The workout felt damn shiok! Well only the running part. I can only lift a 1kg weight with my arms. Ahahahaha. I ran a lot though. Made sure I sweat like crazy. Maybe tomorrow i'll go to Fengshan CC to run again. All I can do is run. I want to lose 5kg ASAP so I can fit into my nice (but old) jeans again.
Was supposed to meet Yigang at Foo House for drinks but he was tired and had work so me and Primela ended up watching Sinking of Japan. It's a bloody scary movie and the possibility of Japan really sinking is really what scares me. The explosions and tsunamis were all so awesome, and sad at the same time. It's a good movie la, but if you couldn't care less about people fussing about Japan sinking into the sea, a billion and one volcanic eruptions and a really small love story squeezed in between then don't bother.
Something funny happened before that though. I was outside the box office and bought a hotdog and ice lemon tea while Primela went to the toilet. Near the entrance, I just happened to glance in the direction of the Neoprint shop only to make eye contact with the EX! Holy motherfucking shit!
And it wasn't Surin.
The other one, for those who know LOL.
So he was there with some overly-dressed up Punjabi (just an assumption) girl. It was pretty funny considering : he lives in Potong Pasir and I dunno wtf he was doing in Tampines AND here's the thing - he was messaging me just a month ago bugging me about wanting me back. Told me he was waiting all this while since we broke up (2 whole fucking years), he hasn't met another girl like me, blahblahblah.
And so, today, hello big surprise he was lying to me all along. Not that I give a shit, but i'm just annoyed that I even bothered to reply to his stupid messages trying to put it as nicely as possible that I will never in a million years even CONSIDER getting back together with him. UGH.
Haha. So they disappeared somewhere into the cinema and I got chummy with the ticket-tearer cause he read the words of my super cool Spongebob tee that says 'I deserve a hug!'. Had a good laugh and entered the cinema in a good mood, eradicating the possibility of him being in the same cinema as me as he would never wanna watch a movie like this.
At the end of the movie, Primela was like OMG! and I thought it was him only to be duped. Then in the OTHER direction, there he was walking out of the cinema with the overly-dressed girl. Hahahaha so turns out he was watching the same movie as us in the same cinema. I thought it'd be fun to stalk them but we gave up when we reached the traffic light outside CS cause we got lazy.
Went to Simpang, had a milo, contemplated on going to parkway to play pool, ended up deciding not to and came home at 1something am.
Very eventful day man. Here are some pictures for fun too! :D
Ryan. He just did this out of the blue and so far I think it's the most hilarious thing ever.
My little cousin Aniek picking flowers at California Country Park in England.
Salvador Dali along the Thames river in England.
Yes, another England pic. The EYE!!! The London Eye la.
Not in England, but English! Hehehe Chris Martin was just THERE. In front of me and I died on the inside.
Damn random right! Just felt like it la.
Oh and I just gotta type this out so I can read in next time and laugh.
Fatimah had an open house on Tuesday for our class in the evening. The guys made rockets again and part of Kiwi's rocket flew into the neighbour's house, who got mad pissed.
Fatimah got called by her parents and when she came back she said:
Fat: Are the rockets illegal?
Me: No, she's not Indian, she's Chinese (referring to the angry neighbour)
Ryan: *dies laughing*
When I hear something wrongly, I really hear it WRONGLY.
1 comment:
ticket-tearer, aruna?? hahaha poor man.
haha i have no idea how to say what i mean la. so i hope you understand. if you don't, ask me ok! =/
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