Blogger imaging!

I am so bored of this layout. I'll be making a new one soon, real soon I hope. I still need to get photoshop first LAAAH AIYAH. And i'm addicted to Stepping into Tomorrow. It's soooo nice. So it'll be my next blog song.
I went to the dentist today. Yet again, he put in plain rubber bands. So boring lah. I asked him after the appointment whether he had coloured bands and he was all, "Oh you want coloured bands ah?"
No no I don't. I'm just a boring teenager who doesn't have a life.
He told me to remind him the next time I come. Which is in 3 weeks, 3 days before national day. So I think i'll alternate with red and white. No harm done being patriotic for 3 weeks.
Aresha's going back on Monday. Both good and bad I guess. No more ghost hunts, clubs or board games. More studying though! Blaaaahhh.
Gotta start studying ASAP. I cannot start later than this month. Or i'm sure i'll live to regret it. I think TJC is ok lah. Now it's just ME that's needs to study hard enough to qualify for it.
Ohh ooh Joan's cloud blog entry reminded me of something. I hereby crown the 29th of June, CLOUD APPRECIATION DAY! Was it the 29th? I can't remember. Somewhere around there.
There was the last episode of desperate housewives last night. Everyone says it was nice, but I found it quite disappointing. I dunno, just a lot of plotholes ah. A real mean cliffhanger too. The Mary-alice parts were good lah its just that the rest was so.. minor.

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