Sunday, June 10, 2007


Despite everything said and done, it's still the same fucking story over and over isn't it? Gah.

This feeling sucks balls man.


The school week is finally over, and it's back to holiday mode again. YAY! Went on a very very unfruitful shopping session with Yigang yesterday. Normally I do like to shop, and with a monthly block allowance the prices go a lot easier on the eyes than before, but after looking at rows after rows of what looks like the 10 millionth mod/retro dress/top you kinda get thrown off shopping entirely.

Finding the perfect skirt was also a bitch and a half. I still haven't though. I think i'd rather shop on weekdays cause the Saturday crowd is madness.

Mom's off again to KL for 3 days. Only. Quite sad la. I will of course be going out tonight and tomorrow night, I hope. Tuesday's Sentosa day with the darlings! Man. I have to put up with so many wretched people save for them. Don't know what i'd do without them :D

Last night I couldn't meet Mon to drink but but but.... He came right to my gate and put a box on the pillar. I insisted he didn't and that he could pass it to me another day but it was a no-win situation cause all I could do was protest from my window.

But now I have these! Thankyouthankyouthankyou Mon! They're lovely and I will be paying you back. I will. Shut up.

This holiday's been pretty good to me, I guess. I'm rewatching The OC Season 3 on the iPod. Yay me!

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