Good morning Aruna!

Henna hands! Pretty.

The claw is your master.

Peas, from the Osim eye massager-meister with pimple cream on her face at 11am in the morning.
Watched Fun with Dick and Jane with Primela at 12am last night. It's NOT WORTH IT. DO NOT WATCH IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. It's more like.. Depression with Dick and Jane. Since it had Jim Carrey I thought it'd be funny, but it was disappointing as hell. I wanna watch I Not Stupid 2.
Met Teddymon at Simpang after that. I noticed someone that looked really similar to *insertcuteguysnamehere*, and told Mon about it. When the person got up to leave, we saw... BREASTS! OMG! LOL!
It was a GIRL! HAHAHAHAHA. Aiyoh.
I was stoning pretty bad after downing half the cup of milo. So we left at about 3am.
I feel like going cycling later. Hrm.
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