Weehoo! It's nothing short of VUNDERFUL. Although, it's kinda like coldplay's X&Y, it grows on you, unlike their first album! Their first album was indescribable. I fell in love with it almost immediately. *oh noes fangirl mode!* I think I'll go out on a limb and say Alex Kapranos is hot.
School's been half and half. I feel so half and half. Mock ezzems have been a complete DRAG. I promised myself to study like I would for formal ezzems, but no luck so far.
So far, I have my fingers crossed for an L1R5 of 16. I think that in itself would give me a helluva boost. If not, i'll settle for at least >20.
Muahahahaha. FIRST FOR BIO BABY!
Happy happy happy happy happy. Pooja was gushing to Siewlin about how she got an A2 and is SO gonna beat me for the o's. Siewlin calculated her overall bio marks, and turns out she got a B4.
Same case for E Math. Minus the beating me part. Bah, right after I found it in me to praise her for her good ball-catching skills in the captain's ball game during our LAST p.e lesson. Sob.
Old habits die hard.
There are so many things to say about graduating. I'm psyched, i'm sad, i'm exhausted, i'm... not looking forward to it.
I guess what they don't realise it that things won't be the same. NOTHING, I repeat, NOTHING compares to secondary school. My sister, her friends, my dad, everyone's been telling me that the best time ever is in secondary school. Once you're in JC or Poly, you're neck deep in projects and vurk, and consistency is the only key to doing well.
And uni? Well let's not get ahead of ourselves.
I know things won't be the same between my friends and I. Fatimah can barely go out, and everyone will start to break apart.
'Cept the 4/2 monkeys though. Haha I bet me and yiling will be the only girls staying over at the chalet, AGAIN. I don't think it would've been more fun any other way though, right yiling?
I hope to see myself herding the bahluls and call them out for regular movies and crazy outings. I'm sure they'd do the same!
That aside, i've got sleepovers and parties in mind, so you people better not change your numbers or you can't come. So.. either way it's your loss!
The engrand trip's still very much unconfirmed. Why is it always like that. I can't stand it. If you're NOT ACTUALLY bothered to go anywhere outside fucking SOUTHEAST ASIA then don't talk about anything else please!!! Don't get my hopes up! I hate that! I always end up finding myself daydreaming about the flight, the people, the clothes, the crazy amount of pictures i'd take, just EVERYTHING.
So much so, that I think i'd appreciate going somewhere new more than anything else. I didn't do well enough for the prelims so I don't deserve to go? Fair enough, but next time I don't wanna hear about anymore empty promises. You either bring me irregardless of my results, or don't talk about it at all if it involves results.
Back to graduating. It's time to move on, from the (mostly) awesome teachers, the tiring homeroom system, the random assemblys (assemblies? what?), going for Grad Night (gone 4 years in a row, hmm, then again why should it stop this year? hurhur), the good and bad results, doing homework (or lack thereof), the P.E lessons, disturbing relief teachers, CCA jumping (i'm pro ok), after-school house trips, prata lunches, disturbing lower sec goons....
Ahh I can go on and on forEVAR. As much as everyone doesn't exactly think the best of Bedok View, I think it works out for everyone in the end, it's just that the outcome depends on how much you put into it.
Blah. I like villa wellness. I KNOW I won't like that new show, Extreme Japan. I'm sick of seeing the same faces over and over and over. Don't get me wrong, I FUCKING WORSHIP Japan, to the point where I randomly babble in Japanese to Japanese people I don't even know. I don't understand why they can't JUST GET RID OF ALL OF THEM. Have auditions! We'd like to see new faces already!
Yey I downloaded the first 4 episodes of the OC season 3! Now all I need is a coke, and a Rafidah.
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