So glad I get to leave this wretched place. Even if its only for 2 weeks. Doing CIP. But the great thing is - i'll have the D70 PLUS one more lens (yay), wonderful people to go with, money to SHOP (though it'll be pretty limited), i'll be going to ANGKOR WAT! And more!
But shit. I'm gonna miss a lot. Haha. Especially my class cause they've made the past few months for me so so so much fun. I don't know how many years of fun in Bedok View accumulated can equate to the fun i've had so far. It's nothing personal, it's just that all the people in my class are totally nuts. All they all fit together nicely to form the funnest class EVAR!

Shit. Haha i'm really gonna miss this.
Class chalet 12th December!
Finally, today was our Oral Presentation for Project Work. Our group did alright, apart from the fact that the teachers were so confused about our slides cause it had a different format from that of the other groups. After hours in school joking around with each other and endless rehearsing, we went to Century Square to watch Step Up. It's not as bad as I thought, but i'm not into those kinda 'you get to achieve your dreams although you broke in and vandalised a school' type of movies. Encourages false hope. Not in me, but it just sends a weird message.
Actually, all movies somehow have that same concept down. It's weird.
I started packing today! I think I need to buy more underwear hurr.
I dunno if i'll be blogging before I leave, so i'll just say it now.
CAN YOU FEEL CHRISTMAS? I mean, just that happy, i-feel-like-putting-up-the-tree-and-buying-christmas-presents-NOW type of feeling although its more than a month away. I think it's the weather. Or something in the air. Or just the feeling of looking forward to something so amazingly fun it's hard to believe it all happens in my crazy house.
Heeeeeeee :D
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