Gosh I suck at Photoshop. This is our 2.4m inflatable santa, by the way. =D
Our christmas tree? Not quite...
That's better.
Blurriness at its worst as my camera continues to PMS on me.
Santa and his basket of... A car key. It was later filled with loads of hershey's kisses.
Our personalised stockings! The 5 goonz have their names on each of them.
Pa is going to play some quidditch with dog's head. Nah he's just going to sweep the field out front because....
He set up a tent for Aresha's friends! They sat there and talked later, we brought out chairs and stuff for them and lit tiki torches!
Santa tablecloth.
Giant candycanes in our garden!
Dog is so excited.
See? That's her nose.. if you can make it out.
Acorn decor on the piano.
Now THESE stockings rightfully belong to the 3 goonz living in the house that throws awesome christmas parties heheh.
I blew the air horn and she ran out the front, afterwhich my dad gave me a hefty scolding. -_-
Celine! Wrapping presents and beetching. Or at least thats what Aresha said.
2 drunk aunties, a drunk mother and a discreetly traumatised inflatable santa.
Turkey! Stuffing, gravy, salad, pizza, pasta, and some mashed 'taters for dinner.
Aunty Man getting ready to knife the turkey.
The family watched Russell Peters later at 1am.
Vickesh and Primela checking out their stockings stash.
The barrage of presents, and Emlyn being harassed by Dog.
The Russell Peters watching was later joined by Aresha's friends from outside.
After the presents were opened!
The floor, strewn with presents and an empty tree-bottom.
Aresha snatching Dog's new Eeyore that we gave her as a Christmas present.
Emlyn, Gary, Small and a very red-faced Yao after opening presents.
Ajay's Liverpool's Crazy Fan Award. You can't see the letters, but you can see Ajay in the reflection. His name was engraved on the award! Heheh.
Last picture.. Yao and pink-top Bob.
So yep. It was a good partay I must say. It was boring at first, then picked up when we started watching Russell Peters. We opened presents after that.
What I got everyone:
Ma - Strawberry scented candle in a porcelain strawberry container
Pa - Pricy Ashworth wallet, a joint present from me and Aresha
Aresha - A solar powered plant whose leaves bob up and down
Ashwin - 'Police Academy Playset', Police cars, and some police officer stuff, another joint present
Aunty Su - A very expensive oldies CD, joint present
Aunty Man - 2 shawls, 1 off-white and 1 green, joint present
Uncle Raj - Back massager
Vickesh - Fourskin t-shirt, joint present
Primela - Crown necklace + crown earrings in a little heart shaped princess box, joint present.
Celine - A spiffy tealight holder, it's much better than it sounds ok
Ajay - Underwear in a bucket! HAHA I just had to.
What I got:
Hair straightener + curler and all sorts of other things for my hair + SUPER ADORABLE SPONGEBOB MUG from Ma
Earrings from Ash *hugs*
IOU from Aresha (i'm not complaining =D)
Make up from Aunty Man
Funky top from Primela & Vickesh
Fossil watch (!!!!) from Aunty Su
Pink and black clutch from Celine which I will definitely use
Cordless Ps2 controller (!!!!!) from Ajay
The fossil watch was a congratulatory present from Aunty Su for getting 16 points and getting into a JC for first 3 months. Woot! It's damn nice lah.
Ajay is the bestest future brother-in-law. I've always wanted a cordless controller, and I asked him how he knew. He said every gamer wants a cordless controller, and that's the truest thing I've heard.
Shit. I put in my WoW free trial CD in just now without checking the CD tray, and when the CD was gonna load, the drive started RATTLING like mad, I thought it was gonna explode. I quickly pressed the open button and saw that Aresha left her koh phangan pictures CD inside from long long ago. Gah.
Anyways. At 4am after the present-opening, cleaning up and trying out my new controller, Aresha, her friends and I set off for another night time adventure. It was gonna be short though, cause Ajay had work at 5.30am and we all had bundled into his work van. We trundled off Sun Plaza park first to drop vickesh off. On the way there, we passed a NR. I think it was NR9. Aresha and Yao stuck the air horns out and BLEW it like nobody's business.
And EVERYONE on the bus heard!!! It was mad! Everyone started waking up and looking in our direction with that priceless look of shock on their faces.
Later when we reached the bus stop nearest to Vickesh's house, we saw one business looking guy there on his phone, and yet again, we blasted the air horns, but he merely waved us off.
Yao got extremely flustered by this and told Ajay to stop a distance away, while he sneaked up to the guy and blew the freaking air horn in his ear!! The guy jumped up and we thought he was gonna beat up Yao but he just shouted and pointed angrily in his direction as he ran back to the van. Vickesh left for home and we set off for Changi Village!
We first drove around carparks to check out some bapuks. We found this really hot one and ended up driving in circles to take another look. We didn't airhorn them in the end cause Aresha said you'd never know how violent they can get.
Then we went up to old changi hospital to find innocent thrill-seeking kids to shock. We found about 6 in a group walking out of the place, and Yao came up with a brilliant plan to deceive them. We drove up to them and wound down the window.
Yao: Hey when you guys were up there did you hear a noise? Or a sound?
Clueless people: Errr no..
Y: Are you sure? Cause I thought I heard a loud sound just now, a very loud sound.
CP: *is clueless*
Y: Yeah I'm sure I heard a very loud noise, a very loud noise... that sounds like THIS *HORNS*
They were only a little bit shocked, not much, and they were really sporting too heheh.
It was getting late, so we drove off to the last carpark of East Coast, also the DIRTIEST carpark of East Coast... If you know what I mean. If you're that daft, couples go there in cars to Woohoo.
I've been playing too much Sims 2.
We drove around the carpark once with the headlights off just to have a look-see, and sure enough, there was a black Mazda in a corner with very active silhouette on silhouette action going on, from what we could make out. We could even see that the person on top was a girl. Too bad they were parked near a streetlamp so we could roughly make out what they were doing.
We ran across the carpark and hid behind a truck just next to the car. Our masterplan was just to jump out, blow the airhorn, jump up and down a bit and run off. I was supposed to be the lightings expert, while Aresha was the camera woman (yes, we recorded EVERYTHING), but Aresha needed to hold the torchlight above the camera so I just tagged along for the fun of it.
When Aresha shone the torchlight in the car, we saw that they were fully clothed, but still doing their monkey business. Yao and Gary blew the airhorns and we started jumping up and down like monkeys for about 2 seconds. Then we ran back across the carpark to the van, laughing like crazy.
As Ajay drove past, Yao passed me his air horn and me and Gary blew away as we passed them, while Ajay honked at them. It was the highlight of the night.
Got home at 5am, helped the maid clean up, and snuggled into bed at 6am.
Christmas, today, on the other hand, was a complete bore lazing around at home, recovering from the day before, so there's no point, blogging, about, it.
Tomorrow i'm gonna do a bit more shopping.
PS: MY PERIOD STILL HASN'T COME YET!! OMGWTFBBQ! I think it's a christmas miracle.
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