Things I need to do err.. Soon:
1) Buy those beautiful black and gold puma shoes for school
2) Set up my bank account
3) Go to Ikea to buy storage boxes and whathaveyou
4) Meet Adeana for lunch
5) Watch Wallace and Gromit!
7) Buy that $55 topshop skirt before the sale ends
8) Buy brand new stationery for schoooool
9) stuff.
Yeah. I think there's more but I just forgot. Most important would be buying my new school shoes. Ahhhh I can't wait. They're actually track shoes but I couldn't give two shits lah. They look nice, so there. I was gonna set up my bank account today but it closed by the time I got there.
Franz is coming to Singapore!! Oh mah gawd. I'm trying to psycho Nicholas into going with me, but he turned down his own girlfriend, the horrible guy he is, so chances are I might psycho Surin. Nyeh. Or maybe I can find some cool TPJC people to go with. Best lah.
I will psycho ma into buying it for me. I'm such a manipulative bitch, no? Well I don't care. It can be an advanced birthday present for all I care. I'll buy it myself should my evil plan fail.
Ahhh the TPJC girl called me that day!! So exciting! Rolling stones, group 2. La dee dah. There's gonna be orientation night on friday!!! How much fun is that gonna be man. If we have to dress up, I think i'll just wear my prom dress and my brown converse. Mwahaha.
My darling primary school classmate of six years is going to TPJC too! How cool is that. That'll be like... 12 years of knowing each other! Woot!
Ugh. There's that oily smell in the air. You know. That oily kinda smell.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Wala wala woo woo!
Today was another mundane day. Lazed around at home, made plans to go to Ikea and the Killiney rd sale in the evening.
The sale was shit. It supposed to have FCUK, Victoria's Secret, Quiksilver and whatnot, and it did. But the designs looked so FAKE and chingchong that we didn't buy anything, except a baby t-shirt for one of Gary's friend's kids from Oshkosh.
Ended up not going to Ikea cause of how crowded it was, picked up Gary and Small and went to Dempsey's Hut near MoFA, or Samy's Curry, whichever you're more familiar with after getting lost about 2 times. Finally got my period today. I'm so sick of this shitty feeling, that immobilizing feeling that has be wasting a whole day at home. Aresha agreed that I should try out birth control, cause it's been known to reduce cramps and period flow, AND ACNE.
All 3 problems I am dying to get rid of. She said she'd get it in Thailand so I don't need to pay consultation fees here to get them instead. However, birth control doesn't automatically grant me the means to fuck whoever I want, all you morons out there. Like Aresha said, it doesn't stop disease.
Chances are, if it clears my acne and reduces cramps and period flow, i'll stop and see if it comes back. If it does then die die take again lah.
Ahh, my cramps are acting up, and my back is aching as a result. So, GOOTENNIGHTEN.
The sale was shit. It supposed to have FCUK, Victoria's Secret, Quiksilver and whatnot, and it did. But the designs looked so FAKE and chingchong that we didn't buy anything, except a baby t-shirt for one of Gary's friend's kids from Oshkosh.
Ended up not going to Ikea cause of how crowded it was, picked up Gary and Small and went to Dempsey's Hut near MoFA, or Samy's Curry, whichever you're more familiar with after getting lost about 2 times. Finally got my period today. I'm so sick of this shitty feeling, that immobilizing feeling that has be wasting a whole day at home. Aresha agreed that I should try out birth control, cause it's been known to reduce cramps and period flow, AND ACNE.
All 3 problems I am dying to get rid of. She said she'd get it in Thailand so I don't need to pay consultation fees here to get them instead. However, birth control doesn't automatically grant me the means to fuck whoever I want, all you morons out there. Like Aresha said, it doesn't stop disease.
Chances are, if it clears my acne and reduces cramps and period flow, i'll stop and see if it comes back. If it does then die die take again lah.
Ahh, my cramps are acting up, and my back is aching as a result. So, GOOTENNIGHTEN.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Massive Xmas post!
Yep. Since I'm too arsed to put the pics in an album, i'll just put them here. Minus lousy blogger imaging.

Gosh I suck at Photoshop. This is our 2.4m inflatable santa, by the way. =D

Our christmas tree? Not quite...

That's better.

Blurriness at its worst as my camera continues to PMS on me.

Santa and his basket of... A car key. It was later filled with loads of hershey's kisses.

Our personalised stockings! The 5 goonz have their names on each of them.

Pa is going to play some quidditch with dog's head. Nah he's just going to sweep the field out front because....

He set up a tent for Aresha's friends! They sat there and talked later, we brought out chairs and stuff for them and lit tiki torches!

Santa tablecloth.

Giant candycanes in our garden!

Dog is so excited.

See? That's her nose.. if you can make it out.

Acorn decor on the piano.

Now THESE stockings rightfully belong to the 3 goonz living in the house that throws awesome christmas parties heheh.

I blew the air horn and she ran out the front, afterwhich my dad gave me a hefty scolding. -_-

Celine! Wrapping presents and beetching. Or at least thats what Aresha said.

2 drunk aunties, a drunk mother and a discreetly traumatised inflatable santa.

Turkey! Stuffing, gravy, salad, pizza, pasta, and some mashed 'taters for dinner.

Aunty Man getting ready to knife the turkey.

The family watched Russell Peters later at 1am.

Vickesh and Primela checking out their stockings stash.

The barrage of presents, and Emlyn being harassed by Dog.

The Russell Peters watching was later joined by Aresha's friends from outside.

After the presents were opened!

The floor, strewn with presents and an empty tree-bottom.

Aresha snatching Dog's new Eeyore that we gave her as a Christmas present.

Emlyn, Gary, Small and a very red-faced Yao after opening presents.

Ajay's Liverpool's Crazy Fan Award. You can't see the letters, but you can see Ajay in the reflection. His name was engraved on the award! Heheh.

Last picture.. Yao and pink-top Bob.
So yep. It was a good partay I must say. It was boring at first, then picked up when we started watching Russell Peters. We opened presents after that.
What I got everyone:
Ma - Strawberry scented candle in a porcelain strawberry container
Pa - Pricy Ashworth wallet, a joint present from me and Aresha
Aresha - A solar powered plant whose leaves bob up and down
Ashwin - 'Police Academy Playset', Police cars, and some police officer stuff, another joint present
Aunty Su - A very expensive oldies CD, joint present
Aunty Man - 2 shawls, 1 off-white and 1 green, joint present
Uncle Raj - Back massager
Vickesh - Fourskin t-shirt, joint present
Primela - Crown necklace + crown earrings in a little heart shaped princess box, joint present.
Celine - A spiffy tealight holder, it's much better than it sounds ok
Ajay - Underwear in a bucket! HAHA I just had to.
What I got:
Hair straightener + curler and all sorts of other things for my hair + SUPER ADORABLE SPONGEBOB MUG from Ma
Earrings from Ash *hugs*
IOU from Aresha (i'm not complaining =D)
Make up from Aunty Man
Funky top from Primela & Vickesh
Fossil watch (!!!!) from Aunty Su
Pink and black clutch from Celine which I will definitely use
Cordless Ps2 controller (!!!!!) from Ajay
The fossil watch was a congratulatory present from Aunty Su for getting 16 points and getting into a JC for first 3 months. Woot! It's damn nice lah.
Ajay is the bestest future brother-in-law. I've always wanted a cordless controller, and I asked him how he knew. He said every gamer wants a cordless controller, and that's the truest thing I've heard.
Shit. I put in my WoW free trial CD in just now without checking the CD tray, and when the CD was gonna load, the drive started RATTLING like mad, I thought it was gonna explode. I quickly pressed the open button and saw that Aresha left her koh phangan pictures CD inside from long long ago. Gah.
Anyways. At 4am after the present-opening, cleaning up and trying out my new controller, Aresha, her friends and I set off for another night time adventure. It was gonna be short though, cause Ajay had work at 5.30am and we all had bundled into his work van. We trundled off Sun Plaza park first to drop vickesh off. On the way there, we passed a NR. I think it was NR9. Aresha and Yao stuck the air horns out and BLEW it like nobody's business.
And EVERYONE on the bus heard!!! It was mad! Everyone started waking up and looking in our direction with that priceless look of shock on their faces.
Later when we reached the bus stop nearest to Vickesh's house, we saw one business looking guy there on his phone, and yet again, we blasted the air horns, but he merely waved us off.
Yao got extremely flustered by this and told Ajay to stop a distance away, while he sneaked up to the guy and blew the freaking air horn in his ear!! The guy jumped up and we thought he was gonna beat up Yao but he just shouted and pointed angrily in his direction as he ran back to the van. Vickesh left for home and we set off for Changi Village!
We first drove around carparks to check out some bapuks. We found this really hot one and ended up driving in circles to take another look. We didn't airhorn them in the end cause Aresha said you'd never know how violent they can get.
Then we went up to old changi hospital to find innocent thrill-seeking kids to shock. We found about 6 in a group walking out of the place, and Yao came up with a brilliant plan to deceive them. We drove up to them and wound down the window.
Yao: Hey when you guys were up there did you hear a noise? Or a sound?
Clueless people: Errr no..
Y: Are you sure? Cause I thought I heard a loud sound just now, a very loud sound.
CP: *is clueless*
Y: Yeah I'm sure I heard a very loud noise, a very loud noise... that sounds like THIS *HORNS*
They were only a little bit shocked, not much, and they were really sporting too heheh.
It was getting late, so we drove off to the last carpark of East Coast, also the DIRTIEST carpark of East Coast... If you know what I mean. If you're that daft, couples go there in cars to Woohoo.
I've been playing too much Sims 2.
We drove around the carpark once with the headlights off just to have a look-see, and sure enough, there was a black Mazda in a corner with very active silhouette on silhouette action going on, from what we could make out. We could even see that the person on top was a girl. Too bad they were parked near a streetlamp so we could roughly make out what they were doing.
We ran across the carpark and hid behind a truck just next to the car. Our masterplan was just to jump out, blow the airhorn, jump up and down a bit and run off. I was supposed to be the lightings expert, while Aresha was the camera woman (yes, we recorded EVERYTHING), but Aresha needed to hold the torchlight above the camera so I just tagged along for the fun of it.
When Aresha shone the torchlight in the car, we saw that they were fully clothed, but still doing their monkey business. Yao and Gary blew the airhorns and we started jumping up and down like monkeys for about 2 seconds. Then we ran back across the carpark to the van, laughing like crazy.
As Ajay drove past, Yao passed me his air horn and me and Gary blew away as we passed them, while Ajay honked at them. It was the highlight of the night.
Got home at 5am, helped the maid clean up, and snuggled into bed at 6am.
Christmas, today, on the other hand, was a complete bore lazing around at home, recovering from the day before, so there's no point, blogging, about, it.
Tomorrow i'm gonna do a bit more shopping.
PS: MY PERIOD STILL HASN'T COME YET!! OMGWTFBBQ! I think it's a christmas miracle.
Gosh I suck at Photoshop. This is our 2.4m inflatable santa, by the way. =D
Our christmas tree? Not quite...
That's better.
Blurriness at its worst as my camera continues to PMS on me.
Santa and his basket of... A car key. It was later filled with loads of hershey's kisses.
Our personalised stockings! The 5 goonz have their names on each of them.
Pa is going to play some quidditch with dog's head. Nah he's just going to sweep the field out front because....
He set up a tent for Aresha's friends! They sat there and talked later, we brought out chairs and stuff for them and lit tiki torches!
Santa tablecloth.
Giant candycanes in our garden!
Dog is so excited.
See? That's her nose.. if you can make it out.
Acorn decor on the piano.
Now THESE stockings rightfully belong to the 3 goonz living in the house that throws awesome christmas parties heheh.
I blew the air horn and she ran out the front, afterwhich my dad gave me a hefty scolding. -_-
Celine! Wrapping presents and beetching. Or at least thats what Aresha said.
2 drunk aunties, a drunk mother and a discreetly traumatised inflatable santa.
Turkey! Stuffing, gravy, salad, pizza, pasta, and some mashed 'taters for dinner.
Aunty Man getting ready to knife the turkey.
The family watched Russell Peters later at 1am.
Vickesh and Primela checking out their stockings stash.
The barrage of presents, and Emlyn being harassed by Dog.
The Russell Peters watching was later joined by Aresha's friends from outside.
After the presents were opened!
The floor, strewn with presents and an empty tree-bottom.
Aresha snatching Dog's new Eeyore that we gave her as a Christmas present.
Emlyn, Gary, Small and a very red-faced Yao after opening presents.
Ajay's Liverpool's Crazy Fan Award. You can't see the letters, but you can see Ajay in the reflection. His name was engraved on the award! Heheh.
Last picture.. Yao and pink-top Bob.
So yep. It was a good partay I must say. It was boring at first, then picked up when we started watching Russell Peters. We opened presents after that.
What I got everyone:
Ma - Strawberry scented candle in a porcelain strawberry container
Pa - Pricy Ashworth wallet, a joint present from me and Aresha
Aresha - A solar powered plant whose leaves bob up and down
Ashwin - 'Police Academy Playset', Police cars, and some police officer stuff, another joint present
Aunty Su - A very expensive oldies CD, joint present
Aunty Man - 2 shawls, 1 off-white and 1 green, joint present
Uncle Raj - Back massager
Vickesh - Fourskin t-shirt, joint present
Primela - Crown necklace + crown earrings in a little heart shaped princess box, joint present.
Celine - A spiffy tealight holder, it's much better than it sounds ok
Ajay - Underwear in a bucket! HAHA I just had to.
What I got:
Hair straightener + curler and all sorts of other things for my hair + SUPER ADORABLE SPONGEBOB MUG from Ma
Earrings from Ash *hugs*
IOU from Aresha (i'm not complaining =D)
Make up from Aunty Man
Funky top from Primela & Vickesh
Fossil watch (!!!!) from Aunty Su
Pink and black clutch from Celine which I will definitely use
Cordless Ps2 controller (!!!!!) from Ajay
The fossil watch was a congratulatory present from Aunty Su for getting 16 points and getting into a JC for first 3 months. Woot! It's damn nice lah.
Ajay is the bestest future brother-in-law. I've always wanted a cordless controller, and I asked him how he knew. He said every gamer wants a cordless controller, and that's the truest thing I've heard.
Shit. I put in my WoW free trial CD in just now without checking the CD tray, and when the CD was gonna load, the drive started RATTLING like mad, I thought it was gonna explode. I quickly pressed the open button and saw that Aresha left her koh phangan pictures CD inside from long long ago. Gah.
Anyways. At 4am after the present-opening, cleaning up and trying out my new controller, Aresha, her friends and I set off for another night time adventure. It was gonna be short though, cause Ajay had work at 5.30am and we all had bundled into his work van. We trundled off Sun Plaza park first to drop vickesh off. On the way there, we passed a NR. I think it was NR9. Aresha and Yao stuck the air horns out and BLEW it like nobody's business.
And EVERYONE on the bus heard!!! It was mad! Everyone started waking up and looking in our direction with that priceless look of shock on their faces.
Later when we reached the bus stop nearest to Vickesh's house, we saw one business looking guy there on his phone, and yet again, we blasted the air horns, but he merely waved us off.
Yao got extremely flustered by this and told Ajay to stop a distance away, while he sneaked up to the guy and blew the freaking air horn in his ear!! The guy jumped up and we thought he was gonna beat up Yao but he just shouted and pointed angrily in his direction as he ran back to the van. Vickesh left for home and we set off for Changi Village!
We first drove around carparks to check out some bapuks. We found this really hot one and ended up driving in circles to take another look. We didn't airhorn them in the end cause Aresha said you'd never know how violent they can get.
Then we went up to old changi hospital to find innocent thrill-seeking kids to shock. We found about 6 in a group walking out of the place, and Yao came up with a brilliant plan to deceive them. We drove up to them and wound down the window.
Yao: Hey when you guys were up there did you hear a noise? Or a sound?
Clueless people: Errr no..
Y: Are you sure? Cause I thought I heard a loud sound just now, a very loud sound.
CP: *is clueless*
Y: Yeah I'm sure I heard a very loud noise, a very loud noise... that sounds like THIS *HORNS*
They were only a little bit shocked, not much, and they were really sporting too heheh.
It was getting late, so we drove off to the last carpark of East Coast, also the DIRTIEST carpark of East Coast... If you know what I mean. If you're that daft, couples go there in cars to Woohoo.
I've been playing too much Sims 2.
We drove around the carpark once with the headlights off just to have a look-see, and sure enough, there was a black Mazda in a corner with very active silhouette on silhouette action going on, from what we could make out. We could even see that the person on top was a girl. Too bad they were parked near a streetlamp so we could roughly make out what they were doing.
We ran across the carpark and hid behind a truck just next to the car. Our masterplan was just to jump out, blow the airhorn, jump up and down a bit and run off. I was supposed to be the lightings expert, while Aresha was the camera woman (yes, we recorded EVERYTHING), but Aresha needed to hold the torchlight above the camera so I just tagged along for the fun of it.
When Aresha shone the torchlight in the car, we saw that they were fully clothed, but still doing their monkey business. Yao and Gary blew the airhorns and we started jumping up and down like monkeys for about 2 seconds. Then we ran back across the carpark to the van, laughing like crazy.
As Ajay drove past, Yao passed me his air horn and me and Gary blew away as we passed them, while Ajay honked at them. It was the highlight of the night.
Got home at 5am, helped the maid clean up, and snuggled into bed at 6am.
Christmas, today, on the other hand, was a complete bore lazing around at home, recovering from the day before, so there's no point, blogging, about, it.
Tomorrow i'm gonna do a bit more shopping.
PS: MY PERIOD STILL HASN'T COME YET!! OMGWTFBBQ! I think it's a christmas miracle.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
I r tired.
I've been doing a lot of things the past few days. Played suay tyco pool with surin, then watched brokeback kong- I mean king kong with primela and her friend sharmila. Tuesday was CLEAN UP THE HOUSE DAY.
And I seriously did some seriously serious cleaning up. Since I am so totally broke since the O's ended and have no moolah for xmas presents for everyone, ma said she'd pay me if I cleared out the storeroom, cleared out the study room, made sure everything on the computer table is COMPUTER-RELATED, throw lots of shit out and move a lot of shit too.
Lots and lots of shit was thrown out. So many old files and yellowed papers and envelopes... I couldn't believe ma didn't dump all that when SHE went through everything a gazillion and one times.
So i'm almost done.. Hoping to get paid ASAP so I can faster buy everything. So far I've bought Aresha, Ajay, Primela, Vickesh Aunty Su and Aunty Man's presents.
There's still:
Uncle Raj
And small things for Gary, Small, Yao and Bob... cause they'll be coming. Maybe gingerbread men or candy canes.
I can't plan what i'm gonna buy cause that NEVER worked. Never has and never will. Every christmas I just walk around uselessly and window shop till something appropriate catches my eye.
Yesterday I went to the polyclinic to get a referral to the national skin centre. The doctor was an ass. He had this monotonous voice and told me he's seen worse, like people with craters in their skin and shit like that. I got kinda cheesed off, I mean, unless you DIG your pimples like their extra nostrils they'll become craters. I told him I wanted treatment before I ended up with craters, and he shut up.
What a moron.
My appointment's next feb. I know it's still a long time more, but i'm not complaining. Ajay said the treatment is sure to work within a month or so. Wah... how nice is that man. If only I could come back to BV to get my O'Level results acne-free.
I am damn suay. My period is coming very very very soon, which sucks really. I really hope it comes after xmas, but it's VERY unlikely. Blah. I hate myself. Raksha once told me I shouldn't let my period get me down and just have fun, but I wish it were that easy!
There's Divine 9 tonight, and Aresha is going to do fun things tonight. I wanna do both, but chances are i'll be doing neither.
This sucks.
And I seriously did some seriously serious cleaning up. Since I am so totally broke since the O's ended and have no moolah for xmas presents for everyone, ma said she'd pay me if I cleared out the storeroom, cleared out the study room, made sure everything on the computer table is COMPUTER-RELATED, throw lots of shit out and move a lot of shit too.
Lots and lots of shit was thrown out. So many old files and yellowed papers and envelopes... I couldn't believe ma didn't dump all that when SHE went through everything a gazillion and one times.
So i'm almost done.. Hoping to get paid ASAP so I can faster buy everything. So far I've bought Aresha, Ajay, Primela, Vickesh Aunty Su and Aunty Man's presents.
There's still:
Uncle Raj
And small things for Gary, Small, Yao and Bob... cause they'll be coming. Maybe gingerbread men or candy canes.
I can't plan what i'm gonna buy cause that NEVER worked. Never has and never will. Every christmas I just walk around uselessly and window shop till something appropriate catches my eye.
Yesterday I went to the polyclinic to get a referral to the national skin centre. The doctor was an ass. He had this monotonous voice and told me he's seen worse, like people with craters in their skin and shit like that. I got kinda cheesed off, I mean, unless you DIG your pimples like their extra nostrils they'll become craters. I told him I wanted treatment before I ended up with craters, and he shut up.
What a moron.
My appointment's next feb. I know it's still a long time more, but i'm not complaining. Ajay said the treatment is sure to work within a month or so. Wah... how nice is that man. If only I could come back to BV to get my O'Level results acne-free.
I am damn suay. My period is coming very very very soon, which sucks really. I really hope it comes after xmas, but it's VERY unlikely. Blah. I hate myself. Raksha once told me I shouldn't let my period get me down and just have fun, but I wish it were that easy!
There's Divine 9 tonight, and Aresha is going to do fun things tonight. I wanna do both, but chances are i'll be doing neither.
This sucks.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Today promises to be a good day. I can feel it. There's that... smell to it. You know.. some days have that SMELL.
Spirited Away was fucking brilliant. I can't believe I waited so long just to watch it. All i've been catching are snippets of it and the chinese version with no subtitles. Even though i'd have rather watched the japanese version with subtitles, the english one I bought wasn't crappy either.
Today I should be watching King Kong with Primela. I was supposed to go to the polyclinic but pa told me to go tomorrow cause mondays are usually crowded. So me, primela and carlos will go tomorrow.
The SPCA has enough volunteers so I don't need to go there. The Selina woman called me this morning. How depressing. People keep shoving me aside over and over. Even as a VOLUNTEER. Bah.
I shouldn't get myself down, I must be happy today. Me and surin are going to play pool!
Spirited Away was fucking brilliant. I can't believe I waited so long just to watch it. All i've been catching are snippets of it and the chinese version with no subtitles. Even though i'd have rather watched the japanese version with subtitles, the english one I bought wasn't crappy either.
Today I should be watching King Kong with Primela. I was supposed to go to the polyclinic but pa told me to go tomorrow cause mondays are usually crowded. So me, primela and carlos will go tomorrow.
The SPCA has enough volunteers so I don't need to go there. The Selina woman called me this morning. How depressing. People keep shoving me aside over and over. Even as a VOLUNTEER. Bah.
I shouldn't get myself down, I must be happy today. Me and surin are going to play pool!
Here are the latest happenings of aroona GO!krishnan.
Got into TPJC for first 3 months. While most of my 4/2 counterparts will be snooooozing away on the 3rd of January, me, fi, suhailah, fatimah and hopefully yat will be shoving off for TPJC at 8am. I will be joining photography fo' sho', and HOPEFULLY pick up a sport. I shall not let my monster of a period get me down once a month, oh no I won't. No matter how many panadols I have to take, I will NOT skimp on attendance. Everyone must hold me to that ok?
Kee Siang has been trying to psycho me into joining choir. I might, but I wanna start essercising too yknow. All this rotting at home is taking a toll on my tummy region.
And I have finally decided on those $109 puma shoes i've been DYING to get for the past 6 months. And no, they won't be rotting in my cupboard. They're SCHOOL SHOES. No more shitty north star for me baby! I'm joining the upper class school shoe people. No more breaking shoelaces! No more ugly holes and soles! No more big-looking feet!
Also, I have been dying to rant about this. Manpreet's 7 fricking yollars an hour flyer-distributor job was introduced to me and john. John had the lady-in-charge's number, and promised me we'd do the job together. The day before the supposed first day of the job, John tells me there are no more flyers to give out, and that the lady'll call him if there are and he'll inform me.
Okay, fair enough.
Two days later I read yiling's blog. Here's the excerpt;
" saw john and bohan outside cine again. bohan was damn emo when we went to city hall, but was damn happy when i saw him at cine. they were giving out flyers. the moment i went up to say hi with them, they dump me one stack of flyers. not one stack but a lot of it. "
John and BOHAN?! I called John immediately after that and demanded an explanation. He said that the lady called him last minute and asked if he could do the job. Apparently, he and Bohan were in town at the time and he decided to let Bohan do it with him. No, he didn't bother to let me know or call me. He fucking GAVE Bohan the job behind my back. I demanded Bohan let me do the rest of the days required and John said he'd talk to him and get back to me later.
Later? He never did.
Once the next day's shift was already over I called John, who had no excuse for not calling me back.
They were required to do the job for 4 days. Bohan already did 2, so I pleaded with John to let me do the other 2 days. Yet again, he said he'd talk to Bohan. And didn't call back.
The next morning I called him at 10am, only to speak to a grumpy mumbler. He told me that Bohan didn't want to let me do the other 2 days, being the two faced motherfucker he is. I yelled at him for giving Bohan the job in the first place, considering my position wasn't HIS to give to other people. He shot back, quoting Bohan in asking why won't I look for another job instead. I tell you, at that point I almost lost it.
I repeated again, it was MY JOB in the first place, not his. Who the fuck is Bohan to tell me to get another job? It's MINE YOU MOTHERFUCKER!
I yelled again saying that I didn't have time to look for another fucking job cause I was going for first 3 months, and they weren't, so they'd have more than enough time to seek out other jobs.
John, not a mother fucker but still an inconsiderate bastard, told me that they had already filled out a registration form and there wouldn't be any point in me cutting in anyway.
Something he could've told me at the VERY BEGINNING.
So well, I've given up on the whole getting a job thing, cause most of them are looking for people who can work for a few weeks.
The sole reason why I get a job every december is to buy my family christmas presents. I never spend it on myself. Sigh.
I told my mom about the whole predicament and how I can't afford christmas presents at all this year courtesy of John. She said she'd give me money if I do things around the house. So.. I guess it's ok lah, but I would prefer giving out flyers to be honest.
Ah well. On saturday I went to town with Ma and I finally bought Demon Days! Woot. And spirited away, on the side. I think I might watch it tonight, I dunno, see how.
Oh yeah, Demon Days is gooooood. (the momster paid for it, btw)
Rotted at home today, re-read my Order of the Pheonix and got a cranium splitting headache. Blah.
Tomorrow! I shall wake up early (10 actually), pick up my new 3-quarter pants (originally the fugly bellbottoms), some pictures I sent to develop that I took donkey years ago, go to Bedok Polyclinic to get a referral to the National Skin Centre for my acne (which is getting worse), then going to the SPCA to see a Miss Selina something for a position she emailed me about as an underage volunteer.
I wonder why i'm not watching LoTR now. Fellowship's the most boring, and I've seen it a gazillion times on HBO. I almost convinced ma to buy the DVD set at HMV. Fat chance Aruna, big fat hairy chance.
Ahhhh ok now to watch spirited away and find SOMETHING in the house nice enough to eat.
Got into TPJC for first 3 months. While most of my 4/2 counterparts will be snooooozing away on the 3rd of January, me, fi, suhailah, fatimah and hopefully yat will be shoving off for TPJC at 8am. I will be joining photography fo' sho', and HOPEFULLY pick up a sport. I shall not let my monster of a period get me down once a month, oh no I won't. No matter how many panadols I have to take, I will NOT skimp on attendance. Everyone must hold me to that ok?
Kee Siang has been trying to psycho me into joining choir. I might, but I wanna start essercising too yknow. All this rotting at home is taking a toll on my tummy region.
And I have finally decided on those $109 puma shoes i've been DYING to get for the past 6 months. And no, they won't be rotting in my cupboard. They're SCHOOL SHOES. No more shitty north star for me baby! I'm joining the upper class school shoe people. No more breaking shoelaces! No more ugly holes and soles! No more big-looking feet!
Also, I have been dying to rant about this. Manpreet's 7 fricking yollars an hour flyer-distributor job was introduced to me and john. John had the lady-in-charge's number, and promised me we'd do the job together. The day before the supposed first day of the job, John tells me there are no more flyers to give out, and that the lady'll call him if there are and he'll inform me.
Okay, fair enough.
Two days later I read yiling's blog. Here's the excerpt;
" saw john and bohan outside cine again. bohan was damn emo when we went to city hall, but was damn happy when i saw him at cine. they were giving out flyers. the moment i went up to say hi with them, they dump me one stack of flyers. not one stack but a lot of it. "
John and BOHAN?! I called John immediately after that and demanded an explanation. He said that the lady called him last minute and asked if he could do the job. Apparently, he and Bohan were in town at the time and he decided to let Bohan do it with him. No, he didn't bother to let me know or call me. He fucking GAVE Bohan the job behind my back. I demanded Bohan let me do the rest of the days required and John said he'd talk to him and get back to me later.
Later? He never did.
Once the next day's shift was already over I called John, who had no excuse for not calling me back.
They were required to do the job for 4 days. Bohan already did 2, so I pleaded with John to let me do the other 2 days. Yet again, he said he'd talk to Bohan. And didn't call back.
The next morning I called him at 10am, only to speak to a grumpy mumbler. He told me that Bohan didn't want to let me do the other 2 days, being the two faced motherfucker he is. I yelled at him for giving Bohan the job in the first place, considering my position wasn't HIS to give to other people. He shot back, quoting Bohan in asking why won't I look for another job instead. I tell you, at that point I almost lost it.
I repeated again, it was MY JOB in the first place, not his. Who the fuck is Bohan to tell me to get another job? It's MINE YOU MOTHERFUCKER!
I yelled again saying that I didn't have time to look for another fucking job cause I was going for first 3 months, and they weren't, so they'd have more than enough time to seek out other jobs.
John, not a mother fucker but still an inconsiderate bastard, told me that they had already filled out a registration form and there wouldn't be any point in me cutting in anyway.
Something he could've told me at the VERY BEGINNING.
So well, I've given up on the whole getting a job thing, cause most of them are looking for people who can work for a few weeks.
The sole reason why I get a job every december is to buy my family christmas presents. I never spend it on myself. Sigh.
I told my mom about the whole predicament and how I can't afford christmas presents at all this year courtesy of John. She said she'd give me money if I do things around the house. So.. I guess it's ok lah, but I would prefer giving out flyers to be honest.
Ah well. On saturday I went to town with Ma and I finally bought Demon Days! Woot. And spirited away, on the side. I think I might watch it tonight, I dunno, see how.
Oh yeah, Demon Days is gooooood. (the momster paid for it, btw)
Rotted at home today, re-read my Order of the Pheonix and got a cranium splitting headache. Blah.
Tomorrow! I shall wake up early (10 actually), pick up my new 3-quarter pants (originally the fugly bellbottoms), some pictures I sent to develop that I took donkey years ago, go to Bedok Polyclinic to get a referral to the National Skin Centre for my acne (which is getting worse), then going to the SPCA to see a Miss Selina something for a position she emailed me about as an underage volunteer.
I wonder why i'm not watching LoTR now. Fellowship's the most boring, and I've seen it a gazillion times on HBO. I almost convinced ma to buy the DVD set at HMV. Fat chance Aruna, big fat hairy chance.
Ahhhh ok now to watch spirited away and find SOMETHING in the house nice enough to eat.
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
puberty strikes once again.
I'm fed up having acne. I wish I could heave it in someone else's direction, preferably someone gorgeous with flawless skin. Gah I wish I weren't so bitter.
Haven't blogged in awhile. Friday was Nutone, saturday, sunday and monday was spent at the 'class' chalet.
Nutone was disappointing lah. Not the music, but the crowd. The turnout was so pathetic, they barely filled the club. Less than a hundred paying turned up. I know, who am I to whine about this, but seriously. It was BAD.
As unflattering as the Nutone t-shirt Aresha made me wear instead what I originally wore was, I felt honoured. I dunno, maybe it was the fact that so many people kept asking me for one, and some ang moh kept telling me I was wearing a nice t-shirt cause he got the same one from dancing too much.
Feel the wrath of the onion god. He may have cleared the weather up a little, but he didn't bring in much of a crowd.
Saturday was class bbq day! I went there in the evening to a very bored yiling and suhailah. Things picked up later on during the bbq where we took some crazy pictures and stuffed our faces with sausages, crabsticks, chicken and otah.
I brought my whole games folder out of the kindness of my heart. Han Chih and Brian ended up playing Resident Evil 4 for the rest of our days at the chalet. And almost finished it.
Later on that night we played some drinking games. Loser had to drink vodka mixed with a whole array of other things. Vodka and root beer, vodka and sprite, vodka and sprite and root beer, vodka and root beer and salt, vodka and root beer and super rings (courtesy of yours truly), and the list goes on.
By the end of the game me and yiling were semi-drunk as yiling was the reigning champion of losing and I came in second. Yiling was completely red and kept asking for guys to sleep/fuck her. Hahah it sounds crude but it was bloody funny. I kept rolling around on suhailah and stumbling around.
Went for night walks and slept, while yiling crashed at the chalet and some guys hung around to play PS2.
The next day was lethargy at its peak. Got up at 9am (after sleeping for a grand total of 4 hours) to eat hot cakes from McD's, then watched Brian struggle his was through Resident Evil 4 (he did a great job too) the whole afternoon while yiling snoozed the day away.
Night time was happy9's bbq thing cum luqman's birthday, so me, yiling and yincheng just sat idly around, bored out of our skulls. I volunteered to take pictures for happy9 when it was cake-cutting time cause taking pictures is fun. =D
After that it was more bumming around, watched a performance by brian, zheyang and devin, watched a teeny weeny bit of miss world and went to downtown east for some pool. By the time we reached there, it was 12.15am and we had a grand total of 15 mins to play pool. And we'd still have to pay full price of $8 yollars per hour. What a ripoff. So we invaded the arcade instead, played daytona, bishi bashi and some dinosaur shooting game and left for Cheers.
Devin bought alcohol for some of us cause he was already 18. I didn't drink cause I already fixed myself up with some vodka and coke before I left the chalet. We then deliberated on what to do next.
I suggested a night walk to the RED HOUSE. Dun dun dunnnnn. But some started coming up with excuses not to go, so we scrapped the idea. I then suggested a nightwalk through the road towards the costa sands chalets since it was quite ulu. We took the less ulu route and walked along the beach towards our chalet which was on the OTHER END OF PASIR RIS BEACH.
We decided to stop around halfway for a break to talk cock. And talk cock we did. It was really fun, and the weather was cool and nice. A few hours later we made our way back, and I ended up dragging zheyang next to me cause yincheng partnered yiling and there were no other girls, so I took the handsomest boy. Hahah.
Reached the chalet a long while later, washed up and got ready to sleep. Me and brian ended having a tug-of-war over his blanket, and he was later backed up by zheyang. I called yiling and yincheng to help, yincheng ended up tickling zheyang and yiling was tugging the blanket with me.
My mattress was at the foot of zheyang's and brian's mattress and being the lanky goon that zheyang is, his feet were in my face. I ended up yanking at his unusually long toe hair. After awhile we settled down and suddenly he asked me,
"Aruna do you find my toe hair sexy?"
So damn random. But hilarious nonetheless. Brian and zheyang then indulged in some verbal gay activities.
"Oh my god brian you're so tight"
"Oh darling!"
"Oh my god brian you stink."
Slept and woke up the next morning, starving like somalian. Turns out yiling and zheyang had McD's for breakfast! I was kinda annoyed they didn't wake me up or what, but I ate later at home. We left early, and I reached home at 10.30am. Watched bruce almighty and immediately crashed for a good 7 hours.
Yep. So that's about it I guess. Tomorrow i'll be going to the Zoo with ash, aresha and... Nutone. Yes the guy that played at DXO last friday. Ho hum.
Haven't blogged in awhile. Friday was Nutone, saturday, sunday and monday was spent at the 'class' chalet.
Nutone was disappointing lah. Not the music, but the crowd. The turnout was so pathetic, they barely filled the club. Less than a hundred paying turned up. I know, who am I to whine about this, but seriously. It was BAD.
As unflattering as the Nutone t-shirt Aresha made me wear instead what I originally wore was, I felt honoured. I dunno, maybe it was the fact that so many people kept asking me for one, and some ang moh kept telling me I was wearing a nice t-shirt cause he got the same one from dancing too much.
Feel the wrath of the onion god. He may have cleared the weather up a little, but he didn't bring in much of a crowd.
Saturday was class bbq day! I went there in the evening to a very bored yiling and suhailah. Things picked up later on during the bbq where we took some crazy pictures and stuffed our faces with sausages, crabsticks, chicken and otah.
I brought my whole games folder out of the kindness of my heart. Han Chih and Brian ended up playing Resident Evil 4 for the rest of our days at the chalet. And almost finished it.
Later on that night we played some drinking games. Loser had to drink vodka mixed with a whole array of other things. Vodka and root beer, vodka and sprite, vodka and sprite and root beer, vodka and root beer and salt, vodka and root beer and super rings (courtesy of yours truly), and the list goes on.
By the end of the game me and yiling were semi-drunk as yiling was the reigning champion of losing and I came in second. Yiling was completely red and kept asking for guys to sleep/fuck her. Hahah it sounds crude but it was bloody funny. I kept rolling around on suhailah and stumbling around.
Went for night walks and slept, while yiling crashed at the chalet and some guys hung around to play PS2.
The next day was lethargy at its peak. Got up at 9am (after sleeping for a grand total of 4 hours) to eat hot cakes from McD's, then watched Brian struggle his was through Resident Evil 4 (he did a great job too) the whole afternoon while yiling snoozed the day away.
Night time was happy9's bbq thing cum luqman's birthday, so me, yiling and yincheng just sat idly around, bored out of our skulls. I volunteered to take pictures for happy9 when it was cake-cutting time cause taking pictures is fun. =D
After that it was more bumming around, watched a performance by brian, zheyang and devin, watched a teeny weeny bit of miss world and went to downtown east for some pool. By the time we reached there, it was 12.15am and we had a grand total of 15 mins to play pool. And we'd still have to pay full price of $8 yollars per hour. What a ripoff. So we invaded the arcade instead, played daytona, bishi bashi and some dinosaur shooting game and left for Cheers.
Devin bought alcohol for some of us cause he was already 18. I didn't drink cause I already fixed myself up with some vodka and coke before I left the chalet. We then deliberated on what to do next.
I suggested a night walk to the RED HOUSE. Dun dun dunnnnn. But some started coming up with excuses not to go, so we scrapped the idea. I then suggested a nightwalk through the road towards the costa sands chalets since it was quite ulu. We took the less ulu route and walked along the beach towards our chalet which was on the OTHER END OF PASIR RIS BEACH.
We decided to stop around halfway for a break to talk cock. And talk cock we did. It was really fun, and the weather was cool and nice. A few hours later we made our way back, and I ended up dragging zheyang next to me cause yincheng partnered yiling and there were no other girls, so I took the handsomest boy. Hahah.
Reached the chalet a long while later, washed up and got ready to sleep. Me and brian ended having a tug-of-war over his blanket, and he was later backed up by zheyang. I called yiling and yincheng to help, yincheng ended up tickling zheyang and yiling was tugging the blanket with me.
My mattress was at the foot of zheyang's and brian's mattress and being the lanky goon that zheyang is, his feet were in my face. I ended up yanking at his unusually long toe hair. After awhile we settled down and suddenly he asked me,
"Aruna do you find my toe hair sexy?"
So damn random. But hilarious nonetheless. Brian and zheyang then indulged in some verbal gay activities.
"Oh my god brian you're so tight"
"Oh darling!"
"Oh my god brian you stink."
Slept and woke up the next morning, starving like somalian. Turns out yiling and zheyang had McD's for breakfast! I was kinda annoyed they didn't wake me up or what, but I ate later at home. We left early, and I reached home at 10.30am. Watched bruce almighty and immediately crashed for a good 7 hours.
Yep. So that's about it I guess. Tomorrow i'll be going to the Zoo with ash, aresha and... Nutone. Yes the guy that played at DXO last friday. Ho hum.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Today. Was. Awesome.
I've never had so much fun at the beach before! And I owe it all to my larlings. You guys made my day, my week, my year, my EVERYTHING!
Met everyone at 9+ at Eunos MRT. I managed a solid 3 and a half hours of sleep that night. Fwah, solid ah.
I was 2nd to reach, and nurul, last. Fashionably late as always eh. She brought her NCC Sea friend Adila (sp?) and she remembered me from NCC last time! Ahahah. Turns out we had 3 mats, a shitload of food and no drinks. So we went down to harbourfront via MRT. And those 2 sentences don't make much sense together.
Took the shuttle bus to Sentosa and alighted at the visitor centre, where we were greeted by a handful of 'islander membership' promoters or something like that. They kept harping on us joining albeit the fact that we don't go to Sentosa on a regular basis. One mentioned discounts at KM8, and I asked the guy whether we really looked 18. He said some of us did. Flattering... somehow.
Bought tickets and made our way to Palawan beach (or was it pahlawan?). Initially we were extremely disappointed at the lack of hot guys around but we spoke to soon when these 2 gorgeous ang mohs appeared out of nowhere and walked past. Nurul, being the spastic one with the inability to contain her emotions, let out a loud SHRIEK which got their attention. Yiling then waved at them, and of course they waved back. It's yiling hello!
Bought some ice and drinks from 7-11 and settled down to eat pancakes, sausages and crabsticks. I brought everyone cute pink straws cause I thought no one brought cups, so we'd end up sticking our straws into bottles and drinking them straight. Turned out Su brought cups so we drank from the cups using the straws. =D
Swam for an hour or so, came back and ate mee goreng and bee hoon, then went to swim a little more. Took a gazillion and one pictures, ran back, ate more, swam, ate, swam, ate, blahblah then we decided to take a break and hike across the precarious rope brige joining the shore we parked our stuff at and THE SOUTHERNMOST TIP OF ASIA. OMGGZZ.
How cool is that. We went there, snapped a heckload more pics, walked around the whole little place, went up a tower to get a bird's eye view of the beach, then went back down for more picture-taking madness.
At one point as we were swimming, we saw a couple of very... manly looking women. Nurul, yet again, had the bright idea of yelling BAPUK!!! out loud and amazingly they heard us, cause they were quite a distance away. They turned around and GLARED at us for a good 2 minutes. It was scary as fuck. Everyone just pretended nothing happened and I was the only one facing them. I just looked away and pretended I was talking to the rest of the girls, who were facing me at that point of time.
Nurul and I swam to the pontoon nearby leaving the rest (*cough* non-swimmers) at the shore for a few minutes. I have completely lost the ability to swan dive. The only thing i'm good at now is cannon-balling, as always. Nurul, on the other hand, could execute a perfect swan dive, not to mention she swims a heck of a lot faster. I haven't swum seriously in YEARS man. Now I like to float around mostly. Like... a jellyfish!
Swam more, got freaked out by a bee invasion, discovered a fly in yiling's jelly (that sounds wrong) and started cleaning up cause by then it was already 5+. We hopped on a tram and went to Siloso beach toilet to shower instead of Palawan cause it was being renovated and had shitty makeshift container toilets which stunk.
The toilet there is sooo nice. I didn't wanna get out of the shower cause it was so refreshing. Only me and yiling wore bikinis the whole time (just the tops), but in the shower, we stripped down to our underwear cause we just couldn't give a flying fuck. None of us brought shampoo nor soap but thankfully Adila had loads to spare, which we used, UNsparingly.
Some ang moh guy just convenient walked into the girls toilet to fiddle with his dreadlocks. I was pissed off, yet feeling a little kooky cause all of us were going GA GA. Seriously. I've always thought ang mohs were overrated, but the ones we saw.... phewwwww.
We took the tram a couple of rounds along the beach but stopped cause Su had to go home. The only reason why we took the tram so many times was cause we saw a super cute skimmer (yes, SKIMMER) that smiled and waved at us.
I tell you. Me nurul yiling and rau completely forgot we were attached today.
Took the train home at 7+ afterwards. Been home for the past couple of hours, showered, and now I feel as dry as a prune.
Oh yeah I saw Claire my good ol' primary school budday at the toilet. The moment we saw each other we started squealing and embraced like long lost soulmates. Okay that's a tad too dramatic. Anyhoos, I saw her boyfriend! Woot! Claire! Yay! Ok.
Gotta sleep late tonight, so I can wake up late and will be able to stay up the whole of tomorrow night. I wanna enjoy every BIT of Nutone.
Total number of hot guys ogled at:945045830496805968
Total number of hot guys waved to/shouted at: 945045830496805968.
I've never had so much fun at the beach before! And I owe it all to my larlings. You guys made my day, my week, my year, my EVERYTHING!
Met everyone at 9+ at Eunos MRT. I managed a solid 3 and a half hours of sleep that night. Fwah, solid ah.
I was 2nd to reach, and nurul, last. Fashionably late as always eh. She brought her NCC Sea friend Adila (sp?) and she remembered me from NCC last time! Ahahah. Turns out we had 3 mats, a shitload of food and no drinks. So we went down to harbourfront via MRT. And those 2 sentences don't make much sense together.
Took the shuttle bus to Sentosa and alighted at the visitor centre, where we were greeted by a handful of 'islander membership' promoters or something like that. They kept harping on us joining albeit the fact that we don't go to Sentosa on a regular basis. One mentioned discounts at KM8, and I asked the guy whether we really looked 18. He said some of us did. Flattering... somehow.
Bought tickets and made our way to Palawan beach (or was it pahlawan?). Initially we were extremely disappointed at the lack of hot guys around but we spoke to soon when these 2 gorgeous ang mohs appeared out of nowhere and walked past. Nurul, being the spastic one with the inability to contain her emotions, let out a loud SHRIEK which got their attention. Yiling then waved at them, and of course they waved back. It's yiling hello!
Bought some ice and drinks from 7-11 and settled down to eat pancakes, sausages and crabsticks. I brought everyone cute pink straws cause I thought no one brought cups, so we'd end up sticking our straws into bottles and drinking them straight. Turned out Su brought cups so we drank from the cups using the straws. =D
Swam for an hour or so, came back and ate mee goreng and bee hoon, then went to swim a little more. Took a gazillion and one pictures, ran back, ate more, swam, ate, swam, ate, blahblah then we decided to take a break and hike across the precarious rope brige joining the shore we parked our stuff at and THE SOUTHERNMOST TIP OF ASIA. OMGGZZ.
How cool is that. We went there, snapped a heckload more pics, walked around the whole little place, went up a tower to get a bird's eye view of the beach, then went back down for more picture-taking madness.
At one point as we were swimming, we saw a couple of very... manly looking women. Nurul, yet again, had the bright idea of yelling BAPUK!!! out loud and amazingly they heard us, cause they were quite a distance away. They turned around and GLARED at us for a good 2 minutes. It was scary as fuck. Everyone just pretended nothing happened and I was the only one facing them. I just looked away and pretended I was talking to the rest of the girls, who were facing me at that point of time.
Nurul and I swam to the pontoon nearby leaving the rest (*cough* non-swimmers) at the shore for a few minutes. I have completely lost the ability to swan dive. The only thing i'm good at now is cannon-balling, as always. Nurul, on the other hand, could execute a perfect swan dive, not to mention she swims a heck of a lot faster. I haven't swum seriously in YEARS man. Now I like to float around mostly. Like... a jellyfish!
Swam more, got freaked out by a bee invasion, discovered a fly in yiling's jelly (that sounds wrong) and started cleaning up cause by then it was already 5+. We hopped on a tram and went to Siloso beach toilet to shower instead of Palawan cause it was being renovated and had shitty makeshift container toilets which stunk.
The toilet there is sooo nice. I didn't wanna get out of the shower cause it was so refreshing. Only me and yiling wore bikinis the whole time (just the tops), but in the shower, we stripped down to our underwear cause we just couldn't give a flying fuck. None of us brought shampoo nor soap but thankfully Adila had loads to spare, which we used, UNsparingly.
Some ang moh guy just convenient walked into the girls toilet to fiddle with his dreadlocks. I was pissed off, yet feeling a little kooky cause all of us were going GA GA. Seriously. I've always thought ang mohs were overrated, but the ones we saw.... phewwwww.
We took the tram a couple of rounds along the beach but stopped cause Su had to go home. The only reason why we took the tram so many times was cause we saw a super cute skimmer (yes, SKIMMER) that smiled and waved at us.
I tell you. Me nurul yiling and rau completely forgot we were attached today.
Took the train home at 7+ afterwards. Been home for the past couple of hours, showered, and now I feel as dry as a prune.
Oh yeah I saw Claire my good ol' primary school budday at the toilet. The moment we saw each other we started squealing and embraced like long lost soulmates. Okay that's a tad too dramatic. Anyhoos, I saw her boyfriend! Woot! Claire! Yay! Ok.
Gotta sleep late tonight, so I can wake up late and will be able to stay up the whole of tomorrow night. I wanna enjoy every BIT of Nutone.
Total number of hot guys ogled at:945045830496805968
Total number of hot guys waved to/shouted at: 945045830496805968.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
The next few days are gonna be pretty packed, and i'm thankful for that cause rotting at home's losing its appeal.
Tomorrow is the super early morning picnic with the bahluls. At sentosa. Early, but I think it'll be fun anyways.
Friday is Nutone! Woot!

Best lah.
Then saturday i'll be going to the class chalet, if it is still a class chalet. I'll stay for a night maybe.
If I come home early on sunday i'll go to the SPCA to volunteer myself. Then look for a part-time job.
I'm hoping to book yg and maya next wednesday for our sakae sushi lunch? Or was it dinner. I dunno.
Then there's fi and yiling for our pizza hut+swensen's thing.
Not to mention our movie marathon.
AND, I have to bring Ash to get his ugly chipped tooth fixed.
Also, deciding what to buy for who for christmas.
I also gotta get those puma shoes i've wanted for donkey years for school, and new stationery.
Somehow, somewhat, in some way, i'm really looking forward to school. Or JC for that matter. I know it'll be a stressful two years but I think i'll enjoy every bit of it. I can't wait to make new friends too! Not saying i'll just drop my current friends, i'd never do that. The new school uniforms too! What a refreshing change. I applied for TPJC for the first 3 months, and I pray to god (well not really) I won't stay there after 2 months.
I really really really wanted to put MJC, but the odds of me getting in were too slim for me to take the risk. So chances are i'll probably go to TPJC. Blegh.
I went to develop so many pictures just now, at 25 cents each! How freaking cheap is that. Compared to bloody 50 fucking cents per picture behind school. What a ripoff.
I've got memories of my wonderful class to last me a lifetime now. =D
Tomorrow is the super early morning picnic with the bahluls. At sentosa. Early, but I think it'll be fun anyways.
Friday is Nutone! Woot!
Best lah.
Then saturday i'll be going to the class chalet, if it is still a class chalet. I'll stay for a night maybe.
If I come home early on sunday i'll go to the SPCA to volunteer myself. Then look for a part-time job.
I'm hoping to book yg and maya next wednesday for our sakae sushi lunch? Or was it dinner. I dunno.
Then there's fi and yiling for our pizza hut+swensen's thing.
Not to mention our movie marathon.
AND, I have to bring Ash to get his ugly chipped tooth fixed.
Also, deciding what to buy for who for christmas.
I also gotta get those puma shoes i've wanted for donkey years for school, and new stationery.
Somehow, somewhat, in some way, i'm really looking forward to school. Or JC for that matter. I know it'll be a stressful two years but I think i'll enjoy every bit of it. I can't wait to make new friends too! Not saying i'll just drop my current friends, i'd never do that. The new school uniforms too! What a refreshing change. I applied for TPJC for the first 3 months, and I pray to god (well not really) I won't stay there after 2 months.
I really really really wanted to put MJC, but the odds of me getting in were too slim for me to take the risk. So chances are i'll probably go to TPJC. Blegh.
I went to develop so many pictures just now, at 25 cents each! How freaking cheap is that. Compared to bloody 50 fucking cents per picture behind school. What a ripoff.
I've got memories of my wonderful class to last me a lifetime now. =D
Monday, December 05, 2005
Friday, December 02, 2005
Ash just added a new word to the Ah Beng's vocabulary.
Ash: I ah beng ah! You bastard ah! Propui ah!
Me: Ash? What's propui?
Ash: Propui err... You propui ah!
Raksha has flown to Chiangmai to build toilets with sun bears and other endangered animals. Kimberly (akazukin chim chim hahaha) has flown to Hong Kong to shop for gay porn.
And I. Am going to rot here in Singapore. OMGZZ TONG XIN YUAN IS IN 10 MINUTES!
Hmm I didn't update about tuesday. I went to Raksha's house for the highly anticipated Monkey Island Marathon of ours. Her family's so interesting. Heck, they make MY dysfunctional family look boring.
We barely finished half of Monkey Island 4, which was kinda sad but still loads of fun. It probably would've been even more so if I wasn't fidgeting from period cramps.
Was planning on lunch at pizza hut on wednesday with Raksha and Kim but the chimster couldn't make it so we're postponing it.
Yep. I was supposed to go for dinner with primela in town today but she fell sick. So I rang up a whole load of people cause I just needed to go out so badly. Finally mr yigang agreed to Aeon Flux at 9.30pm at tampines.
OH oh tong xin yuan is on now!!
Ash: I ah beng ah! You bastard ah! Propui ah!
Me: Ash? What's propui?
Ash: Propui err... You propui ah!
Raksha has flown to Chiangmai to build toilets with sun bears and other endangered animals. Kimberly (akazukin chim chim hahaha) has flown to Hong Kong to shop for gay porn.
And I. Am going to rot here in Singapore. OMGZZ TONG XIN YUAN IS IN 10 MINUTES!
Hmm I didn't update about tuesday. I went to Raksha's house for the highly anticipated Monkey Island Marathon of ours. Her family's so interesting. Heck, they make MY dysfunctional family look boring.
We barely finished half of Monkey Island 4, which was kinda sad but still loads of fun. It probably would've been even more so if I wasn't fidgeting from period cramps.
Was planning on lunch at pizza hut on wednesday with Raksha and Kim but the chimster couldn't make it so we're postponing it.
Yep. I was supposed to go for dinner with primela in town today but she fell sick. So I rang up a whole load of people cause I just needed to go out so badly. Finally mr yigang agreed to Aeon Flux at 9.30pm at tampines.
OH oh tong xin yuan is on now!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart away away away away the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart away away away away the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart the beat of my heart
Aaaagggghhh my head.
Aaaagggghhh my head.
Ok so here's the dirt about my past one week.
(22/11) Tuesday: Came home at 3 plus and went to TM with Carlos. I bought myself a brooch that went nicely with my prom dress. Carlos wanted to read Archie comics at Times so I left cause I needed to pick up MY NINE NEW PS2 GAMES WOOT.
Came home, watched my new favourite show Tong Xin Yuan, had a teeny weeny bit for dinner then went out with Aresha for some indoor rock climbing at Climbasia, some shophouse turned cheap rockclimbing.. place at Rangoon Road. Being the skinny little fart that I am, I wasted a good thirteen yollars trying so hard to get myself up HALF a wall. It was ridiculous. Ajay and Bob just squatted by and laughed randomly.
After wrestling, rolling Aresha into popiah using one of the mats on the floor and taking off my toe-killing shoes a total of 9308024958 times we left at about 11+ to go to some roadside dump to eat Scissor's Rice.
Yes you heard (or read) me. Not Caesar's. SCISSOR'S. Wtfbbq. The place was downright filthy, with sticky tables, crazy screeching rats, and chinese businessmen.
Not racist.
The rice was just... Rice with browny looking slime. Goopy rice, they should call it. But strangely.. it tasted NICE!
We went to pick up Yao after that from his 6-star hotel of a condo in his NS shorts. He was down with the runs but he came with us anyway.
After that it was DOTA at some place in town for a few hours. Bob is a killing machine man. I managed to kill him only once during our second game when I had a better hero. When the place had to close for the night at about 2.30am we went to the Coffee club near cineleisure to eat a bit. We told each other stupid jokes, ate some food, make fun of Yao and went home at 4.30am I think.
Wednesday: Had lunch at pizza hut then watch GOF with yigang and maya at Marina Square.
I must say, GoF was relatively well done. I can't blame them for not being able to squeeze the whole book in, it's pretty darn long. But my god... almost ALL the scenes were so suggestive!!!
Siriusly. It was hilarious too, especially the Weasley twins! They kept pulling these funny one liners everywhere. I found the irritating threesome's acting as horrendous as the collective amount of gay innuendoes in the movie.
HERMIONE'S DRESS WAS PINK, AND HER HAIR WAS CURLY. Something I am extremely annoyed by. Harry looked like freaking Dracula in his outfit. Fleur was not pretty enough, and Krum wasn't... accent-y enough. Yep.
After that we bummed around.. Realised that Marina Square may be the next wisma atria, then left by dinner time. I met Aresha later at the esplanade cause she was going to DXO for a meeting, so me and ajay went to the padang there and talked cock a bit. Close to an hour later she came, and we went to some place in town to eat porridge with Yao. He really got one kinda... 'rich man's laughter' as Aresha put it. It's highly contagious too.
After using the toilet at the nearby petrol station and had the petrol man hit on me while I was desperately trying to cross the road to get back to the group, we went to town again for more DOTA!
This time it was 4 of us against Bob. And we still lost. How pathetic is that.
Came home early due to some... extremely traumatising circumstances.
Thursday: Took the maid to go get her root canals extracted. It looked excruciatingly painful. She said it hurt but she didn't even flinch! 3 root canals somemore. He just kept yanking and yanking like nobody's business. Went to go pluck my eyebrows then went home.
Friday: GRAD NIGHT WEE! I must say I liked my whole getup very much. I am so not full of myself, you shedap k.
I went to straighten my hair but it wore off after a few hours!! But it didn't completely go all curly again so I guess it was just nice. Everyone looked FABULOUS, except a few. The emcee was particularly annoying.
The food was great! It wasn't a 10 course dinner but I thought it was pretty good. I heaped EVERYTHING onto my plate cause everything looked good, except the eclairs cause I wanted to get those only after I ate dinner. Fatimah didn't like a lot, the salmon thing and the chicken thing. I thought both were great. The performances were ok lah, but purple paige was really good! When not for fame came on surin's ear studs were glinting and everyone kept asking me if he had pierced his ears.
So blahblah ate laughed took photos danced a little then went home. I had an early night cause EVERYONE had frickin' tentative plans and didn't know what to do or where to go really. So I just didn't bother and went home. Sad, yeah, but I was tired too.
I wasn't really all for the whole clubbing idea, cause I'll be going for Aresha's event next week. And I guess clubbing too often just isn't my thing. I don't wanna run out of steam by the time i'm 21.
Amin popped the question to yiling that night too!! Congrats my darling! And fi too. Fi and Fiq. Heheheheh. I will SO make fun of you soon ok woman. And you better watch Wallace and Gromit with me or i'll kill you.
Saturday: Went for a dental appointment, then met Surin for lunch at Delifrance. Met Aresha and Ajay at TM to buy Aleksha (roanna's baby) a baptism present. We got her this ADORABLE play dome from Fisher Price that was 70 yollars. Pricy but I think it's just the best present ever lah.
Sunday: Went to Roanna's house to see Aleksha. She looks like a hamster! Her cheeks are soooo cute.

She has a super dooper long name now. I forgot what the last bit was.

Michelin baby- I mean Aleksha in her new play dome!!
Talked about loads of stuff after that; pocky, pocky, and more about pocky. Found out a whole shitload of new things about pocky. (Pocky=Aresha's friend, not the japanese biscuit)
Monday: Crashed on the sofa for a good four hours squirming in pain from period cramps. It was unbearable and I almost vomited. Ugh.
I'll update about today... tomorrow. Cause... I dunno. I've spent too long on this entry. Heheh. Ok bye.
(22/11) Tuesday: Came home at 3 plus and went to TM with Carlos. I bought myself a brooch that went nicely with my prom dress. Carlos wanted to read Archie comics at Times so I left cause I needed to pick up MY NINE NEW PS2 GAMES WOOT.
Came home, watched my new favourite show Tong Xin Yuan, had a teeny weeny bit for dinner then went out with Aresha for some indoor rock climbing at Climbasia, some shophouse turned cheap rockclimbing.. place at Rangoon Road. Being the skinny little fart that I am, I wasted a good thirteen yollars trying so hard to get myself up HALF a wall. It was ridiculous. Ajay and Bob just squatted by and laughed randomly.
After wrestling, rolling Aresha into popiah using one of the mats on the floor and taking off my toe-killing shoes a total of 9308024958 times we left at about 11+ to go to some roadside dump to eat Scissor's Rice.
Yes you heard (or read) me. Not Caesar's. SCISSOR'S. Wtfbbq. The place was downright filthy, with sticky tables, crazy screeching rats, and chinese businessmen.
Not racist.
The rice was just... Rice with browny looking slime. Goopy rice, they should call it. But strangely.. it tasted NICE!
We went to pick up Yao after that from his 6-star hotel of a condo in his NS shorts. He was down with the runs but he came with us anyway.
After that it was DOTA at some place in town for a few hours. Bob is a killing machine man. I managed to kill him only once during our second game when I had a better hero. When the place had to close for the night at about 2.30am we went to the Coffee club near cineleisure to eat a bit. We told each other stupid jokes, ate some food, make fun of Yao and went home at 4.30am I think.
Wednesday: Had lunch at pizza hut then watch GOF with yigang and maya at Marina Square.
I must say, GoF was relatively well done. I can't blame them for not being able to squeeze the whole book in, it's pretty darn long. But my god... almost ALL the scenes were so suggestive!!!
Siriusly. It was hilarious too, especially the Weasley twins! They kept pulling these funny one liners everywhere. I found the irritating threesome's acting as horrendous as the collective amount of gay innuendoes in the movie.
HERMIONE'S DRESS WAS PINK, AND HER HAIR WAS CURLY. Something I am extremely annoyed by. Harry looked like freaking Dracula in his outfit. Fleur was not pretty enough, and Krum wasn't... accent-y enough. Yep.
After that we bummed around.. Realised that Marina Square may be the next wisma atria, then left by dinner time. I met Aresha later at the esplanade cause she was going to DXO for a meeting, so me and ajay went to the padang there and talked cock a bit. Close to an hour later she came, and we went to some place in town to eat porridge with Yao. He really got one kinda... 'rich man's laughter' as Aresha put it. It's highly contagious too.
After using the toilet at the nearby petrol station and had the petrol man hit on me while I was desperately trying to cross the road to get back to the group, we went to town again for more DOTA!
This time it was 4 of us against Bob. And we still lost. How pathetic is that.
Came home early due to some... extremely traumatising circumstances.
Thursday: Took the maid to go get her root canals extracted. It looked excruciatingly painful. She said it hurt but she didn't even flinch! 3 root canals somemore. He just kept yanking and yanking like nobody's business. Went to go pluck my eyebrows then went home.
Friday: GRAD NIGHT WEE! I must say I liked my whole getup very much. I am so not full of myself, you shedap k.
I went to straighten my hair but it wore off after a few hours!! But it didn't completely go all curly again so I guess it was just nice. Everyone looked FABULOUS, except a few. The emcee was particularly annoying.
The food was great! It wasn't a 10 course dinner but I thought it was pretty good. I heaped EVERYTHING onto my plate cause everything looked good, except the eclairs cause I wanted to get those only after I ate dinner. Fatimah didn't like a lot, the salmon thing and the chicken thing. I thought both were great. The performances were ok lah, but purple paige was really good! When not for fame came on surin's ear studs were glinting and everyone kept asking me if he had pierced his ears.
So blahblah ate laughed took photos danced a little then went home. I had an early night cause EVERYONE had frickin' tentative plans and didn't know what to do or where to go really. So I just didn't bother and went home. Sad, yeah, but I was tired too.
I wasn't really all for the whole clubbing idea, cause I'll be going for Aresha's event next week. And I guess clubbing too often just isn't my thing. I don't wanna run out of steam by the time i'm 21.
Amin popped the question to yiling that night too!! Congrats my darling! And fi too. Fi and Fiq. Heheheheh. I will SO make fun of you soon ok woman. And you better watch Wallace and Gromit with me or i'll kill you.
Saturday: Went for a dental appointment, then met Surin for lunch at Delifrance. Met Aresha and Ajay at TM to buy Aleksha (roanna's baby) a baptism present. We got her this ADORABLE play dome from Fisher Price that was 70 yollars. Pricy but I think it's just the best present ever lah.
Sunday: Went to Roanna's house to see Aleksha. She looks like a hamster! Her cheeks are soooo cute.

She has a super dooper long name now. I forgot what the last bit was.

Michelin baby- I mean Aleksha in her new play dome!!
Talked about loads of stuff after that; pocky, pocky, and more about pocky. Found out a whole shitload of new things about pocky. (Pocky=Aresha's friend, not the japanese biscuit)
Monday: Crashed on the sofa for a good four hours squirming in pain from period cramps. It was unbearable and I almost vomited. Ugh.
I'll update about today... tomorrow. Cause... I dunno. I've spent too long on this entry. Heheh. Ok bye.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Apologies for the lack of updates. My last few days have been pretty packed with going out and neverending cold shoulder-ing my mother. Fret not, I shall update properly!!
AFTER prom night. Or grad night. Or graduation. Or graduation dinner. What exactly was it called again?
It's funny how stupid insects are. They fly around aimlessly and get stuck in the gooey mess that is your facial mask. Funny and gross.
So bleh. My outfit's all ready. I went against my initial plans of going for a facial and getting both a manicure and pedicure cause I just didn't wanna spend so much. Then JC prom how? Crazy man.
However. I am in dire need of a facial. I completely forgot it's PMS week - in other words its breakout week. Always, without fail, my face will become a complete disaster in a matter of days courtesy of that bastard PMS.
I haven't been sleeping regularly, I haven't been playing my playstation and I haven't made plans with Raksha for our highly anticipated Monkey Island marathon. She's going to kangaroo land in a week if i'm not wrong. But at the rate my mom's going I don't think we can do an overnight marathon. So I am sad.
THEN AGAIN! We can do some daytime marathon-ing. If that sounds good to you rakk.
Post-celebration plans tomorrow are tentative. With my mom being a first class bitch, I had to cancel my initial plans of throwing my darlings a mini party. Yiling's gonna be out with her CXT, fi will leave with *COUGH* and the rest of us will.... sit down and have no idea where to go.
My house? No party, but we can just have a talk cock session and drink green tea.
Time to wash off my mask! BAI.
AFTER prom night. Or grad night. Or graduation. Or graduation dinner. What exactly was it called again?
It's funny how stupid insects are. They fly around aimlessly and get stuck in the gooey mess that is your facial mask. Funny and gross.
So bleh. My outfit's all ready. I went against my initial plans of going for a facial and getting both a manicure and pedicure cause I just didn't wanna spend so much. Then JC prom how? Crazy man.
However. I am in dire need of a facial. I completely forgot it's PMS week - in other words its breakout week. Always, without fail, my face will become a complete disaster in a matter of days courtesy of that bastard PMS.
I haven't been sleeping regularly, I haven't been playing my playstation and I haven't made plans with Raksha for our highly anticipated Monkey Island marathon. She's going to kangaroo land in a week if i'm not wrong. But at the rate my mom's going I don't think we can do an overnight marathon. So I am sad.
THEN AGAIN! We can do some daytime marathon-ing. If that sounds good to you rakk.
Post-celebration plans tomorrow are tentative. With my mom being a first class bitch, I had to cancel my initial plans of throwing my darlings a mini party. Yiling's gonna be out with her CXT, fi will leave with *COUGH* and the rest of us will.... sit down and have no idea where to go.
My house? No party, but we can just have a talk cock session and drink green tea.
Time to wash off my mask! BAI.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Within 5 hours I managed to buy my grad night dress.
AND I'M IN LOVE WITH IT!!! And it was all within my considerably low budget. I'm so heppey.
What dress it is i'm not telling you. You'll see for yourself! It's not super duper fabulous but i'm so happy with it. I probably never felt happier with any other purchase.
All thanks to my lovely cousin Primela!! If it weren't for her I wouldn't have been able to decide I tells you. Shankyew so so so so much!
AND I'M IN LOVE WITH IT!!! And it was all within my considerably low budget. I'm so heppey.
What dress it is i'm not telling you. You'll see for yourself! It's not super duper fabulous but i'm so happy with it. I probably never felt happier with any other purchase.
All thanks to my lovely cousin Primela!! If it weren't for her I wouldn't have been able to decide I tells you. Shankyew so so so so much!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
sigh. decisions desicions.
I'll be going to England in December.
ONLY on the condition that I go with my mother.
So I shall turn it down.
Don't kill me just yet, I have my frickin' reasons. After all the hurtful things my mom said, I have an anti-ma vibe around me of a 5m radius.
In spite of that, she still can't say sorry. Her sorries come in forms of food, clothes, money etc. It's such a pissoff. All I want to hear is sorry. Never in her entire life has she even WHISPERED that word to any of us.
I just really, really hope I'm going without her. *fingers crossed*
ONLY on the condition that I go with my mother.
So I shall turn it down.
Don't kill me just yet, I have my frickin' reasons. After all the hurtful things my mom said, I have an anti-ma vibe around me of a 5m radius.
In spite of that, she still can't say sorry. Her sorries come in forms of food, clothes, money etc. It's such a pissoff. All I want to hear is sorry. Never in her entire life has she even WHISPERED that word to any of us.
I just really, really hope I'm going without her. *fingers crossed*
le sigh.
MaMbOjamBAn: i am tired. my hands are going to be clean coz i am washing it! says:
hey aroooooooooonieeeeeeeeeeeeeee
MaMbOjamBAn: i am tired. my hands are going to be clean coz i am washing it! says:
ni hao ma
=D says:
=D says:
hao ma!
MaMbOjamBAn: i am tired. my hands are going to be clean coz i am washing it! says:
=D says:
ni chi mayas house hao?
MaMbOjamBAn: i am tired. my hands are going to be clean coz i am washing it! says:
so u noe hwat i typing?
MaMbOjamBAn: i am tired. my hands are going to be clean coz i am washing it! says:
I miss my friends. =(
hey aroooooooooonieeeeeeeeeeeeeee
MaMbOjamBAn: i am tired. my hands are going to be clean coz i am washing it! says:
ni hao ma
=D says:
=D says:
hao ma!
MaMbOjamBAn: i am tired. my hands are going to be clean coz i am washing it! says:
=D says:
ni chi mayas house hao?
MaMbOjamBAn: i am tired. my hands are going to be clean coz i am washing it! says:
so u noe hwat i typing?
MaMbOjamBAn: i am tired. my hands are going to be clean coz i am washing it! says:
I miss my friends. =(
Saturday, November 12, 2005
The new sugababes video looks fun. The one with the lift and the buttons and the... THREE INCREDIBLY CUTE GUYS.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Monday, October 24, 2005
These technics earphones aresha left by the computer are the SHIZ!!
I can actually HEAR the bass of songs... like Dreadlock and even Coffee and Tv harhar. I think I will steal them on friday when I go study. It shuts off all outside noise and doesn't bug anyone around unlike my sony earphones.
Aiyoooh so nice.
Anyhews, I went for a couple of open-houses on friday. Namely tampines and meridian. I have to say... I HATE TPJC. With a passion. Never have I seen worse racial segregation. Indians are clumped together in one group babbling in tamil, the malays sit outside the malay room or something, and the chinese are well... everywhere. If I go to tpjc, where the hell will I fit in? Gan teng fong (ong teng chong hahah) was our guide, and by the end of it I was talking to him as if I knew him for years.
He was surprised at all the new bedok view stories like mr saidil converting and wai kit's face near the pond. He said TPJC's not as good as MJC, but it's more cosy than MJC. I thought he was right at first, until I actually WENT to MJC.
The school spirit there was incomparable. Granted, there were fewer malays and indians, but they weren't grouped in one corner. It was so happening I tell you. But whether I can make it there has a lot to be desired. I LOVE THEIR PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB! They just LOAN cameras to you just like that! Imagine... using professional cameras... FOR FREE!
I'll wake up at 5am everyday just to go to MJC if I could. Sigh.
Ma thought I had school today, and walked in at 6am, turned on the lights and woke me up. I sat up straight immediately and you wouldn't believe what I said.
Ma: ARUNA! Wake up. Do you have school today?
Me: No no... He married a ten year old pussy.
Ma: What??
Me: Ten.. ten year old pussy! *big grin*
Me: *actually wakes up* What? No.
I swear I wasn't dreaming about anything dirty. I was half awake and had no idea what I was talking about.
I don't think the fact that I was grinning from ear to ear helped much. I was woken up so many times that night.. I think my brain got all screwed up.
Blah.. SS in half an hour. I did the whole Acids, Bases and Salts chapter in the TYS yesterday and I just realised i've been so chemistry-dumb all this while. Bio, E math and A math can wait, I NEED to focus on science.
I can actually HEAR the bass of songs... like Dreadlock and even Coffee and Tv harhar. I think I will steal them on friday when I go study. It shuts off all outside noise and doesn't bug anyone around unlike my sony earphones.
Aiyoooh so nice.
Anyhews, I went for a couple of open-houses on friday. Namely tampines and meridian. I have to say... I HATE TPJC. With a passion. Never have I seen worse racial segregation. Indians are clumped together in one group babbling in tamil, the malays sit outside the malay room or something, and the chinese are well... everywhere. If I go to tpjc, where the hell will I fit in? Gan teng fong (ong teng chong hahah) was our guide, and by the end of it I was talking to him as if I knew him for years.
He was surprised at all the new bedok view stories like mr saidil converting and wai kit's face near the pond. He said TPJC's not as good as MJC, but it's more cosy than MJC. I thought he was right at first, until I actually WENT to MJC.
The school spirit there was incomparable. Granted, there were fewer malays and indians, but they weren't grouped in one corner. It was so happening I tell you. But whether I can make it there has a lot to be desired. I LOVE THEIR PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB! They just LOAN cameras to you just like that! Imagine... using professional cameras... FOR FREE!
I'll wake up at 5am everyday just to go to MJC if I could. Sigh.
Ma thought I had school today, and walked in at 6am, turned on the lights and woke me up. I sat up straight immediately and you wouldn't believe what I said.
Ma: ARUNA! Wake up. Do you have school today?
Me: No no... He married a ten year old pussy.
Ma: What??
Me: Ten.. ten year old pussy! *big grin*
Me: *actually wakes up* What? No.
I swear I wasn't dreaming about anything dirty. I was half awake and had no idea what I was talking about.
I don't think the fact that I was grinning from ear to ear helped much. I was woken up so many times that night.. I think my brain got all screwed up.
Blah.. SS in half an hour. I did the whole Acids, Bases and Salts chapter in the TYS yesterday and I just realised i've been so chemistry-dumb all this while. Bio, E math and A math can wait, I NEED to focus on science.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
NO birthday will ever be as fun as celine's 21st.
I dunno if i'll really blog about the WHOLE THING. But i'll try.
Aresha, Celine, Yao, Gary, Small, Ungku, Peter and I first went to Toa Payoh, the industrial area next to the golf course thing. We picked up a bag and 3 helmetfuls of golf balls and deliberated on what we were gonna do with them. First we thought of rolling them down mount faber, throwing it off a brigde, throwing it into some.. water place, then finally we decided on going to Marina South. To do what exactly with the golf balls, we had no idea.
We went there and walked around the park only to just take a piss and watch some midnight amazing race nonsense going on. After that, gary came up with some CRAZY idea to go throw the golf balls at the bangla's sleeping quarters under the ECP at fort road. If we were though, we'd have to bail as fast as we could cause only god knows how many banglas populate that site and it was so ULU.
We walked all the way in, only to come across a GOLF BUGGY hidden away in some corner. We shoved keys, coins, and safety pins into the ignition and it STARTED! Courtesy of Ungku. So we are very very thankful to him.
We drove the buggy out of the construction site back under the ECP, but one wasn't enough. While me, celine, ungku and peter threw golf balls at each other, the rest went in to hijack one more!
Nuts. They drove it out and we all hopped in and went for a few rounds here and there. Then gary and aresha came up with the brilliant idea of going BACK into the construction site where a possible hundred banglas were sleeping in their containers. We had to go back in to reach a helipad which was hidden and the only way to get there way to drive along the man-made coast. So we drove, while being whacked over and over by branches and making sure we didn't topple over the slope.
There was a branch in the way which was impossible to push up (it was still attached to a tree). Yao was in the first buggy just shouting LEFT CHIONG LEFT CHIONG and we in the second buggy tried to follow suit. We ended up crashing into the branch, breaking the front of the roof and the buggy went UP. We decided to left chiong a little bit more and got through.
We saw 2 coast guard boats go by so we stopped and prayed they didn't see us. Once we were out of their view we continued on and on. The place is so fucking ulu I swear.
The helipad was closed off so we went back onto the main path and went into this GIGANTIC WIDE OPEN SPACE that looked like the surface of the planet Mars. I swear. There was dirt everywhere and no trees for about a few km radius. We could see the ECP from there so it just goes to show that we were really fucking far away. The drive into that area itself took like half an hour.
So we drove around mars and it was a like an extreme off-road experience. We continued in and came across a couple of full sized excavators and a bulldozer. Since Marina South Yao was making so much noise about using an excavator.
Gary hopped into the smaller one and then it was like winning the lottery. THE KEY WAS STILL IN THE IGNITION. He turned it on and started moving the levers and everything. He didn't get the hang of moving much so all he did was dump dirt all over the place. Aresha started the bulldozer and all she could do was lift the shovel up and down. She couldn't move forward and all. Yao then got into the larger excavator, switched on the headlights and went NUTS!
It's as if he was corrupted by the power of that excavator. He kept slamming it into the ground making it shake a little. He went around and almost TOPPLED the huge excavator. After awhile of playing we all got a bit worried cause it was almost 4am already. Ungku said the muslim workers might wake up early to eat and stuff so it was more than enough reason to stop. Yao couldn't hear and just kept playing with it and almost hit small! It got a little scary but he came out in the end. We drove along a safer route back and very quietly went past the worker's quarters and parked the buggies where we got them.
After running out, we all went down to simpang so Ungku could eat before he started to puasa and they were all talking about drum and bass politics so I just slept on the table after finishing my milo.
Reached home, bathed and finally slept at 6.30am. Whenever I recall whatever happened, I still can't believe it. Haha. Pictures courtesy of ungku will be up soon!
So will pictures of graduation! Adieu!
Aresha, Celine, Yao, Gary, Small, Ungku, Peter and I first went to Toa Payoh, the industrial area next to the golf course thing. We picked up a bag and 3 helmetfuls of golf balls and deliberated on what we were gonna do with them. First we thought of rolling them down mount faber, throwing it off a brigde, throwing it into some.. water place, then finally we decided on going to Marina South. To do what exactly with the golf balls, we had no idea.
We went there and walked around the park only to just take a piss and watch some midnight amazing race nonsense going on. After that, gary came up with some CRAZY idea to go throw the golf balls at the bangla's sleeping quarters under the ECP at fort road. If we were though, we'd have to bail as fast as we could cause only god knows how many banglas populate that site and it was so ULU.
We walked all the way in, only to come across a GOLF BUGGY hidden away in some corner. We shoved keys, coins, and safety pins into the ignition and it STARTED! Courtesy of Ungku. So we are very very thankful to him.
We drove the buggy out of the construction site back under the ECP, but one wasn't enough. While me, celine, ungku and peter threw golf balls at each other, the rest went in to hijack one more!
Nuts. They drove it out and we all hopped in and went for a few rounds here and there. Then gary and aresha came up with the brilliant idea of going BACK into the construction site where a possible hundred banglas were sleeping in their containers. We had to go back in to reach a helipad which was hidden and the only way to get there way to drive along the man-made coast. So we drove, while being whacked over and over by branches and making sure we didn't topple over the slope.
There was a branch in the way which was impossible to push up (it was still attached to a tree). Yao was in the first buggy just shouting LEFT CHIONG LEFT CHIONG and we in the second buggy tried to follow suit. We ended up crashing into the branch, breaking the front of the roof and the buggy went UP. We decided to left chiong a little bit more and got through.
We saw 2 coast guard boats go by so we stopped and prayed they didn't see us. Once we were out of their view we continued on and on. The place is so fucking ulu I swear.
The helipad was closed off so we went back onto the main path and went into this GIGANTIC WIDE OPEN SPACE that looked like the surface of the planet Mars. I swear. There was dirt everywhere and no trees for about a few km radius. We could see the ECP from there so it just goes to show that we were really fucking far away. The drive into that area itself took like half an hour.
So we drove around mars and it was a like an extreme off-road experience. We continued in and came across a couple of full sized excavators and a bulldozer. Since Marina South Yao was making so much noise about using an excavator.
Gary hopped into the smaller one and then it was like winning the lottery. THE KEY WAS STILL IN THE IGNITION. He turned it on and started moving the levers and everything. He didn't get the hang of moving much so all he did was dump dirt all over the place. Aresha started the bulldozer and all she could do was lift the shovel up and down. She couldn't move forward and all. Yao then got into the larger excavator, switched on the headlights and went NUTS!
It's as if he was corrupted by the power of that excavator. He kept slamming it into the ground making it shake a little. He went around and almost TOPPLED the huge excavator. After awhile of playing we all got a bit worried cause it was almost 4am already. Ungku said the muslim workers might wake up early to eat and stuff so it was more than enough reason to stop. Yao couldn't hear and just kept playing with it and almost hit small! It got a little scary but he came out in the end. We drove along a safer route back and very quietly went past the worker's quarters and parked the buggies where we got them.
After running out, we all went down to simpang so Ungku could eat before he started to puasa and they were all talking about drum and bass politics so I just slept on the table after finishing my milo.
Reached home, bathed and finally slept at 6.30am. Whenever I recall whatever happened, I still can't believe it. Haha. Pictures courtesy of ungku will be up soon!
So will pictures of graduation! Adieu!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
STUPID SD CARD! Why the hell is it so screwed up? Why doesn't my computer read the fucking card? If it doesn't work I can borrow my sister's, BUT I TOOK NICE PICTURES TODAY!!
I have to find a way to salvage the goddamn pictures. Then reformat the card. Ahhh I dunnoooo what to dooooo.
And I think the error has transferred onto my computer if that's even possible. Oh sob, oh cry.
To make matters worse, the Vans shoes I wanted oh-so-badly only comes in men's sizes!! Which is 10 and 10 and half. It's no consolation at all.
So I think sunday I shall go on a sneaker hunt. Cause I have money for sneakers and I just HAVE TO BUY SOMETHING.
On a lighter note, I had a helluva good time today! It was so so so much fun I tells you.
STUPID SD CARD! Why the hell is it so screwed up? Why doesn't my computer read the fucking card? If it doesn't work I can borrow my sister's, BUT I TOOK NICE PICTURES TODAY!!
I have to find a way to salvage the goddamn pictures. Then reformat the card. Ahhh I dunnoooo what to dooooo.
And I think the error has transferred onto my computer if that's even possible. Oh sob, oh cry.
To make matters worse, the Vans shoes I wanted oh-so-badly only comes in men's sizes!! Which is 10 and 10 and half. It's no consolation at all.
So I think sunday I shall go on a sneaker hunt. Cause I have money for sneakers and I just HAVE TO BUY SOMETHING.
On a lighter note, I had a helluva good time today! It was so so so much fun I tells you.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
ahh! the last day of school's tomorrow! the horror!
Sigh. I'm bringing my camera tomorrow. Sure, I'll be back another day blahblah so what, but I guess it means more on the very last day of actual school. As students of bedok view. We're not students of BV anymore as of saturday! So it does make a difference.
Gonna be lunching at Seoul Garden with Mrs Tan at TM tomorrow with, fortunately, some of my favourite people. Jean, Carlos, Manpreet and Hao ma. I mean Jun Hao. Haha.
What a wonderful way to end the 4 oh-so-long years in secondary school.
Aresha might be coming for graduation haha. Solly ahx! No denim skirts, beach shorts, spaghetti straps, tubes or t shirts! Your favourite attire as far as I know. And no slippers either.
After that i'll be whisked away back home to celebrate celine's 21st! Gosh, she's 21. I better buy her someching.
I met her on the way back from the mrt station a couple of days ago. At first I didn't notice her, till I saw her nice bag then noticed her unique neck piercing. She thinks aresha's coming back in november! Harhar! She bought ash a batman mug too! How nice.
Bio mock ezzem today was kinda chicken feet. I didn't study, but it was the June 2005 O level paper so naturally it was easier. We all managed to finish the full paper in 2 hours! 2 HOURS! The time allocated normally is 2hrs 45mins, paper 1 and paper 2 both.
I wrote rubbish for essay questions though.
Mr zaldy's physics classes are kinda silly. A class for those who want quality passes, and a class for those who just want to pass. Any sane person would sigh up for the former. Even if they failed science miserably.
I wonder if aresha will get adjusted to the cefiro easily. It's super long and hard to park. Nothing aresha can't handle, or so I think. When she comes back at 1am on saturday, I wanna go out with her. Anywhere. Down the road or whatever. Just somewhere. Or even for a car ride. I've sat in the cefiro such a miserable number of times. It's sad.
I haven't even sat in the front yet! How fucking sad is that. I think I wanna cry now.
Bah. Ok. I think i'll practise the paper 2s of the gazillion school prelim papers that miss tan very happily distributed the other day.
Gonna be lunching at Seoul Garden with Mrs Tan at TM tomorrow with, fortunately, some of my favourite people. Jean, Carlos, Manpreet and Hao ma. I mean Jun Hao. Haha.
What a wonderful way to end the 4 oh-so-long years in secondary school.
Aresha might be coming for graduation haha. Solly ahx! No denim skirts, beach shorts, spaghetti straps, tubes or t shirts! Your favourite attire as far as I know. And no slippers either.
After that i'll be whisked away back home to celebrate celine's 21st! Gosh, she's 21. I better buy her someching.
I met her on the way back from the mrt station a couple of days ago. At first I didn't notice her, till I saw her nice bag then noticed her unique neck piercing. She thinks aresha's coming back in november! Harhar! She bought ash a batman mug too! How nice.
Bio mock ezzem today was kinda chicken feet. I didn't study, but it was the June 2005 O level paper so naturally it was easier. We all managed to finish the full paper in 2 hours! 2 HOURS! The time allocated normally is 2hrs 45mins, paper 1 and paper 2 both.
I wrote rubbish for essay questions though.
Mr zaldy's physics classes are kinda silly. A class for those who want quality passes, and a class for those who just want to pass. Any sane person would sigh up for the former. Even if they failed science miserably.
I wonder if aresha will get adjusted to the cefiro easily. It's super long and hard to park. Nothing aresha can't handle, or so I think. When she comes back at 1am on saturday, I wanna go out with her. Anywhere. Down the road or whatever. Just somewhere. Or even for a car ride. I've sat in the cefiro such a miserable number of times. It's sad.
I haven't even sat in the front yet! How fucking sad is that. I think I wanna cry now.
Bah. Ok. I think i'll practise the paper 2s of the gazillion school prelim papers that miss tan very happily distributed the other day.
Monday, October 10, 2005
i'm sorry ms jackson! WOO! i am for REAAAAL!
HURH. Hiatus my backside man. English was terrible. I was sitting in the bloody centre row perspiring my ass off. Since I was too arsed to do my summary, I wrote down every single thing i'd do after the o's. As much as I could think of.
I dunno why I didn't just skip school today. Then again, I can't bring myself to ponteng during this period. I'm always so afraid they'd go through something I don't know and i'll end up losing out.
Apologies to shila for almost killing her with the poke of doom.
I'm on a downloading frenzy. Downloading outkast and system of a down and this and that and a lot of other theengs lah. Areeesha's coming back on saturday and she wants to come for my graduation. I told her cannot already but maybe I can find a way lah.
Bio thing's gonna be LUNCH instead of dinner. Bah. So unfair. At least I can have tuition, bathe change all and go, but noooo, everyone wants to have LUNCH, after school, sticky and smelly. Howell, it's Seoul Garden so NEMIND.
I feel like buying a new cd, but maybe i'll pick up something for Celine instead. Her b'day's coming soon and all, so yeah.
And my lord, I think I just saw the most beautiful pair of shoes in the entire vurld.
I don't have a picture, but they're VANS slip ons or something. And they're fucking beautiful I says. You know the checkered thingies some people's shoes have, yeah it has that, but it's RED on a beige base. My god.
Eighty fucking nine yollars.
I guess i'll do it the old fashioned way and save up. Unless pa feels inclined to reward me for being good. But he never feels inclined to buy anyone anything for any occasion, so the good ol' way it is then! I just hope it's not gone by the time I have enough.
The bahluls are going to some place called Mark's Place this wednesday to buka puasa. Yiling and I were asked as well but SHE'S GOING FOR QUIDAM. So I dunno, I don't think I can galavant any where I want on any day just yet. I'll try my luck though, it IS the last week of school.
Yesterday I met yigang and surin at Simpang. Then we played jungle speed at the park. It's fun lah, I admit it, but when you lose, you really fucking lose man.
Then we started throwing things at each other. It was fun ok!
Someone buy me those vans shoes plskthx.
I dunno why I didn't just skip school today. Then again, I can't bring myself to ponteng during this period. I'm always so afraid they'd go through something I don't know and i'll end up losing out.
Apologies to shila for almost killing her with the poke of doom.
I'm on a downloading frenzy. Downloading outkast and system of a down and this and that and a lot of other theengs lah. Areeesha's coming back on saturday and she wants to come for my graduation. I told her cannot already but maybe I can find a way lah.
Bio thing's gonna be LUNCH instead of dinner. Bah. So unfair. At least I can have tuition, bathe change all and go, but noooo, everyone wants to have LUNCH, after school, sticky and smelly. Howell, it's Seoul Garden so NEMIND.
I feel like buying a new cd, but maybe i'll pick up something for Celine instead. Her b'day's coming soon and all, so yeah.
And my lord, I think I just saw the most beautiful pair of shoes in the entire vurld.
I don't have a picture, but they're VANS slip ons or something. And they're fucking beautiful I says. You know the checkered thingies some people's shoes have, yeah it has that, but it's RED on a beige base. My god.
Eighty fucking nine yollars.
I guess i'll do it the old fashioned way and save up. Unless pa feels inclined to reward me for being good. But he never feels inclined to buy anyone anything for any occasion, so the good ol' way it is then! I just hope it's not gone by the time I have enough.
The bahluls are going to some place called Mark's Place this wednesday to buka puasa. Yiling and I were asked as well but SHE'S GOING FOR QUIDAM. So I dunno, I don't think I can galavant any where I want on any day just yet. I'll try my luck though, it IS the last week of school.
Yesterday I met yigang and surin at Simpang. Then we played jungle speed at the park. It's fun lah, I admit it, but when you lose, you really fucking lose man.
Then we started throwing things at each other. It was fun ok!
Someone buy me those vans shoes plskthx.
Friday, October 07, 2005
I got 16 for my L1R5! If I can go to MJC i'll go, TPJC i'm not so sure.
English was the biggest disappointment ever. From feeling like I was on cloud nine for a solid 10 minutes, I was sent plunging down to the murky depths of getting-a-B-for-English-dom.
I have NEVER, EVER gotten a 26 for any compo. Neither have I ever gotten a 47/60 overall. For an exposition!! TYS FAILED my mid year exposition! And suddenly now she wants to give me excellent marks. Not that i'm complaining =D =D =D
BUT, paper 2 was the real kicker. Failed by half a fucking mark. AHH MR ANGULIA (spelling?), I thought he was cute, until he marked my paper. Ugh.
A B4 for english. Then we had geog mock exam, of which I put in LOADS of effort to make up for the shitty mark I got for the prelims. I was the only one writing away when everyone else was napping. A bit crazy, yeah, but I regret getting such a low mark. SO THERE.
THEN A MATH! WOO I GOT AN A2!!! AHH!! A FUCKING A2!! Amaaaazing man. From B4s after B4s this paper really gave me a pleasant surprise.
My tutor's proud of me, but still believes I have A1 potential. I now believe I have A1 potential for A math! Just a litttttle bit more, I know I can make it if I really try.
So yep. I guess overall i'm happy with my L1R5, though I really really wish I could've gotten that A for english. At least i'll have no Cs in my report book, apart from malay.
Okeyokeyokey gonna visit the grandfather soon. I'll come back and maybe watch the other episodes of the OC season 3! Yay!
English was the biggest disappointment ever. From feeling like I was on cloud nine for a solid 10 minutes, I was sent plunging down to the murky depths of getting-a-B-for-English-dom.
I have NEVER, EVER gotten a 26 for any compo. Neither have I ever gotten a 47/60 overall. For an exposition!! TYS FAILED my mid year exposition! And suddenly now she wants to give me excellent marks. Not that i'm complaining =D =D =D
BUT, paper 2 was the real kicker. Failed by half a fucking mark. AHH MR ANGULIA (spelling?), I thought he was cute, until he marked my paper. Ugh.
A B4 for english. Then we had geog mock exam, of which I put in LOADS of effort to make up for the shitty mark I got for the prelims. I was the only one writing away when everyone else was napping. A bit crazy, yeah, but I regret getting such a low mark. SO THERE.
THEN A MATH! WOO I GOT AN A2!!! AHH!! A FUCKING A2!! Amaaaazing man. From B4s after B4s this paper really gave me a pleasant surprise.
My tutor's proud of me, but still believes I have A1 potential. I now believe I have A1 potential for A math! Just a litttttle bit more, I know I can make it if I really try.
So yep. I guess overall i'm happy with my L1R5, though I really really wish I could've gotten that A for english. At least i'll have no Cs in my report book, apart from malay.
Okeyokeyokey gonna visit the grandfather soon. I'll come back and maybe watch the other episodes of the OC season 3! Yay!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
lucky lucky i'm so lucky!

Weehoo! It's nothing short of VUNDERFUL. Although, it's kinda like coldplay's X&Y, it grows on you, unlike their first album! Their first album was indescribable. I fell in love with it almost immediately. *oh noes fangirl mode!* I think I'll go out on a limb and say Alex Kapranos is hot.
School's been half and half. I feel so half and half. Mock ezzems have been a complete DRAG. I promised myself to study like I would for formal ezzems, but no luck so far.
So far, I have my fingers crossed for an L1R5 of 16. I think that in itself would give me a helluva boost. If not, i'll settle for at least >20.
Muahahahaha. FIRST FOR BIO BABY!
Happy happy happy happy happy. Pooja was gushing to Siewlin about how she got an A2 and is SO gonna beat me for the o's. Siewlin calculated her overall bio marks, and turns out she got a B4.
Same case for E Math. Minus the beating me part. Bah, right after I found it in me to praise her for her good ball-catching skills in the captain's ball game during our LAST p.e lesson. Sob.
Old habits die hard.
There are so many things to say about graduating. I'm psyched, i'm sad, i'm exhausted, i'm... not looking forward to it.
I guess what they don't realise it that things won't be the same. NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING compares to secondary school. My sister, her friends, my dad, everyone's been telling me that the best time ever is in secondary school. Once you're in JC or Poly, you're neck deep in projects and vurk, and consistency is the only key to doing well.
And uni? Well let's not get ahead of ourselves.
I know things won't be the same between my friends and I. Fatimah can barely go out, and everyone will start to break apart.
'Cept the 4/2 monkeys though. Haha I bet me and yiling will be the only girls staying over at the chalet, AGAIN. I don't think it would've been more fun any other way though, right yiling?
I hope to see myself herding the bahluls and call them out for regular movies and crazy outings. I'm sure they'd do the same!
That aside, i've got sleepovers and parties in mind, so you people better not change your numbers or you can't come. So.. either way it's your loss!
The engrand trip's still very much unconfirmed. Why is it always like that. I can't stand it. If you're NOT ACTUALLY bothered to go anywhere outside fucking SOUTHEAST ASIA then don't talk about anything else please!!! Don't get my hopes up! I hate that! I always end up finding myself daydreaming about the flight, the people, the clothes, the crazy amount of pictures i'd take, just EVERYTHING.
So much so, that I think i'd appreciate going somewhere new more than anything else. I didn't do well enough for the prelims so I don't deserve to go? Fair enough, but next time I don't wanna hear about anymore empty promises. You either bring me irregardless of my results, or don't talk about it at all if it involves results.
Back to graduating. It's time to move on, from the (mostly) awesome teachers, the tiring homeroom system, the random assemblys (assemblies? what?), going for Grad Night (gone 4 years in a row, hmm, then again why should it stop this year? hurhur), the good and bad results, doing homework (or lack thereof), the P.E lessons, disturbing relief teachers, CCA jumping (i'm pro ok), after-school house trips, prata lunches, disturbing lower sec goons....
Ahh I can go on and on forEVAR. As much as everyone doesn't exactly think the best of Bedok View, I think it works out for everyone in the end, it's just that the outcome depends on how much you put into it.
Blah. I like villa wellness. I KNOW I won't like that new show, Extreme Japan. I'm sick of seeing the same faces over and over and over. Don't get me wrong, I FUCKING WORSHIP Japan, to the point where I randomly babble in Japanese to Japanese people I don't even know. I don't understand why they can't JUST GET RID OF ALL OF THEM. Have auditions! We'd like to see new faces already!
Yey I downloaded the first 4 episodes of the OC season 3! Now all I need is a coke, and a Rafidah.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Ohh twinkle twinkle littlest star, how I wonder what you-a are.
I've sent it to a gazillion people, and I don't see why aresha won't burn this into a CD and play it on loop in the cefiro till our ears bleed.
My DAD emailed me that. Haha. He emails me random things.
Been awhile since a blogged, and of course i'd blog about RESULTS.
I goootttt.... B4s for 2 subjects. Two. Whole. Fucking. Subjects. I wanna kill myself over those two. I'm hoping one of it can be pushed up to a B3, but the other... ahh such a fucking disappointment.
Science chemistry and HUMANITIES.
My SS was a fucking 35/50!!! That's an A2!!!
I won't disclose my geography marks. I didn't fail, but I almost did. This just goes to show that you shouldn't drink too much water during papers, and ALWAYS go pee.
E math really cheered me up today. Got a borderline A1, but hey! I got an A1! So I'm happy flappy again, no matter how hard Andrew tries to find ways to prevent me from getting an A1.
Bio, 33/40 for both MCQ and practical. Main paper, notchet. MR HAO MA, I mean JUN HAO, got 37 and 34.5 respectively. WTF MATE?
Eskiew me, you are challenging my supremacy! You VANT TO DIE IS IT.
No la just kidding. If you get 1st, I will shake your hand, if i'm not shaking enough from crying my eyeballs out.
You studied hard enough, so you deserve it budday. Besides! This gives me more reason to push myself for the O's! Rar!
Blahblahblah got period today urgh.
I watched corpse bride! It's nothing short of BRILLIANT! A real typical tim burton. The characters, the actors, the musicals, everything! WOo! It was sad too, but I definitely would have enjoyed it more WITHOUT the period and cramps.
Ma's bufday today. I got the The Italian CD. I had no idea what it was called, but looked out for the CD cover at the shop. Couldn't find it, so I ended up having to ask the cashier.
"Ummm, do you sell... The... Italian MAN?"
"The what?"
"That italian guy singer thing.... Person."
"The italian guy? What?"
"That guy! The italian guy on the advertisement... Umm.."
"Ohhh, pedrizioorwhateverthefuckhisnameis?"
"Yes yes that one that one!"
Painful it was. And I finally changed my purse! I actually used the playboy one najib and salman gave me for my birthday for half a year. I bought a fluffy pink one that you could sleep on.
So yep. Now me and pa have this elaborate plan to surprise ma with cake and flowers when she comes home. More updates soon, either that or i'll be going on indefinite hiatus, save for a couple of photo albums in a few weeks.
I've sent it to a gazillion people, and I don't see why aresha won't burn this into a CD and play it on loop in the cefiro till our ears bleed.
My DAD emailed me that. Haha. He emails me random things.
Been awhile since a blogged, and of course i'd blog about RESULTS.
I goootttt.... B4s for 2 subjects. Two. Whole. Fucking. Subjects. I wanna kill myself over those two. I'm hoping one of it can be pushed up to a B3, but the other... ahh such a fucking disappointment.
Science chemistry and HUMANITIES.
My SS was a fucking 35/50!!! That's an A2!!!
I won't disclose my geography marks. I didn't fail, but I almost did. This just goes to show that you shouldn't drink too much water during papers, and ALWAYS go pee.
E math really cheered me up today. Got a borderline A1, but hey! I got an A1! So I'm happy flappy again, no matter how hard Andrew tries to find ways to prevent me from getting an A1.
Bio, 33/40 for both MCQ and practical. Main paper, notchet. MR HAO MA, I mean JUN HAO, got 37 and 34.5 respectively. WTF MATE?
Eskiew me, you are challenging my supremacy! You VANT TO DIE IS IT.
No la just kidding. If you get 1st, I will shake your hand, if i'm not shaking enough from crying my eyeballs out.
You studied hard enough, so you deserve it budday. Besides! This gives me more reason to push myself for the O's! Rar!
Blahblahblah got period today urgh.
I watched corpse bride! It's nothing short of BRILLIANT! A real typical tim burton. The characters, the actors, the musicals, everything! WOo! It was sad too, but I definitely would have enjoyed it more WITHOUT the period and cramps.
Ma's bufday today. I got the The Italian CD. I had no idea what it was called, but looked out for the CD cover at the shop. Couldn't find it, so I ended up having to ask the cashier.
"Ummm, do you sell... The... Italian MAN?"
"The what?"
"That italian guy singer thing.... Person."
"The italian guy? What?"
"That guy! The italian guy on the advertisement... Umm.."
"Ohhh, pedrizioorwhateverthefuckhisnameis?"
"Yes yes that one that one!"
Painful it was. And I finally changed my purse! I actually used the playboy one najib and salman gave me for my birthday for half a year. I bought a fluffy pink one that you could sleep on.
So yep. Now me and pa have this elaborate plan to surprise ma with cake and flowers when she comes home. More updates soon, either that or i'll be going on indefinite hiatus, save for a couple of photo albums in a few weeks.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Aresha sent a funny video of her and her school mates dancing to some stupid song that goes paddyappa over and over.
It's on loop, but still funny. And of course, my sister's the craziest one in the centre. I think they were all getting back to their primal instincts, judging by the fact that they were in some random forest.
I don't want to talk about A math paper 2, except that I will cry if I fail overall, cause it has never happened and I never want it to happen. AND my science paper 1 was crap. Fin.
But post-prelim afternoons are always fun. Lokman, fat, and debs bought prata and sprite, and we went up to my house to watch RUSSELLL PETERRRSSS on the plasma cause I burnt it into a CD. It still had that crappy blur computer quality. After prata we went up to my room for some PICTIONARY!
I can't believe I have board games rotting up in my cupboard. Star Wars monopoly, the new pictionary set, bingo, a fucking gigantic chess set and NIGHTMARE. Woohoo. I wanna buy Taboo.
So we played pictionary, and by far I think fatimah might just be the worst artist in existance. Haha just kidding fat. I thought her paint brush was a wind-dispersed seed.
They left at 3pm (yeah early, but it was a very nap-conducive afternoon) and I used the com till about 4, then napped till 6.45pm to my phone ringing. It was mr YIGANG but i'm grateful he called, if not I might've slept for the whole night.
Met him at 8 and went to Miss U Cafe for some reaaallyyy vunderful ice cream. So their pasta is good, their cheesecake is good, their floats are good and so is their ice cream. Have yet to try the sandwiches and all other random things.
We talked for a solid 2 hours man. So shiok. Finally did the catching up we promised each other like a year ago. MAYA! I will see you soon, I promise.
Bimla and I are going for a facial this saturday at eastpoint. I'm in dire need of a facial man. I've abstained from squeezing, there was the occasional one or two but so far i've resisted all the urges.
And the prelims are OVAH! Woohoo. I swore to myself that I will start revision by the end of this week cause I need to catch up on all the revision I DIDN'T do before the prelims.
Ash is such a goondu head. LOL PUN LOL. Ok you don't get it. Cause he bonked his head on the floor after trying to climb into some innocent malay family's house during one of his little (understatement of the century) anger trips. Not as jialat as mine last year but still serious. HE STILL HAS THE ENERGY TO TALK SHIT.
On a lighter note, he said this to me during dinner a couple of days ago.
I'm just keeping quiet, and he was eating his dinner next to me giggling like a goon.
He turns to me and says..
I wish he would say random things and be the funny boy he really is for the rest of his life and stop threating to whack, and/or whacking people. Grr. Our family could really use the peace and quiet of him being NOT VIOLENT.
It's on loop, but still funny. And of course, my sister's the craziest one in the centre. I think they were all getting back to their primal instincts, judging by the fact that they were in some random forest.
I don't want to talk about A math paper 2, except that I will cry if I fail overall, cause it has never happened and I never want it to happen. AND my science paper 1 was crap. Fin.
But post-prelim afternoons are always fun. Lokman, fat, and debs bought prata and sprite, and we went up to my house to watch RUSSELLL PETERRRSSS on the plasma cause I burnt it into a CD. It still had that crappy blur computer quality. After prata we went up to my room for some PICTIONARY!
I can't believe I have board games rotting up in my cupboard. Star Wars monopoly, the new pictionary set, bingo, a fucking gigantic chess set and NIGHTMARE. Woohoo. I wanna buy Taboo.
So we played pictionary, and by far I think fatimah might just be the worst artist in existance. Haha just kidding fat. I thought her paint brush was a wind-dispersed seed.
They left at 3pm (yeah early, but it was a very nap-conducive afternoon) and I used the com till about 4, then napped till 6.45pm to my phone ringing. It was mr YIGANG but i'm grateful he called, if not I might've slept for the whole night.
Met him at 8 and went to Miss U Cafe for some reaaallyyy vunderful ice cream. So their pasta is good, their cheesecake is good, their floats are good and so is their ice cream. Have yet to try the sandwiches and all other random things.
We talked for a solid 2 hours man. So shiok. Finally did the catching up we promised each other like a year ago. MAYA! I will see you soon, I promise.
Bimla and I are going for a facial this saturday at eastpoint. I'm in dire need of a facial man. I've abstained from squeezing, there was the occasional one or two but so far i've resisted all the urges.
And the prelims are OVAH! Woohoo. I swore to myself that I will start revision by the end of this week cause I need to catch up on all the revision I DIDN'T do before the prelims.
Ash is such a goondu head. LOL PUN LOL. Ok you don't get it. Cause he bonked his head on the floor after trying to climb into some innocent malay family's house during one of his little (understatement of the century) anger trips. Not as jialat as mine last year but still serious. HE STILL HAS THE ENERGY TO TALK SHIT.
On a lighter note, he said this to me during dinner a couple of days ago.
I'm just keeping quiet, and he was eating his dinner next to me giggling like a goon.
He turns to me and says..
I wish he would say random things and be the funny boy he really is for the rest of his life and stop threating to whack, and/or whacking people. Grr. Our family could really use the peace and quiet of him being NOT VIOLENT.
Monday, September 26, 2005
no time no time no time to blog.
So here's Franz Ferdinand's Do You Want To lyrics. GO SEE THE VIDEO, it's fucking hilarious.
Do You Want To
When I woke up tonight I said I'm
Going to make somebody love me
I'm going to make somebody love me
Now I know
Now I know
Now I know
That it's you
You're lucky lucky you're so lucky
Well do you
Do you
Do you want to
Want to go where I'd never let you before
Well do you
Do you
Do you want to
Want a go of what I'd never let you before
Well he's a friend and he's so proud of you
He's a friend and I knew him before you
He's a friend and we're so proud of you
He's a friend and I blew him before you
Here we are at the Transmission party
I love your friends - they're all so arty
Must... get A1 for bio....
Do You Want To
When I woke up tonight I said I'm
Going to make somebody love me
I'm going to make somebody love me
Now I know
Now I know
Now I know
That it's you
You're lucky lucky you're so lucky
Well do you
Do you
Do you want to
Want to go where I'd never let you before
Well do you
Do you
Do you want to
Want a go of what I'd never let you before
Well he's a friend and he's so proud of you
He's a friend and I knew him before you
He's a friend and we're so proud of you
He's a friend and I blew him before you
Here we are at the Transmission party
I love your friends - they're all so arty
Must... get A1 for bio....
Friday, September 23, 2005
For the first time in my life, I didn't have enough time for my physics paper. The paper was do-able, most probably cause I hantam-ed all the questions. But I dilly dallied throughout section one and was stumped by the electricity questions. So I ended up with 15 minutes for 2 essay questions.
I ended up drawing a LENS 5CM LONG instead of the focal length 5cm. OMG. See lah, now i've learnt my lesson about rushing like FUCK.
Seriously, since when did the length of the lens ever matter? I had a grand total of FIVE minutes for that question. So i'm screwed, basically. And I have no idea how alpha particles decay or some shit like that.
Speed revision WORKS, but only sometimes. Keep that in mind.
So next week. Hmm. I will be dead by the end of the prelims, I swear. This week was tolerable. But 4/1 and 4/2 have a whopping FIVE PAPERS next week.
FIVE. In TWO FUCKING DAYS. Perfect example of bad scheduling. My god. Monday's gonna wear me out like hell. I am SO grateful for my tutor. Without her willing to help me before the paper, I might just... FLUNK A MATH! OMG THE HORROR.
And bio. All the undue pressure. Nemind, i'll try my best, and if I don't get first, or at least an A1, I won't cry. I hope.
Ok forget that. Steph SAC got back 2 papers already, E math and pure chemistry. And got A1s for BOTH. Gah. She is not human.
I regret not wanting to go to SAC. Ma claims I was shy. SHY?!
Right. Ok now i'm going to take a short nap, bathe, eat, and STUDY BIO till it comes out of my ears.
I ended up drawing a LENS 5CM LONG instead of the focal length 5cm. OMG. See lah, now i've learnt my lesson about rushing like FUCK.
Seriously, since when did the length of the lens ever matter? I had a grand total of FIVE minutes for that question. So i'm screwed, basically. And I have no idea how alpha particles decay or some shit like that.
Speed revision WORKS, but only sometimes. Keep that in mind.
So next week. Hmm. I will be dead by the end of the prelims, I swear. This week was tolerable. But 4/1 and 4/2 have a whopping FIVE PAPERS next week.
FIVE. In TWO FUCKING DAYS. Perfect example of bad scheduling. My god. Monday's gonna wear me out like hell. I am SO grateful for my tutor. Without her willing to help me before the paper, I might just... FLUNK A MATH! OMG THE HORROR.
And bio. All the undue pressure. Nemind, i'll try my best, and if I don't get first, or at least an A1, I won't cry. I hope.
Ok forget that. Steph SAC got back 2 papers already, E math and pure chemistry. And got A1s for BOTH. Gah. She is not human.
I regret not wanting to go to SAC. Ma claims I was shy. SHY?!
Right. Ok now i'm going to take a short nap, bathe, eat, and STUDY BIO till it comes out of my ears.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
One humongous bungus reason NOT to watch the American Music Awards are.... THE NOMINEES!
Favorite Male Artist: 50 Cent, Will Smith, Rob Thomas
Favorite Female Artist: Mariah Carey, Kelly Clarkson, Gwen Stefani
Favorite Band, Duo or Group: The Black Eyed Peas, Green Day, 3 Doors Down
Favorite Album: "The Emancipation of Mimi" (Mariah Carey), "Breakaway" (Kelly Clarkson), "American Idiot" (Green Day)
Favorite Male Artist: R. Kelly, John Legend, Omarion
Favorite Female Artist: Mariah Carey, Ciara, Fantasia
Favorite Band, Duo or Group: Destiny's Child, 112, Pretty Ricky
Favorite Album: "The Emancipation of Mimi" (Mariah Carey), "Destiny Fulfilled" (Destiny's Child), "Free Yourself" (Fantasia)
Favorite Male Artist: Kenny Chesney, Toby Keith, Tim McGraw
Favorite Female Artist: Martina McBride, LeAnn Rimes, Gretchen Wilson
Favorite Band, Duo or Group: Big & Rich, Brooks & Dunn, Rascal Flatts
Favorite Album: "Honkytonk University" (Toby Keith), "Live Like You Were Dying" (Tim McGraw), "Here For The Party" (Gretchen Wilson)
Favorite Male Artist: Eminem, 50 Cent, Ludacris
Favorite Female Artist: Missy Elliott, Lil' Kim, Trina
Favorite Band, Duo or Group: The Black Eyed Peas, Lil Jon & The Eastside Boyz, Ying Yang Twins
Favorite Album: "Encore" (Eminem), "The Massacre" (50 Cent), "Urban Legend" (T.I.)
Favorite Artist: Kelly Clarkson, Maroon 5, John Mayer
Favorite Artist: Daddy Yankee, Luis Miguel, Shakira
Favorite Artist: Coldplay, Green Day, System Of A Down
Favorite Artist: Casting Crowns, Jars of Clay, Mary Mary
Favorite New Artist (All Genres): The Killers, Jesse McCartney, Sugarland
The ones in bold are the real WTF ARE THEY DOING THERE nominees.
50 cent? When has his music ever been nice? Or even made effin' sense? You are not good looking. If all you want is some ass, become a gigolo. Kanye West should be there, I says.
Mariah Carey? MY GOODD. What the hell is the world coming to. YOU'RE FRICKIN' OLD, STOP SHOWING INNOCENT PEOPLE YOUR AGED TWAT IN MAGAZINES, YOUR BOOBS LOOK LIKE CRAP IN YOUR VIDDYOS AND just die Mariah. Just cause she's mari-YAH. Blegh. See, her lousy music is getting to me and is making me think irrationally.
Will Smith? Dude, you're old, you're married and you did Men In Black. Nod Your Head was tolerable. Everything else, no.
Ciara, Ciara, Ciara. I wonder who deluded you into thinking you could sing. I'll take my hat off to your dancing, but that was the only reason why you were even remotely considered to make your own album. REPEAT AFTER ME, YOU CANNOT SING. Crooning like a cow gets you nowhere, unless you're Mariah Carey. But she's released 15 albums.
Kelly Clarkson, please don't make anymore videos. Especially if you're trying to portray this 'rock chick' bullshit. It doesn't work for you, and the lower half of your face makes you look ugly. What is that, a cleft lip? You look like crap, regardless of whether you cover half your face with your hair. Hey I know i'm not so great looking myself, but i'm not a celebrity with a flourishing career courtesy of teeny boppers now am I?
Isn't Lil' Kim... Dead? I thought she was shot down by the fashionpolice S.W.A.T team for showing too much flab.
I have nothing against system of a down. I like them.
All these shitty artists are screwing with my brain. So I shall stop ranting for now.
Is it just me, or does Gwen Stefani's L.A.M.B fashion line well... suck? They look like hankerchiefs and tattered pieces of a scottsman's kilt sewn together. Personally, I don't hate Gwen Stefani. Her music's not bad. But I don't understand why she's trying to transform the costumes from her video What You Waiting For into a fashion line.
Ok back to... more relevant things.
I think we should all shut up and appreciate what Rajidin and the rest are doing for us. I don't even mind that it's in the school hall! Be grateful we even HAVE a dinner, fools. Hello, this is bedok view we're talking about. They haven't had a graduation celebration in years. We can't dance? Even if we could, who are you gonna dance with?
Besides, I think I need to spare my eyes the horror of some people dancing, if dancing really is what they're doing in the first place.
The group that's organizing it deserves full credit. I think we should give them a token of appreciation for doing all this.
Yay. It's Aleksha's 1 month birthday tomorrow! I really want to go. I told ma if I can finish revising physics by 7 pm tomorrow I will go. And I will take pictures and send to Aresha if I do. I think the SHA in Aleksha's name was after the SHA in Aresha's name. Aleksha, Aresha.
Aresha, you should be honoured.
E math! Woo! Loci and vectors here I come baby!
Favorite Male Artist: 50 Cent, Will Smith, Rob Thomas
Favorite Female Artist: Mariah Carey, Kelly Clarkson, Gwen Stefani
Favorite Band, Duo or Group: The Black Eyed Peas, Green Day, 3 Doors Down
Favorite Album: "The Emancipation of Mimi" (Mariah Carey), "Breakaway" (Kelly Clarkson), "American Idiot" (Green Day)
Favorite Male Artist: R. Kelly, John Legend, Omarion
Favorite Female Artist: Mariah Carey, Ciara, Fantasia
Favorite Band, Duo or Group: Destiny's Child, 112, Pretty Ricky
Favorite Album: "The Emancipation of Mimi" (Mariah Carey), "Destiny Fulfilled" (Destiny's Child), "Free Yourself" (Fantasia)
Favorite Male Artist: Kenny Chesney, Toby Keith, Tim McGraw
Favorite Female Artist: Martina McBride, LeAnn Rimes, Gretchen Wilson
Favorite Band, Duo or Group: Big & Rich, Brooks & Dunn, Rascal Flatts
Favorite Album: "Honkytonk University" (Toby Keith), "Live Like You Were Dying" (Tim McGraw), "Here For The Party" (Gretchen Wilson)
Favorite Male Artist: Eminem, 50 Cent, Ludacris
Favorite Female Artist: Missy Elliott, Lil' Kim, Trina
Favorite Band, Duo or Group: The Black Eyed Peas, Lil Jon & The Eastside Boyz, Ying Yang Twins
Favorite Album: "Encore" (Eminem), "The Massacre" (50 Cent), "Urban Legend" (T.I.)
Favorite Artist: Kelly Clarkson, Maroon 5, John Mayer
Favorite Artist: Daddy Yankee, Luis Miguel, Shakira
Favorite Artist: Coldplay, Green Day, System Of A Down
Favorite Artist: Casting Crowns, Jars of Clay, Mary Mary
Favorite New Artist (All Genres): The Killers, Jesse McCartney, Sugarland
The ones in bold are the real WTF ARE THEY DOING THERE nominees.
50 cent? When has his music ever been nice? Or even made effin' sense? You are not good looking. If all you want is some ass, become a gigolo. Kanye West should be there, I says.
Mariah Carey? MY GOODD. What the hell is the world coming to. YOU'RE FRICKIN' OLD, STOP SHOWING INNOCENT PEOPLE YOUR AGED TWAT IN MAGAZINES, YOUR BOOBS LOOK LIKE CRAP IN YOUR VIDDYOS AND just die Mariah. Just cause she's mari-YAH. Blegh. See, her lousy music is getting to me and is making me think irrationally.
Will Smith? Dude, you're old, you're married and you did Men In Black. Nod Your Head was tolerable. Everything else, no.
Ciara, Ciara, Ciara. I wonder who deluded you into thinking you could sing. I'll take my hat off to your dancing, but that was the only reason why you were even remotely considered to make your own album. REPEAT AFTER ME, YOU CANNOT SING. Crooning like a cow gets you nowhere, unless you're Mariah Carey. But she's released 15 albums.
Kelly Clarkson, please don't make anymore videos. Especially if you're trying to portray this 'rock chick' bullshit. It doesn't work for you, and the lower half of your face makes you look ugly. What is that, a cleft lip? You look like crap, regardless of whether you cover half your face with your hair. Hey I know i'm not so great looking myself, but i'm not a celebrity with a flourishing career courtesy of teeny boppers now am I?
Isn't Lil' Kim... Dead? I thought she was shot down by the fashion
I have nothing against system of a down. I like them.
All these shitty artists are screwing with my brain. So I shall stop ranting for now.
Is it just me, or does Gwen Stefani's L.A.M.B fashion line well... suck? They look like hankerchiefs and tattered pieces of a scottsman's kilt sewn together. Personally, I don't hate Gwen Stefani. Her music's not bad. But I don't understand why she's trying to transform the costumes from her video What You Waiting For into a fashion line.
Ok back to... more relevant things.
I think we should all shut up and appreciate what Rajidin and the rest are doing for us. I don't even mind that it's in the school hall! Be grateful we even HAVE a dinner, fools. Hello, this is bedok view we're talking about. They haven't had a graduation celebration in years. We can't dance? Even if we could, who are you gonna dance with?
Besides, I think I need to spare my eyes the horror of some people dancing, if dancing really is what they're doing in the first place.
The group that's organizing it deserves full credit. I think we should give them a token of appreciation for doing all this.
Yay. It's Aleksha's 1 month birthday tomorrow! I really want to go. I told ma if I can finish revising physics by 7 pm tomorrow I will go. And I will take pictures and send to Aresha if I do. I think the SHA in Aleksha's name was after the SHA in Aresha's name. Aleksha, Aresha.
Aresha, you should be honoured.
E math! Woo! Loci and vectors here I come baby!
nyao! that was a F1 racing car!
I am so so so so SO screwed for geography.
Don't get me wrong.
The paper was fucking CHIECKEN FEETETH.
Why did I screw it up?
Uhh... I had to pee.
No seriously. The urge came at the beginning of the last half hour.
Ended up writing quarter page-long answers to my SEVEN MARK QUESTIONS. Oh my god. All that studying gone to waste.
I couldn't concentrate at all. And no, I didn't go to the toilet till the end of the paper cause I just didn't have enough time. Argggh. Please be lenient, pleaase.
Ok I made a mistake in my previous entry. Parvati Patil does NOT have a huge forehead. PADMA Patil's the one with the huge forehead. The girl playing Parvati is actually quite pretty.
That aside, Surin has been having weird dreams about me having an ex boyfriend named MAHANTI.
Wahaha what the fuck.
A crazy man in the bus told me he was gonna come to my house and bang down my door. I just ignored him while listening to NOT Aresha's The Cure CD. I know it's not yours ok. Bloodflowers? You don't like even like rock!
The man got off at the same stop as me, and I ran into Iecon mart to hide.
I wore my orange jacket all the way home today. I dunno why, but I didn't sweat at all. I think the cold from the air con really set in for a good 2 hours. Weird.
And what is this i'm reading about... blog screening? What the hell? Way to go teachers, all the more we'll love you! Go ahead and invade our privacy and use the pathetic excuse that the internet is for everyone to read! Oh sure, we won't mind at all that everything we say here will be held against us, no not at all. Heck, why don't you just live with us and document our every move? And count every vulgarity a normally-functioning teen would spew?
Yep, give us 2 hours detention for every F*CK (oh my GAWD I CENSORED THAT!), 4 hours for everytime we slam bedok view, public caning for having a blog and EXPULSION for being human.
Then again... Wait. How in the hell does blogging conflict with school rules? ZZING!
Aruna, 1. Random teacher blog readers, NADA!
Ugh. We already have the government secretly giggling at our blog entries- I mean scanning it for racism etc, what more TEACHERS?
Invade our space, adults do that effortlessly, and so very, very well.
Yoda, I am.
Don't get me wrong.
The paper was fucking CHIECKEN FEETETH.
Why did I screw it up?
Uhh... I had to pee.
No seriously. The urge came at the beginning of the last half hour.
Ended up writing quarter page-long answers to my SEVEN MARK QUESTIONS. Oh my god. All that studying gone to waste.
I couldn't concentrate at all. And no, I didn't go to the toilet till the end of the paper cause I just didn't have enough time. Argggh. Please be lenient, pleaase.
Ok I made a mistake in my previous entry. Parvati Patil does NOT have a huge forehead. PADMA Patil's the one with the huge forehead. The girl playing Parvati is actually quite pretty.
That aside, Surin has been having weird dreams about me having an ex boyfriend named MAHANTI.
Wahaha what the fuck.
A crazy man in the bus told me he was gonna come to my house and bang down my door. I just ignored him while listening to NOT Aresha's The Cure CD. I know it's not yours ok. Bloodflowers? You don't like even like rock!
The man got off at the same stop as me, and I ran into Iecon mart to hide.
I wore my orange jacket all the way home today. I dunno why, but I didn't sweat at all. I think the cold from the air con really set in for a good 2 hours. Weird.
And what is this i'm reading about... blog screening? What the hell? Way to go teachers, all the more we'll love you! Go ahead and invade our privacy and use the pathetic excuse that the internet is for everyone to read! Oh sure, we won't mind at all that everything we say here will be held against us, no not at all. Heck, why don't you just live with us and document our every move? And count every vulgarity a normally-functioning teen would spew?
Yep, give us 2 hours detention for every F*CK (oh my GAWD I CENSORED THAT!), 4 hours for everytime we slam bedok view, public caning for having a blog and EXPULSION for being human.
Then again... Wait. How in the hell does blogging conflict with school rules? ZZING!
Aruna, 1. Random teacher blog readers, NADA!
Ugh. We already have the government secretly giggling at our blog entries- I mean scanning it for racism etc, what more TEACHERS?
Invade our space, adults do that effortlessly, and so very, very well.
Yoda, I am.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
ice lemon tea is BLEGH.
I wonder.
If franz ferdinand came to singapore, who would go with me?
Ya so. E math was ok lah. A lot said the trigo question was hard, the last bunch of questions. I thought it was ok lah, but dividing and multiplying decimal's a bitch so I probably screwed up somewhere.
Then chemistry. God. I can kiss my first 3 months in JC goodbye. It wasn't DIFFICULT. That's the shitty part. I studied in-depth, all the complicated mumbo jumbo and of all questions to set, mrs potassium hydroxide koh set EASY QUESTIONS. Some of the fucking basics of chemistry. All of which I barely touched on.
Tomorrow's geography. I have faith in it. It may no longer be my forte, but I'll try my absolute best to score and not disappoint Ms Ong. So that means studying. Now. That means getting off my ass.
Tsk tsk. I'm still here. Well whaddya know.
Pat me on the back, i've never ever ever been able to sit through the Emmys. God it's boring.
And YAY, my favourite desperate housewife Felicity Huffman nabbed the emmy for best actress in a comedy series! Suck it Teri Hatcher!
You should've seen Teri Hatcher's face. It was all 'oh-i-am-so-gonna-win' right before they announced the winner. And I like Marcia Cross's outfit the best.
The girl that plays Julie on desperate housewives is actually really really pretty! I saw her on channel 80. She was wearing this brown tube dress.
I dunno why Rachel Bilson was hunching over in her aluminium foil dress. It just made it look worse.
I was watching MTV yesterday, and realised that the black eyed peas sound terrible live. So does chris martin haha. Norah Jones sounds great though. I need to go to more concerts god damnit.
Ok, the LIST needs updating.
Albums to Buy:
Franz Ferdinand (only in Oct)
Demon Days
Jack Johnson (!)
Aw darn I missed the fairly oddparents.
Today was a good day to sleep in.
If franz ferdinand came to singapore, who would go with me?
Ya so. E math was ok lah. A lot said the trigo question was hard, the last bunch of questions. I thought it was ok lah, but dividing and multiplying decimal's a bitch so I probably screwed up somewhere.
Then chemistry. God. I can kiss my first 3 months in JC goodbye. It wasn't DIFFICULT. That's the shitty part. I studied in-depth, all the complicated mumbo jumbo and of all questions to set, mrs potassium hydroxide koh set EASY QUESTIONS. Some of the fucking basics of chemistry. All of which I barely touched on.
Tomorrow's geography. I have faith in it. It may no longer be my forte, but I'll try my absolute best to score and not disappoint Ms Ong. So that means studying. Now. That means getting off my ass.
Tsk tsk. I'm still here. Well whaddya know.
Pat me on the back, i've never ever ever been able to sit through the Emmys. God it's boring.
And YAY, my favourite desperate housewife Felicity Huffman nabbed the emmy for best actress in a comedy series! Suck it Teri Hatcher!
You should've seen Teri Hatcher's face. It was all 'oh-i-am-so-gonna-win' right before they announced the winner. And I like Marcia Cross's outfit the best.
The girl that plays Julie on desperate housewives is actually really really pretty! I saw her on channel 80. She was wearing this brown tube dress.
I dunno why Rachel Bilson was hunching over in her aluminium foil dress. It just made it look worse.
I was watching MTV yesterday, and realised that the black eyed peas sound terrible live. So does chris martin haha. Norah Jones sounds great though. I need to go to more concerts god damnit.
Ok, the LIST needs updating.
Albums to Buy:
Franz Ferdinand (only in Oct)
Demon Days
Jack Johnson (!)
Aw darn I missed the fairly oddparents.
Today was a good day to sleep in.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Yay! I finally downloaded the european version of coldplay's trouble video! Now I can see guy berryman being tied up! Again! And again! Yay!
Went to the lantern festival just now. It had a very vibrant, happy atmosphere. Saw the 'next generation' of kids that invade the big park every weekend. They've sorta separated according to gender. How boring.
Last time we were so happening man. For the lantern festival we entered every year and WON the lantern making competition consecutively until we got too old to enter. *reminiscing mode*
I feel like eating pasta.
Went to the lantern festival just now. It had a very vibrant, happy atmosphere. Saw the 'next generation' of kids that invade the big park every weekend. They've sorta separated according to gender. How boring.
Last time we were so happening man. For the lantern festival we entered every year and WON the lantern making competition consecutively until we got too old to enter. *reminiscing mode*
I feel like eating pasta.
Friday, September 16, 2005
wah rao.
The latest harry potter movie trailer is so... shiok man. I CAN'T WAIT!
The very very first thing I'll be doing after the o's... Muahaha. Parvati Patil's forehead is fecking huge. Eeyer.
The stupid trio had better make this movie gud. Cause it's my favourite book bledy hell.
Has anyone heard the 'They're taking the hobbits to Isengard' song? It's bloody funny. There's a whole video lah. Since i'm such a kind soul, i'm hosting it here for you to download.
They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!
I'm drinking water like it's... water. In a feeble attempt to reduce the monstrosity of my breakouts.
Ash just went missing just now. I found him squatting on the seat of the new bus stop nearer to simpang bedok estate.
He was squatting for 30 minutes. When he got up, I pushed him and he fell over.
The very very first thing I'll be doing after the o's... Muahaha. Parvati Patil's forehead is fecking huge. Eeyer.
The stupid trio had better make this movie gud. Cause it's my favourite book bledy hell.
Has anyone heard the 'They're taking the hobbits to Isengard' song? It's bloody funny. There's a whole video lah. Since i'm such a kind soul, i'm hosting it here for you to download.
They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!
I'm drinking water like it's... water. In a feeble attempt to reduce the monstrosity of my breakouts.
Ash just went missing just now. I found him squatting on the seat of the new bus stop nearer to simpang bedok estate.
He was squatting for 30 minutes. When he got up, I pushed him and he fell over.
gonads and strife!
I'm having the most monstrous breakout ever. How do pimples get this big?? HOW?
So i'm isolating myself. I'm not even gonna go out with carlos, manpreet and yiling tomorrow to study cause it's THAT TERRIBLE.
I'm attempting to dry the fuck out of them so I won't resort to squeezing them, which is usually the case. My... 'pimple popper' has gone missing and i've become so accustomed to squeezing my zits with that so in a way it's a good thing, so I won't squeeze my pimples at all and I won't get scars! Well I still would after it dries out, but it'll go away faster.
Argh. So tempting. Must... not... squeeze....
The OC was... good today. It was weird when they started playing Fix You at the end cause it's been played a gazillion times on the radio to the point where people who openly proclaimed their khate for coldplay start downloading it.
But the ending was sweet! Except the caleb dying part. That was sad.
Fi's my OC buddy. =D
You know, I never thought i'd reach a point where I'd find absolutely nothing to watch on tv. Nothing interesting that is, till I got digital cable.
Digital Cable.. Spells never having nothing to watch on TV.... Ever.
So i'm isolating myself. I'm not even gonna go out with carlos, manpreet and yiling tomorrow to study cause it's THAT TERRIBLE.
I'm attempting to dry the fuck out of them so I won't resort to squeezing them, which is usually the case. My... 'pimple popper' has gone missing and i've become so accustomed to squeezing my zits with that so in a way it's a good thing, so I won't squeeze my pimples at all and I won't get scars! Well I still would after it dries out, but it'll go away faster.
Argh. So tempting. Must... not... squeeze....
The OC was... good today. It was weird when they started playing Fix You at the end cause it's been played a gazillion times on the radio to the point where people who openly proclaimed their khate for coldplay start downloading it.
But the ending was sweet! Except the caleb dying part. That was sad.
Fi's my OC buddy. =D
You know, I never thought i'd reach a point where I'd find absolutely nothing to watch on tv. Nothing interesting that is, till I got digital cable.
Digital Cable.. Spells never having nothing to watch on TV.... Ever.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
yey! the practicals are OVAH!
Okay, there's still the o level practicals, but nemind.
The friendster layout has changed yet again. Now it's uglier.
I'm screwed for chemistry practical. Some people got hydrogen, oxygen or carbon dioxide. I got oxygen. Aiyah, so stupid.
I didn't understand a thing.
I've got the next 2 days off school, which is good cause that gives me time to catch up on revision.
Gosh... I feel so weird looking at pics of myself, sans braces. I dunno, I got so accustomed to them real quick. And my top row's all straightened out too! I can't help smiling in the mirror all the time. ZHENyang got his braces off already, bloody hell. Well he did have them on for 22 months lah. Not like I mind wearing braces, it's just that cleaning's a bitch sometimes.
The friendster layout has changed yet again. Now it's uglier.
I'm screwed for chemistry practical. Some people got hydrogen, oxygen or carbon dioxide. I got oxygen. Aiyah, so stupid.
I didn't understand a thing.
I've got the next 2 days off school, which is good cause that gives me time to catch up on revision.
Gosh... I feel so weird looking at pics of myself, sans braces. I dunno, I got so accustomed to them real quick. And my top row's all straightened out too! I can't help smiling in the mirror all the time. ZHENyang got his braces off already, bloody hell. Well he did have them on for 22 months lah. Not like I mind wearing braces, it's just that cleaning's a bitch sometimes.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
bio practical bio practical bio practical.
If they say that practicals are given to help us score, then I really hope I do well. Cause... I cannot.. not get first for bio.
Aiyayaya it's just like that. If not I will lose face fo' shor.
The possibility is looking pretty high right about now. But I want $20 popular voucher to buy a cd.
I might be going to engrish land in december! Woo! But aresha's not free till 20th december, which leaves me with what... 10 days till the next year? And if i'm going for first 3 months then very difficult. But if i'm, then maybe it can be just me and aresha MINUS the crabby mother! Hoohoo.
Ok sssh.
Ok back to practical. I was so nervous like you wouldn't believe. I kept testing the solutions over and over and over again with every food test available. Cause the results were just screwing with my head, and it didn't tally with the question later on.
Fatimah mixed up the 2 fruit specimens, and if mrs tan hh chooses to be strict, she'll lose a whopping 15 MARKS. Ouch. I kept trying to console her, she insisted the specimens were in the wrong dish. Hope mrs tan understands.
Tomorrow i'm gonna be so flustered for chemistry, like I was today for bio. But I still gotta study for it. Most probably anions and cations will come out, cause she kept drilling us with practicals on it.
I can watch LoTR until I can... CRY I tell you. I had to pry myself off the sofa cause it was 2 hours into the movie, at the end of the war on RoTK. So shiok man, I LOVE THE WAR SCENES.
Okay. Chemistry, blargh.
It would be so so nice if coldplay came to singapore. They're doing their UK shows in december... hmmm.
But i'd rather see them if they came here, with all my fellow coldplay lovers.
I really really want to see:
Black Eyed Peas
Oi Sleeping Beauty (haha)
STOMP!!!!!!!! ARGH!
Ma is going with pa. For stomp. I thought parents were boring and unfun... Well, not them. I told them not to take me cause of exams and shiznit. For the sake of my conscience, I won't be going out till after the o's. Unless it's with my family, or to study. But rarely to study.
I khate studying out. With a passion.
Y'know, I have a good feeling for SS. For the first time in what... a year? I could actually calmly tie my answer sheets together, look up at the ceiling and smile for a good five minutes.
I had time to answer everything to my satisfaction. To mr fathul/mr daniel 'cheebai face' yong's satisfaction, I don't know. Apparently mr fathul went up to the guys this morning during morning assembly and said the whole class did OKAY, some did badly.
That was my initial reaction. Now I don't care. English was.... boring. I dunno. I wanted to write on Courage, but ended up doing the one on granting autonomy to students with regards to their conduct and attire. I rock at expositions, but tan yok siew doesn't like them, so.... Whatever. She'd rather I write cheesy narratives? No way uh... ho say.
If I write a narrative, it'll become a 1000-word story book.
Eesh *shudders* JC no more narratives, I can kiss them goodbye.
Can you believe I used to wear... BELLBOTTOMS? TO TOWN? A real WTF moment right there. I never realised how stupid I looked till I bought a new pair of jeans. So to recycle a bit, I shall cut off the fugly flares, sew a hem (not by myself =D) and make them into a beauuuutiful pair of 3 quarters! Aren't I resourceful? They flatter the ass real well, it'd be a waste to just throw them away heheh.
I shall take pittchurs soon, to show you the amazeeeng transformation. And no, I won't take a pic of myself wearing them, so go to hell haha.
Anions and cations, here I come!
If I haven't added you, add me at on msn.
If they say that practicals are given to help us score, then I really hope I do well. Cause... I cannot.. not get first for bio.
Aiyayaya it's just like that. If not I will lose face fo' shor.
The possibility is looking pretty high right about now. But I want $20 popular voucher to buy a cd.
I might be going to engrish land in december! Woo! But aresha's not free till 20th december, which leaves me with what... 10 days till the next year? And if i'm going for first 3 months then very difficult. But if i'm, then maybe it can be just me and aresha MINUS the crabby mother! Hoohoo.
Ok sssh.
Ok back to practical. I was so nervous like you wouldn't believe. I kept testing the solutions over and over and over again with every food test available. Cause the results were just screwing with my head, and it didn't tally with the question later on.
Fatimah mixed up the 2 fruit specimens, and if mrs tan hh chooses to be strict, she'll lose a whopping 15 MARKS. Ouch. I kept trying to console her, she insisted the specimens were in the wrong dish. Hope mrs tan understands.
Tomorrow i'm gonna be so flustered for chemistry, like I was today for bio. But I still gotta study for it. Most probably anions and cations will come out, cause she kept drilling us with practicals on it.
I can watch LoTR until I can... CRY I tell you. I had to pry myself off the sofa cause it was 2 hours into the movie, at the end of the war on RoTK. So shiok man, I LOVE THE WAR SCENES.
Okay. Chemistry, blargh.
It would be so so nice if coldplay came to singapore. They're doing their UK shows in december... hmmm.
But i'd rather see them if they came here, with all my fellow coldplay lovers.
I really really want to see:
Black Eyed Peas
Oi Sleeping Beauty (haha)
STOMP!!!!!!!! ARGH!
Ma is going with pa. For stomp. I thought parents were boring and unfun... Well, not them. I told them not to take me cause of exams and shiznit. For the sake of my conscience, I won't be going out till after the o's. Unless it's with my family, or to study. But rarely to study.
I khate studying out. With a passion.
Y'know, I have a good feeling for SS. For the first time in what... a year? I could actually calmly tie my answer sheets together, look up at the ceiling and smile for a good five minutes.
I had time to answer everything to my satisfaction. To mr fathul/mr daniel 'cheebai face' yong's satisfaction, I don't know. Apparently mr fathul went up to the guys this morning during morning assembly and said the whole class did OKAY, some did badly.
That was my initial reaction. Now I don't care. English was.... boring. I dunno. I wanted to write on Courage, but ended up doing the one on granting autonomy to students with regards to their conduct and attire. I rock at expositions, but tan yok siew doesn't like them, so.... Whatever. She'd rather I write cheesy narratives? No way uh... ho say.
If I write a narrative, it'll become a 1000-word story book.
Eesh *shudders* JC no more narratives, I can kiss them goodbye.
Can you believe I used to wear... BELLBOTTOMS? TO TOWN? A real WTF moment right there. I never realised how stupid I looked till I bought a new pair of jeans. So to recycle a bit, I shall cut off the fugly flares, sew a hem (not by myself =D) and make them into a beauuuutiful pair of 3 quarters! Aren't I resourceful? They flatter the ass real well, it'd be a waste to just throw them away heheh.
I shall take pittchurs soon, to show you the amazeeeng transformation. And no, I won't take a pic of myself wearing them, so go to hell haha.
Anions and cations, here I come!
If I haven't added you, add me at on msn.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
registering for gmail...
=D says:
help me out here
=D says:
im registering for a new email
=D says:
what should be my userid?
Sushi Bomb ... wow ... physic 2molo says:
lol ...
Sushi Bomb ... wow ... physic 2molo says:
erm .... wait arh ..
Sushi Bomb ... wow ... physic 2molo says:
what kind of image you wanna project through your id ?
=D says:
Coming from a guy you've known for 4 years whose command of english you thought was the equivalent of a... haha okay never mind.
Sushi Bomb ... wow ... physic 2molo says:
=D says:
Oh babel fish, because of you the possibilities are endless, I LOVE YOU.
I feel so superior. See lah marr, your fault, you change your email now I felt like changing mine too.
MaMbOjamBAn: cant think of any says:
hahah bongkity_hamster needs to grow up to fuck u in french
Now, on to msn! Don't add me yet though.
help me out here
=D says:
im registering for a new email
=D says:
what should be my userid?
Sushi Bomb ... wow ... physic 2molo says:
lol ...
Sushi Bomb ... wow ... physic 2molo says:
erm .... wait arh ..
Sushi Bomb ... wow ... physic 2molo says:
what kind of image you wanna project through your id ?
=D says:
Coming from a guy you've known for 4 years whose command of english you thought was the equivalent of a... haha okay never mind.
Sushi Bomb ... wow ... physic 2molo says:
=D says:
Oh babel fish, because of you the possibilities are endless, I LOVE YOU.
I feel so superior. See lah marr, your fault, you change your email now I felt like changing mine too.
MaMbOjamBAn: cant think of any says:
hahah bongkity_hamster needs to grow up to fuck u in french
Now, on to msn! Don't add me yet though.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Miss yiling, you've only failed e math one or two times. We all have our ups and downs, and besides, your a math is exceptional. =D AND, I will always be there if you need me.
This is a typical conversation between me and ash in a good mood.
Me: Hey, ash-
SS beckons.
This is a typical conversation between me and ash in a good mood.
Me: Hey, ash-
SS beckons.
what in the hell is tweet?
I just watched the spongebob movie dvd my mom bought for me from JB, with Dog. And of course, the new home theatre system. I couldn't really EXPERIENCE the theatre cause it was late and I didn't wanna wake up the grumpy parents and brother.
Okay. Did minimal studying for SS, but fact remains I still did study for it. I should be prepped for monday's papers, god help me for the rest.
I still feel the warm fuzziness from the movie. Spongebob is never extinct to me.
I think my prelim results will suck ass. But... why is it that when I study at the last moment, it always works? Maybe it's the pressure that spurs me on to focus and concentrate.
Howell. I will not take that chance this time around. Even for prelims. Weee!
Dog is barking non-stop. Her bark is so unique, well at least I always thought so. It isn't a high pitch yap of a toy dog, neither is it low like a typical retriever. It's.... feminine. Haha.
I took Dog on a new route for a walk once, and a lady I came across said, "Wah, no need to check, can tell this dog's female! She's BEOOOTIFOOL!"
Did I blog about this before? Ok doesn't matter, I love Dog. She's so pretty, silly, barks funny, and very very very loyal.
She WAITS for me to come back from school, can you believe it? She lies in the porch with her stuffed Eeyore, either sleeping or gazing at the field. When I arrive, she jumps and sticks her head through the gate. Of which I took pictures of a few entries ago.
I'm going to study tomorrow with skinny manpreet and carlost. Dunno whether manpreet is going, but I won't do SS if I can't really concentrate. I'll do e math instead, though I usually never practise e math cause it can be real chicken feet sometimes. Compared to A math, that is.
I mean, how in the hell do you fail e math?
They purposely give you chicken feet questions to PASS, the rest is whether you've studied or not.
I watched the Lion King 3 on disney just now, and it's so funny aiyoh. Haha.
Did you know, that neptune's daughter in the spongebob movie was played by the oh-so-hot scarlett johansson? She's officially COOL! All the more I love her.
It be getting late, and I be going now.
Okay. Did minimal studying for SS, but fact remains I still did study for it. I should be prepped for monday's papers, god help me for the rest.
I still feel the warm fuzziness from the movie. Spongebob is never extinct to me.
I think my prelim results will suck ass. But... why is it that when I study at the last moment, it always works? Maybe it's the pressure that spurs me on to focus and concentrate.
Howell. I will not take that chance this time around. Even for prelims. Weee!
Dog is barking non-stop. Her bark is so unique, well at least I always thought so. It isn't a high pitch yap of a toy dog, neither is it low like a typical retriever. It's.... feminine. Haha.
I took Dog on a new route for a walk once, and a lady I came across said, "Wah, no need to check, can tell this dog's female! She's BEOOOTIFOOL!"
Did I blog about this before? Ok doesn't matter, I love Dog. She's so pretty, silly, barks funny, and very very very loyal.
She WAITS for me to come back from school, can you believe it? She lies in the porch with her stuffed Eeyore, either sleeping or gazing at the field. When I arrive, she jumps and sticks her head through the gate. Of which I took pictures of a few entries ago.
I'm going to study tomorrow with skinny manpreet and carlost. Dunno whether manpreet is going, but I won't do SS if I can't really concentrate. I'll do e math instead, though I usually never practise e math cause it can be real chicken feet sometimes. Compared to A math, that is.
I mean, how in the hell do you fail e math?
They purposely give you chicken feet questions to PASS, the rest is whether you've studied or not.
I watched the Lion King 3 on disney just now, and it's so funny aiyoh. Haha.
Did you know, that neptune's daughter in the spongebob movie was played by the oh-so-hot scarlett johansson? She's officially COOL! All the more I love her.
It be getting late, and I be going now.
Friday, September 09, 2005
my mom's ringtone sounds like birds and tweets and happy tree fun things.
Okay. What's weaker?
Cruel Intentions 3's storyline?
Or the intellect of Britney Spears ("oh, i want a c-section instead of giving birth normally cause it HURTSss boohoo")?
You decide.
Cruel Intentions 3's storyline?
Or the intellect of Britney Spears ("oh, i want a c-section instead of giving birth normally cause it HURTSss boohoo")?
You decide.
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