Mr remedios will be driving us there at 2.10pm SHARP! Meh. The only thing I look forward to is actually stepping into NUS. And having fun with yilin. :D
Hmm my birthday. It sucked lah, really. Not the outing with my darlings, no, but the actual day itself. Luckily alvin asked me to join him, desmond, jillian and yogi at the expo to study. Yes, study, on my birthday. But I had fun! More fun than I would've had if I just stayed at home to rot and do housework.
Desmond being himself... A slut.
My campaign manager and fellow friend-who-was-ignored, Jillian! <3
My birthday cake! Courtesy of Jillian, so sweet =D
Things get emotional later with Desmond and Alvin emperador at Simpang.
This picture is just... Err... Off. I mean, just look at Desmond's face! And what the heck are Alvin and Yogi looking at?
The 3 most touchy-feely-with-each-other people i've met - Desmond, Alvin and Yogi. Seriously, just look at them. And Alvin isn't even looking at the camera! Rar.
Alvin looks like he's gonna say FUCK as Desmond watches in amazement, and Yogi is a camwhore wearing a hippy t-shirt.
Happy birthday to me. Sorta. Jillian wrote a happy birthday msg on my hand.
Desmond and Alvin find their sentimental side. Note Alvin's totally AH BENG PANTS!
I keep telling him to trim his nose hair, but he never listens.
Desmond striking a killer smile. LOOK SEXY, NOW!
So yep. Went home at 10 and was too scared to sleep cause I was dead exhausted. I finally took a well-deserved nap today and I had the weirdest dream ever. Which I forgot.
The council elections is driving a stick up my ass. Seriously. So is PW, the Pre-u seminar and... Biology. I've finally reached a point where I don't understand anything. Time to call JIA YING my trusty china tutor.
I did chemistry and some math homework today, go me! Now all I have left is the rest of Math, PW left to finish by Thursday, afterwhich i'll study for my Econs test on friday. And we have another friggin interview to do on friday.
Then on saturday, the Pre-u sem presenters will meet to discuss our presentation itself.
MY GOD WHAT A BORING ENTRY! TPJC has made me a boring person. Kill me now.
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