Before that tho... Had the shittiest sleep in the morning cos of the discomfort. Woke up, popped panadol and tried to make some spicy crabmeat linguine. EPIC FAIL
When I was done with it, my mom asked, "Why did you make your friends chinese noodles?"
It was too dry, and could've used more salt. Oh well.... could've been worse!
Had a good time at Labrador Park with the girls and the triple twentieth birthday! Happy belated/advanced 20th Yiling+Rau+Nurul!
Ryan showed us this awesome way of lighting a cigarette. Basically clench your fist but not completely, so you form something like a tunnel with your palm. Release the gas from your lighter into your fist for a sizeable number of seconds, before lighting up. FIREBALL IN YO' FIST!
Then you just hold it there long enough till your cig is lighted, or till it gets too hot. And sweaty palms are a plus.
Tomorrow spells a pedicure with Yigang, and i'll be able to wear my brand spankin' new Ray Ban Wayfarers! I don't care how it's overdone! I don't care how the replicas and fakes are everywhere! Mine is teh real deal so I don't give 2 shits! Woo!
Next pair : Aviators bitchezz!
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