Friday, February 26, 2010

sing sang sung

I can't stop listening to Air's latest album, Love 2.

The past 2 weeks i've learnt that the next 4 years are gonna be tough as hell. But i've waited this long, i've worked hard to get here and wanted it so bad I honestly can't see myself doing anything that I will pull through. Even if it means being... CONSISTENT! Last 2 years have been great, all the crazy, out of this world shit i've been doing but now it's time to get real.

Can't run away from it anymore. As much as i'd love to drop everything, change my name, busk for a living and live in Paris with a random boy I WILL HANG IN THERE even during the toughest parts. Cos its not over till I say it is. Besides I don't think I have any talents that'd be lucrative enough for busking...

Tough as they said it would be, I think it was a good idea going for orientation and all. I'm quite excited to start learning. Learning how to be a VET! It makes me feel tingly inside.

1 comment:

Maya said...

aww you'll definitely succeed bb <3