Has somebody been F5-ing my page? I can't seem to access it. Either that.. OR PEOPLE READ MY BLOG! GASP!
If you've already read the entry for the day, please do not come back. I don't have a hit counter anymore so there's no need to boost my hits cause you're EATING MY BANDIWITH MA'FACKAS!
Whoa. Where did that come from? Just visit lah. Everything gets restored in less than an hour anyvhay. Just a little minor downside to having your own hosting.
Yay Yiling is coming over tomorrow to study. Study? Probably take pictures and bitch about everything under the sun. Haha. Its only gonna be for a couple of hours, cause after that we're going to support Brian & co for his DoTA tourney! He said if he gets a triple kill, he'll type;
Only cause i'm going there to show support. And also cause i'm one of those long lost DoTA players. I haven't played Warcraft in fucking YEARS so all I can do is drool at all the artwork in my warcraft art book I bought the other time.
Oh oh Surin's LoTR art book is AMAZING! I never actually sat down to read it properly after he got it for me for my birthday. What the artists and all have to say is very interesting.
Speaking of surin, I went to his house today after school. He bought pizza hut! But by the time we actually got to it, it was cold. Some bloody electrician doods came and cut off all the power! God. On top of that it was stinking hot. Surin was shit pissed at first, and I was still as goondu as I usually am, smiling and telling him to cheer up. It was really sleep-inducing though. Not conducive sleep, but the kind you get when you sleep on your table during a lesson in school. Hot, uncomfortable, and you wake up with a handful of unpleasant sensations in different parts of your body. But I did anyway.
I felt so dead. I just conked off and slept, waking up every 10 minutes or so. I wasn't feeling to hot, but he was fanning me anyway. Hurhur.
His sister was smiling at me. So nice. I like her. She's got that jolly vibe, just like his mom.
His father did something outside and the electricity came back on at like 4.40. So almost 2 hours was spent sweating in darkness. Not that I minded though, it was kinda fun.
I wanted to sleep more when the power came back on and he turned on the air con but he didn't let me.
So after thaaat... I left at like 6.30. So late man. Usually its.. 6 latest. But ma came home late so it was ok lah.
Oh one more thing...
It is the epitome of fantabulous movie-marathon-ing. What say you, bahluls? After o's preferably yeaaah. I'm sure you guys can tahan.
Then again, I'll have to try my very best not to watch too many movies. It'll be hard though.
An ordinary cup of milk?
Not quite...
GASP! A head is forming from the milk!
A whole head! Oh no! What next?
A cow was waiting for me.
A whole cow!
Ok bye.
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