Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I want to watch it tomorrow. I might be. I hope so.

I love getting to know new people. Its so exciting.

I stayed up till 3am last night talking to someone new. But actually I was helping Mimi with Math.

Still, it was fun though I only got 3 hours of sleep before my math paper. Which I screwed up, along with the rest of the TPJC math-taking student population.

I didn't touch math for 3 weeks up till yesterday. I practiced and everything, but I guess it all kinda leaked out during the 3 weeks of nonsense. And when they say you should sleep early before a math paper, they weren't kidding. I was making the stupidest mistakes and thank god they gave us an extra 20 minutes. So I could backtrack and do those questions again.

3 hours 20 minutes sitting and writing answers that are mostly probably wrong. But hey at least I tried till the very last minute, though I wanted to give up halfway haha.

Ok on this blog that nobody reads I swear I will start mugging next week. It's not a choice. IT WAS NEVER A CHOICE! RAR!

Time for a nap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HEY! i always read! :D and sorry about the over generalisation about the Coach bags =x