Took this when I was running around Bourke St with Joy, Meijuan and Mickey as they were shopping. The grafitti filled lorongs really make the city nice and colourful.
On my birthday it was a max of 33 degrees, and about 24 degrees at night. It felt almost EXACTLY like Singapore. Subsequently the weather's been chilly, and next week spells no more hot sunny days. Need to invest in more leggings + thicker jackets!
Tomorrow i'm going to cook mee goreng mamak. Am super excited. Still got a lot of chicken rice left over from last week (yes I cooked it) so it'd be good to have some variety. Kangkong tomorrow too.
I'm gonna try my hand at baked apples tonight. Maple syrup and hazelnut chocolate spread! Don't you wish I was your housemate? :D
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