Oh and Tyra Banks is a nutcase. I've never quite liked her.... now I think she's retarded. And I still don't like her.
Need proof?
"YOU get vaseline and YOU get vaseline and YOU GET VASELINE!!! AAAAAHHH!!!"
I was having a miserable Friday, after receiving my shit results, facing my bawling seniors whom I had known for a fact that they mugged their butts off and still did badly, then dragging my ass home to study for the god damn econs test, Ma told me Aresha's car would be coming today.
Her Mazda MX-5. Ripped the picture off her blog.

It's really cute and REALLY small. Not exaggerating here. You can't fit more than two medium built people in it. We took it to get blessed/christened at the temple in Katong. The priest was larger than my grandmother and that's really saying something. He had to sit in the driver's seat to throw petals all over the dashboard and make markings with a mix of powder and water and it got all over the speedometers.
Watching him trying to get into the car was... amusing to put it lightly. Respect respect.
Aresha had to walk a round around the car with a coconut with lighted camphors on it. The coconut then caught fire halfway and all the commotion of coconut breaking after that led Ash into thinking that he was supposed to break the coconut on the car. Of which he almost did, very eagerly.
I prayed very hard for my A levels. Very very very hard. Cause the shock from the MTL results and the looks on the faces of my seniors have paralysed my brain for awhile. Which is amazing because I probably have never prayed that hard in my life, in a temple nonetheless, since I was a kid thinking God would make all my wishes come true. Only for it to fuck up nicely and if you asked me to pray about this time 4 years ago I would've hissed and spat like a pms-ing cat.
Then I prayed for my family. Also very hard. For Aresha to get a great job, for Ash's stupid behaviour to improve, for my dad to stop acting like a goon and for my mom to stay the way she is.
I know how I used to complain ALL THE TIME about my mother. But towards the end of last year she's really made an effort to change not only for herself but the whole family. And I quite like the new her. She sets boundaries within reason, and knocks me on the head (verbally now that i'm older haha) when i'm spiralling the wrong way. But how much you wanna bet i'll be complaining about her again? Haha.
Back to the car. It looks nice and all, but I think the $100k was all for aesthetics. It's far from top-of-the-line that's for sure, cause sitting it in was like sitting in a very thinly-padded car seat... and the seats weren't thinly-padded. You could feel every bump in the road.
The sound system is awesome. DNB sounds so much better in that car. But when the hood is up, you STILL can hear almost every single sound outside the car. As if the hood was down. No sound insulation whatsoever. The hood isn't automated either, so you gotta detach it and push it down yourself.
But... oh well. It's a nice car.
It says 6668 jr in the photo cause my dad actually bid for a 6668 plate to match the cefiro. So now we have a nice procession of black 6668 cars. Cool shit. I'm getting my license first thing after my 'A' Levels hehe. MWAHAHA!
I do not understand. Why TPJC insists on re-testing the same god damn topics over and over. How can we start our bledy revision if you're gonna make us mug for the same topics over and over? Retards.
1 comment:
i never liked her too. and now i think she's retarded too. HAHA.
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