Before that, I must get this out of my system. If you haven't watched/read the manga Deathnote, GO AND FUCKING WATCH IT! Its a goddamn bledy awesome movie and if you don't watch it simply cause it's a Japanese movie based on a manga then you suck.
Yep. Went to watch it with the classmates last thursday. Town is so much more tolerable when it's not full of stupid kids.
Yesterday was the long-awaited Deepavali celebration. The bulk of my class showed up and so did 3 of my teachers which was great and everyone had fun and enjoyed the food. They were so sweet and got my family a giant hamper which had things like chocolates and wine, Mrs Sze got us Mrs Field's chocolate chip cookies and brownies! Awesomee.
They wanted to have the halloween party at my place too, but I figured that we gotta rotate a bit cause halloween's slightly over a week away and we're pretty much done with large-scale gatherings till Christmas.
Met at Wilbur's today to work on our Oral Presentation for PW. Ended up just summarizing the written report and sending it to Yong Quan, then playing World of Warcraft on Wilbur's computer. Oh my GOD. I am buying it soon soon soon. By the end of this year, I WILL be holding a copy of World of Warcraft in my hands, I guarantee you that. At $25 a month, i'll live.
I WANT IT NOW! Okay. *breathes deeply*
It's only $49.90. And if i'm not wrong, it comes a complementary month or so of free usage. So hmm. I started using a Night Elf Rouge and completed like... 4 quests I think. Funnnn.. When I get it I wanna reach level 40 so I can get a tiger!
Yeah. It's been an eventful weekend. The next few weeks are gonna be crazy.
Hey remember the Akazukin Cha Cha theme song? It's playing in my head right now. I miss that show.
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