Landed this morning at about 4.45am, it was -4 degrees outside Aresha's apartment. Saw remnants of snow from the week before. The driver took me thru Central London and it was as beautiful as I remember. I think London looks much better at night.
Today it was 1 degree. Was babysitting the 2 crazies when it started snowing! For the first time in my life, I saw real-time-falling-from-the-sky snow. In the 5pm darkness, we got our jackets and boots on and ran outside towards the riverside. I felt like such a kid! But it was lovely, even thrilling. Watching soft fluffs of snow fall from the sky, making snowballs as we ran along the deserted street by the river. I wanted to take pictures but it wasn't long before my hands went completely numb and hurt like a motherfucker. Even with gloves.
I HOPE IT SNOWS FOR CHRISTMAS. It'd be so romantic, and yet..
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
i've lost the feeling in my hands
MEL - SG - UK - SG - MEL
Embarking on the 2nd leg of this mad journey tonight. It's been a nice 4 days. The idea of going to the UK with absolutely no money is scary.
I have semi-packed, not because i'm particularly hardworking, but because there was no real need to empty my suitcase over the last couple of days. The only real pain in the ass is going on a scavenger hunt around my house for a list of items my sister has compiled. Oh and wrapping Christmas presents.
Time for a shower. Next blog entry will be in the UK. Global blogging!
Embarking on the 2nd leg of this mad journey tonight. It's been a nice 4 days. The idea of going to the UK with absolutely no money is scary.
I have semi-packed, not because i'm particularly hardworking, but because there was no real need to empty my suitcase over the last couple of days. The only real pain in the ass is going on a scavenger hunt around my house for a list of items my sister has compiled. Oh and wrapping Christmas presents.
Time for a shower. Next blog entry will be in the UK. Global blogging!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
back from sydney, bitchez
Ma has been here for exactly two weeks now, and we just got back from Sydney. The week and a half before that had me running around showing her where I go, who I meet, what I eat and do for fun et cetera. It's been a good two weeks, I just hope she's enjoyed herself? Haha. Finally did the Great Ocean Rd and Twelve Apostles trip, as well as a short trip to Sydney to visit family and see the sights.
I was a bit anxious as the plane landed in Sydney.. Before I decided to come to Melbourne to study it was a toss-up between the two big cities. Perth? Adelaide? Not even close. After this trip I feel so reassured that I chose Melbourne over Sydney.
Granted... Sydney has the huge attractions. Darling Harbour, Opera House, Bondi Beach, all world famous attractions. As well as the river. Zahra was telling me all her stories of all the fun things she'd do around the city with her friends. And for a few minutes I pondered... What's so great about Melbourne then?
I love my apartment, the city, the friends i've made, my uni, everything's just been pieced together in the most wonderful way. Melbourne may not have the huge tourist attractions that Sydney boasts but once you put in a little bit of effort to find it's own brand of attractions that everyone enjoys.. you don't end up feeling like a tourist at all. And once you no longer feel like foreigner, so much more of the city opens up to you. The whole time in Sydney all I wanted to do was to go back home. To Melbourne.
It's only been a year but I've got so many memories here already. Lying on St Kilda beach in the freezing cold at night, slow dancing on Swanston St to a busking violinist, drinking wine in Carlton Gardens, passing out in nice smelling bushes, spending entire days in my apartment butt naked, chalking a street in Toorak at 2am, sussing out the cheapest places for beer, then having beers while swimming in the middle of the night... All with the loveliest bunch of people. Despite recent events I can't help but smile when I think back to just... a few months ago. Next year will be off the hook.
Anyways, once my mom leaves I have about 48 hours to live it up till it's back to SG. Steady.
I was a bit anxious as the plane landed in Sydney.. Before I decided to come to Melbourne to study it was a toss-up between the two big cities. Perth? Adelaide? Not even close. After this trip I feel so reassured that I chose Melbourne over Sydney.
Granted... Sydney has the huge attractions. Darling Harbour, Opera House, Bondi Beach, all world famous attractions. As well as the river. Zahra was telling me all her stories of all the fun things she'd do around the city with her friends. And for a few minutes I pondered... What's so great about Melbourne then?
I love my apartment, the city, the friends i've made, my uni, everything's just been pieced together in the most wonderful way. Melbourne may not have the huge tourist attractions that Sydney boasts but once you put in a little bit of effort to find it's own brand of attractions that everyone enjoys.. you don't end up feeling like a tourist at all. And once you no longer feel like foreigner, so much more of the city opens up to you. The whole time in Sydney all I wanted to do was to go back home. To Melbourne.
It's only been a year but I've got so many memories here already. Lying on St Kilda beach in the freezing cold at night, slow dancing on Swanston St to a busking violinist, drinking wine in Carlton Gardens, passing out in nice smelling bushes, spending entire days in my apartment butt naked, chalking a street in Toorak at 2am, sussing out the cheapest places for beer, then having beers while swimming in the middle of the night... All with the loveliest bunch of people. Despite recent events I can't help but smile when I think back to just... a few months ago. Next year will be off the hook.
Anyways, once my mom leaves I have about 48 hours to live it up till it's back to SG. Steady.
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
this is not goodbye
I feel like a part of me died when I saw you cry at the airport. Don't sensitif ok? I'll see you soon, be it 1 month or 1 year.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
hello world.
I am back, although I never said I was taking a break. I feel bad having left this space behind for so many weeks, but ever since Geocities shut down for good I assume everyone thinks this blog is dead.
The exams have been over for a week, and pre-vet year has been done and dealt with. Long have I waited for this day.. However... No more slacking next semester onwards. This year has been great, but i'll save that for another entry, there's still a month and a half to go.
The rest of the year sees me flying back to Singapore (oh how things have changed) for 5 days then whizzing off to the UK for a white Christmas. Or at least I hope it'll be white. I'll still be back here about 3 weeks prior to the start of next semester, so there's enough time for hopefully 1 tram/train survey and some quality time spent in my apartment.
I need to stop taking 1 hour breaks between blogging.
The exams have been over for a week, and pre-vet year has been done and dealt with. Long have I waited for this day.. However... No more slacking next semester onwards. This year has been great, but i'll save that for another entry, there's still a month and a half to go.
The rest of the year sees me flying back to Singapore (oh how things have changed) for 5 days then whizzing off to the UK for a white Christmas. Or at least I hope it'll be white. I'll still be back here about 3 weeks prior to the start of next semester, so there's enough time for hopefully 1 tram/train survey and some quality time spent in my apartment.
I need to stop taking 1 hour breaks between blogging.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 05, 2009
kiss your eyelids goodnight
Always adds magic to my nights.
School re-starts tomorrow.. I've had an amazing 2 week break doing fuckall.. almost. Made new friends, came close to a personal revelation, spent a bit too much on junk food, finally acquired the taste for beer, spilt a few beans here and there... Need to clean that up maybe.
After countless slabs of beer and having friends over almost every night the apartment looks terrifying. I hope to not give Geetha a heart attack when she flies back here on Tuesday.
Another reason why I wanna stay - I LOVE my apartment to bits and pieces. Putting everything together by myself, random items from the furniture dump given a new lease on life, throw in a few random instruments (my guitar and latest addition MY DJEMBE hur), cable TV and fantastic unbeatable internetz and you got yourself a kick-a-bad-motherfucker's-ass apartment.
I finally did what I wanted to do for a long time... Drink wine in Carlton Gardens and with the lovely company of Asami and Rajiv a bit later on. And more wine and more wine until before I could even grasp what was going on there went the entire evening and now i'm sitting here with my brain still not being able to register how late it is and that I should actually be sleeping.
I shall countdown the weeks to when I resume this wonderful almost completely sedentary lifestyle.... 6 weeks till the end of the exams and till the magic starts once again.
School re-starts tomorrow.. I've had an amazing 2 week break doing fuckall.. almost. Made new friends, came close to a personal revelation, spent a bit too much on junk food, finally acquired the taste for beer, spilt a few beans here and there... Need to clean that up maybe.
After countless slabs of beer and having friends over almost every night the apartment looks terrifying. I hope to not give Geetha a heart attack when she flies back here on Tuesday.
Another reason why I wanna stay - I LOVE my apartment to bits and pieces. Putting everything together by myself, random items from the furniture dump given a new lease on life, throw in a few random instruments (my guitar and latest addition MY DJEMBE hur), cable TV and fantastic unbeatable internetz and you got yourself a kick-a-bad-motherfucker's-ass apartment.
I finally did what I wanted to do for a long time... Drink wine in Carlton Gardens and with the lovely company of Asami and Rajiv a bit later on. And more wine and more wine until before I could even grasp what was going on there went the entire evening and now i'm sitting here with my brain still not being able to register how late it is and that I should actually be sleeping.
I shall countdown the weeks to when I resume this wonderful almost completely sedentary lifestyle.... 6 weeks till the end of the exams and till the magic starts once again.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Miss the crazy analogies. You cannot beat David la Aresha. Have I mentioned i'm not coming back over summer? And now after seeing the lineup for Big Day Out and maybe Soundwave it's more or less decided... And ma is coming to visit in December. This means Christmas with friends, or Uncle Ram. HURH
Friday, September 11, 2009
en garde
Quitting? What lies. Been stealing cigarettes from friends for a week or so already. But I don't think I can go much longer without it. I'm overthinking things and being extra emo. Smoking fills the void.
In other news, it's getting warmer! Happy days. I can start shaving my legs now!
And also, hello Percy! You are probably the only person who reads this now! :D *hug*
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
My carton is finished... 10 packs in the last 5 weeks. Gotta factor in me giving away packs like Santa Claus cos I figured i'd share the love. So this calls for a change. Since I cannot afford cigarettes, I will not smoke. But if friends offer me cigarettes I can't say no. While drinking especially.
Anyhoos, random updates. Had a kickass weekend (which started on Thursday actually heheh). Curry and movies, free booze at an art exhibition, went to catch Asami and Harriet at Miss Libertine's then shivering my butt off at rooftop on Thursday. Albert's birthday on Friday, which was fucking hilarious cos Albert is the funniest drunk i've ever seen, then more movies! Saturday night, you guessed it. Movies! Wee!
And all this courtesy of Rajiv who's been an awesome possum friend. So I thought i'd show my gratitude by getting him a double cheeseburger meal and surprising him while he was working at The Espy. Double cheeseburger surprises > a lot of things.
Sunday was an adventure on its own. After movies on Saturday night I only got home at 1.30pm on Sunday. Marese, Geetha and Bidina came over, and so begun our adventure. We went to Ikea and bought a lot, but not everything Geetha and I needed to redo our lovely home. But even the 4 of us were strugging with the clothes rack, table and lamp amongst other things. We decided to take the tram up Swanston St instead of walking from Victoria Parade and I warned Bidina and Geetha of the tram conductors.
In all our suayness, and thank god I was peering out the window at the time, I saw the conductors make their way to ambush all the tram doors. I bought a ticket that morning so I didn't fret, but Geetha looked terrified and rushed to the ticket machine on the tram. The conductor left her to buy her ticket and checked the rest of us. I passed the conductor my daily from the day before, which obviously was expired. I never kanchiong-ed that much in quite awhile. For a moment I thought I was doomed to be slapped with a $160 tram fine which I could not even afford.. And I nearly cried. But then I found my ticket.
Even as I type this I can feel the wave of relief. Sheesh.
Ting had her farewell dinner yesterday though, which set me back a whopping $50. AAAHHHHH
But the food was good.
Geetha's moving in this Sunday, and I forsee myself to be internetless for an indefinite period starting then. Or this weekend. Clearly I am fucked, but I shall power through this because I told myself I will learn to be TRULY independent and responsible (short of earning my own income) by setting up the internet, electricity and cable from scratch. Not easy I have to say. Especially dealing with moody technicians, I want to slap all of them. But it's definitely a learning experience.
Once all this is over, and the apartment looks lovely and cosy and homely, there'll be an AWESOME HOUSE WARMING. Awesome cos it'll be a costume partay with a theme I haven't decided yet. And that'll prolly be the only reason why cos I neither can afford to feed everyone nor get everyone drunk, so it's BYOB!
Did you know... I can now play Bob Dylan and The Beatles (terribly) on the guitar! I aim to perfect Blackbird by the end of semester. Now to buy a djembe, and my life will be complete.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
happy days
Yes, another one of those rare updates. I know I should be updating more often but there isn't much to blog about unless you're interested in all the nitty gritty down to what I put in my sandwich for lunch everyday (it's ham and cheese by the way, for the last FOUR WEEKS *barf*).
Been having a relatively active social life late, courtesy of friends Percy and Rajiv. Been making new friends every single gig they've brought me to which is pretty awesome. On the downside I end up caving in and buying drinks which has put a pretty big hole in my bank account D: But i've been having an awesome time!
The other week I almost passed up another Final Eclipse gig due to extreme financial circumstances. Rajiv put my name at the door so I went.. and it was brilliant! Met the rest of the band, made new friends, went out for karaoke then watched a movie at Rajiv's with the rest till 6am then crashed on his couch cos I couldn't get home (no money).
Anyway, long story short i've been out with the guys for plentymany gigs. Paul was rather upset about this.
Paul says:
eh next week u ready for clubbing?
kenna club with me ah
i gonna get joleen plus a few friends
gonna be a blast with u guys la
i can fuck care other asians chill with my crowd only
aroona says:
Paul says:
hahaha. serious la.
fuck sia
i need one aruna la.
dont reject kenna gig all with indians
aroona says:
Been having a relatively active social life late, courtesy of friends Percy and Rajiv. Been making new friends every single gig they've brought me to which is pretty awesome. On the downside I end up caving in and buying drinks which has put a pretty big hole in my bank account D: But i've been having an awesome time!
The other week I almost passed up another Final Eclipse gig due to extreme financial circumstances. Rajiv put my name at the door so I went.. and it was brilliant! Met the rest of the band, made new friends, went out for karaoke then watched a movie at Rajiv's with the rest till 6am then crashed on his couch cos I couldn't get home (no money).
Anyway, long story short i've been out with the guys for plentymany gigs. Paul was rather upset about this.
Paul says:
eh next week u ready for clubbing?
kenna club with me ah
i gonna get joleen plus a few friends
gonna be a blast with u guys la
i can fuck care other asians chill with my crowd only
aroona says:
Paul says:
hahaha. serious la.
fuck sia
i need one aruna la.
dont reject kenna gig all with indians
aroona says:
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Ah man, i've never been so lazy to blog in my life. But since i'm here already...
In a completely random order;
I'm now back in Melbourne.
I've finally gotten my tattoo, after years of thinking of a design and financial incapability.
This semester's elective sees me picking up the guitar! African drumming, acoustic guitar lessons, I love my uni! I've always wanted to pick up the guitar, better than piano at any rate. Bought a 2nd hand guitar from the Music Swop Shop, which sells some pretty awesome 2nd hand instruments. Once I start another temp job, I will buy a djembe/congas for the living room.
I attended the Flaming Lips concert on Wednesday.. And I think if I had managed to purchase the General Admission tix and not allocated seats it probably would've been the best concert of my life.
I take no credit for this video, but they opened with this song, with the confetti, colours everything. I had the biggest smile on my face when they started playing this. I would've given anything to be one of the mascots jumping around on stage (that's pretty much all they did). I don't have photos, but Ephraim does so hopefully I get them soon.
Hmm, since i've been back things have been nice. The night when I came back we went to check out The Final Eclipse cos they were playing near my house. Made a few new friends, got someone to call Sanjeev kepala butoh (I give myself 10 points for that) and had a pretty early night. Had Asian Horror the night after and about 4 hours of sleep.
First week of school was slack, Paul was crashing on the sofa for about a week and playing hours of Final Fantasy 10 like you wouldn't believe. I completely forgot to bring my Need For Speed game, so disappointed.
Had a pretty solid night last night, went to Odeon at Crown Casino after about 3 hours of drama and finally did all the drinking and dancing I didn't get to do back in Singapore :( Drama continued afterwards, but I left earlier with Alexi and Alicia (Simpang neighbour woo!) who were so nice to drop me home. Total spend - $20. Good job Aruna! *thumbsarp*
Anyway, since i've gotten too lazy to continue blogging, if you were wondering what design I got for my tattoo... It's the Banksy Love Rat on the left bar
<-------- there somewhere
Okbye! Till the next monthly update (no la i'm kidding... or am I?)
In a completely random order;
I'm now back in Melbourne.
I've finally gotten my tattoo, after years of thinking of a design and financial incapability.
This semester's elective sees me picking up the guitar! African drumming, acoustic guitar lessons, I love my uni! I've always wanted to pick up the guitar, better than piano at any rate. Bought a 2nd hand guitar from the Music Swop Shop, which sells some pretty awesome 2nd hand instruments. Once I start another temp job, I will buy a djembe/congas for the living room.
I attended the Flaming Lips concert on Wednesday.. And I think if I had managed to purchase the General Admission tix and not allocated seats it probably would've been the best concert of my life.
I take no credit for this video, but they opened with this song, with the confetti, colours everything. I had the biggest smile on my face when they started playing this. I would've given anything to be one of the mascots jumping around on stage (that's pretty much all they did). I don't have photos, but Ephraim does so hopefully I get them soon.
Hmm, since i've been back things have been nice. The night when I came back we went to check out The Final Eclipse cos they were playing near my house. Made a few new friends, got someone to call Sanjeev kepala butoh (I give myself 10 points for that) and had a pretty early night. Had Asian Horror the night after and about 4 hours of sleep.
First week of school was slack, Paul was crashing on the sofa for about a week and playing hours of Final Fantasy 10 like you wouldn't believe. I completely forgot to bring my Need For Speed game, so disappointed.
Had a pretty solid night last night, went to Odeon at Crown Casino after about 3 hours of drama and finally did all the drinking and dancing I didn't get to do back in Singapore :( Drama continued afterwards, but I left earlier with Alexi and Alicia (Simpang neighbour woo!) who were so nice to drop me home. Total spend - $20. Good job Aruna! *thumbsarp*
Anyway, since i've gotten too lazy to continue blogging, if you were wondering what design I got for my tattoo... It's the Banksy Love Rat on the left bar
<-------- there somewhere
Okbye! Till the next monthly update (no la i'm kidding... or am I?)
Friday, July 10, 2009
Blogging will be back in full schwing when Mr Jitsu the Ninja Laptop gets fixed. In the meantime.... blogging on my sister's Macbook just doesn't feel right.
Conclusion: I HATE MAC. Been using it for weeks and I'm still not convinced.
Also, i've been having the time of my life the past few weeks... So much love going around, it's contagious. In other news, Ya Boy Dinneezy AKA MR BOY PRINCE will be mc-ing at Various Assets next Friday. It'll be a fucking riot, so you BETTER BE THERE YAW.
"Muslim is religion and malay is race"
"I can't work... I got this rashes thing"
"This is ma'.... this is ma' room.. Where I sleep with my brother"
Cracks me up all the fucking time.
I will blog about my love for MJ (RIP) soon. I can't accept it, at all. And I'm so upset my Jackson 5 CD's gone missing too. The tribute was beautiful, John Mayer's was the best in my opinion. Gonna put the entire MJ discography on my iTunes soon.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
the jig is up
FINALLY! I can now blog like a normal person. After weeks of lying to everyone, then surprising them, I can now tell everyone else I'M BACK!
Actually i've been back since the 12th, but a few days after that my mom and sister dragged me to the Philippines for holiday. Manila for 2 days, then Boracay for 4. Thoroughly enjoyed it, despite some minor setbacks. Boracay definitely has the best beach i've ever seen... Clear blue waters, powdery sand, CLEAN. I finally went snorkelling for the first time in my life. Bought an underwater camera and camwhored with Aresha for however long we could stay submerged.
The water was so salty we kept floating up to the surface. But still so fucking gorgeous!
I'm now browner than usual. The locals we befriended at a nearby reggae bar were almost too nice to us. We were there every night and made new friends every time. And on Boracay, the browner the better :D wish I could've stayed longer.
Had a lot of hilarious moments... With Ya Boy Dineezy references, coral scrabble, Morales Senor the drunkard, and much much more..
Well now i'm back proper, and haven't really been up to much. I actually miss Australia! Or maybe just the cold. When I walked out of the airport I felt like I stepped into an oven.
Met the boys a couple of times already. What was supposed to be ghosthunting turned into sitting at Blooie's, prank calling and making fun of the minority a the table (Najib and Paul). The prank calls were unbelievable... "Yeah just take down this number (Like U Hotline), and by the way this is Bob Dylan you're talking to.." HAHAHAHA
I tried prank calling Bryan pretending to be a lovesick girl who's had too many but I blanked out halfway and he heard the rest whispering in the background. Tonight I think we're watching a movie? I don't know, but I really need to catch up on my movies. Gonna download some asian horror movies and take it back with me and have a horror movie marathon with the rest.
I have several things I need to bring back to melb with me. The list now very recently includes a 40cm high wooden statue of a guy with a drum on his head for my apartment. Also - My ps2, logitech speakers, stationery (LOTS!), puma trainers, several pairs of heels, and AAAAH I WILL CONTINUE THIS LATER
Friday, June 12, 2009
coming to the end of another chapter
The exams are over, pretty much half the year flew by and I hardly realized it, even after all the lazing around with time crawling by. Before you know it, i'll be done with pre-vet and going into full-fledged vet science, learning about anatomy and husbandry (amongst other things).
Just for tonight, I have my heater on full-blast, enjoying the heat for once. I miss my friends, I don't know what to do anymore. In semester 2 I have a camping trip in the works though :D
Thankfully I have Bidina and Geetha.. We had a stupid about of fun today, saying the pledge and singing the national anthem, drank Kilkenny Cream and rosé wine, taking the tram to the wrong side of St. Kilda, only catching The Final Eclipse's last TWO SONGS. We win at life.
But it was so nice to see Jai, Ephraim, Sanjay, Dom and Gerard again! They never fail to amuse... and they're so much fun to talk to. Never realised how much I missed Jai and Ephraim! They really brighten up my life here.
Well, things have settled, nothing to worry about anymore (except money, as always).
And we don't know just where our bones will rest
To dust I guess
Monday, June 08, 2009
Everytime I hear this song, I get goosebumps. I always used to play this in the car awhile driving, along with the rest of Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. I wish I was back home. Getting into the car, going to meet the boys, going for our next adventure.
I want adventures here too.
Tomorrow is the start of the exams. Thursday marks the end. Wat? Yes. I have a 3 day exam period, as opposed to having exams stretched for weeeeeks. Am not really complaining, it'll be as painful as taking off a plaster. Shut your eyes, flinch, and its over.
If things go badly, i'll drown my sorrows in booze at the Espy. If things go well, i'll celebrate with booze at the Espy. Because it's The Final Eclipse's first residency gig! Perfect timing. The hangover that will follow however, will have the worst timing ever.
Never mind, nothing like more free booze the next day to cure a hangover.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
selit selit
I miss the boys so much. This is one very good reason why.

Which was fine. And then...

Everytime I see it I die laughing too much.
Which was fine. And then...
Everytime I see it I die laughing too much.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
all hell is breakin' loose
I absolutely love this video. ZOMBIE RAAAVE!
Breakdancing skeletons losing their arms halfway. Hahaha.
Anyway, this is London E, and i'm going to see him tomorrow at The Espy! Free! Yay! Gonna drink at Ting's house first. Ahh, my first DNB gig here in Melbourne. And since I studied on the last day of school when everyone else with a social life is out partying now, i'm going to enjoy myself guilt-free tomorrow, until Sunday comes around and I again realise i'm running out of revision-time.
But The Espy really is a cool place. During Easter Sanjeev showed me the place.. It's like a derelict theatre building with a huge open concept with several rooms all done up in different themes.. And the character of the building still remains - peeling wallpaper, wooden beams and floor, booth seats etc. Very very nice place.
Breakdancing skeletons losing their arms halfway. Hahaha.
Anyway, this is London E, and i'm going to see him tomorrow at The Espy! Free! Yay! Gonna drink at Ting's house first. Ahh, my first DNB gig here in Melbourne. And since I studied on the last day of school when everyone else with a social life is out partying now, i'm going to enjoy myself guilt-free tomorrow, until Sunday comes around and I again realise i'm running out of revision-time.
But The Espy really is a cool place. During Easter Sanjeev showed me the place.. It's like a derelict theatre building with a huge open concept with several rooms all done up in different themes.. And the character of the building still remains - peeling wallpaper, wooden beams and floor, booth seats etc. Very very nice place.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Rest assured (or not), I am not dead. Time has begun to vegetate at home (not like I wasn't doing that already) and study. I've got a lot to cover, and so little time. Thank the moon, stars, milkyway, etc that i've already made it in. All I need to do now is pass.
My bed, even though you can't really see it, is pimpin'. Backside tore when I bought those covers but i'm so happy with them. Chinese emperor style sheets. Complete with a new double-sized comforter. I was using a comforter meant for a single bed, plus the shittiest mf-ing pillows in existance for the past 3 months. Courtesy of the million hours I spent in an orange vest, freezing my butt off at various tram stops around Melbourne I can actually afford things now!
Autumn's ending and winter's rolling in.. Am getting the hang of the cold, temperatures of 17 degrees are normal t-shirt weather now when it's sunny. I'm getting used to dressing appropriately... But I miss wearing shorts and dresses. Whenever the sun's out you'll see me sprawled somewhere on the grass basking like a.... lizard.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
white flag
Because I am genius.
I'm just going to listen to Weezer, maybe play air guitar in my underwear, and curl into a ball and maybe die.
I'm just going to listen to Weezer, maybe play air guitar in my underwear, and curl into a ball and maybe die.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
brought to you by....
My brand spankin' new phone! Phone plans here get you way better phones.
Nokia 6500 sliiiide.

Stylo ah! Anyway....
Here's the promised update. With photos! I know I have my D80 here but I don't exactly carry it everywhere... So my 3.2mp phone camera will have to do.
As some of you may or may not know, I got a temporary job as a tram person counter. Pays ridiculously well (think $18/hr), shifts are 3 hours each. It's an unbearable 3 hours. Doing shifts alone makes me bored out of my mind. Made worse by the cold. I have to pad up like a retard, and on top of that wear my bright orange vest. On the bright side I get to see random places around Melbourne.
First day on the job... My shift was at a tram stop in the middle of nowhere (or so it looked). It was so ulu the tram tracks looked more like train tracks. Had to wake up at 5.45am to get there on time.

On the other side though..

The CBD! Where everyone was going. And where home was :(

Yes I really was that cold. I was wearing gloves too. The expression of course is nothing new. My vest has a cigarette burn because Ting used the for the last survey. Hahaha.
I myself have been chain smoking courtesy of the boredom. I plan to quit. At some point.
The next day I had an evening shift... This is what it looks like at 3.45pm at Federation Square. It looks like 6pm! The days are getting shorter and shorter.

See some banners in the background? It had something to do with logging in some other part of Australia. There were girls singing something about a possum riot. It was quite catchy actually, better than the Sri Lanka protest that happened there about 2 hours later. Unfortunately they didn't hold up any trams.
Day 3...

I finally accept that it's autumn. Ephraim says it's winter but I doubt it. Hate the shitty weather. Next week looks like it's gonna be sunny for a change so tram counting won't be so depressing.
Okay less about the job and more about happier shinier things;

Pancakes fail. But I got it right after this. And after getting pancake batter all over the stove... and my pants.

The Horn in Collingwood! Lovely place, great ambience and a fantastic resident band, The Black Jesus Experience. The drummer was damn cute. They had Ethiopian themed food and beers imported from Africa, how cool is that.

Bad photo... This place is called Seamstress on Lonsdale Street. You may or may not be able to see all the kiddy sized cheongsams hanging from the ceiling.

Right outside my apartment entrance is Carlton Gardens. On a Sunday a few weeks back I took advantage of the lovely sun and read a book while listening to Jack Johnson, and ate some strawberries and hazelnut chocolate spread. After awhile I stopped reading and just people-watched. In the 2 hours I was there, I saw 2 couples getting their wedding photos done. I'll have more photos of this place up soon.
More recently I met up with Deb and Hongqi (from TPJC Student Council) for some Thai and dessert after. We went to Laurent Patisserie which was in some lorong along Bourke Street. ALL the desserts looked fantastic. And it wasn't that expensive. I had creme brulee for $5.50.

Raspberry puree on top, vanilla creamy thing on the bottom :D
Most of the time I have lunch in school alone, so if the weather's nice I sit (or sleep) on one of the many lawns around campus. But most of the time i'm at Union Lawn.

Zzz. Was baking in the sun.

Hug mug at Max Brenner's! Had coffee with Ephraim before meeting 2nd newfound white friend Andrew for dinner. It was some coconut cream chocolate thing and it tasted larvely.
I've been here... what, 3 months already? And i've made 2 white friends. School's full of them, most of them irritate me so to actually befriend someone is pretty amazing. Andrew's been in most of my chem tutorials and ALL my chem practicals yet never spoke to him till very recently. Unlike most ozzies he's quite witty and makes for good nonsensical conversation. Now all I need to do is teach him Singlish *rubs hands together* mwahaha.
Anyway, sorry to disappoint, that is all for my big Melbourne update. I know it's not much. But i'll definitely do a proper one once I get paid. Cos i'll be buying some big pimpin' bed sheets! At that rate i'll never wanna get out of bed.
I am definitely the ultimate domesticated goddess already. I planned out my meals and bought so much food today. Found my samabal oelek (will do round 3 of mee goreng mamak), bought a taco making kit, some blue brie cheese and crispbread (SO YUMMY) amongst other things. Strawberries and apples. In an attempt to snack healthy again. It failed miserably the last time, and the past few weeks has seen me putting on a couple of kilos.
Despite that i'm making some creamy chicken pasta today (the way Aresha made 'em) before heading to Federation Square for another African Drumming gig. Wish me luck :D
Nokia 6500 sliiiide.
Stylo ah! Anyway....
Here's the promised update. With photos! I know I have my D80 here but I don't exactly carry it everywhere... So my 3.2mp phone camera will have to do.
As some of you may or may not know, I got a temporary job as a tram person counter. Pays ridiculously well (think $18/hr), shifts are 3 hours each. It's an unbearable 3 hours. Doing shifts alone makes me bored out of my mind. Made worse by the cold. I have to pad up like a retard, and on top of that wear my bright orange vest. On the bright side I get to see random places around Melbourne.
First day on the job... My shift was at a tram stop in the middle of nowhere (or so it looked). It was so ulu the tram tracks looked more like train tracks. Had to wake up at 5.45am to get there on time.
On the other side though..
The CBD! Where everyone was going. And where home was :(
Yes I really was that cold. I was wearing gloves too. The expression of course is nothing new. My vest has a cigarette burn because Ting used the for the last survey. Hahaha.
I myself have been chain smoking courtesy of the boredom. I plan to quit. At some point.
The next day I had an evening shift... This is what it looks like at 3.45pm at Federation Square. It looks like 6pm! The days are getting shorter and shorter.
See some banners in the background? It had something to do with logging in some other part of Australia. There were girls singing something about a possum riot. It was quite catchy actually, better than the Sri Lanka protest that happened there about 2 hours later. Unfortunately they didn't hold up any trams.
Day 3...
I finally accept that it's autumn. Ephraim says it's winter but I doubt it. Hate the shitty weather. Next week looks like it's gonna be sunny for a change so tram counting won't be so depressing.
Okay less about the job and more about happier shinier things;
Pancakes fail. But I got it right after this. And after getting pancake batter all over the stove... and my pants.
The Horn in Collingwood! Lovely place, great ambience and a fantastic resident band, The Black Jesus Experience. The drummer was damn cute. They had Ethiopian themed food and beers imported from Africa, how cool is that.
Bad photo... This place is called Seamstress on Lonsdale Street. You may or may not be able to see all the kiddy sized cheongsams hanging from the ceiling.
Right outside my apartment entrance is Carlton Gardens. On a Sunday a few weeks back I took advantage of the lovely sun and read a book while listening to Jack Johnson, and ate some strawberries and hazelnut chocolate spread. After awhile I stopped reading and just people-watched. In the 2 hours I was there, I saw 2 couples getting their wedding photos done. I'll have more photos of this place up soon.
More recently I met up with Deb and Hongqi (from TPJC Student Council) for some Thai and dessert after. We went to Laurent Patisserie which was in some lorong along Bourke Street. ALL the desserts looked fantastic. And it wasn't that expensive. I had creme brulee for $5.50.
Raspberry puree on top, vanilla creamy thing on the bottom :D
Most of the time I have lunch in school alone, so if the weather's nice I sit (or sleep) on one of the many lawns around campus. But most of the time i'm at Union Lawn.
Zzz. Was baking in the sun.
Hug mug at Max Brenner's! Had coffee with Ephraim before meeting 2nd newfound white friend Andrew for dinner. It was some coconut cream chocolate thing and it tasted larvely.
I've been here... what, 3 months already? And i've made 2 white friends. School's full of them, most of them irritate me so to actually befriend someone is pretty amazing. Andrew's been in most of my chem tutorials and ALL my chem practicals yet never spoke to him till very recently. Unlike most ozzies he's quite witty and makes for good nonsensical conversation. Now all I need to do is teach him Singlish *rubs hands together* mwahaha.
Anyway, sorry to disappoint, that is all for my big Melbourne update. I know it's not much. But i'll definitely do a proper one once I get paid. Cos i'll be buying some big pimpin' bed sheets! At that rate i'll never wanna get out of bed.
I am definitely the ultimate domesticated goddess already. I planned out my meals and bought so much food today. Found my samabal oelek (will do round 3 of mee goreng mamak), bought a taco making kit, some blue brie cheese and crispbread (SO YUMMY) amongst other things. Strawberries and apples. In an attempt to snack healthy again. It failed miserably the last time, and the past few weeks has seen me putting on a couple of kilos.
Despite that i'm making some creamy chicken pasta today (the way Aresha made 'em) before heading to Federation Square for another African Drumming gig. Wish me luck :D
Download your free copy of Coldplay's live album!
Remember that time they played live? Oh wait that was 2 months ago.
Remember that time they played live? Oh wait that was 2 months ago.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
mr ambulance driver
Oh you probably would've guessed it already, we didn't get the apartment. Ohwell.
My mom once said I've got good control over my emotions and that'd make me a good doctor. Well, let's see how that holds true in the next few weeks.
Okay anyway. Let's talk about the weather.
Even the news said it's fucked up! It's not supposed to be this cold yet.. Just on my birthday it was like 32 degrees.. And beginning of last week it was about 25-26 degrees. Now it's 14 degrees in the day?! And last night was 3 degrees. Eesh.
Erich the Neighbour took me out for drinks and that kept me warm, even walking back in 6 degrees was alright. We went to a lovely little sake bar, then a place called Seamstress, both of which were on Lonsdale Street. The bars here are so nice! With the themes and all.
Back to the weather. I've gone to Big W thrice in three days to check if they'd stocked more cheapo heaters for cheapskates like me. Nada. I don't want to buy a $60 heater... I don't need THAT much heat. Turns out I can actually tolerate quite a lot of cold despite my skinnyness. I just need to eat proper meals. And wrap myself in a few blankets like a cocoon when I sleep. Waking up in the morning is the HARDEST thing. Oh and getting out of the shower too.
Was checking how much my readership has died due to the lack of updates when I saw... THIS..
Sigh. Time to move!
I'm having a series of serious life-suck moments this week. BUT!
I can't wait. Not at all. I can just see myself screaming... "SHE USES TAAAAAAANGERINESSS!"
One of my favourite bands of all time. I never thought this day would come. I can strike them off my "Bands To See Before I Die, Or Before They Disappear Into Obscurity" list.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Easter break where have you gone... Despite having to go back to school today I stayed up last night with a friend watching Black Books(now officially my favourite show, Aresha you'll love it) and Flight of the Conchords till about 4am.
Woke up at 7.45am, 8am, 8.30am, left my friend's house at 9.15am, didn't bother rushing to get ready for school by 10am, skipped the new intro Physics lecture (but I was reading the lecture notes outside the theatre anyway), went for and aced my Bio mid sem test at 11am in 10 minutes, had a huge ass $4 chicken calzone for lunch and napped on the Union Lawn in the sun at 1pm, and stoned for the rest of the day.
Grah, I need a nap.
Woke up at 7.45am, 8am, 8.30am, left my friend's house at 9.15am, didn't bother rushing to get ready for school by 10am, skipped the new intro Physics lecture (but I was reading the lecture notes outside the theatre anyway), went for and aced my Bio mid sem test at 11am in 10 minutes, had a huge ass $4 chicken calzone for lunch and napped on the Union Lawn in the sun at 1pm, and stoned for the rest of the day.
Grah, I need a nap.
Friday, April 17, 2009
650 Swanston Street, Carlton.......
Carlton fire house... The Metropolitan Fire Brigade converted to an apartment complex. It has so much character. In the stairwells you can see the actual fire poles. It's such a beautiful building, and it really stands out amongst all the modern apartments on Swanston Street.
It took a lot of effort hassling people to apply with me today. Thank god for Geetha, she's been my lifesaver since I got here. So here it is.....

And this is exactly 2 minutes from school. It has a secure entrance too!
Each apartment has a huge length balcony that spans across all 3 bedrooms. Only 1 bedroom has balcony access (photo below) but I think that was meant to be the living room. But whatever. Whoever gets the room with balcony access doesn't get a built in wardrobe. A pretty fair trade off!
Shit. I hate making plans before even getting an apartment. But I just can't help it. I like this place better than 56 Leicester Street! I just had to ask the existing tenants why they were leaving... And selling off every last bit of furniture. Turns out they had purchased a place. But they did look a bit sad to leave. I can't blame them.

Today was spent running all over the place getting things ready and done. Did a bit of studying for Bio, which seems pointless because I know pretty much all of it already (thank you A Levels) so we just talked about everything under the sun, losing track of time and finally rushing to make it to the property office by 5.30pm before it closes. We barely made it, but getting the application in the day of the inspection is always a plus.
Met Ephraim at Melbourne Central afterwards. He was gonna cook me dinner! Wooo free food... But in exchange for sleeping in the living room yet again. He made some pretty good carbonara after complaining about the lack of crockery in my kitchen for about 45 minutes. Smoked 3 cigarettes within an hour, making up for not smoking the past 3 days. I don't know why but everytime we end up on my balcony, we talk about really deep things. Its strange. But it's good to have thought-provoking conversation sometimes.
So he's gone out and will be back later, and i'm just gonna chill at home and enjoy the remaining 2 days of my Easter Break. I won't be going for DNB tomorrow cos Ting pangseh-ed me for electro but it's cool.. I get to save the $25 for London Elektricity who's playing at The Espy in May! Checked the place out yesterday.. It was so damn cool. Chilled out at the beach too. I found a dead jellyfish and I felt sad for it. So I drew a cartoon jellyfish in the sand in memory of it.
I have lovely hands. Did you know that?
It took a lot of effort hassling people to apply with me today. Thank god for Geetha, she's been my lifesaver since I got here. So here it is.....
And this is exactly 2 minutes from school. It has a secure entrance too!
Each apartment has a huge length balcony that spans across all 3 bedrooms. Only 1 bedroom has balcony access (photo below) but I think that was meant to be the living room. But whatever. Whoever gets the room with balcony access doesn't get a built in wardrobe. A pretty fair trade off!
Shit. I hate making plans before even getting an apartment. But I just can't help it. I like this place better than 56 Leicester Street! I just had to ask the existing tenants why they were leaving... And selling off every last bit of furniture. Turns out they had purchased a place. But they did look a bit sad to leave. I can't blame them.
Today was spent running all over the place getting things ready and done. Did a bit of studying for Bio, which seems pointless because I know pretty much all of it already (thank you A Levels) so we just talked about everything under the sun, losing track of time and finally rushing to make it to the property office by 5.30pm before it closes. We barely made it, but getting the application in the day of the inspection is always a plus.
Met Ephraim at Melbourne Central afterwards. He was gonna cook me dinner! Wooo free food... But in exchange for sleeping in the living room yet again. He made some pretty good carbonara after complaining about the lack of crockery in my kitchen for about 45 minutes. Smoked 3 cigarettes within an hour, making up for not smoking the past 3 days. I don't know why but everytime we end up on my balcony, we talk about really deep things. Its strange. But it's good to have thought-provoking conversation sometimes.
So he's gone out and will be back later, and i'm just gonna chill at home and enjoy the remaining 2 days of my Easter Break. I won't be going for DNB tomorrow cos Ting pangseh-ed me for electro but it's cool.. I get to save the $25 for London Elektricity who's playing at The Espy in May! Checked the place out yesterday.. It was so damn cool. Chilled out at the beach too. I found a dead jellyfish and I felt sad for it. So I drew a cartoon jellyfish in the sand in memory of it.
I have lovely hands. Did you know that?
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
star-stealing girl
But the Easter break has been treating me well. I've made some really great friends. Gerard and Ephraim took refuge last night in my living room after being stranded in the city, ill-informed about the train and tram schedules.
We stayed up till 4am, smoking, watching them take over all my housemate's instruments (I hope she doesn't get mad), watching ads on tv about premature ejaculation treatments. Had nice vibes last night... The kind I used to have hanging out with Raushan, Dan, Vishal and the rest of the boys at Changi Village/Changi Beach/Simpang Bedok or in the car towards our latest adventure..
Had lunch with Sanjeev today! Was so nice to kick back and talk cock with another Singaporean. He showed me the Brunswick area which was actually pretty nice. But according to Jaishri it's all dodgy at night. Had some rainbow Italian gelato which was great in today's weather. I have a feeling it's the last warm day we'll have cos it's already autumn.
Met Geetha afterwards and bought more things to get the apartment more organised. I HATE mess. I hate how the toiletries are strewn over the counter in the bathroom (holder for toothbrushes, hanging storage for toiletries), I hate the mess of jackets I had in my wardrobe (hangers), and in the kitchen (another holder) but they were things sorely overdue. But anyway, I bought them all from the Reject Shop so it cost me next to nothing, until of course they were all added up. :O
I just realized I am screwed for winter because I don't have any woolly clothes or anything close to that. Oh noes.
I want to buy a ladder so I can get to the roof from my balcony. I'd love to lie on the roof, cos even in the city the stars are so nice.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
risky business
It's my holidays! Finally. After 6 weeks of boring lectures and tutorials. Then again i'd just sit at home and do nothing anyway. On the upside there's The Two Towers on TV tomorrow night.
Had dinner at Erich the Neighbour's yesterday. Tacos! And it was so simple to make. Just need a blender though :/
His house had no TV. Just a really empty living room. Turns out his TV was the wall, using a projector. He left a message for a friend who owns a restaurant on Lygon Street trying to set me up for a job! Hopefully that comes through cos i've applied for a million jobs and none have called me back. Applied to every single fast food joint, retail outlet, gelati shop, you name it, i've applied for it. And i've branched out even further than the CBD, in St Kilda and Port Melbourne.
But so far things have been nice. Quiet. All I need is a job. Because job = money = social life. I meant to ration my cigarettes for the next week till Meijuan comes back with a birthday present (hehe) but from the looks of it i'll force myself to take a break for a few days.
Things aren't too terrible, am gonna visit Roti the Ferret later at Southbank. Camberwell again on Sunday! I have so little clothes its ridiculous.
Had dinner at Erich the Neighbour's yesterday. Tacos! And it was so simple to make. Just need a blender though :/
His house had no TV. Just a really empty living room. Turns out his TV was the wall, using a projector. He left a message for a friend who owns a restaurant on Lygon Street trying to set me up for a job! Hopefully that comes through cos i've applied for a million jobs and none have called me back. Applied to every single fast food joint, retail outlet, gelati shop, you name it, i've applied for it. And i've branched out even further than the CBD, in St Kilda and Port Melbourne.
But so far things have been nice. Quiet. All I need is a job. Because job = money = social life. I meant to ration my cigarettes for the next week till Meijuan comes back with a birthday present (hehe) but from the looks of it i'll force myself to take a break for a few days.
Things aren't too terrible, am gonna visit Roti the Ferret later at Southbank. Camberwell again on Sunday! I have so little clothes its ridiculous.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
a day in the life of me?
Today I made Mee Goreng. Or at least tried to. FAIL for not boiling the god damn noodles first. Also I need seafood. But it's just too expensive.
It didn't taste terrible, it was actually nice. Just didn't taste like the Mee Goreng I was craving. Oh well.
In attempt to clean up the kitchen a bit more, and also to alleviate my extreme boredom, I folded almost all the plastic bags under the sink into little triangles so it'd be easier to put them away and they'd take up less space.
I should've taken those triangles and pieced together a nice giant 'L' so I can stick it on my door.
It didn't taste terrible, it was actually nice. Just didn't taste like the Mee Goreng I was craving. Oh well.
In attempt to clean up the kitchen a bit more, and also to alleviate my extreme boredom, I folded almost all the plastic bags under the sink into little triangles so it'd be easier to put them away and they'd take up less space.
I should've taken those triangles and pieced together a nice giant 'L' so I can stick it on my door.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
$10 purple hobo dress
Took this when I was running around Bourke St with Joy, Meijuan and Mickey as they were shopping. The grafitti filled lorongs really make the city nice and colourful.
On my birthday it was a max of 33 degrees, and about 24 degrees at night. It felt almost EXACTLY like Singapore. Subsequently the weather's been chilly, and next week spells no more hot sunny days. Need to invest in more leggings + thicker jackets!
Tomorrow i'm going to cook mee goreng mamak. Am super excited. Still got a lot of chicken rice left over from last week (yes I cooked it) so it'd be good to have some variety. Kangkong tomorrow too.
I'm gonna try my hand at baked apples tonight. Maple syrup and hazelnut chocolate spread! Don't you wish I was your housemate? :D
Friday, April 03, 2009
what? oh... i'm 20.
It was small and lovely, and had all the people that mattered.
I was hellbent on not celebrating, but being invited to someone else's birthday surprise on your own birthday isn't the most pleasant feeling. Neither was imposing on someone else's surprise. But being some of the nicest people i've gotten to know here so far, they included me in everything. Sanjay even bought me a cake!
Ephraim dropped by after school to keep me company as I got rejected by Gelati shops on Lygon Street for jobs. And bought me wine later! He meant to take me out for food but i'd already eaten, oh well. The thought always counts. But we ended up talking for a ridiculous amount of time we almost forgot to leave on time to get to Jaishri's place for her surprise.
Got there, surprise was a success! And they brought out 2 cakes so I got a mini surprise too!
And I got to meet the singer from The Final Eclipse (previously The Suns). Sanjeev, a really funny fella I could mat-trash talk with while we played some strange game involving a tennis ball and 6 people in squares.
Reached home at about 2am with a smile on my face.
Monday, March 30, 2009
oh my.
I was conned into this. I thought it was just a drop-off of our entry forms to win a $500 Clinique hamper. I was WRONG.

On behalf of Australian men, they aren't this ugly. Just had to clarify that cos Yigang sounded so disappointed. Hahaha! But I just love these random events. I waitied 30 mins for lunch courtesy of this!
Anyway, I apologize for the lack of updates. There isn't much going on really, and I don't go out much. Save for Saturday night. I had to review a Brazilian dance party for my African Drums elective (it just keeps getting better doesn't it?). Google lied. It said it was on the corner of Elizabeth and Queensberry, which was a LIE!
Bidina and I walked so far from Carlton we ended up venturing into a very dingy part of West Melbourne. It was quiet, dark, and had all the makings of a bad horror film. We made a pact to just make a mad dash back to Carlton should anything happen.
And of all suayness, the club was just a block or 2 away from the point we decided to turn and head back. Then again, if we went there we'd have to walk all the way back through the ulu-ness at 1am.
So Joy, Meijuan, Bidina and I headed down to Cho Gao at Melbourne Central for some drinks. For added suayness, it was Bollywood night. If they weren't so eager i'd have gladly turned around and gone somewhere else. But it didn't turn out too bad, save for the music. But the crowd was nice - random lady said hi to me, I thought she was talking to someone behind me (oops), some boys invited us to Chasers on Friday (free drinks free entry woot), and I made some non-gangster Vietnamese friends. I said I was from SG and they all started speaking Singlish, it was hilarious.
My last $15 of the month was spent on drinks, and the lovely Joy bought me my last drink. I almost got a free drink but he saw I already had one. Nuts.
Walked home mildly tipsy, slept terribly because I kept having the strangest of dreams. The only one I can remember is of having a bug in my eye. And I could seeeee it. Buzzing on my cornea, freaky shit.
Ah well. Tomorrow is grocery shopping round 1, then round 2 on Tuesday at Queen Vic Market. I shall definitely have some salmon and baked potatoes. And pancakes and baked apples on Thursday! My 20th with be a small quiet one. By myself. If I don't end up spending that much on groceries I shall indulge in some sort of dessert. And use my vast imagination to pretend its something Maya baked. Haha.... :D
And I have banned myself from Tim Tams. Healthy (cheap) snacks for the win!
On behalf of Australian men, they aren't this ugly. Just had to clarify that cos Yigang sounded so disappointed. Hahaha! But I just love these random events. I waitied 30 mins for lunch courtesy of this!
Anyway, I apologize for the lack of updates. There isn't much going on really, and I don't go out much. Save for Saturday night. I had to review a Brazilian dance party for my African Drums elective (it just keeps getting better doesn't it?). Google lied. It said it was on the corner of Elizabeth and Queensberry, which was a LIE!
Bidina and I walked so far from Carlton we ended up venturing into a very dingy part of West Melbourne. It was quiet, dark, and had all the makings of a bad horror film. We made a pact to just make a mad dash back to Carlton should anything happen.
And of all suayness, the club was just a block or 2 away from the point we decided to turn and head back. Then again, if we went there we'd have to walk all the way back through the ulu-ness at 1am.
So Joy, Meijuan, Bidina and I headed down to Cho Gao at Melbourne Central for some drinks. For added suayness, it was Bollywood night. If they weren't so eager i'd have gladly turned around and gone somewhere else. But it didn't turn out too bad, save for the music. But the crowd was nice - random lady said hi to me, I thought she was talking to someone behind me (oops), some boys invited us to Chasers on Friday (free drinks free entry woot), and I made some non-gangster Vietnamese friends. I said I was from SG and they all started speaking Singlish, it was hilarious.
My last $15 of the month was spent on drinks, and the lovely Joy bought me my last drink. I almost got a free drink but he saw I already had one. Nuts.
Walked home mildly tipsy, slept terribly because I kept having the strangest of dreams. The only one I can remember is of having a bug in my eye. And I could seeeee it. Buzzing on my cornea, freaky shit.
Ah well. Tomorrow is grocery shopping round 1, then round 2 on Tuesday at Queen Vic Market. I shall definitely have some salmon and baked potatoes. And pancakes and baked apples on Thursday! My 20th with be a small quiet one. By myself. If I don't end up spending that much on groceries I shall indulge in some sort of dessert. And use my vast imagination to pretend its something Maya baked. Haha.... :D
And I have banned myself from Tim Tams. Healthy (cheap) snacks for the win!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Someone else sees the loveliness in my ratties.

eF says:
he's like a little person
eF says:
he is quite charming
he needs a little rat suit i reckon
and a little rat cane and rat glasses
eF says:
he's like a little person
eF says:
he is quite charming
he needs a little rat suit i reckon
and a little rat cane and rat glasses
atheist in the woods
My grandma is so tech-savvy, she sometimes drops me a cheesy forward via email. But this one made me laugh;
An atheist was walking through the woods.
'What majestic trees!
'What powerful rivers !
'What beautiful animals!
He said to himself.
As he was walking alongside the river, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him.
He turned to look. He saw a 7-foot grizzly bear charge towards him.

He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder & saw that the bear was closing in on him..
He looked over his shoulder again, & the bear was even closer.
He tripped & fell on the ground.
He rolled over to pick himself up but saw that the bear was right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw & raising his right paw to strike him.

At that instant the atheist cried out, Oh my God!'
Time stopped.
The bear froze.
The forest was silent.
As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky.
'You deny my existence for all these years, teach others I don't exist and even credit creation to cosmic accident.
Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament?
Am I to count you as a believer?'
The atheist looked directly into the light, 'It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps you could make the BEAR a Christian'?
'Very well,' said the voice.
The light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed. And the bear dropped his right paw, brought both paws together, bowed his head & spoke:

'Lord bless this food, which I am about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen.'
The end.
I pardon the cheesy font. Blogger refuses to let me change anything about it from the email except the colour.. so.. Oh well.
An atheist was walking through the woods.
'What majestic trees!
'What powerful rivers !
'What beautiful animals!
He said to himself.
As he was walking alongside the river, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him.
He turned to look. He saw a 7-foot grizzly bear charge towards him.
He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder & saw that the bear was closing in on him..
He looked over his shoulder again, & the bear was even closer.
He tripped & fell on the ground.
He rolled over to pick himself up but saw that the bear was right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw & raising his right paw to strike him.
At that instant the atheist cried out, Oh my God!'
Time stopped.
The bear froze.
The forest was silent.
As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky.
'You deny my existence for all these years, teach others I don't exist and even credit creation to cosmic accident.
Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament?
Am I to count you as a believer?'
The atheist looked directly into the light, 'It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask you to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps you could make the BEAR a Christian'?
'Very well,' said the voice.
The light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed. And the bear dropped his right paw, brought both paws together, bowed his head & spoke:
The end.
I pardon the cheesy font. Blogger refuses to let me change anything about it from the email except the colour.. so.. Oh well.
Friday, March 20, 2009
hiding out in holes
I need to cut my fringe. Do you like my poster? I bought the pillow from Big W... I didn't intend to buy it at first. But the moment I felt it.. SOLD.
I got my lovely table yesterday. I managed to furnish my room for under $300. Excluding Frank, the Chinese mover for my bed who wanted to charge me more than the $45 he quoted. Ugh, Chinaman.
I need to buy a chair and a printer. And a small bookshelf. The previous housemate came to dismantle her fugly table, and she heard me say that cos I had no idea she was outside the main entrance to the apartment.
I MAY need to go to Dandenong for an African Drumming concert tomorrow... Which is like a gazillion hours away in the middle of nowhere. From the street view it looks a bit quiet so I'd prefer to not go alone? Bidina is MIA again.
By this semester I want to have mastered chicken rice and nasi lemak. Then we'll move on the harder stuff like noodles.
I supposedly was going bowling today, but apparently not. Howell. It's about time I christen my new table by studying.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
brought to you by the word solid.
Yesterday was a solid night. Sanjay's housewarming and birthday BBQ (shrimp on the barbie!) was hilarious. Everyone had a good amount to drink, there was good food, drunken banter and soccer, singing the wrong lyrics to Ephraim's solid guitar skillz.
I think the classic moment was when someone kicked the ball behind the shed and when Ephraim disappeared behind to get it, all we heard was CRASHING. Like he was falling all over the place.
After about 3 vodka cruisers, weird melon shisha, 2 shots of Grousse (which aren't supposed to be taken as shots but I didn't know that), some weird drink Ephraim couldn't finish, and then another one, my stomach caved and I vomited. In a plastic bag. That had a hole. So that of course created a lovely mess. A mess of myself and less so the floor.
It was only just past midnight. Haha!
So after Sanjay passed me a change of clothes I KO-ed in his room. Forgot to warn him about my sleep-talking and curling-up-like-a-foetus tendencies. The next morning his 2 other housemates were still up, pissed drunk. And still drinking.
But it was hella fun. Really was good to just chill with fun people and share a gazillion laughs. The cold didn't matter after awhile.
Went to Ikea today and blew a bit on necessities. Still couldn't buy my table. But I found a bigger version of it going for $25 on Ebay! Bless.
Room's looking a bit neater but still very WW2-like. Big bed coming on Tuesday! :D
Got a long-ass day tomorrow. But here's some first-time experiences i've had since I got here;
1) Experienced a 4.7-magnitude earthquake, my uncle's house was MOVING. It was the freakiest thing.
2) Drove past a big group of nude people on bicycles. It was cold as hell, god knows what they were on.
3) Freaky stalkers.
4) Conversed with my new neighbours. They threw a lighter from their balcony to mine cos I left mine at Sanjay's. Take note - I live on the 3rd floor.
I think the classic moment was when someone kicked the ball behind the shed and when Ephraim disappeared behind to get it, all we heard was CRASHING. Like he was falling all over the place.
After about 3 vodka cruisers, weird melon shisha, 2 shots of Grousse (which aren't supposed to be taken as shots but I didn't know that), some weird drink Ephraim couldn't finish, and then another one, my stomach caved and I vomited. In a plastic bag. That had a hole. So that of course created a lovely mess. A mess of myself and less so the floor.
It was only just past midnight. Haha!
So after Sanjay passed me a change of clothes I KO-ed in his room. Forgot to warn him about my sleep-talking and curling-up-like-a-foetus tendencies. The next morning his 2 other housemates were still up, pissed drunk. And still drinking.
But it was hella fun. Really was good to just chill with fun people and share a gazillion laughs. The cold didn't matter after awhile.
Went to Ikea today and blew a bit on necessities. Still couldn't buy my table. But I found a bigger version of it going for $25 on Ebay! Bless.
Room's looking a bit neater but still very WW2-like. Big bed coming on Tuesday! :D
Got a long-ass day tomorrow. But here's some first-time experiences i've had since I got here;
1) Experienced a 4.7-magnitude earthquake, my uncle's house was MOVING. It was the freakiest thing.
2) Drove past a big group of nude people on bicycles. It was cold as hell, god knows what they were on.
3) Freaky stalkers.
4) Conversed with my new neighbours. They threw a lighter from their balcony to mine cos I left mine at Sanjay's. Take note - I live on the 3rd floor.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
the best coldplay photo i have this time around....
I forgot to mention, there's a guy that looks like Adam Levine that lives in these apartments. I held the door open for him once cos he had his hands full when I went to see Bidina off after she lovingly helped me carry groceries back to my apartment from Safeway.
Just in case you forgot what Adam Levine looks like.....
Friday, March 13, 2009
a happy update!
Living in the city is the shiz. Takes me 15 minutes to walk to school. 15 minutes to walk to Big W <3 and Safeway. I could blow a lot of money at Big W, but i'm quite good about not doing that. I did however buy a pair of adorable bedroom slippers and lookalike Vans slip-ons. Newfound vet friend Bidina also bought the same pair, but we had a pact to not wear them on the same day. Hahaha.
Went to visit Roti the ferret at Ting's place on Southbank. She was cooking dinner too! So I bought them ice cream. Roti was adorable as always, and she even fell asleep as I cradled her. But she was already pretty sleepy.. So..
The apartment is lovely. The fridge is bare though, so I bought some junk like frozen pizza and fries and tim tams. And sandwich-making food. Because I told myself I will not buy food from school cos it's just too expensive.
School is... Awesome for a change. So far everything i've learnt is pretty basic, and I managed to get my African Drum and Dance elective. I dropped Japanese for it though. I just can't do a language right now! I need time to get my bearings straight first. Drum and Dance was fantastic though. I had the most fun ever and made some cool friends. Bidina dropped French and will be joining me next week!
Over the next 3 days i'll be buying myself a nice big double bed. A 5 month old set for $175. I'd consider it a pretty solid investment. And people can come stay over with me! Fun! A nice mover man named Frank will be dragging the mattress up 3 storeys for $45. So that leaves me with a decent amount to buy a desk, chair, storage boxes, lamp, shelves, amongst other things to jazz up my little space.
The good thing about this place is that it isn't student accomodation. So it's a nice multiracial mix of Asians and Australians. Ting's coming over tomorrow to see the place, and Saturday's Sanjay's birthday party and housewarming so I hope to get proper drunk. Then Sunday it's Ikea Day!
Tomorrow I feel like buying some posters. Every first week of each semester a poster guy comes and sells ridiculously nice posters at ridiculously cheap prices. $20 bucks for a giant wall poster. And I really mean giant. Same for door posters. Regular posters (which are also pretty big)? $11! They've got movie posters, Audrey Hepburn/Marilyn Monroe, anime, abstract art, beach photography amongst a hell of a lot more. I might pick up a few. Or just one. Considering how much i've spent already and will be spending by the end of this week :(
Must. Get. Job.
Must. Sell. Wholesale. Clothes!
Must.... make friends to have regular drinking nights...
Went to visit Roti the ferret at Ting's place on Southbank. She was cooking dinner too! So I bought them ice cream. Roti was adorable as always, and she even fell asleep as I cradled her. But she was already pretty sleepy.. So..
The apartment is lovely. The fridge is bare though, so I bought some junk like frozen pizza and fries and tim tams. And sandwich-making food. Because I told myself I will not buy food from school cos it's just too expensive.
School is... Awesome for a change. So far everything i've learnt is pretty basic, and I managed to get my African Drum and Dance elective. I dropped Japanese for it though. I just can't do a language right now! I need time to get my bearings straight first. Drum and Dance was fantastic though. I had the most fun ever and made some cool friends. Bidina dropped French and will be joining me next week!
Over the next 3 days i'll be buying myself a nice big double bed. A 5 month old set for $175. I'd consider it a pretty solid investment. And people can come stay over with me! Fun! A nice mover man named Frank will be dragging the mattress up 3 storeys for $45. So that leaves me with a decent amount to buy a desk, chair, storage boxes, lamp, shelves, amongst other things to jazz up my little space.
The good thing about this place is that it isn't student accomodation. So it's a nice multiracial mix of Asians and Australians. Ting's coming over tomorrow to see the place, and Saturday's Sanjay's birthday party and housewarming so I hope to get proper drunk. Then Sunday it's Ikea Day!
Tomorrow I feel like buying some posters. Every first week of each semester a poster guy comes and sells ridiculously nice posters at ridiculously cheap prices. $20 bucks for a giant wall poster. And I really mean giant. Same for door posters. Regular posters (which are also pretty big)? $11! They've got movie posters, Audrey Hepburn/Marilyn Monroe, anime, abstract art, beach photography amongst a hell of a lot more. I might pick up a few. Or just one. Considering how much i've spent already and will be spending by the end of this week :(
Must. Get. Job.
Must. Sell. Wholesale. Clothes!
Must.... make friends to have regular drinking nights...
Sunday, March 08, 2009
inner city living here i come!
Today feels a bit more upbeat becauseeee.... I'm moving to the city tomorrow! Woohoo!
A rough idea of where it is;

If you need my address you know where to find me! Also it's quite a sizable apartment, i'm considering investing in a double bed :DD so if anyone comes to visit there's ample space to sleep. I also have a giganto cupboard!
I've been through my first week of school and it's not SO bad. A lot of it is stuff I already know, but forgot, and like 30% new stuff. But that's just from the first week so you never know. By the way if you don't already know this, my first year is a PRE-VET year. So I don't actually learn anything in the veterinary field just yet. This year is purely science subjects. Which kinda sucks but it's a good warm-up.
School is pretty nice I guess, i've made some cool friends so at least now i'll be able to meet my friends in the city without worrying about a curfew.
I've also indicated where the ghettos are. Yes, they're in very close proximity to school. Along these streets you'll find very shabby shitty rundown townhouses and public housing for the refugees. These areas are also hotzones for crime, so even though the rent is cheap in these areas, as a girl it's best to avoid them.
Granted, in Melbourne there are dodgy weirdoes EVERYWHERE, but less so and more so in different areas. Just the other day before Coldplay, Eunice was telling me about a hobo who was following her near Victoria St and asked for change, then saw her $20 note and demanded for it. Worst thing was, she was alone, the street was empty, and it was almost dark, so she couldn't protest.
But anyway, this place i'm moving into tomorrow won't be entirely permanent. It's slightly on the higher end of my budget, so it makes extra spending very tight. The lease ends at the end of the year, but I may choose to move out earlier if I have friends who want to find a place with me. The best value's a 3 bedroom apartment. Plus, it's almost always ridiculously HUGE.
But obviously that plan didn't go too well, thus the random room in someone else's apartment. After a few months living there hopefully property agents will give me a chance. But for now, i'm thankful for a roof over my head that's near school.
A rough idea of where it is;
If you need my address you know where to find me! Also it's quite a sizable apartment, i'm considering investing in a double bed :DD so if anyone comes to visit there's ample space to sleep. I also have a giganto cupboard!
I've been through my first week of school and it's not SO bad. A lot of it is stuff I already know, but forgot, and like 30% new stuff. But that's just from the first week so you never know. By the way if you don't already know this, my first year is a PRE-VET year. So I don't actually learn anything in the veterinary field just yet. This year is purely science subjects. Which kinda sucks but it's a good warm-up.
School is pretty nice I guess, i've made some cool friends so at least now i'll be able to meet my friends in the city without worrying about a curfew.
I've also indicated where the ghettos are. Yes, they're in very close proximity to school. Along these streets you'll find very shabby shitty rundown townhouses and public housing for the refugees. These areas are also hotzones for crime, so even though the rent is cheap in these areas, as a girl it's best to avoid them.
Granted, in Melbourne there are dodgy weirdoes EVERYWHERE, but less so and more so in different areas. Just the other day before Coldplay, Eunice was telling me about a hobo who was following her near Victoria St and asked for change, then saw her $20 note and demanded for it. Worst thing was, she was alone, the street was empty, and it was almost dark, so she couldn't protest.
But anyway, this place i'm moving into tomorrow won't be entirely permanent. It's slightly on the higher end of my budget, so it makes extra spending very tight. The lease ends at the end of the year, but I may choose to move out earlier if I have friends who want to find a place with me. The best value's a 3 bedroom apartment. Plus, it's almost always ridiculously HUGE.
But obviously that plan didn't go too well, thus the random room in someone else's apartment. After a few months living there hopefully property agents will give me a chance. But for now, i'm thankful for a roof over my head that's near school.
missing my animalz.
Dog is possibly the most adorable dog ever. Aresha called me on Skype and put Dog on. This is her reaction when I started calling her;

When I started waving to her she raised her paw. :((
I also miss these guys like crazy.
When I started waving to her she raised her paw. :((
I also miss these guys like crazy.
Friday, March 06, 2009
And the night over Melbourne rang.....
Coldplay was of course, awesome. But I still think Twisted Logic was waaaay better. Maybe cos I was sitting in a crowd of wet blankets? I was fine by myself, screaming the lyrics etc etc but nobody stood up during most of the songs. Not even Viva La Vida. Didn't sway their phones to Yellow.
Made me wish I was downstairs in the General Admission area. I would've gladly skipped school again to camp outside so I get the best view possible. Even if I didn't manage that, at least i'd have a bunch of screaming fans to sing and jump around with. It was just too chillax in my area. Despite the 'restricted view', I ended up with seats pretty close to the stage!
Guy Berryman <3 Loved the tight pants. Thankfully for me, Meijuan's friends Joy and Eunice were also going so I met them before and after. Had to walk across a park to get to Meijuan's cos I was spending the night, and I just had to look over my shoulder every 5 seconds. Paranoia? Maybe. I was clutching the bag Meijuan oh-so-kindly lent to me, ready to sprint in a split-second.
Takes some getting used to I guess. In Singapore there was never a time I feared for my security walking through somewhere like town.
Oh, there is no god. I didn't get 56 Leicester Street. MICM Property screwed me over. I hope this whole apartment deal settles soon... Otherwise I might end up a couch hobo. A cobo. Eheh. Hoping for a chance to get drunk this weekend.
The Killers will be playing in April, Lily Allen and Pink in June, N.E.R.D and Basement Jaxx in 2 days, and so, so much more. One thing I love about this place is the endless concerts. I will gladly forgo shopping to attend all the lovely music festivals.
Today's weather was fucked up. Rainy, and I had no hoodie or a thicker jacket. It was definitely below 19deg. God forbid I fall sick tomorrow. It was really quite miserable weather. I'm gonna have to start layering my clothes. The white girls here do it so well! Maybe i'll pay Camberwell Market a visit this Sunday :D
I have also begun a diet of hot chocolate and heavy smoking. I know it's hardly healthy... Hot chocolate - Lovely in the cold weather. Menthol cigs - Lovely in the cold weather. What to do?
Waking up at 7.30am tomorrow for a 10am class. Yes, I really do stay that far. Aresha leaves for SG tomorrow as well, so I hope I can run things smoothly on my own.
Hope everyone's taking care of themselves. Coldplay pics in the next post! :D
Made me wish I was downstairs in the General Admission area. I would've gladly skipped school again to camp outside so I get the best view possible. Even if I didn't manage that, at least i'd have a bunch of screaming fans to sing and jump around with. It was just too chillax in my area. Despite the 'restricted view', I ended up with seats pretty close to the stage!
Guy Berryman <3 Loved the tight pants. Thankfully for me, Meijuan's friends Joy and Eunice were also going so I met them before and after. Had to walk across a park to get to Meijuan's cos I was spending the night, and I just had to look over my shoulder every 5 seconds. Paranoia? Maybe. I was clutching the bag Meijuan oh-so-kindly lent to me, ready to sprint in a split-second.
Takes some getting used to I guess. In Singapore there was never a time I feared for my security walking through somewhere like town.
Oh, there is no god. I didn't get 56 Leicester Street. MICM Property screwed me over. I hope this whole apartment deal settles soon... Otherwise I might end up a couch hobo. A cobo. Eheh. Hoping for a chance to get drunk this weekend.
The Killers will be playing in April, Lily Allen and Pink in June, N.E.R.D and Basement Jaxx in 2 days, and so, so much more. One thing I love about this place is the endless concerts. I will gladly forgo shopping to attend all the lovely music festivals.
Today's weather was fucked up. Rainy, and I had no hoodie or a thicker jacket. It was definitely below 19deg. God forbid I fall sick tomorrow. It was really quite miserable weather. I'm gonna have to start layering my clothes. The white girls here do it so well! Maybe i'll pay Camberwell Market a visit this Sunday :D
I have also begun a diet of hot chocolate and heavy smoking. I know it's hardly healthy... Hot chocolate - Lovely in the cold weather. Menthol cigs - Lovely in the cold weather. What to do?
Waking up at 7.30am tomorrow for a 10am class. Yes, I really do stay that far. Aresha leaves for SG tomorrow as well, so I hope I can run things smoothly on my own.
Hope everyone's taking care of themselves. Coldplay pics in the next post! :D
Monday, March 02, 2009
if there's a god....
56 Leicester Street.
There is nowhere else.
I HAVE to get that apartment. Must. I will kill for it.
Who wouldn't want a penthouse apartment 5 mins from everything, including school&Queen Vic market, at less than $800 a month?
I guess I could settle for the swankiness of Southbank or perhaps Little Lonsdale Street... But.. The moment I stepped into that apartment. It immediately spoke to me. It is the one.
I could settle for Geetha's or Marese's living rooms for the time being. But ugh, living out of my suitcase sucks balls. I want a desk! A cupboard! Some shelves! JUST STORAGE SPACE! Wa :(
Aresha's now playing on Kiss FM, an Aussie radio station. Live. Woo! Go Aresha!
The flea markets here really are flea markets. Brand new clothes, stolen or otherwise, sold DIRT CHEAP! I bought a brand new lovely high waisted sportsgirl skirt for $10, originally $90. Black flexible fedora - $3! Checkered punk-ish blazer-type jacket - $10. And the vintage here is REAL DEAL vintage. Not the fake lookalike bullshite in Singapore. When I get my apartment i'm gonna buy a vintage suitcase for kicks. Just to jazz up my... storage space.
And vintage here doesn't try to exploit buyers. $20 bucks for a large vintage suitcase. $15 or less for a genuine vintage tote. I haven't been shopping much... And there was a lot I had to pass on cos I simply can't spend much. But i'm here for 5 years, so i'm sure i'll be able to collect a lot of crap over that period.
P/s: You know you want vintage things. And you know where to find me! So if I ever announce here that i'll be visiting a flea market, drop me a msg if you want something in particular (suitcases, totes, belts, boots, clothes even vintage toys, vinyls and books) and i'll do my best to find what you want. I'll post it over if you need it A.S.A.P! :)
There is nowhere else.
I HAVE to get that apartment. Must. I will kill for it.
Who wouldn't want a penthouse apartment 5 mins from everything, including school&Queen Vic market, at less than $800 a month?
I guess I could settle for the swankiness of Southbank or perhaps Little Lonsdale Street... But.. The moment I stepped into that apartment. It immediately spoke to me. It is the one.
I could settle for Geetha's or Marese's living rooms for the time being. But ugh, living out of my suitcase sucks balls. I want a desk! A cupboard! Some shelves! JUST STORAGE SPACE! Wa :(
Aresha's now playing on Kiss FM, an Aussie radio station. Live. Woo! Go Aresha!
The flea markets here really are flea markets. Brand new clothes, stolen or otherwise, sold DIRT CHEAP! I bought a brand new lovely high waisted sportsgirl skirt for $10, originally $90. Black flexible fedora - $3! Checkered punk-ish blazer-type jacket - $10. And the vintage here is REAL DEAL vintage. Not the fake lookalike bullshite in Singapore. When I get my apartment i'm gonna buy a vintage suitcase for kicks. Just to jazz up my... storage space.
And vintage here doesn't try to exploit buyers. $20 bucks for a large vintage suitcase. $15 or less for a genuine vintage tote. I haven't been shopping much... And there was a lot I had to pass on cos I simply can't spend much. But i'm here for 5 years, so i'm sure i'll be able to collect a lot of crap over that period.
P/s: You know you want vintage things. And you know where to find me! So if I ever announce here that i'll be visiting a flea market, drop me a msg if you want something in particular (suitcases, totes, belts, boots, clothes even vintage toys, vinyls and books) and i'll do my best to find what you want. I'll post it over if you need it A.S.A.P! :)
Friday, February 27, 2009
solly ahx
Been busy. And tired. But things are looking up. I've found 2 housemates and gorgeous potential apartments that fall nicely into my budget. My mom... has apologised. Indirectly. Oh well. I appreciate it anyway. Can't stay angry forever.
Small updates;
x I can't take African Drumming cos my course isn't under the god damned Melbourne Model. Am taking the language of Nippon instead.
x Went for Victoria and St Kilda night markets, both of which were kickass awesome yet again I found it difficult to part with moolah.
x Got some cute boys here I must admit. One random cute guy in a small rainbow songkok-type hat asked me about relationships. I misheard it as 'Malaysian ships'.
x My Coldplay seat has a restricted view D:
x It's not THAT bad staying here in the suburbs, just gotta put up with no social life. But my relatives make me feel like every shady looking guy here is a rapist. Oh that includes Indian cabbies.
x Shopping here is orgasmic. I have resolved to limit myself to one expensive dress a month. And other random cheap things.
x I have 3 places to get tattoos done. Hopefully all by this year.
x Things that I miss terribly already : Driving aimlessly, Dog, Rasputin&Stalin, Smellybro Ashwin, my lovely number1s, Raushan, exploring/ghost-hunting till 5-6am with the boys.. The list goes on.
And on.
Small updates;
x I can't take African Drumming cos my course isn't under the god damned Melbourne Model. Am taking the language of Nippon instead.
x Went for Victoria and St Kilda night markets, both of which were kickass awesome yet again I found it difficult to part with moolah.
x Got some cute boys here I must admit. One random cute guy in a small rainbow songkok-type hat asked me about relationships. I misheard it as 'Malaysian ships'.
x My Coldplay seat has a restricted view D:
x It's not THAT bad staying here in the suburbs, just gotta put up with no social life. But my relatives make me feel like every shady looking guy here is a rapist. Oh that includes Indian cabbies.
x Shopping here is orgasmic. I have resolved to limit myself to one expensive dress a month. And other random cheap things.
x I have 3 places to get tattoos done. Hopefully all by this year.
x Things that I miss terribly already : Driving aimlessly, Dog, Rasputin&Stalin, Smellybro Ashwin, my lovely number1s, Raushan, exploring/ghost-hunting till 5-6am with the boys.. The list goes on.
And on.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
and suddenly the world got a little bit colder...
But I manage. At Westpac yesterday, out of my frustration that the toilets were locked cos banks close early, I pretended to samurai slice the door with my hand thinking the lift was empty. I was mistaken.
Staying in the suburbs, though far from the city, I feel suffocated with nothingness. A blank. I'd love to run around the city in my green dress and purple cardigan with pink socks and checkered sneakers, enjoying a smoke(or two) while watching the abundance of street buskers and night time chessboards. Alone.
I want to;
Stay in the city
Enrol in my god damn African Drumming elective
Take up Capoeira in Collingwood
Start my little business (plz HSBC do not disappoint me)
Make more friends..... But I have no social life. Not yet anyway.
I don't hate rich kids... But I hate the security they have. To have peace of mind. Okay not hate... Just extreme jealousy. I don't want to feel bitter over the next 5 years towards my parents, but its a very likely possibility. I feel this extreme impulse to just blow my savings on rent for the next few months instead of painstakingly commuting for over an hour every day.
But i'd never do that. I'm the 'calculated risks' sort. Ugh. Money money money. Why does Vet Science cost SO GOD DAMN MUCH! FUCKING GREEDY BASTURDS!
(fyi: returns are shit after graduation, so get it out of your head that vets make 20k a month)
Staying in the suburbs, though far from the city, I feel suffocated with nothingness. A blank. I'd love to run around the city in my green dress and purple cardigan with pink socks and checkered sneakers, enjoying a smoke(or two) while watching the abundance of street buskers and night time chessboards. Alone.
I want to;
Stay in the city
Enrol in my god damn African Drumming elective
Take up Capoeira in Collingwood
Start my little business (plz HSBC do not disappoint me)
Make more friends..... But I have no social life. Not yet anyway.
I don't hate rich kids... But I hate the security they have. To have peace of mind. Okay not hate... Just extreme jealousy. I don't want to feel bitter over the next 5 years towards my parents, but its a very likely possibility. I feel this extreme impulse to just blow my savings on rent for the next few months instead of painstakingly commuting for over an hour every day.
But i'd never do that. I'm the 'calculated risks' sort. Ugh. Money money money. Why does Vet Science cost SO GOD DAMN MUCH! FUCKING GREEDY BASTURDS!
(fyi: returns are shit after graduation, so get it out of your head that vets make 20k a month)
Friday, February 20, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
After a 7 hour plane ride and getting a headache waiting for my 30kilo grey monster of a suitcase to appear on the belt, i'm in Melbourne.
I left with a heavy heart - I had the worst send off that could possibly exist. The last 2 weeks with the passing of my granddad, and now the true ugliness has come forth. Money is the root of all evil especially when it isn't yours. I really hope my granddad left absolutely nothing for us, then everyone would just SHUT THE HELL UP.
Then again. I'm here for 5 years. New environment, new people. New life. I just want to molt like a reptile and shed the burdens of yesterday.
After a 7 hour plane ride and getting a headache waiting for my 30kilo grey monster of a suitcase to appear on the belt, i'm in Melbourne.
I left with a heavy heart - I had the worst send off that could possibly exist. The last 2 weeks with the passing of my granddad, and now the true ugliness has come forth. Money is the root of all evil especially when it isn't yours. I really hope my granddad left absolutely nothing for us, then everyone would just SHUT THE HELL UP.
Then again. I'm here for 5 years. New environment, new people. New life. I just want to molt like a reptile and shed the burdens of yesterday.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
thank you....
Trust you guys to throw a surprise! I love surprises. And yes I will hang the frame and keep the scrapbook nicely :)
I'll be at Rebel this Friday, most likely after 11pm. So everyone! If you're free do come and bring friends! It's my last night to partay so i'm gonna get nice and drunk. I wouldn't dance to trashy hip hop otherwise.
Omg 6 days 6 days 6 days.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
All those born before a particular year have no record of their date of birth if they can no longer remember it, or was never told when they were born. That leaves you any date to celebrate your birthday :)

I'm glad there was a way to ease your pain before your passing, and how adamant that we would never leave you alone at any point. I'm glad I made you smile as I held your hand just before things took a different turn.
You left a legacy behind, something we can all learn from. You worked your way up from just the clothes on your back, selling WWII rations on the black market, laundering for the Japanese, played a part in the British Air Force.. It's all so astounding. It'd be difficult to work up to barely a fraction of what you've achieved.
Singh Tailor will forever remain an icon in Changi, and the respect you commended will never be forgotten.
Please watch over Nani while you're up there, she misses you the most.
I'm glad there was a way to ease your pain before your passing, and how adamant that we would never leave you alone at any point. I'm glad I made you smile as I held your hand just before things took a different turn.
You left a legacy behind, something we can all learn from. You worked your way up from just the clothes on your back, selling WWII rations on the black market, laundering for the Japanese, played a part in the British Air Force.. It's all so astounding. It'd be difficult to work up to barely a fraction of what you've achieved.
Singh Tailor will forever remain an icon in Changi, and the respect you commended will never be forgotten.
Please watch over Nani while you're up there, she misses you the most.
Friday, February 06, 2009
send me to outer space
Thousand Apologies. *cue indian accent*
Really. Things haven't been going too good. The Singapore gangster, AKA the reputable Mr Baboo Singh from Changi Village is reaching the end of this tether, and despite the despair, he's lived a full life. So we can only hope he has an equally fulfilling afterlife (money & women, the very words from his own mouth) and that it's as painless as it can possibly be.
Juggling rotating shifts at the hospital and trying to meet friends after is extremely taxing. It's been a crazy past 4 days. I haven't been picking up my phone much or replying to my messages, and i'm really sorry for that! Really. Esp Yigang who's been trying so hard to call me. I'm very sorry.
After the Prodigy, which was awesome beyond words (and definitely one of those must-see bands in anyone's lifetime) we grabbed a quick supper, headed home, changed, and went straight to the hospital. Slept two hours Wednesday morning, and it was back to the hospital. When I eventually slept, I KO-ed for 8 hours straight, and still felt tired.
I wish I didn't need so much sleep! Am gonna sleep now so I get ample rest for the day shift tomorrow, then drinks later with friends. A week of madness.
Really. Things haven't been going too good. The Singapore gangster, AKA the reputable Mr Baboo Singh from Changi Village is reaching the end of this tether, and despite the despair, he's lived a full life. So we can only hope he has an equally fulfilling afterlife (money & women, the very words from his own mouth) and that it's as painless as it can possibly be.
Juggling rotating shifts at the hospital and trying to meet friends after is extremely taxing. It's been a crazy past 4 days. I haven't been picking up my phone much or replying to my messages, and i'm really sorry for that! Really. Esp Yigang who's been trying so hard to call me. I'm very sorry.
After the Prodigy, which was awesome beyond words (and definitely one of those must-see bands in anyone's lifetime) we grabbed a quick supper, headed home, changed, and went straight to the hospital. Slept two hours Wednesday morning, and it was back to the hospital. When I eventually slept, I KO-ed for 8 hours straight, and still felt tired.
I wish I didn't need so much sleep! Am gonna sleep now so I get ample rest for the day shift tomorrow, then drinks later with friends. A week of madness.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
If it weren't for my sister I probably would never have listened to The Prodigy before I turned 10. It grew on me, for sure. My sister used to blast it every morning as she got ready for school, while I groaned away and tried to get back to sleep (afternoon session lah).
When I didn't need sleep though, I actually enjoyed it. I listened to everything up till the Fat of the Land, courtesy of Aresha. However, subsequent albums are just lost on me.... But i'll go absolutely jizz-in-my-pants crazy the moment I hear an old school track. They MUST play the classics... Firestarter, Voodoo People, Breathe, Charly, Fire, Out of Space and this is a definite 100% must... Smack My Bitch Up. And bonus points if they play Break And Enter. I will dance my feet sore.
Can't wait to see Keith tear up the stage. Aresha also will have a jizz-in-my-pants moment for sure, she wanted to marry the guy when she was 14.

When I didn't need sleep though, I actually enjoyed it. I listened to everything up till the Fat of the Land, courtesy of Aresha. However, subsequent albums are just lost on me.... But i'll go absolutely jizz-in-my-pants crazy the moment I hear an old school track. They MUST play the classics... Firestarter, Voodoo People, Breathe, Charly, Fire, Out of Space and this is a definite 100% must... Smack My Bitch Up. And bonus points if they play Break And Enter. I will dance my feet sore.
Can't wait to see Keith tear up the stage. Aresha also will have a jizz-in-my-pants moment for sure, she wanted to marry the guy when she was 14.
Monday, February 02, 2009
the house of dreams
This video is trippy, but I love this song to bits. I love how ironic it is.
I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
And I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cuz I’m being taken over by the fear
I don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
And I don’t know how I’m meant to feel anymore
When do you think it will all become clear?
‘Cuz I’m being taken over by the fear
Saturday, January 31, 2009
meet stains, the dramatic cupcake dog.
I nearly pissed myself laughing at this. Even if Stains' expression is creepy, the music just makes it hilarious.
You'd almost feel... hypnotised into giving it a cupcake.
You'd almost feel... hypnotised into giving it a cupcake.
Friday, January 30, 2009
I've rekindled my love for bootcut jeans. Even so, I only bought 1 pair today at Levis. Bought denim skinnies. I've gone the entire year last year wearing black and grey skinnies. It's about time I bought more blue.
I will never touch multicoloured skinnies with a 10 foot pole. I did however, buy a long hooded purple cardigan from F21 - which is also my first buy from that useless shop. Crap quality clothes at stupid prices. But when I saw the lovely purple and tried it on, I just had to have it.
I still haven't really bought much. My mom INSISTS I buy thicker tops, even after I told her it's better to layer clothes. So what's new!
Batam update soon! Got shitloads to do. And i've got 17 days left! I can wait to leave, but I can't wait to see prospective aparments :D
I will never touch multicoloured skinnies with a 10 foot pole. I did however, buy a long hooded purple cardigan from F21 - which is also my first buy from that useless shop. Crap quality clothes at stupid prices. But when I saw the lovely purple and tried it on, I just had to have it.
I still haven't really bought much. My mom INSISTS I buy thicker tops, even after I told her it's better to layer clothes. So what's new!
Batam update soon! Got shitloads to do. And i've got 17 days left! I can wait to leave, but I can't wait to see prospective aparments :D
Sunday, January 25, 2009
at home on a saturday night/sunday morning...
Because I spent the whole day out! Driving all over Harbourfront! But for a good cause. Assisting in the kidnapping of a blindfolded Raudhah from the Harbourfront bus stop was the most hilarious thing. And swerving the car all the way back to Labrador Park.
Before that tho... Had the shittiest sleep in the morning cos of the discomfort. Woke up, popped panadol and tried to make some spicy crabmeat linguine. EPIC FAIL
When I was done with it, my mom asked, "Why did you make your friends chinese noodles?"
It was too dry, and could've used more salt. Oh well.... could've been worse!
Had a good time at Labrador Park with the girls and the triple twentieth birthday! Happy belated/advanced 20th Yiling+Rau+Nurul!
Ryan showed us this awesome way of lighting a cigarette. Basically clench your fist but not completely, so you form something like a tunnel with your palm. Release the gas from your lighter into your fist for a sizeable number of seconds, before lighting up. FIREBALL IN YO' FIST!
Then you just hold it there long enough till your cig is lighted, or till it gets too hot. And sweaty palms are a plus.
Tomorrow spells a pedicure with Yigang, and i'll be able to wear my brand spankin' new Ray Ban Wayfarers! I don't care how it's overdone! I don't care how the replicas and fakes are everywhere! Mine is teh real deal so I don't give 2 shits! Woo!

Next pair : Aviators bitchezz!
Before that tho... Had the shittiest sleep in the morning cos of the discomfort. Woke up, popped panadol and tried to make some spicy crabmeat linguine. EPIC FAIL
When I was done with it, my mom asked, "Why did you make your friends chinese noodles?"
It was too dry, and could've used more salt. Oh well.... could've been worse!
Had a good time at Labrador Park with the girls and the triple twentieth birthday! Happy belated/advanced 20th Yiling+Rau+Nurul!
Ryan showed us this awesome way of lighting a cigarette. Basically clench your fist but not completely, so you form something like a tunnel with your palm. Release the gas from your lighter into your fist for a sizeable number of seconds, before lighting up. FIREBALL IN YO' FIST!
Then you just hold it there long enough till your cig is lighted, or till it gets too hot. And sweaty palms are a plus.
Tomorrow spells a pedicure with Yigang, and i'll be able to wear my brand spankin' new Ray Ban Wayfarers! I don't care how it's overdone! I don't care how the replicas and fakes are everywhere! Mine is teh real deal so I don't give 2 shits! Woo!
Next pair : Aviators bitchezz!
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