So I kinda noticed that if my hands have nowhere to go when i'm taking a photo, they decide to make me look as spastic as possible. Honest.
I sent an email to the Royal Veterinary College in London about their admissions. From the looks of it, even before applying I don't think i'll get it. Cause of the fucking admission dates! Grr. I'm practically begging them for provisional entry. Chances are slim, but hey at least I tried.
I'm anxiously waiting for their reply, though I know what its gonna be. But I'm thankful they don't have one of those automatic response bots. God I hate those.
More pictures!
Now I know why we're sisters.
Fi's 17th. I know this is like 6 months old but.... I don't care haha. I just like these cam-whore shots we took while waiting for Nurul to bring Fi so we could surprise her.
Halloween with the class last year -
I have a tendency to look retarded in photos. On purpose.
Remember (or not) we visited some Malaysian flying club!
Ash the co-pilot!
Views from the Cessna!
I had no idea that was what it's called! Did you? Hahahoho.
This is Captain Gopal. He's my father and he can kick your father's ass any day. No la no la haha I just needed to give this a macho caption.
My room is totally orange and red. I don't know how I tahan. Ikea bedsheet colours!
"Why do you keep doing this to me?"
I swear it's frustrating having such a pretty dog that HATES to have her photo taken.
I walked out of the house one day... to find my dog having an emo moment in the corner of the driveway.
So I went to investigate.
What to do? I can't remember, but I probably ran around the house with her after that. :D
Photobucket is a cheeeeeebai and a half.
I have no idea what she's doing.
"Please, pretty please no more photos?"
I suppose this is her posing for the camera. I... don't know.
Road Run! It was in February... I think.
Not a very impressive sandcastle but a ginormous sandcastle nonetheless.
This is Samuel Soon. He is the coolest boy ever and weighs less than me (i think).
He has the most memorable quotes.
"Aku main mak kau semalam."
That's just one of the many.
I can run faster than you. But.... not longer.
Chingay came to Simpang Bedok ho mai gord! Here's a lousay ass photo from my lousay ass camera.
Cheeeeena New year at our tutor's houssseee.
Tossing Yu Sheng. I said some chinese words I didn't understand before pouring some sauce in. My inner chinese was so proud.
Me and Kenneth... Well before he stopped talking to me. :/
Yeah come on you saw a retarded photo coming didn't you.
MJ and I walking back after dinner at Miss You Cafe :D
May Babies barbequeeeee at some condo at Bedok Reservoir
The lights on the roof. Pretty, yes, but it made the place so stinkin' hot.
This is Ryan's talking-to-Sharon face. Well, everyone looks like that when they talk to Sharon.
Mark Channnnnn. Someone, after an entire year, I've come to respect.
Yes this is my msn dp. Not as nice blown up is it? Heh.
Lastlyyyyy... and most recently, the girlies in Sentosa! Yay! But these are only a few from the bunch of photos.
Trying to take a group shot. I look terrible, as always.
Oops missed out Yiling.
Dammit. Now my giant head is blocking Su.
AGAIN Yiling is missing.
Finally! Though Yiling's head is a bit chopped off haha.
We're the only two who ever wear bikinis. Hmph. Nevermind. Next year my birthday i'll make you all wear bikinis! Roar! Mwahaha.
About time, a photo with all 7 of us. Love them so much la.
Ya so your torture is finally over.
Wait. Not yet.
It's retarded? Well at least it made Mimi's day hahahaha. I dunno what i'd do to see a guy dance like that.
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