Sunday, April 16, 2006


Life can suck so so so so soooooooooo much sometimes.

So much so... that it makes you wonder what you and your family did that was so wrong that you had to deserve this.

15th April 2006 signals the day that the feeling of mounting loss has begun.

Spent the whole day cleaning up the mess Ash made. I feel so drained, I can't even finish my homework. The throbbing headache and all.


1 comment:

Aresha said...


if you need some getaway time, hop on a plane during the holidays ok?

lovelovehugshugs. stay strong - that's what we're supposed to be built for in our house.

its just glass anyway. at least he didn't break his head.

be there for mummay and dadday. they're going through worse cos he's their son and they feel so responsible for messing up our lives.