I need to cut my fringe. Do you like my poster? I bought the pillow from Big W... I didn't intend to buy it at first. But the moment I felt it.. SOLD.
I got my lovely table yesterday. I managed to furnish my room for under $300. Excluding Frank, the Chinese mover for my bed who wanted to charge me more than the $45 he quoted. Ugh, Chinaman.
I need to buy a chair and a printer. And a small bookshelf. The previous housemate came to dismantle her fugly table, and she heard me say that cos I had no idea she was outside the main entrance to the apartment.
I MAY need to go to Dandenong for an African Drumming concert tomorrow... Which is like a gazillion hours away in the middle of nowhere. From the street view it looks a bit quiet so I'd prefer to not go alone? Bidina is MIA again.
By this semester I want to have mastered chicken rice and nasi lemak. Then we'll move on the harder stuff like noodles.
I supposedly was going bowling today, but apparently not. Howell. It's about time I christen my new table by studying.
I saw a bee cookie jar yesterday that was supposed to make a bzzz sound when opened. But it was making a whining sound - like dog. I wanted to get it for you but I scared it'll break. Bleh.
hahahahaha you could send me a recording!
hahah pa just read your blog post over my shoulder and he said "YA' damn loud when he read 'christen my new table by studying' hahaha. He says (on his own fatbellied accord) hello!
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