Friday, May 18, 2012

horse head part deux

The photos that didn't make the cut;

Yay or neigh?


Horse mask smells like condoms.

Hmm yes... That case of anal furunculosis is rather curious...

This is me dancing to 90s music.

Holy shit man 1 post on Facebook and this blog gets a bajillion hits? Do that many people want to see me impersonate a snail? Hahaha. Do you feel you know me better/more intricately now? Who would've thought I was a steaming pile of emo eh? In my defense, I am not for the most part when you see me. This blog just became an outlet for all that when I stopped updating frequently enough and people stopped reading. But hey! Now I have an actual reason to post something substantial for once. Let's see how that goes eh? :D

1 comment:

bird said...

tis what advertisement's all about :)