap and Cambodia too cause I've been uploading the pics into Max's lappie every night cause I could only take about 300+ shots at a time. He's now got 4 gigs of my photos in his laptop and no CD burner and sharing folders don't work on my com so.... hmm.
Came back yesterday morning at 11something am with my funky-ass imitation Armani shades. I bought my dad an Angkor Beer tee, my mom a Buddha head and a painting, a gorgeous red bag and two tank tops for myself and a blue shawl and an ugly fake red Chanel watch to piss my sister off.
I was running around the central market bugging my friends for ideas on what to buy my sister who wears strictly ORIGINAL Chanel and they were all stumped. The rest of my US$100 was spent on coconuts for lunch and soft drinks for dinner everyday, tuktuk rides to Pub St and back several times, a Cambodian prepaid card which turned out to be a waste of money and a bit of alcohol here and there.
I've gotta share the first night we had in Battambang though. Me, Max, Fahmi and Jasmine were bumming on one bed looking at Max's laptop when a truck went past the hotel and Max asked if the windows were closed. I said they were and he went to check. He went behind the curtains, closed it, looked up and JUMPED from the window.
He ran to us yelling about a lizard being as big as his forearm and we all thought he was bullshitting. I made fun of him being a scaredy cat and told him he must be exaggerating. Fahmi felt brave and demanded Max show him the lizard. And so he did.
He went up to the curtain and Max pulled it open to show him the lizard. Fahmi jumped back and the MONSTERTEENAGEMUTANTNINJA LIZARD ran out from behind the curtain to behind the cupboard. Although me and Jasmine were seated some distance away on the bed, we jumped back too. I have never ever ever in my life seen a mutant-sized GREEN house lizard. It's a very light shade of green, so light I thought it was beige.
Exactly what we saw, but green. I swear Marr probably would've died seeing this.
Max ran out and got Shangari, Zahra and Rishibha to come see, and in the process everyone else on the third floor came to see what the commotion was about. Max pulled the cupboard away from the wall to let everyone see the horror hiding behind it - a harmless, probably terribly frightened gargantuan lizard.
Since it was Shangari's and my room, we went downstairs to get the reception people to help us out. They didn't know English so conveying the message was a bit tricky. First they gave us a rubber band thinking it was a tiny lizard and we could just shoot at it with a rubber band. After further gesticulations with regards to its massiveness they gave us insecticide. At our wits end we decided to bring them up to our room, and one of them made sure he didn't leave the insecticide behind.
Upon reaching our room the lizard already ran behind the curtain of the other window. I yelled at Max to get my open suitcase away and he did. The reception people looked behind the curtain and they themselves were pretty shocked at what they saw. In the end, they grabbed the section of curtain the lizard was on, and peeled it - I literally mean PEELED it, you could hear the peeling sound - off the curtain. Everyone cheered when they finally got it. I ran into Zahra's room which was across from mine as they walked out of ours with the lizard in one of their hands.
I didn't take any pictures cause the excitement of the whole thing was a bit too much haha.
That's about it I guess. If there's any bits here and there i'll put them here. Don't expect to see much pictures cause they're too huge and too many. If i'm feeling nice i'll show them to you myself.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
One more day! Yay!
Yet again, I dunno if this will be my last post for the next 2 weeks, but if it is then here's my inevitable christmas wishlist! Yay!
This year Aruna wants many expensive things she'll never have, as usual:-
1. Nikon D70s/D200 / Sony Alpha 100
2. Bass guitar
3. Entire series of Fushigi Yugi manga
4. 1GB MircroSD card
5. New pair of Pumas
6. PS3
7. A second cupboard
8. Bigger drawers
9. A nice looking school bag that isn't a tote/sling bag cause my back hurtses.
10. A brand new pair of black slippers - the ones I bought from England but they're so worn out already courtesy of my mom and sister (not very expensive though)
11. JEANS! For fuck's sake.
12. My own computer (haha)
13. The rest of Magister Negi Magi!
14. Negi Magi DVD set
15. Princess Hours DVDs (I keep missing episodes)
16. Laser treatment - or SOMETHING that'll get rid of my acne scars :(
17. A lifetime supply of watermelons
18. Maybe straighten my hair? Hmm.
Yup. That's it so far. Haha.
Here's a video about fainting goats.
And cause I have nothing else to blog about except a pre-departure paragraph about me packing which will bore you to death, i've decided to put up cute pictures! Ripped off SA though, but still cute.

This one made me laugh. I can just imagine the puffer fish thinking exactly that.

Here's a bunch of 'I'm in your..'s that I find really funny. If you don't then.. too bad.

And here's the last one which is super super cute.

I want a hug.
This year Aruna wants many expensive things she'll never have, as usual:-
1. Nikon D70s/D200 / Sony Alpha 100
2. Bass guitar
3. Entire series of Fushigi Yugi manga
4. 1GB MircroSD card
5. New pair of Pumas
6. PS3
7. A second cupboard
8. Bigger drawers
9. A nice looking school bag that isn't a tote/sling bag cause my back hurtses.
10. A brand new pair of black slippers - the ones I bought from England but they're so worn out already courtesy of my mom and sister (not very expensive though)
11. JEANS! For fuck's sake.
12. My own computer (haha)
13. The rest of Magister Negi Magi!
14. Negi Magi DVD set
15. Princess Hours DVDs (I keep missing episodes)
16. Laser treatment - or SOMETHING that'll get rid of my acne scars :(
17. A lifetime supply of watermelons
18. Maybe straighten my hair? Hmm.
Yup. That's it so far. Haha.
Here's a video about fainting goats.
And cause I have nothing else to blog about except a pre-departure paragraph about me packing which will bore you to death, i've decided to put up cute pictures! Ripped off SA though, but still cute.
This one made me laugh. I can just imagine the puffer fish thinking exactly that.
Here's a bunch of 'I'm in your..'s that I find really funny. If you don't then.. too bad.
And here's the last one which is super super cute.
I want a hug.
Friday, November 10, 2006
4 more days to Cambodia!
Friday Saturday Sunday Monday then BYEEE YAYYY!
So glad I get to leave this wretched place. Even if its only for 2 weeks. Doing CIP. But the great thing is - i'll have the D70 PLUS one more lens (yay), wonderful people to go with, money to SHOP (though it'll be pretty limited), i'll be going to ANGKOR WAT! And more!
But shit. I'm gonna miss a lot. Haha. Especially my class cause they've made the past few months for me so so so much fun. I don't know how many years of fun in Bedok View accumulated can equate to the fun i've had so far. It's nothing personal, it's just that all the people in my class are totally nuts. All they all fit together nicely to form the funnest class EVAR!

Shit. Haha i'm really gonna miss this.
Class chalet 12th December!
Finally, today was our Oral Presentation for Project Work. Our group did alright, apart from the fact that the teachers were so confused about our slides cause it had a different format from that of the other groups. After hours in school joking around with each other and endless rehearsing, we went to Century Square to watch Step Up. It's not as bad as I thought, but i'm not into those kinda 'you get to achieve your dreams although you broke in and vandalised a school' type of movies. Encourages false hope. Not in me, but it just sends a weird message.
Actually, all movies somehow have that same concept down. It's weird.
I started packing today! I think I need to buy more underwear hurr.
I dunno if i'll be blogging before I leave, so i'll just say it now.
CAN YOU FEEL CHRISTMAS? I mean, just that happy, i-feel-like-putting-up-the-tree-and-buying-christmas-presents-NOW type of feeling although its more than a month away. I think it's the weather. Or something in the air. Or just the feeling of looking forward to something so amazingly fun it's hard to believe it all happens in my crazy house.
Heeeeeeee :D
So glad I get to leave this wretched place. Even if its only for 2 weeks. Doing CIP. But the great thing is - i'll have the D70 PLUS one more lens (yay), wonderful people to go with, money to SHOP (though it'll be pretty limited), i'll be going to ANGKOR WAT! And more!
But shit. I'm gonna miss a lot. Haha. Especially my class cause they've made the past few months for me so so so much fun. I don't know how many years of fun in Bedok View accumulated can equate to the fun i've had so far. It's nothing personal, it's just that all the people in my class are totally nuts. All they all fit together nicely to form the funnest class EVAR!

Shit. Haha i'm really gonna miss this.
Class chalet 12th December!
Finally, today was our Oral Presentation for Project Work. Our group did alright, apart from the fact that the teachers were so confused about our slides cause it had a different format from that of the other groups. After hours in school joking around with each other and endless rehearsing, we went to Century Square to watch Step Up. It's not as bad as I thought, but i'm not into those kinda 'you get to achieve your dreams although you broke in and vandalised a school' type of movies. Encourages false hope. Not in me, but it just sends a weird message.
Actually, all movies somehow have that same concept down. It's weird.
I started packing today! I think I need to buy more underwear hurr.
I dunno if i'll be blogging before I leave, so i'll just say it now.
CAN YOU FEEL CHRISTMAS? I mean, just that happy, i-feel-like-putting-up-the-tree-and-buying-christmas-presents-NOW type of feeling although its more than a month away. I think it's the weather. Or something in the air. Or just the feeling of looking forward to something so amazingly fun it's hard to believe it all happens in my crazy house.
Heeeeeeee :D
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
the only day when anything chocolate made me sick.
Just totally recovered from probably the worst hangover. Of my life.
Okay i'm really refraining from typing a breakdown of my weekend and Monday. Cause there's just so much to ramble on about and I won't be able to wake up tomorrow for OCIP Dance Practice.
So here's the summarised breakdown! Hur.
Aresha's event at BarBaaBlackChic was a smashing success and i'm so glad Yigang and Surin came down, if not I would've been pretty much wandering around here and there like a lost sheep. Also - because they came - I got pissed drunk, again this year! Yay me!
The stupidest part about the whole thing was that the high came after a glass of white wine. ONE GLASS. Due to my extreme stupidity, as you all know, it was on an empty stomach. Then came beer. Then came another glass of RED wine. Then it just all went havoc.
I vaguely recall going to the DJ booth to get some things and smiling at Chris Goss like he was the supreme being of planet Earth. I went up and talked to him - which is something I wouldn't normally do - and asked him about what he was gonna do tomorrow (Sunday). Some random conversation in between which I can't remember but what I DO remember is him saying he wanted to watch football. So.... okaay..
I also remember being knocked out on the sofa and Madhir kept disturbing me about being mabukkk. So was Chris. And on top of that, Yigang took the most horrendous picture of me being knocked out with my mouth open using my phone and set it as my wallpaper.
Went outside, sat around then got up to puke. Everything that came out was red. From the wine of course. And the most GROSS part? My face exploded. I looked up and Yigang told me that my face was bleeding, then he was like OHH YOUR PIMPLES BURST.
I was too wasted to really care so I just pressed a tissue to my face and leaned on Surin's shoulder waiting for my sis to drop Logistics and Chris back at their hotel. When she came back, I got into the car and fell dead asleep on Surin's shoulder till he left, then fell asleep again. When I reached home I got out to the field to puke AGAIN, then went upstairs, washed up and SLEPT. Kinda shocked at myself for not showering but I just couldn't take another minute awake.
The following day was a NIGHTMARE. Got up at 11+am to get something to eat cause I was STARVING, only to puke about 10 minutes later. Ate bread and cheese and went to sleep again, only to wake up and puke it all out. Sleep for another 15 minutes, then run to the toilet to puke again. It was just the worst hangover ever la really.
OH YAH. Also woke up in the morning to many many black marks on my face due to my face exploding. I almost wanted to cry cause my face had cleared up so much over the past month or so only for it to get all screwed up again :(
Ah so much for it being summarised. But I can't leave out any details for my worst hangover. Haha.
I'm feeling perfectly fine now, throat's still a bit sore from the puking but that didn't stop me from singing my heart out at KBox to songs like When it's Over by Sugar Ray, to Life for Rent by Dido, to Numb by Linkin Park. Haha the song list is endless. KBox is fun shite, everyone needs to go at least once in their lives. I know the place seems super cheena and the English song selection is a bit limited, but it's sure to have everyone's favourites.
I want to bring my silly bahluls there! It'll be so much better than the karaoke we had at the bar on my birthday :D
Logisitics is very cute. Haha *pokescheeksinaveryactcuteway*
Can you believe I watch Curious Play/Fushigi Yuugi yesterday night and sang the theme song lyrics out loud, word for word? I can't believe I still remember the theme song lyrics. Fushigi Yuugi is awesome. I SHALL buy the comic soon.
If I could just minus the momster from my life, my life would be PERFECT. PERFECT I SAYS!
Okay i'm really refraining from typing a breakdown of my weekend and Monday. Cause there's just so much to ramble on about and I won't be able to wake up tomorrow for OCIP Dance Practice.
So here's the summarised breakdown! Hur.
Aresha's event at BarBaaBlackChic was a smashing success and i'm so glad Yigang and Surin came down, if not I would've been pretty much wandering around here and there like a lost sheep. Also - because they came - I got pissed drunk, again this year! Yay me!
The stupidest part about the whole thing was that the high came after a glass of white wine. ONE GLASS. Due to my extreme stupidity, as you all know, it was on an empty stomach. Then came beer. Then came another glass of RED wine. Then it just all went havoc.
I vaguely recall going to the DJ booth to get some things and smiling at Chris Goss like he was the supreme being of planet Earth. I went up and talked to him - which is something I wouldn't normally do - and asked him about what he was gonna do tomorrow (Sunday). Some random conversation in between which I can't remember but what I DO remember is him saying he wanted to watch football. So.... okaay..
I also remember being knocked out on the sofa and Madhir kept disturbing me about being mabukkk. So was Chris. And on top of that, Yigang took the most horrendous picture of me being knocked out with my mouth open using my phone and set it as my wallpaper.
Went outside, sat around then got up to puke. Everything that came out was red. From the wine of course. And the most GROSS part? My face exploded. I looked up and Yigang told me that my face was bleeding, then he was like OHH YOUR PIMPLES BURST.
I was too wasted to really care so I just pressed a tissue to my face and leaned on Surin's shoulder waiting for my sis to drop Logistics and Chris back at their hotel. When she came back, I got into the car and fell dead asleep on Surin's shoulder till he left, then fell asleep again. When I reached home I got out to the field to puke AGAIN, then went upstairs, washed up and SLEPT. Kinda shocked at myself for not showering but I just couldn't take another minute awake.
The following day was a NIGHTMARE. Got up at 11+am to get something to eat cause I was STARVING, only to puke about 10 minutes later. Ate bread and cheese and went to sleep again, only to wake up and puke it all out. Sleep for another 15 minutes, then run to the toilet to puke again. It was just the worst hangover ever la really.
OH YAH. Also woke up in the morning to many many black marks on my face due to my face exploding. I almost wanted to cry cause my face had cleared up so much over the past month or so only for it to get all screwed up again :(
Ah so much for it being summarised. But I can't leave out any details for my worst hangover. Haha.
I'm feeling perfectly fine now, throat's still a bit sore from the puking but that didn't stop me from singing my heart out at KBox to songs like When it's Over by Sugar Ray, to Life for Rent by Dido, to Numb by Linkin Park. Haha the song list is endless. KBox is fun shite, everyone needs to go at least once in their lives. I know the place seems super cheena and the English song selection is a bit limited, but it's sure to have everyone's favourites.
I want to bring my silly bahluls there! It'll be so much better than the karaoke we had at the bar on my birthday :D
Logisitics is very cute. Haha *pokescheeksinaveryactcuteway*
Can you believe I watch Curious Play/Fushigi Yuugi yesterday night and sang the theme song lyrics out loud, word for word? I can't believe I still remember the theme song lyrics. Fushigi Yuugi is awesome. I SHALL buy the comic soon.
If I could just minus the momster from my life, my life would be PERFECT. PERFECT I SAYS!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
That's right. Malay CAN KISS MY SWEET ASS NOW! HAHA!
That is, until I get my grade for the paper next February. Which is as scary as hell cause the possiblity of me failing is way greater than it was back in secondary school. But whatever, i'll worry about it next year.
Currently ripping my Daft Punk Musique album. Lovely. I spelt it as MYSTIQUE in one of my long time ago entries and I haven't edited it till now so go find it and have a goot laugh.
So. Aresha came home Sunday morning. PERMANENTLY! Ho Mai Gord.
I haven't gotten batshit angry about the mess in the room yet. Nor the fact that my mom stole my study table. But I will if the new school term starts and I have bledy place for my work.
It's been loads of laughs and trips to TM and all. Also, lots of trips back to school for PW, council and OCIP. So far i've been enjoying myself, with the dance practices and suffering from achy legs afterwards.
Halloween was on Tuesday! Kenneth and Alex managed to pull our Halloween party idea together at Alex's aunt's condo function room. Only 4 people dressed up - Meijuan, Kenneth, Ryan and me. Everyone else wore black though. I was a witch, Meijuan was a.... lunatic. I don't even know what she was but okay. Kenneth was a vampire.. thing and Ryan was a goth. Actually he just wore eyeliner and lipstick and called himself goth. Lol.
Ate pizza, the guys raped Mark, tried to play twister and tried to dance. When most of them left, it was just Ryan, Kiwi, Kenneth, Alex and me left. We ended up playing a very.... revealing game of Truth or Dare, but it was mostly Truth la. The dares were a bit boring, except Kenneth having to take 5 deep breaths of Kiwi's shoe.
Left the place later and walked all the way to Tampines Interchange for some weird reason. Walked Alex home and the rest of us shared a cab, dropping me off first. It was really super fun la, although some of them were real spoilsports. BLEH.
Had a council meeting on Wednesday, followed by food tasting at the Ritz Carlton! It was the BESSSSTTTTT. Met the rest of the organising committee, went to the Ritz and was ushered into a small function room. There was a stand outside saying something like, 'The Ritz Carlton Hotel Welcomes Tampines Junior College for Culinary Tasting'. Or something like that la. We felt SO honoured really.
Chose a colour for the table cloth, plate settings and we sat down at a table. There were menus on the table with 2 different types of the following - Appetisers, 1st course, 2nd course and dessert. There were 10 of us, so they gave us 5 of each choice at a time.
Halfway eating the smoked salmon appetiser I started smiling to myself.. I felt so high class. Seriously. The service was tops and the food was great. The other choice of appetiser tasted... really weird. So we chose the salmon. Next up was SOUP!
It was some spice duck soup and potato cream soup. The potato cream soup outshined the other, no question, so we picked that. Then it was the main course!
It was either a chicken thing or a fish thing with seafood. The chicken thing got boring to eat after awhile, so we chose the fish. Dessert was just a brownie or lychee passion fruit tower thing. The tower was way too tangy so we picked the more tolerable brownie.
After a few more negotiations (WE GET TWO FREE ROOMS ON PROM NIGHT :D:D i'm gonna stay at the Riiitttzzzzzz :D) we left after taking manymany pictures. Resulted in me being half an hour late to meet Kenneth who unreluctantly pointed it out to me throughout our ice cream floats and walking around Bugis aimlessly talking cock.
Tomorrow is HOSPITALIZED at BarBaaBlackChic! I cannotttt wait. It's been months since my last DNB event and Surin and Yigang are coming! Maybe even Kenneth! I'll be sitting at the door for awhile but not for too long la hor. Just until the bulk of the crowd has entered. I need to work off my debt cause I lost my sis's iPod Shuffle.
In the morning i'll be visiting Ryan and Kenneth at their flea market thingo. Hopefully poke fun at them. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't make the effort to go ALL THE WAY TO EFFIN' BUKIT TIMAH but I'm doing it only cause I don't want to spend the morning with my mom sucking my blood and driving me crazy.
Okay tired already.
That is, until I get my grade for the paper next February. Which is as scary as hell cause the possiblity of me failing is way greater than it was back in secondary school. But whatever, i'll worry about it next year.
Currently ripping my Daft Punk Musique album. Lovely. I spelt it as MYSTIQUE in one of my long time ago entries and I haven't edited it till now so go find it and have a goot laugh.
So. Aresha came home Sunday morning. PERMANENTLY! Ho Mai Gord.
I haven't gotten batshit angry about the mess in the room yet. Nor the fact that my mom stole my study table. But I will if the new school term starts and I have bledy place for my work.
It's been loads of laughs and trips to TM and all. Also, lots of trips back to school for PW, council and OCIP. So far i've been enjoying myself, with the dance practices and suffering from achy legs afterwards.
Halloween was on Tuesday! Kenneth and Alex managed to pull our Halloween party idea together at Alex's aunt's condo function room. Only 4 people dressed up - Meijuan, Kenneth, Ryan and me. Everyone else wore black though. I was a witch, Meijuan was a.... lunatic. I don't even know what she was but okay. Kenneth was a vampire.. thing and Ryan was a goth. Actually he just wore eyeliner and lipstick and called himself goth. Lol.
Ate pizza, the guys raped Mark, tried to play twister and tried to dance. When most of them left, it was just Ryan, Kiwi, Kenneth, Alex and me left. We ended up playing a very.... revealing game of Truth or Dare, but it was mostly Truth la. The dares were a bit boring, except Kenneth having to take 5 deep breaths of Kiwi's shoe.
Left the place later and walked all the way to Tampines Interchange for some weird reason. Walked Alex home and the rest of us shared a cab, dropping me off first. It was really super fun la, although some of them were real spoilsports. BLEH.
Had a council meeting on Wednesday, followed by food tasting at the Ritz Carlton! It was the BESSSSTTTTT. Met the rest of the organising committee, went to the Ritz and was ushered into a small function room. There was a stand outside saying something like, 'The Ritz Carlton Hotel Welcomes Tampines Junior College for Culinary Tasting'. Or something like that la. We felt SO honoured really.
Chose a colour for the table cloth, plate settings and we sat down at a table. There were menus on the table with 2 different types of the following - Appetisers, 1st course, 2nd course and dessert. There were 10 of us, so they gave us 5 of each choice at a time.
Halfway eating the smoked salmon appetiser I started smiling to myself.. I felt so high class. Seriously. The service was tops and the food was great. The other choice of appetiser tasted... really weird. So we chose the salmon. Next up was SOUP!
It was some spice duck soup and potato cream soup. The potato cream soup outshined the other, no question, so we picked that. Then it was the main course!
It was either a chicken thing or a fish thing with seafood. The chicken thing got boring to eat after awhile, so we chose the fish. Dessert was just a brownie or lychee passion fruit tower thing. The tower was way too tangy so we picked the more tolerable brownie.
After a few more negotiations (WE GET TWO FREE ROOMS ON PROM NIGHT :D:D i'm gonna stay at the Riiitttzzzzzz :D) we left after taking manymany pictures. Resulted in me being half an hour late to meet Kenneth who unreluctantly pointed it out to me throughout our ice cream floats and walking around Bugis aimlessly talking cock.
Tomorrow is HOSPITALIZED at BarBaaBlackChic! I cannotttt wait. It's been months since my last DNB event and Surin and Yigang are coming! Maybe even Kenneth! I'll be sitting at the door for awhile but not for too long la hor. Just until the bulk of the crowd has entered. I need to work off my debt cause I lost my sis's iPod Shuffle.
In the morning i'll be visiting Ryan and Kenneth at their flea market thingo. Hopefully poke fun at them. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't make the effort to go ALL THE WAY TO EFFIN' BUKIT TIMAH but I'm doing it only cause I don't want to spend the morning with my mom sucking my blood and driving me crazy.
Okay tired already.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
number of hours wasted today = 0.
Yup. Today was totally packed from beginning to end. Right after I woke up I went to Wilbur's to do PW, then rush to school to practice the OCIP dance, then rush to Tampines CC at 5+ to workout at the gym with Primela, then shower at her place, watch Sinking of Japan at 9.45pm then cab to Simpang for a milo dinosaur. Hehehehe.
The workout felt damn shiok! Well only the running part. I can only lift a 1kg weight with my arms. Ahahahaha. I ran a lot though. Made sure I sweat like crazy. Maybe tomorrow i'll go to Fengshan CC to run again. All I can do is run. I want to lose 5kg ASAP so I can fit into my nice (but old) jeans again.
Was supposed to meet Yigang at Foo House for drinks but he was tired and had work so me and Primela ended up watching Sinking of Japan. It's a bloody scary movie and the possibility of Japan really sinking is really what scares me. The explosions and tsunamis were all so awesome, and sad at the same time. It's a good movie la, but if you couldn't care less about people fussing about Japan sinking into the sea, a billion and one volcanic eruptions and a really small love story squeezed in between then don't bother.
Something funny happened before that though. I was outside the box office and bought a hotdog and ice lemon tea while Primela went to the toilet. Near the entrance, I just happened to glance in the direction of the Neoprint shop only to make eye contact with the EX! Holy motherfucking shit!
And it wasn't Surin.
The other one, for those who know LOL.
So he was there with some overly-dressed up Punjabi (just an assumption) girl. It was pretty funny considering : he lives in Potong Pasir and I dunno wtf he was doing in Tampines AND here's the thing - he was messaging me just a month ago bugging me about wanting me back. Told me he was waiting all this while since we broke up (2 whole fucking years), he hasn't met another girl like me, blahblahblah.
And so, today, hello big surprise he was lying to me all along. Not that I give a shit, but i'm just annoyed that I even bothered to reply to his stupid messages trying to put it as nicely as possible that I will never in a million years even CONSIDER getting back together with him. UGH.
Haha. So they disappeared somewhere into the cinema and I got chummy with the ticket-tearer cause he read the words of my super cool Spongebob tee that says 'I deserve a hug!'. Had a good laugh and entered the cinema in a good mood, eradicating the possibility of him being in the same cinema as me as he would never wanna watch a movie like this.
At the end of the movie, Primela was like OMG! and I thought it was him only to be duped. Then in the OTHER direction, there he was walking out of the cinema with the overly-dressed girl. Hahahaha so turns out he was watching the same movie as us in the same cinema. I thought it'd be fun to stalk them but we gave up when we reached the traffic light outside CS cause we got lazy.
Went to Simpang, had a milo, contemplated on going to parkway to play pool, ended up deciding not to and came home at 1something am.
Very eventful day man. Here are some pictures for fun too! :D

Ryan. He just did this out of the blue and so far I think it's the most hilarious thing ever.

My little cousin Aniek picking flowers at California Country Park in England.

Salvador Dali along the Thames river in England.

Yes, another England pic. The EYE!!! The London Eye la.

Not in England, but English! Hehehe Chris Martin was just THERE. In front of me and I died on the inside.
Damn random right! Just felt like it la.
Oh and I just gotta type this out so I can read in next time and laugh.
Fatimah had an open house on Tuesday for our class in the evening. The guys made rockets again and part of Kiwi's rocket flew into the neighbour's house, who got mad pissed.
Fatimah got called by her parents and when she came back she said:
Fat: Are the rockets illegal?
Me: No, she's not Indian, she's Chinese (referring to the angry neighbour)
Ryan: *dies laughing*
When I hear something wrongly, I really hear it WRONGLY.
The workout felt damn shiok! Well only the running part. I can only lift a 1kg weight with my arms. Ahahahaha. I ran a lot though. Made sure I sweat like crazy. Maybe tomorrow i'll go to Fengshan CC to run again. All I can do is run. I want to lose 5kg ASAP so I can fit into my nice (but old) jeans again.
Was supposed to meet Yigang at Foo House for drinks but he was tired and had work so me and Primela ended up watching Sinking of Japan. It's a bloody scary movie and the possibility of Japan really sinking is really what scares me. The explosions and tsunamis were all so awesome, and sad at the same time. It's a good movie la, but if you couldn't care less about people fussing about Japan sinking into the sea, a billion and one volcanic eruptions and a really small love story squeezed in between then don't bother.
Something funny happened before that though. I was outside the box office and bought a hotdog and ice lemon tea while Primela went to the toilet. Near the entrance, I just happened to glance in the direction of the Neoprint shop only to make eye contact with the EX! Holy motherfucking shit!
And it wasn't Surin.
The other one, for those who know LOL.
So he was there with some overly-dressed up Punjabi (just an assumption) girl. It was pretty funny considering : he lives in Potong Pasir and I dunno wtf he was doing in Tampines AND here's the thing - he was messaging me just a month ago bugging me about wanting me back. Told me he was waiting all this while since we broke up (2 whole fucking years), he hasn't met another girl like me, blahblahblah.
And so, today, hello big surprise he was lying to me all along. Not that I give a shit, but i'm just annoyed that I even bothered to reply to his stupid messages trying to put it as nicely as possible that I will never in a million years even CONSIDER getting back together with him. UGH.
Haha. So they disappeared somewhere into the cinema and I got chummy with the ticket-tearer cause he read the words of my super cool Spongebob tee that says 'I deserve a hug!'. Had a good laugh and entered the cinema in a good mood, eradicating the possibility of him being in the same cinema as me as he would never wanna watch a movie like this.
At the end of the movie, Primela was like OMG! and I thought it was him only to be duped. Then in the OTHER direction, there he was walking out of the cinema with the overly-dressed girl. Hahahaha so turns out he was watching the same movie as us in the same cinema. I thought it'd be fun to stalk them but we gave up when we reached the traffic light outside CS cause we got lazy.
Went to Simpang, had a milo, contemplated on going to parkway to play pool, ended up deciding not to and came home at 1something am.
Very eventful day man. Here are some pictures for fun too! :D
Ryan. He just did this out of the blue and so far I think it's the most hilarious thing ever.
My little cousin Aniek picking flowers at California Country Park in England.
Salvador Dali along the Thames river in England.
Yes, another England pic. The EYE!!! The London Eye la.
Not in England, but English! Hehehe Chris Martin was just THERE. In front of me and I died on the inside.
Damn random right! Just felt like it la.
Oh and I just gotta type this out so I can read in next time and laugh.
Fatimah had an open house on Tuesday for our class in the evening. The guys made rockets again and part of Kiwi's rocket flew into the neighbour's house, who got mad pissed.
Fatimah got called by her parents and when she came back she said:
Fat: Are the rockets illegal?
Me: No, she's not Indian, she's Chinese (referring to the angry neighbour)
Ryan: *dies laughing*
When I hear something wrongly, I really hear it WRONGLY.
Monday, October 23, 2006
roar the post-deepavali post!
Before that, I must get this out of my system. If you haven't watched/read the manga Deathnote, GO AND FUCKING WATCH IT! Its a goddamn bledy awesome movie and if you don't watch it simply cause it's a Japanese movie based on a manga then you suck.
Yep. Went to watch it with the classmates last thursday. Town is so much more tolerable when it's not full of stupid kids.
Yesterday was the long-awaited Deepavali celebration. The bulk of my class showed up and so did 3 of my teachers which was great and everyone had fun and enjoyed the food. They were so sweet and got my family a giant hamper which had things like chocolates and wine, Mrs Sze got us Mrs Field's chocolate chip cookies and brownies! Awesomee.
They wanted to have the halloween party at my place too, but I figured that we gotta rotate a bit cause halloween's slightly over a week away and we're pretty much done with large-scale gatherings till Christmas.
Met at Wilbur's today to work on our Oral Presentation for PW. Ended up just summarizing the written report and sending it to Yong Quan, then playing World of Warcraft on Wilbur's computer. Oh my GOD. I am buying it soon soon soon. By the end of this year, I WILL be holding a copy of World of Warcraft in my hands, I guarantee you that. At $25 a month, i'll live.
I WANT IT NOW! Okay. *breathes deeply*
It's only $49.90. And if i'm not wrong, it comes a complementary month or so of free usage. So hmm. I started using a Night Elf Rouge and completed like... 4 quests I think. Funnnn.. When I get it I wanna reach level 40 so I can get a tiger!
Yeah. It's been an eventful weekend. The next few weeks are gonna be crazy.
Hey remember the Akazukin Cha Cha theme song? It's playing in my head right now. I miss that show.
Yep. Went to watch it with the classmates last thursday. Town is so much more tolerable when it's not full of stupid kids.
Yesterday was the long-awaited Deepavali celebration. The bulk of my class showed up and so did 3 of my teachers which was great and everyone had fun and enjoyed the food. They were so sweet and got my family a giant hamper which had things like chocolates and wine, Mrs Sze got us Mrs Field's chocolate chip cookies and brownies! Awesomee.
They wanted to have the halloween party at my place too, but I figured that we gotta rotate a bit cause halloween's slightly over a week away and we're pretty much done with large-scale gatherings till Christmas.
Met at Wilbur's today to work on our Oral Presentation for PW. Ended up just summarizing the written report and sending it to Yong Quan, then playing World of Warcraft on Wilbur's computer. Oh my GOD. I am buying it soon soon soon. By the end of this year, I WILL be holding a copy of World of Warcraft in my hands, I guarantee you that. At $25 a month, i'll live.
I WANT IT NOW! Okay. *breathes deeply*
It's only $49.90. And if i'm not wrong, it comes a complementary month or so of free usage. So hmm. I started using a Night Elf Rouge and completed like... 4 quests I think. Funnnn.. When I get it I wanna reach level 40 so I can get a tiger!
Yeah. It's been an eventful weekend. The next few weeks are gonna be crazy.
Hey remember the Akazukin Cha Cha theme song? It's playing in my head right now. I miss that show.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
finally, a night of no pw, no ummm.. WORK!
Yeah. Not even a single proposal to edit, nor brainstorming ideas, nope nope nope. Yay!
For the first time in my life, I used photoshop to edit myself in a photo. I've always condemned all the morons who do it, be it minahs or lians. I only did it to see how i'd look with clear skin.
The outcome was extremely depressing. Well of course I looked a gazillion times better, anyone would with clear skin. Rargh. Well the skin doctor did say my skin would get worse with the new medication for about 2 weeks. After that, it BETTER get better. Or else.
Did a lot of strenuous things today. Played basketball, organised the students in the hall for the principal's farewell, then had the OCIP dance practice for quite long. I feel skinnier already! Yay!
Tomorrow - more OCIP dance practice, then meeting the classmates for a movie and a doing nonsense session. I seem to be getting along with them better and better each day. So proud of the boys today for helping me carry lots of chairs into the hall for the teachers. They needed a bit of a kick in the ass beforehand, but they did it nonetheless. Teng Kuang, the most gentlemanly of the lot was the first to stand up to help me. Then Samu/Wei Zheng, then Wilbur.
Yong Quan and Ryan, being extremely selfish, just sat there until I made them feel guilty about how the rest of the boys had the heart to help but them. Haha.
By the way, Yong Quan's blog is the funniest shit ever. He blogs mostly about 06S02 and takes pictures and stuff. If you're interested, which is unlikely, click HEREZ.
Okay i'm depriving myself of online shopping. My waist belt came today, and it'll probably go nicely with my new vintage black dress :D:D OK NO MORE ONLINE SHOPPING FOR YOU ARUNA!
I'm down to my last $40 for the month, which won't even smell the end of tomorrow cause I have yet to make transactions for a t-shirt and a pair of shoes. Thankfully, the $200 I made from resizing and changing colour formats for pictures is still sitting in my bank account, which I haven't touched, until tomorrow. Damn it. I was saving my money for Cambodia, but I also would have November's allowance to spend, so not so bad la horrr.
I bought a pair of customized shoes (which didn't turn out that nice, but they're super comfortable) off this girl. I should be receiving another pair next week. I think. Heh heh heh.
Ok no more Aruna. No more okay? You've shopped enough already. It all looks very tempting, but please save your moolah. Okay?
I've been reading this book - A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. Since the momster thinks every speck of noise that comes out of Oprah's mouth is the word of God, she went out to buy it. It was featured on Oprah, but I guess I should've caught that show cause i'm now reading it and it's actually really really good!
It's pretty disturbing, but more good than that thankfully. Finally, something constructive to read. Not that Magister Negi Magi is any less good for me :D but this is definitely a good book. Nowadays I find it extremely hard to stick to a book from the bookshelf for more than a few hours. Even though the synopsis seems interesting and i've never read it before, I still just can't stick to it. This book though, has got me pretty much addicted. You MAY borrow it when i'm done, just as long as it's in the exact same condition it is when I pass it to you.
Oh yeah. Lol it's a first-person-perspective of a drug addict's struggle to overcome his addiction. Since it's a true story, the vomiting part can be pretty gruesome. And he's a bit of the mushy lovesick sort, although it's not overbearing or annoying.
Prom things are starting to go slightly smoother than before. Rod Monteiro's gonna be the emcee, so that spells fun for us! OCIP... not so. Shangari has been smothered by the haze and is stuck in Malaysia and Zhi Han I think is kinda lost as to what we're supposed to do. But we'll get it done.
Argh. Lazy to blog already. I'm gonna go read my book and get some well-deserved rest.
For the first time in my life, I used photoshop to edit myself in a photo. I've always condemned all the morons who do it, be it minahs or lians. I only did it to see how i'd look with clear skin.
The outcome was extremely depressing. Well of course I looked a gazillion times better, anyone would with clear skin. Rargh. Well the skin doctor did say my skin would get worse with the new medication for about 2 weeks. After that, it BETTER get better. Or else.
Did a lot of strenuous things today. Played basketball, organised the students in the hall for the principal's farewell, then had the OCIP dance practice for quite long. I feel skinnier already! Yay!
Tomorrow - more OCIP dance practice, then meeting the classmates for a movie and a doing nonsense session. I seem to be getting along with them better and better each day. So proud of the boys today for helping me carry lots of chairs into the hall for the teachers. They needed a bit of a kick in the ass beforehand, but they did it nonetheless. Teng Kuang, the most gentlemanly of the lot was the first to stand up to help me. Then Samu/Wei Zheng, then Wilbur.
Yong Quan and Ryan, being extremely selfish, just sat there until I made them feel guilty about how the rest of the boys had the heart to help but them. Haha.
By the way, Yong Quan's blog is the funniest shit ever. He blogs mostly about 06S02 and takes pictures and stuff. If you're interested, which is unlikely, click HEREZ.
Okay i'm depriving myself of online shopping. My waist belt came today, and it'll probably go nicely with my new vintage black dress :D:D OK NO MORE ONLINE SHOPPING FOR YOU ARUNA!
I'm down to my last $40 for the month, which won't even smell the end of tomorrow cause I have yet to make transactions for a t-shirt and a pair of shoes. Thankfully, the $200 I made from resizing and changing colour formats for pictures is still sitting in my bank account, which I haven't touched, until tomorrow. Damn it. I was saving my money for Cambodia, but I also would have November's allowance to spend, so not so bad la horrr.
I bought a pair of customized shoes (which didn't turn out that nice, but they're super comfortable) off this girl. I should be receiving another pair next week. I think. Heh heh heh.
Ok no more Aruna. No more okay? You've shopped enough already. It all looks very tempting, but please save your moolah. Okay?
I've been reading this book - A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. Since the momster thinks every speck of noise that comes out of Oprah's mouth is the word of God, she went out to buy it. It was featured on Oprah, but I guess I should've caught that show cause i'm now reading it and it's actually really really good!
It's pretty disturbing, but more good than that thankfully. Finally, something constructive to read. Not that Magister Negi Magi is any less good for me :D but this is definitely a good book. Nowadays I find it extremely hard to stick to a book from the bookshelf for more than a few hours. Even though the synopsis seems interesting and i've never read it before, I still just can't stick to it. This book though, has got me pretty much addicted. You MAY borrow it when i'm done, just as long as it's in the exact same condition it is when I pass it to you.
Oh yeah. Lol it's a first-person-perspective of a drug addict's struggle to overcome his addiction. Since it's a true story, the vomiting part can be pretty gruesome. And he's a bit of the mushy lovesick sort, although it's not overbearing or annoying.
Prom things are starting to go slightly smoother than before. Rod Monteiro's gonna be the emcee, so that spells fun for us! OCIP... not so. Shangari has been smothered by the haze and is stuck in Malaysia and Zhi Han I think is kinda lost as to what we're supposed to do. But we'll get it done.
Argh. Lazy to blog already. I'm gonna go read my book and get some well-deserved rest.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
continuation of the entry below this.
Yeah so I don't know where I stopped. So i'll just hantam anyhow. Okay!
I went to the dentist yesterday too. When he was done changing the bands, he said, 'okay i'll see you in four weeks, then we'll put in your final wire'.
Then I was like... 'what?? Final wire already? I thought I had a year to go?'
'Why? You want extra is it? We're ahead of schedule it seems.'
YAY!!! My braces are coming off early. How early, i'm not sure. Each wire lasts a few months but at least now i'm assured i'll be getting them off before June next year.
Yup. Unfortunately, this year's Deepavali at my house will be restricted to 06S02, after most of them told me they HAVE NEVER BEEN TO ANYONE'S HOUSE FOR DEEPAVALI. I was so shocked. So I just had to have them come over.
I realised that inviting too many groups of friends only works when you have a chalet. At home, its such a disaster. They just don't mingle. So i'm sick of that. And i'll be inviting groups of people at a time to my house for different occasions. This christmas and New Year's I'm gonna invite people over, unless New Year's will be at someone else's house or something.
Hurr. My online shopping addiction is going out of control.
So far i've bought (recently):
3 dresses
2 necklaces
1 tanktop
2 spaghetti tops (one which so tight across the chest I couldn't breathe, the other one was GREAT!)
1 pair of shoes
1 tentative t-shirt
1 tentative skirt
Oh and now... another pair of shoes!
Hmm hmm. I think christmas this year just got a whole lot easier :D
One of the dresses i'll be wearing when we visit our relatives on Deepavali. Cause I don't wanna be running around during the day feeling hot and uncomfortable in a punjabi suit then still having to wear it at night. So i'm just gonna wear it at night.
2 more weeks of school. 3 more weeks till PW and MTL is over for good. 4 more weeks till Cambodia. 6 more weeks till Prom! Running out of timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
I went to the dentist yesterday too. When he was done changing the bands, he said, 'okay i'll see you in four weeks, then we'll put in your final wire'.
Then I was like... 'what?? Final wire already? I thought I had a year to go?'
'Why? You want extra is it? We're ahead of schedule it seems.'
YAY!!! My braces are coming off early. How early, i'm not sure. Each wire lasts a few months but at least now i'm assured i'll be getting them off before June next year.
Yup. Unfortunately, this year's Deepavali at my house will be restricted to 06S02, after most of them told me they HAVE NEVER BEEN TO ANYONE'S HOUSE FOR DEEPAVALI. I was so shocked. So I just had to have them come over.
I realised that inviting too many groups of friends only works when you have a chalet. At home, its such a disaster. They just don't mingle. So i'm sick of that. And i'll be inviting groups of people at a time to my house for different occasions. This christmas and New Year's I'm gonna invite people over, unless New Year's will be at someone else's house or something.
Hurr. My online shopping addiction is going out of control.
So far i've bought (recently):
3 dresses
2 necklaces
1 tanktop
2 spaghetti tops (one which so tight across the chest I couldn't breathe, the other one was GREAT!)
1 pair of shoes
1 tentative t-shirt
1 tentative skirt
Oh and now... another pair of shoes!
Hmm hmm. I think christmas this year just got a whole lot easier :D
One of the dresses i'll be wearing when we visit our relatives on Deepavali. Cause I don't wanna be running around during the day feeling hot and uncomfortable in a punjabi suit then still having to wear it at night. So i'm just gonna wear it at night.
2 more weeks of school. 3 more weeks till PW and MTL is over for good. 4 more weeks till Cambodia. 6 more weeks till Prom! Running out of timeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
here's my 250th post!
Haha. It's not much but a milestone anyway. Miss Vasantham starts now, but i'll blog first.
Bought Deepavali stuff from Little India. After spending hours at the infamous Tekka Market, and 4553680394 fugly outfits later, I settled for an extremely plain brown one from the $20 shop. I don't know why. I wanted to get one with a skirt but they were all horribly sequined from head to foot and the colours clashed so bad I was seeing coloured spots before my eyes for awhile.
My mom was surprised I settled for something so plain, and CHEAP! It's plain, and understated. But I think it's still nice. There was this $95 extremely nicely striped one which I adored - the kind where you just HAVE TO HAVE IT. But my mom said there was no lining and i'd be sweating like a pig in it. Sigh. It was really nice and unique, unlike all the others which had one block colour.
Ok maybe i'll continue later... Hahaha.
Bought Deepavali stuff from Little India. After spending hours at the infamous Tekka Market, and 4553680394 fugly outfits later, I settled for an extremely plain brown one from the $20 shop. I don't know why. I wanted to get one with a skirt but they were all horribly sequined from head to foot and the colours clashed so bad I was seeing coloured spots before my eyes for awhile.
My mom was surprised I settled for something so plain, and CHEAP! It's plain, and understated. But I think it's still nice. There was this $95 extremely nicely striped one which I adored - the kind where you just HAVE TO HAVE IT. But my mom said there was no lining and i'd be sweating like a pig in it. Sigh. It was really nice and unique, unlike all the others which had one block colour.
Ok maybe i'll continue later... Hahaha.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
okay now say it with me.... ARUNA GOT AN A FOR MATH!
It's unbelievable. All I wanted to do was pass so I could be promoted. That means an E grade for 2 H2 and 1 H1 subject.
I got (so far):
Bio - C (yay!)
Econs - C (kinda sad tho)
Compared to what I was expecting... An EEE? WAaaahhh.
Haha. Screw Chem, GP and Malay! I'm being promoted baby!
Friday evening the classmates and I will be gallivanting to some classy restaurant in Clarke Quay for fun. Haha it's gonna be damn pricy, so I guess i'll be starving for awhile.
It's unbelievable. All I wanted to do was pass so I could be promoted. That means an E grade for 2 H2 and 1 H1 subject.
I got (so far):
Bio - C (yay!)
Econs - C (kinda sad tho)
Compared to what I was expecting... An EEE? WAaaahhh.
Haha. Screw Chem, GP and Malay! I'm being promoted baby!
Friday evening the classmates and I will be gallivanting to some classy restaurant in Clarke Quay for fun. Haha it's gonna be damn pricy, so I guess i'll be starving for awhile.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
ahhhhhh i'm so high on uhh... happiness?
The past two days were fun fun fun. Ended up playing basketball on Sunday, then going to Alex's house just to chill and stuff. Only Yong Quan, Kenneth, Kian Hwee, annchiialiciaalex, Shiyong and me. We invited a P6 kid to play with us cause he was using half the court and the rest of us were using the other half.
So we made light conversation. He was gonna sit for his Chinese PSLE on Monday and is aiming for Hwa Chong Institution. WAHH! So Yong Quan and Kenneth decided to screw around with his head.
"Eh you remember our teacher... that one from RJC one"
"Yong Quan why are you wearing TPJC shorts?" "Ohh oh I was teaching there during first three months"
"Boy ah don't go to RI okay, very stress one"
They were really going all the way with the RJC story, which was bloody hilarious la.
At Alex's house, we just chilled and listened to Kenneth play the same 3 chords on the guitar over and over, singing lyrics varying from "Ali (Alicia) sucks" and "Ali stinks".
Went home after a sort-of-good-workout and bummed at home for 2 hours before showering and leaving to meet UselessBoy at Miss U Cafe. We went to the playground after that and started spying on some china couple who wanted to do funny things there.
Aiya the new playground totally sucks. No more fun swings. AT ALL! I asked pa what happened to the swings, and he said it was part of some safety regulation to not have swings at all. WHAT THE FUCK! All the memories my sis, me, and our crazy neighbourhood friends were all in the two parks in our neighbourhood.
The next day I had to go to Tanjong Pagar to pick up a top I bought online, then rush to school for the OCIP meeting. First two vaccinations are this Thursday!! I'm scared.
Then after that, I was SUPPOSED to go to Serangoon Road with the family but the momster was pmsing as usual so we didn't go. Met Daphne, Kian Hwee, Kenneth and Ryan to go to Daphne's house for our movie marathon! YAY!
Reached her place at about 10pm+ I think. Got all settled in her guest room, took out our DVDs and decided. First we went through Kenneth's fruits of his major $360 shopping spree. I think he was a bit ripped off haha but he was pretty happy. Watched Deuce Bigalow European Gigolo while eating junk food and laughing like crazy. It was really cozy in that room, all of us snuggled onto the bed watching it.
After that, the guys started to wrestle Daphne. I really, REALLY did not want to be involved cause it looked like they were.... gang-raping her or something. But all they were doing was just whacking her with pillows and tickling her. I sat in a corner watching them in amazement. It wasn't a one-off thing, the guys ALWAYS pick on Daphne, in class, outside school, and even in her own home.
Watched the 40 Year Old Virgin after that till past 3am, then put in Scary Movie 4 which we got bored of very very quickly. The guys insisted on watching the Exorcism of Emily Rose so we put it in at about 4+. Ryan is the biggest chicken ever! And he kept telling me to wake him up during the scary parts, which he covered his face throughout anyway.
Kian Hwee, me and Ryan had our backs against the wall, facing the tv while Daphne laid on Kian Hwee's lap and Kenneth laid on mine. So me and Kiwi started scheming. To try and push them close together so they could get all cuddly during the scary parts but Kenneth kept disturbing her! So it totally ruined our plan.
Finally went to sleep at 6+. Kiwi gave up his place on the bed so Daphne could sleep next to Kenneth! Haha. Me and Ryan slept almost immediately while the others seemed to fidget quite a lot.
Later on, after the sun rose, I found myself waking up very easily. Either that, or Ryan has very violent spasms. He would spasm occasionally, whacking me in the side or causing the pillow to slide off the mattress. Kenneth, on the other side, kept fidgeting and both goons were snoring. So all I could do was cover myself with the blanket in an attempt to block out both the sun and their horrible morning noises.
Daphne had woken up before all of us and was getting bored of watching us sleep, so she yelled to wake us up. Ryan and I very reluctantly did so while moving out of the way to watch the gang-raping of Daphne part 4.
We tried to sleep after that but gave up and watched Daphne's brother's 2 episodes of Pokemon season 2 while eating oreos. Ryan wanted to watch The Spongebob Squarepants movie after that but the other two guys got bored, and Daphne's mom asked us to go downstairs and eat and watch TV so we did. Her mom ordered us SO much Pizza Hut that we couldn't finish it. After that, we rolled up in balls on her sofa and watched Shutter. Ryan kept facing us on purpose to avoid the scary parts.
Nearing the end, Daphne's brother came home from school and spoilt the ending for those who hand't watched it yet. Not that it really mattered, and Kenneth was only interested in the rape scene -_-
Played some really funny Soul Calibur with him on his ps2 while Daphne showered before going with Kiwi to Lucky Plaza cause she broke his specs. The moment Daniel (her bro) approached his impending doom, he would exit the game. The guys didn't get angry cause he was just a kid anyway. But it was really funny hearing Ryan trash talk Daniel as he was kicking his ass.
Left her place after that. By that time it was already 3pm+, so I reached home and conked off on the sofa while watching who were the 100 richest celebrities on E!.
I told myself no matter what I WILL enjoy myself during the days leading up to the release of results. Which is TOMORROW. I'm feeling really jumpy to be honest. But I think I should be alright.
I think. :D
So we made light conversation. He was gonna sit for his Chinese PSLE on Monday and is aiming for Hwa Chong Institution. WAHH! So Yong Quan and Kenneth decided to screw around with his head.
"Eh you remember our teacher... that one from RJC one"
"Yong Quan why are you wearing TPJC shorts?" "Ohh oh I was teaching there during first three months"
"Boy ah don't go to RI okay, very stress one"
They were really going all the way with the RJC story, which was bloody hilarious la.
At Alex's house, we just chilled and listened to Kenneth play the same 3 chords on the guitar over and over, singing lyrics varying from "Ali (Alicia) sucks" and "Ali stinks".
Went home after a sort-of-good-workout and bummed at home for 2 hours before showering and leaving to meet UselessBoy at Miss U Cafe. We went to the playground after that and started spying on some china couple who wanted to do funny things there.
Aiya the new playground totally sucks. No more fun swings. AT ALL! I asked pa what happened to the swings, and he said it was part of some safety regulation to not have swings at all. WHAT THE FUCK! All the memories my sis, me, and our crazy neighbourhood friends were all in the two parks in our neighbourhood.
The next day I had to go to Tanjong Pagar to pick up a top I bought online, then rush to school for the OCIP meeting. First two vaccinations are this Thursday!! I'm scared.
Then after that, I was SUPPOSED to go to Serangoon Road with the family but the momster was pmsing as usual so we didn't go. Met Daphne, Kian Hwee, Kenneth and Ryan to go to Daphne's house for our movie marathon! YAY!
Reached her place at about 10pm+ I think. Got all settled in her guest room, took out our DVDs and decided. First we went through Kenneth's fruits of his major $360 shopping spree. I think he was a bit ripped off haha but he was pretty happy. Watched Deuce Bigalow European Gigolo while eating junk food and laughing like crazy. It was really cozy in that room, all of us snuggled onto the bed watching it.
After that, the guys started to wrestle Daphne. I really, REALLY did not want to be involved cause it looked like they were.... gang-raping her or something. But all they were doing was just whacking her with pillows and tickling her. I sat in a corner watching them in amazement. It wasn't a one-off thing, the guys ALWAYS pick on Daphne, in class, outside school, and even in her own home.
Watched the 40 Year Old Virgin after that till past 3am, then put in Scary Movie 4 which we got bored of very very quickly. The guys insisted on watching the Exorcism of Emily Rose so we put it in at about 4+. Ryan is the biggest chicken ever! And he kept telling me to wake him up during the scary parts, which he covered his face throughout anyway.
Kian Hwee, me and Ryan had our backs against the wall, facing the tv while Daphne laid on Kian Hwee's lap and Kenneth laid on mine. So me and Kiwi started scheming. To try and push them close together so they could get all cuddly during the scary parts but Kenneth kept disturbing her! So it totally ruined our plan.
Finally went to sleep at 6+. Kiwi gave up his place on the bed so Daphne could sleep next to Kenneth! Haha. Me and Ryan slept almost immediately while the others seemed to fidget quite a lot.
Later on, after the sun rose, I found myself waking up very easily. Either that, or Ryan has very violent spasms. He would spasm occasionally, whacking me in the side or causing the pillow to slide off the mattress. Kenneth, on the other side, kept fidgeting and both goons were snoring. So all I could do was cover myself with the blanket in an attempt to block out both the sun and their horrible morning noises.
Daphne had woken up before all of us and was getting bored of watching us sleep, so she yelled to wake us up. Ryan and I very reluctantly did so while moving out of the way to watch the gang-raping of Daphne part 4.
We tried to sleep after that but gave up and watched Daphne's brother's 2 episodes of Pokemon season 2 while eating oreos. Ryan wanted to watch The Spongebob Squarepants movie after that but the other two guys got bored, and Daphne's mom asked us to go downstairs and eat and watch TV so we did. Her mom ordered us SO much Pizza Hut that we couldn't finish it. After that, we rolled up in balls on her sofa and watched Shutter. Ryan kept facing us on purpose to avoid the scary parts.
Nearing the end, Daphne's brother came home from school and spoilt the ending for those who hand't watched it yet. Not that it really mattered, and Kenneth was only interested in the rape scene -_-
Played some really funny Soul Calibur with him on his ps2 while Daphne showered before going with Kiwi to Lucky Plaza cause she broke his specs. The moment Daniel (her bro) approached his impending doom, he would exit the game. The guys didn't get angry cause he was just a kid anyway. But it was really funny hearing Ryan trash talk Daniel as he was kicking his ass.
Left her place after that. By that time it was already 3pm+, so I reached home and conked off on the sofa while watching who were the 100 richest celebrities on E!.
I told myself no matter what I WILL enjoy myself during the days leading up to the release of results. Which is TOMORROW. I'm feeling really jumpy to be honest. But I think I should be alright.
I think. :D
Sunday, October 08, 2006
stupid piece of shit haze!
Didn't go to Malaysia cause the haze hit 120 on the PSI at 11am and KL and JB were just a few of the more worse off places. But we can go to Malaysia anytime la, no biggie.
The momster wasn't feeling well the whole day. Sleeping throughout the night with the windows open dried her throat and screwed up her eyes. I always have my air-con on at night and amazingly it filters out the horrible smell, so I presume whatever smokey chemicals get into my room gets filtered by my amazing air-con.
So you should do the same. Close all your windows, switch on the air-cons.
Anyway. I'm so confused as to what to do tomorrow. If the haze is still shitty, I'd feel so reluctant to go out cause 140 is already fucking unhealthy. Also.... I'm having the worst breakout yet. I just don't understand it. What am I doing wrong? I wash my face, I keep it clean, my hair's pinned up, I use pimple gel and I don't pick at my face (anymore). So seriously.... Someone PLEASE tell me what i'm doing wrong. Cause my complexion just keeps getting worse. AND. I'm starting to have really bad scars. The kind that never go away until you go for laser treatment.
So yeah, its really taking bites out of my self-confidence, cause it's just making me wanna stay home and never step out and show people how horrible my face is. WHY ME?! WHY?? Why couldn't god or whoever-the-fuck-did-this give acne to someone who deserves it? I know people who keep their face clean and it stays clean. I also know people who don't wash their hands after using the toilet, sleep in school with their faces pressed onto school tables and pick every pimple they have in sight. YET, their face STAYS more or less clean. Better than mine ever is anyway.
I told my mom already. If next Friday's appointment at the skin centre is yet another fucking useless waste of time, I want PROPER treatment. That actually requires SOME money. I don't care, I don't want to go through life like this anymore. I had enough of fucking useless subsidised treatment that my father gets fucking reimbursed for anyway. So he's not forking out a single cent.
Yup. I'm finally putting my foot down. People keep telling me, 'oh! your face is clearing!' every other day and i've heard it for the past 6 months and my face has gotten anything BUT better. I understand some people are genuinely concerned but as long as you don't have acne, or never had it at any point, you're in no fucking position to tell me what i'm doing wrong.
AIEEE. And all I wanted to do was blog about my plans tomorrow. Hahah.
Ok yeah back to tomorrow. The class is meeting up to play basketball. I messaged them saying that it's really unhealthy to do it, and now Kiwi (kian hwee :D) wants to come over for the day to play ps2. Not that I mind, but... I have plans that i've been looking forward to. HEHEH.
Unplanned plans. Ugh.
Ah heck. I don't know whether to go for a facial or not. Cause I don't know whether they've been doing more harm than good to my face.
You know, I need to stop being so whiny. Haha.
The momster wasn't feeling well the whole day. Sleeping throughout the night with the windows open dried her throat and screwed up her eyes. I always have my air-con on at night and amazingly it filters out the horrible smell, so I presume whatever smokey chemicals get into my room gets filtered by my amazing air-con.
So you should do the same. Close all your windows, switch on the air-cons.
Anyway. I'm so confused as to what to do tomorrow. If the haze is still shitty, I'd feel so reluctant to go out cause 140 is already fucking unhealthy. Also.... I'm having the worst breakout yet. I just don't understand it. What am I doing wrong? I wash my face, I keep it clean, my hair's pinned up, I use pimple gel and I don't pick at my face (anymore). So seriously.... Someone PLEASE tell me what i'm doing wrong. Cause my complexion just keeps getting worse. AND. I'm starting to have really bad scars. The kind that never go away until you go for laser treatment.
So yeah, its really taking bites out of my self-confidence, cause it's just making me wanna stay home and never step out and show people how horrible my face is. WHY ME?! WHY?? Why couldn't god or whoever-the-fuck-did-this give acne to someone who deserves it? I know people who keep their face clean and it stays clean. I also know people who don't wash their hands after using the toilet, sleep in school with their faces pressed onto school tables and pick every pimple they have in sight. YET, their face STAYS more or less clean. Better than mine ever is anyway.
I told my mom already. If next Friday's appointment at the skin centre is yet another fucking useless waste of time, I want PROPER treatment. That actually requires SOME money. I don't care, I don't want to go through life like this anymore. I had enough of fucking useless subsidised treatment that my father gets fucking reimbursed for anyway. So he's not forking out a single cent.
Yup. I'm finally putting my foot down. People keep telling me, 'oh! your face is clearing!' every other day and i've heard it for the past 6 months and my face has gotten anything BUT better. I understand some people are genuinely concerned but as long as you don't have acne, or never had it at any point, you're in no fucking position to tell me what i'm doing wrong.
AIEEE. And all I wanted to do was blog about my plans tomorrow. Hahah.
Ok yeah back to tomorrow. The class is meeting up to play basketball. I messaged them saying that it's really unhealthy to do it, and now Kiwi (kian hwee :D) wants to come over for the day to play ps2. Not that I mind, but... I have plans that i've been looking forward to. HEHEH.
Unplanned plans. Ugh.
Ah heck. I don't know whether to go for a facial or not. Cause I don't know whether they've been doing more harm than good to my face.
You know, I need to stop being so whiny. Haha.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
5, actually 4 more days of sweet non-schooling bliss before we get our papers back. The day of reckoning, next wednesday. Finding out who's getting promoted, and... who's not. I really really hope everyone in my class promotes! And of course me too. Hope hope hope.
Ended up watching Rob-B-Hood for our post-bio exam movie. Fatimah, Fadhilah, Hafizah, me anddd... YONG QUAN! Haha damn random sia. And I sorta really appreciated him coming cause its always like, oh if Ryan/Wilbur/Kenneth/Kian Hwee/Mark-ok maybe not mark- not coming I don't wanna go, I lazy ah, I wanna go home sleep ah tired ah this ah that ah.
Although he DID fall asleep in the cinema, it was still a nice change.
Okay anyways. They didn't have Little Miss Sunshine at TM or CS which kinda sucked cause we didn't wanna go to town in our school uniforms, so we persuaded a very reluctant Fatimah to watch Rob-B-Hood after Fad and Fizah felt like watching it after seeing the mini-trailer outside the box office.
That movie is bloody hilarious! A bit draggy, but nice at some parts, touching at some, and funny at ALL. Haha. Jackie Chan and some other chinese fella play professional burglars who... burgle rich people and spend it on themselves - gambling, providing for an extra-marital girlfriend and what not. Then one day their boss gets robbed, so they take up a job worth $7m. Turns out the cash was payment for a baby from a disgruntled old man who insisted the baby was his grandkid cause his late son was the baby's mom's ex boyfriend. Follow so far? Good.
Then in the one week they have to babysit the baby, they learn life lessons. Like... compassion and other moral-related things. AHHH it's like every genre of movie compiled into over 2 hours of film. Comedy, thriller, action, drama wah wah wah.
Okay ya it's a must-see for people who can appreciate chinese comedy. Shows like Kung Fu Hustle... or... Himalaya Singh! Haha.
Man. It's so weird to walk into my room and see all my notes strewn all over the place... and not having to study. It's really uncomfortable. I mean, I was only studying for the past four weeks, but the past 6 months have been spend doing tutorials, worrying about promos and stuff.
Okay enough of that.
Went to Sentosa today with the classmates! Woke up 10 mins after the designated time we were supposed to meet. I messaged Kenneth out of guilt cause I told him he better not be late the day before. Turns out, he woke up late too! Haha. So rushed down to Harbourfront to meet the rest (Pei Xuan, Daphne, Yong Quan, Ryan, Kian Hwee, Wilbur, Kenneth) who were so nice about waiting for me :D
Went to Pahlawan (or is it Palawan) beach and set up base. They didn't want the spot me and the girls usual go to when we had our regular Sentosa trips last year cause we brought a volleyball and the only area to play was further down where it was more crowded. Spied a naked bangla and was scarred for life.
Some stupid matminah (and really fat) couple were doing something really fishy in the water. They were just sitting there, guy behind the girl, not swimming around or ANYTHING! They were just sitting there, occasionally turning away from the crowd. It really gross, and the guys were making hilarious comments.
The guys changed first and started jumping into the water while the girls contemplated on wearing our tops over our bikinis or not. In the end we just heck-cared and the guys were all topless anyway. I walked into the water first by myself just up to my knees, then noticed the guys had their... mischievious looks on and got a bit suspicious.
Me: Uhh... Are you guys planning something?
Yong Quan: Ya. Wait ah.
They were totally discreet about it too!
Daphne came along and then Yong Quan started saying there was a dead crab on the floor, covering it with his palms. I was like.. If it's dead why are you covering it? HAHA. And they were saying out loud, 'Eh you take the pincer, you take the leg etc etc' so I backed away. Daphne fell for it and got dunked hahaha.
So we were just floating aimlessly in the water when suddenly..
Kenneth: Eh you guys wanna hear a joke? What do you find in Singapore waters?
Everyone: What?
Kenneth: SINGAPORE FLAG! *takes out some mini-flag from the water and shows it to everyone*
Wah lao that was the most random thing ever la! Finding a Singapore flag in the water... THEN making a hilarious joke out of it, priceless la.
Tried to catch crabs after that and floated around a bit more. Then we went to buy sunscreen and tried to tan ourselves, only for us to end up building little ponds all linking up to each other. We were lying down, then Kenneth first sat up and started digging, then Ryan, then the other guys, then Pei Xuan. Then everyone together was happily digging holes in the sand while everyone looked at us as if we were retarded.
But it was fun man.
At about 3+ I think, we left to shower and stuff. Then we went on the Skyride! It's the luge.. Minus the luge itself. So that just leaves the cable-chair thing. It was super hilarious too cause Kian Hwee kept rocking the seat he was sitting on, making Pei Xuan and Daphne scream for dear life. The guys thought I was gonna fall out on the initial ride cause the divider that's supposed to go between your legs ended up to my left. So my legs were squashed with Kenneth's left leg, who also thought I was gonna fall off the thing.
After the skyride we ate dinner at Pastamania before embarking on an hour-long journey together on the number 10. One of my not-so-bright ideas, cause everyone was dead tired and didn't have much energy to talk.
Haha. I had a great day today. Did the rest of you have fun not going to Sentosa? No? I thought so. Tomorrow is a tentative Malaysia shopping trip, Sunday is another goingout day, Monday I go pick up a top I bought online then go to school for an OCIP meeting, and Tuesday I think we're having a movie marathon! Or monday night. Hm.
5, actually 4 more days of sweet non-schooling bliss before we get our papers back. The day of reckoning, next wednesday. Finding out who's getting promoted, and... who's not. I really really hope everyone in my class promotes! And of course me too. Hope hope hope.
Ended up watching Rob-B-Hood for our post-bio exam movie. Fatimah, Fadhilah, Hafizah, me anddd... YONG QUAN! Haha damn random sia. And I sorta really appreciated him coming cause its always like, oh if Ryan/Wilbur/Kenneth/Kian Hwee/Mark-ok maybe not mark- not coming I don't wanna go, I lazy ah, I wanna go home sleep ah tired ah this ah that ah.
Although he DID fall asleep in the cinema, it was still a nice change.
Okay anyways. They didn't have Little Miss Sunshine at TM or CS which kinda sucked cause we didn't wanna go to town in our school uniforms, so we persuaded a very reluctant Fatimah to watch Rob-B-Hood after Fad and Fizah felt like watching it after seeing the mini-trailer outside the box office.
That movie is bloody hilarious! A bit draggy, but nice at some parts, touching at some, and funny at ALL. Haha. Jackie Chan and some other chinese fella play professional burglars who... burgle rich people and spend it on themselves - gambling, providing for an extra-marital girlfriend and what not. Then one day their boss gets robbed, so they take up a job worth $7m. Turns out the cash was payment for a baby from a disgruntled old man who insisted the baby was his grandkid cause his late son was the baby's mom's ex boyfriend. Follow so far? Good.
Then in the one week they have to babysit the baby, they learn life lessons. Like... compassion and other moral-related things. AHHH it's like every genre of movie compiled into over 2 hours of film. Comedy, thriller, action, drama wah wah wah.
Okay ya it's a must-see for people who can appreciate chinese comedy. Shows like Kung Fu Hustle... or... Himalaya Singh! Haha.
Man. It's so weird to walk into my room and see all my notes strewn all over the place... and not having to study. It's really uncomfortable. I mean, I was only studying for the past four weeks, but the past 6 months have been spend doing tutorials, worrying about promos and stuff.
Okay enough of that.
Went to Sentosa today with the classmates! Woke up 10 mins after the designated time we were supposed to meet. I messaged Kenneth out of guilt cause I told him he better not be late the day before. Turns out, he woke up late too! Haha. So rushed down to Harbourfront to meet the rest (Pei Xuan, Daphne, Yong Quan, Ryan, Kian Hwee, Wilbur, Kenneth) who were so nice about waiting for me :D
Went to Pahlawan (or is it Palawan) beach and set up base. They didn't want the spot me and the girls usual go to when we had our regular Sentosa trips last year cause we brought a volleyball and the only area to play was further down where it was more crowded. Spied a naked bangla and was scarred for life.
Some stupid matminah (and really fat) couple were doing something really fishy in the water. They were just sitting there, guy behind the girl, not swimming around or ANYTHING! They were just sitting there, occasionally turning away from the crowd. It really gross, and the guys were making hilarious comments.
The guys changed first and started jumping into the water while the girls contemplated on wearing our tops over our bikinis or not. In the end we just heck-cared and the guys were all topless anyway. I walked into the water first by myself just up to my knees, then noticed the guys had their... mischievious looks on and got a bit suspicious.
Me: Uhh... Are you guys planning something?
Yong Quan: Ya. Wait ah.
They were totally discreet about it too!
Daphne came along and then Yong Quan started saying there was a dead crab on the floor, covering it with his palms. I was like.. If it's dead why are you covering it? HAHA. And they were saying out loud, 'Eh you take the pincer, you take the leg etc etc' so I backed away. Daphne fell for it and got dunked hahaha.
So we were just floating aimlessly in the water when suddenly..
Kenneth: Eh you guys wanna hear a joke? What do you find in Singapore waters?
Everyone: What?
Kenneth: SINGAPORE FLAG! *takes out some mini-flag from the water and shows it to everyone*
Wah lao that was the most random thing ever la! Finding a Singapore flag in the water... THEN making a hilarious joke out of it, priceless la.
Tried to catch crabs after that and floated around a bit more. Then we went to buy sunscreen and tried to tan ourselves, only for us to end up building little ponds all linking up to each other. We were lying down, then Kenneth first sat up and started digging, then Ryan, then the other guys, then Pei Xuan. Then everyone together was happily digging holes in the sand while everyone looked at us as if we were retarded.
But it was fun man.
At about 3+ I think, we left to shower and stuff. Then we went on the Skyride! It's the luge.. Minus the luge itself. So that just leaves the cable-chair thing. It was super hilarious too cause Kian Hwee kept rocking the seat he was sitting on, making Pei Xuan and Daphne scream for dear life. The guys thought I was gonna fall out on the initial ride cause the divider that's supposed to go between your legs ended up to my left. So my legs were squashed with Kenneth's left leg, who also thought I was gonna fall off the thing.
After the skyride we ate dinner at Pastamania before embarking on an hour-long journey together on the number 10. One of my not-so-bright ideas, cause everyone was dead tired and didn't have much energy to talk.
Haha. I had a great day today. Did the rest of you have fun not going to Sentosa? No? I thought so. Tomorrow is a tentative Malaysia shopping trip, Sunday is another goingout day, Monday I go pick up a top I bought online then go to school for an OCIP meeting, and Tuesday I think we're having a movie marathon! Or monday night. Hm.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
whoa... what? miss singapore is... hot?
Okay so when was Miss Singapore Universe 2006? I was too arsed to catch it this year, but was this girl the winner?

OMG! Is she hot or what? Okay maybe this picture is not too good, but damn it, she's hot!

I think her face looks nice here.

FWAH! But her pose a bit awkward looking.
They were showing the Asia Pacific contestants today I think, and I was just channel-surfing and switched to channel 5 the moment they were showing her. At first I was thinking.. wah not bad. Which not-Singapore country was she from?
Pereira Colleen Francisca's her name. Never mind the fact that she's Eurasian. Out of all the contestants they showed during that segment, the contestants from Philippines, Sri Lanka, China and all, I thought she was the hottest. Miss Tahiti was there, she was the only Caucasian. How weird.
Miss India's swimsuit picture is hot too. Wow.

Damn her hair looks nice.

Miss Mexico! Shit. I had this image in my mind that she'd be tanned and wears a grass-cutter hat. Movie stereotypes! =/

I dunno why but I love this picture. Miss Bahamas looks so gorgeous!

Miss Korea's her 'come-hither' look really works for her.

Miss Venezuela looks like the PCD singer, but hotter.

Although she's sporting currypuff hair I think Miss Denmark still looks like a doll.

Miss Ireland's picture looks like its out of a fashion magaine, but she looks irresistable *isnotlesbian*
Okay. You saw the HITS, now the MISSES :D Since i'm in no position to comment about their features, let's see the get-up.

Holy fuck. Talk about a gaudy swimsuit, sheesh. Plus the chunky bangles AND the mismatching headband. What a disaster, Miss Japan.

Poof-haired Miss Malaysia.

Oh man. I'm at a loss for words. This is Miss Mauritius. This pic looks like it was taken in the early nineties.

I'm sorry Miss Barbados. But I hate the dress, the hair, your pose... Okay let's just say I hate the whole picture okay?

I said I wouldn't comment on looks.. but.. I. Hate. Her. Jaw. Mr- I mean Miss Peru.

Miss El Salvador looks 15 years old here. Too cutesy for my liking. Take note: MY LIKING.

Miss Chile's pose looks like she just sprained her neck. And boy, don't I know what's its like to have your neck locked in place *shudders*

Miss France is pretty, but this picture is so WTF. Like someone took a picture of her at a club or something. BLEGH.

Miss USA looks like a kid off the fashion spreads in magazines for teenagers. And I think she's.... ugly.

Maybe its just me, but Miss Lebanon's outfit reminds me of a scene from the Lord of the Rings, the one when they were in the Mines of Moria. MYTHRIILLLL!!

A night with Miss Brazil will cost you as much as her prostitute-esque tiger stripe-print top costs.

Miss Wales = Miss Boncet Extraordinaire 2006.

This picture of Miss Sweden looks very awkward. Like one of those corporate pictures on ads or something. I don't know what i'm talking about.

She's pretty and leggy. I understand Scotland's trademark is the kilt and all but what's that thing she's holding up to her crotch? It looks like a pouch with balls. Strategically placed balls.

Miss South Africa has that 'Uhh soo... Am I walking the right way? Uhh what do I do now?' look on her face. I know this was taken while she was walking so its not her fault blahblah but couldn't the Miss World people have put up a better picture of her? How inconsiderate, putting up such a picture allowing people with too much free time to make fun of it.
OMG! Is she hot or what? Okay maybe this picture is not too good, but damn it, she's hot!
I think her face looks nice here.
FWAH! But her pose a bit awkward looking.
They were showing the Asia Pacific contestants today I think, and I was just channel-surfing and switched to channel 5 the moment they were showing her. At first I was thinking.. wah not bad. Which not-Singapore country was she from?
Pereira Colleen Francisca's her name. Never mind the fact that she's Eurasian. Out of all the contestants they showed during that segment, the contestants from Philippines, Sri Lanka, China and all, I thought she was the hottest. Miss Tahiti was there, she was the only Caucasian. How weird.
Miss India's swimsuit picture is hot too. Wow.
Damn her hair looks nice.
Miss Mexico! Shit. I had this image in my mind that she'd be tanned and wears a grass-cutter hat. Movie stereotypes! =/
I dunno why but I love this picture. Miss Bahamas looks so gorgeous!
Miss Korea's her 'come-hither' look really works for her.
Miss Venezuela looks like the PCD singer, but hotter.
Although she's sporting currypuff hair I think Miss Denmark still looks like a doll.
Miss Ireland's picture looks like its out of a fashion magaine, but she looks irresistable *isnotlesbian*
Okay. You saw the HITS, now the MISSES :D Since i'm in no position to comment about their features, let's see the get-up.
Holy fuck. Talk about a gaudy swimsuit, sheesh. Plus the chunky bangles AND the mismatching headband. What a disaster, Miss Japan.
Poof-haired Miss Malaysia.
Oh man. I'm at a loss for words. This is Miss Mauritius. This pic looks like it was taken in the early nineties.
I'm sorry Miss Barbados. But I hate the dress, the hair, your pose... Okay let's just say I hate the whole picture okay?
I said I wouldn't comment on looks.. but.. I. Hate. Her. Jaw. Mr- I mean Miss Peru.
Miss El Salvador looks 15 years old here. Too cutesy for my liking. Take note: MY LIKING.
Miss Chile's pose looks like she just sprained her neck. And boy, don't I know what's its like to have your neck locked in place *shudders*
Miss France is pretty, but this picture is so WTF. Like someone took a picture of her at a club or something. BLEGH.
Miss USA looks like a kid off the fashion spreads in magazines for teenagers. And I think she's.... ugly.
Maybe its just me, but Miss Lebanon's outfit reminds me of a scene from the Lord of the Rings, the one when they were in the Mines of Moria. MYTHRIILLLL!!
A night with Miss Brazil will cost you as much as her prostitute-esque tiger stripe-print top costs.
Miss Wales = Miss Boncet Extraordinaire 2006.
This picture of Miss Sweden looks very awkward. Like one of those corporate pictures on ads or something. I don't know what i'm talking about.
She's pretty and leggy. I understand Scotland's trademark is the kilt and all but what's that thing she's holding up to her crotch? It looks like a pouch with balls. Strategically placed balls.
Miss South Africa has that 'Uhh soo... Am I walking the right way? Uhh what do I do now?' look on her face. I know this was taken while she was walking so its not her fault blahblah but couldn't the Miss World people have put up a better picture of her? How inconsiderate, putting up such a picture allowing people with too much free time to make fun of it.
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