Friday, July 15, 2005

I is back.

So after the road run, the whole bunch of us brunched at mac. It was fun. Shafiq's full of shit man. Reached home at what... 11.30? The moment I hit the sofa I immediately conked off, and slept for 3 whole hours. Pa came home early and woke me up at 2.30. I wanted to watch spongebob and fairly oddparents but ended up missing it. Still smelly, I ate chocolate chip cookies with milk and used the com for awhile.

I took off my scrunchie and it was wet. I smelt it and... EW. Just ew. If I could describe my expression at that very instant in a picture it'd be this:



Not all of it though. Petikan 4. My god who the fuck is Hamidi and why is his hand dirty? Why does he drive a Merc? I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND IT AT ALL.

Stupid shit. All these small small papers mean a lot to me. It can make or break me!

The teacher was a real goofball. Erlyta came real late, like 10 minutes before the paper started. He walked up to her with this latecomers paper and said, "You were late, you're a bad girl."

You wouldn't believe how much I was muffling my laughter. The radio station 89.7 is really annoying too. They have a grand total of 2 advertisements. RIAAAAA, LAPAN SEMBILAN 'STUJUH, LAPAN SEMBILAN 'STUJUH.

I hate malay.

Went home and blogged just now. The random entry, go and read it if you haven't. Then aresha called and asked us to go with her to pick up ma. I went to Funan first to help her pick up some Kubrick Toys but she ended up getting caught in a jam cause she couldn't stop completely outside the mall. So I was standing outside funan, in my school shirt and white shorts, watching the giant spotlights from the event at the esplanade, half about to cry and half in incomprehensible pain.

I feel so sad. I wanna go with surin and the rest for the baybeats thingo. Bah. Nemind, one day I'll go. One day.

I told ma already I wanna go for the fireworks festival though. See how ah.

Aresha kept listening to tamil songs. There was one word that sounded like MY TOOKIE. And another, tankalika.

When I listen to a person speak continuous tamil, I feel sick. I don't know why. It's such a mouthful.

Me and luqman are watching fantastic four on wednesday! Yay! Must bring yiling and fatimah.

My teeth are straightening so fast! Cool lah. Only a matter of time. =D

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