Aresha's reply to some retard's letter in TODAY was published! The retard's letter was about people of other races needing to learn chinese in order to help racial intergration. My ass lah.

Aresha G K hurhurhur. My sister okay!
And here are 5 reasons why my dog is the CUTEST:

I love Dog, no matter how smelly she is.
This is my bag with 3/5's flower on it! Wee!

Ok that's the end of the randomness... for now.
Yigang called earlier asking me to go for baybeats, surin msged in the afternoon asking me to go for baybeats.... AHH I CAN'T FUCKING GO.
1. It's friday.
2. It's at fucking 8pm.
3. It's the first day of the red tsunami.
4. I have to supposedly 'study', according to my parents.
5. I'd feel better about going if it were after my o's.
And if it WERE after my o's, the above reasons will be NON APPLICABLE.
I wish I didn't have so high expectations of myself. Then I wouldn't need to push myself so hard.
Road run sucked. It being the first day of my period didn't help much either. Mrs Tan HH came up to me with the dreaded red tag and I was screaming 'NOOOOO!!! I DON'T WAAAANT!"
But she forced me into it. Charissa, being the kind soul she was, volunteered herself after I was granted the unfortunate tag. So nice. But she ran, I didn't. My pouch kept bouncing up and down and I felt like shit running while having my period. So I ran the first 200m, and decided to brisk walk the rest of the way with Erlyta and Debs.
Syafiqah was sitting on a bench in immense pain. I tried to get her to finish it and rest but she just couldn't. So I told the nearest St. John's girl to go help her. At first the girl was all, "Uhh... Oookay...". It's like they're all on the sidelines for show. For 4 years they don't really experience any real emergency, so in turn they have no experience.
But this year's road run was so.. drama mama. People were collapsing, vomiting, crying aiyoh. Yah so... ok i'll continue later.
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