Just totally recovered from probably the worst hangover. Of my life.
Okay i'm really refraining from typing a breakdown of my weekend and Monday. Cause there's just so much to ramble on about and I won't be able to wake up tomorrow for OCIP Dance Practice.
So here's the summarised breakdown! Hur.
Aresha's event at BarBaaBlackChic was a smashing success and i'm so glad Yigang and Surin came down, if not I would've been pretty much wandering around here and there like a lost sheep. Also - because they came - I got pissed drunk, again this year! Yay me!
The stupidest part about the whole thing was that the high came after a glass of white wine. ONE GLASS. Due to my extreme stupidity, as you all know, it was on an empty stomach. Then came beer. Then came another glass of RED wine. Then it just all went havoc.
I vaguely recall going to the DJ booth to get some things and smiling at Chris Goss like he was the supreme being of planet Earth. I went up and talked to him - which is something I wouldn't normally do - and asked him about what he was gonna do tomorrow (Sunday). Some random conversation in between which I can't remember but what I DO remember is him saying he wanted to watch football. So.... okaay..
I also remember being knocked out on the sofa and Madhir kept disturbing me about being mabukkk. So was Chris. And on top of that, Yigang took the most horrendous picture of me being knocked out with my mouth open using my phone and set it as my wallpaper.
Went outside, sat around then got up to puke. Everything that came out was red. From the wine of course. And the most GROSS part? My face exploded. I looked up and Yigang told me that my face was bleeding, then he was like OHH YOUR PIMPLES BURST.
I was too wasted to really care so I just pressed a tissue to my face and leaned on Surin's shoulder waiting for my sis to drop Logistics and Chris back at their hotel. When she came back, I got into the car and fell dead asleep on Surin's shoulder till he left, then fell asleep again. When I reached home I got out to the field to puke AGAIN, then went upstairs, washed up and SLEPT. Kinda shocked at myself for not showering but I just couldn't take another minute awake.
The following day was a NIGHTMARE. Got up at 11+am to get something to eat cause I was STARVING, only to puke about 10 minutes later. Ate bread and cheese and went to sleep again, only to wake up and puke it all out. Sleep for another 15 minutes, then run to the toilet to puke again. It was just the worst hangover ever la really.
OH YAH. Also woke up in the morning to many many black marks on my face due to my face exploding. I almost wanted to cry cause my face had cleared up so much over the past month or so only for it to get all screwed up again :(
Ah so much for it being summarised. But I can't leave out any details for my worst hangover. Haha.
I'm feeling perfectly fine now, throat's still a bit sore from the puking but that didn't stop me from singing my heart out at KBox to songs like When it's Over by Sugar Ray, to Life for Rent by Dido, to Numb by Linkin Park. Haha the song list is endless. KBox is fun shite, everyone needs to go at least once in their lives. I know the place seems super cheena and the English song selection is a bit limited, but it's sure to have everyone's favourites.
I want to bring my silly bahluls there! It'll be so much better than the karaoke we had at the bar on my birthday :D
Logisitics is very cute. Haha *pokescheeksinaveryactcuteway*
Can you believe I watch Curious Play/Fushigi Yuugi yesterday night and sang the theme song lyrics out loud, word for word? I can't believe I still remember the theme song lyrics. Fushigi Yuugi is awesome. I SHALL buy the comic soon.
If I could just minus the momster from my life, my life would be PERFECT. PERFECT I SAYS!
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