Tuesday, May 29, 2007

the good and the badminton

You know something. I really love my dad. As much as i'm the invisible child despite everything i've achieved and us constantly snapping at each other, there's love i'm sure of it. I asked him if he wanted to go to Foo House with me, just the two of us prolly drinking alcohol. He's all busy, so never mind.

But deep down i'm sure he appreciates it.

Aresha's landing in about 3 hours. Yay. I hope she had a good time. First thing she'll do is probably show me all the photos she took while she was there on the D80 she borrowed. That's the only thing i'm jealous about, I suppose. But one thing I can do better than her for sure is take photos :)

I have started on revision. Yay me. Slow and steady though. A bit too slow, but it'll pick up for sure.

Although... I will be taking a nice break in between for a bit of night-time drinking. Alcohol makes for good escapism. Lovely.

I put gel insoles into my Mankillers. Yes, I finally own a pair, from GoJane! I could kill someone just by stabbing them. I wore them for TPJC Runway, felt like a million bucks. Only downside was that my feet would go numb after awhile of walking. It got so bad that I just pulled them off on the way to Tampines Mart MacD's with Hafidz. It's becoming a habit... I HAVE to stop taking my shoes off and walking around barefoot in public.

So yes, I hope the gel insoles work their magic. Cause I finally found the solution to not looking like a minah/topshop-whore in skinnies. Wear my lovely Mankillers!

I bought a lovely green dress from GoJane too. It's a bit on the revealing side, and coming from me that means it's pretty *ahem*. Apart from that it's quite a shapless dress, sadly. Something I could wear for drinks at night I guess.

Badminton today! It was productive actually. We played properly for a good 2 hours, fooled around for one. I missed the Heroes rerun at 12pm so i'll be lost watching Heroes tomorrow.

Now my thigh muscles are all wobbly and I can't hold my 1 litre bottle of water properly. I'm also starting to think it's a bad thing that I drink water a litre at a time.

1 comment:

Greg said...

I saw your post about your dad. I am a New York Times bestselling author working on a new book about father-daughter relationships and thought you might want to contribute. Please visit my page for details about submitting stories for Daddy's Little Girl.

Gregory E. Lang
Author, Why a Daughter Needs a Dad