(22/11) Tuesday: Came home at 3 plus and went to TM with Carlos. I bought myself a brooch that went nicely with my prom dress. Carlos wanted to read Archie comics at Times so I left cause I needed to pick up MY NINE NEW PS2 GAMES WOOT.
Came home, watched my new favourite show Tong Xin Yuan, had a teeny weeny bit for dinner then went out with Aresha for some indoor rock climbing at Climbasia, some shophouse turned cheap rockclimbing.. place at Rangoon Road. Being the skinny little fart that I am, I wasted a good thirteen yollars trying so hard to get myself up HALF a wall. It was ridiculous. Ajay and Bob just squatted by and laughed randomly.
After wrestling, rolling Aresha into popiah using one of the mats on the floor and taking off my toe-killing shoes a total of 9308024958 times we left at about 11+ to go to some roadside dump to eat Scissor's Rice.
Yes you heard (or read) me. Not Caesar's. SCISSOR'S. Wtfbbq. The place was downright filthy, with sticky tables, crazy screeching rats, and chinese businessmen.
Not racist.
The rice was just... Rice with browny looking slime. Goopy rice, they should call it. But strangely.. it tasted NICE!
We went to pick up Yao after that from his 6-star hotel of a condo in his NS shorts. He was down with the runs but he came with us anyway.
After that it was DOTA at some place in town for a few hours. Bob is a killing machine man. I managed to kill him only once during our second game when I had a better hero. When the place had to close for the night at about 2.30am we went to the Coffee club near cineleisure to eat a bit. We told each other stupid jokes, ate some food, make fun of Yao and went home at 4.30am I think.
Wednesday: Had lunch at pizza hut then watch GOF with yigang and maya at Marina Square.
I must say, GoF was relatively well done. I can't blame them for not being able to squeeze the whole book in, it's pretty darn long. But my god... almost ALL the scenes were so suggestive!!!
Siriusly. It was hilarious too, especially the Weasley twins! They kept pulling these funny one liners everywhere. I found the irritating threesome's acting as horrendous as the collective amount of gay innuendoes in the movie.
HERMIONE'S DRESS WAS PINK, AND HER HAIR WAS CURLY. Something I am extremely annoyed by. Harry looked like freaking Dracula in his outfit. Fleur was not pretty enough, and Krum wasn't... accent-y enough. Yep.
After that we bummed around.. Realised that Marina Square may be the next wisma atria, then left by dinner time. I met Aresha later at the esplanade cause she was going to DXO for a meeting, so me and ajay went to the padang there and talked cock a bit. Close to an hour later she came, and we went to some place in town to eat porridge with Yao. He really got one kinda... 'rich man's laughter' as Aresha put it. It's highly contagious too.
After using the toilet at the nearby petrol station and had the petrol man hit on me while I was desperately trying to cross the road to get back to the group, we went to town again for more DOTA!
This time it was 4 of us against Bob. And we still lost. How pathetic is that.
Came home early due to some... extremely traumatising circumstances.
Thursday: Took the maid to go get her root canals extracted. It looked excruciatingly painful. She said it hurt but she didn't even flinch! 3 root canals somemore. He just kept yanking and yanking like nobody's business. Went to go pluck my eyebrows then went home.
Friday: GRAD NIGHT WEE! I must say I liked my whole getup very much. I am so not full of myself, you shedap k.
I went to straighten my hair but it wore off after a few hours!! But it didn't completely go all curly again so I guess it was just nice. Everyone looked FABULOUS, except a few. The emcee was particularly annoying.
The food was great! It wasn't a 10 course dinner but I thought it was pretty good. I heaped EVERYTHING onto my plate cause everything looked good, except the eclairs cause I wanted to get those only after I ate dinner. Fatimah didn't like a lot, the salmon thing and the chicken thing. I thought both were great. The performances were ok lah, but purple paige was really good! When not for fame came on surin's ear studs were glinting and everyone kept asking me if he had pierced his ears.
So blahblah ate laughed took photos danced a little then went home. I had an early night cause EVERYONE had frickin' tentative plans and didn't know what to do or where to go really. So I just didn't bother and went home. Sad, yeah, but I was tired too.
I wasn't really all for the whole clubbing idea, cause I'll be going for Aresha's event next week. And I guess clubbing too often just isn't my thing. I don't wanna run out of steam by the time i'm 21.
Amin popped the question to yiling that night too!! Congrats my darling! And fi too. Fi and Fiq. Heheheheh. I will SO make fun of you soon ok woman. And you better watch Wallace and Gromit with me or i'll kill you.
Saturday: Went for a dental appointment, then met Surin for lunch at Delifrance. Met Aresha and Ajay at TM to buy Aleksha (roanna's baby) a baptism present. We got her this ADORABLE play dome from Fisher Price that was 70 yollars. Pricy but I think it's just the best present ever lah.
Sunday: Went to Roanna's house to see Aleksha. She looks like a hamster! Her cheeks are soooo cute.

She has a super dooper long name now. I forgot what the last bit was.

Michelin baby- I mean Aleksha in her new play dome!!
Talked about loads of stuff after that; pocky, pocky, and more about pocky. Found out a whole shitload of new things about pocky. (Pocky=Aresha's friend, not the japanese biscuit)
Monday: Crashed on the sofa for a good four hours squirming in pain from period cramps. It was unbearable and I almost vomited. Ugh.
I'll update about today... tomorrow. Cause... I dunno. I've spent too long on this entry. Heheh. Ok bye.
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