Tuesday, May 29, 2007

this doesn't change things

It won't, okay.

Anyway, I watched PoTC 3 already! Haha yeah i'm finally up-to-date with movies! Thanks to Mon! Cause he is awesome and if he weren't I'd still be emo going on my 'i-have-no-friends' rant.
Hehe. And I actually sat down to watch a Formula One race. Cool stuff, I think the Singapore one will definitely be worth going for.

Gonna play badminton with the classmates tomorrow! I'm anticipating quite a bit of madness. But my mom took both MY digicam and the videocam so... I'll just have to rely on my stupid phone.

Haha. Also. Who would've thought I'd finally realise the person I kept going weak in the knees for isn't worth half my time? Sheesh. Thanks for wasting an integral part of my year.

Aresha's coming back from Japan Wednesday morning, 1am. Then Ma on Thursday. Sigh. The house will be in madness again. I'm really appreciating the peace and quiet, although too much means my mind will wander too easily and I won't be able to study.

My last month of holidays before the final stretch of rote-based education. Thanks for wasting 18 years of my life. This feels like a speech of false gratitude rather than a blog entry.

I'm having the worst headache now. Like my right eyeball has a shard stuck in it and its projecting inwards into my brain. Yeah, ouch. It's not really an ache anymore, its like a jarring sharp pain. Then again, it's been bugging me perpetually throughout the day so it COULD be an ache.

Aruna, just shut up and sleep.

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