.....I'm starting to miss warm weather very badly.
These 2 weeks have been crazy! But it's been great so far. Christmas was low-key which felt unfamiliar, as it's always been insane back in 407 Upper Changi Road every single year. But I got to wear my hand knitted '60s jumper.
New Year's Eve was brilliant. Things were going pretty shitty.. We found a nice pub in Leicester Square but completely didn't realise it was 12am at all. Had a few drinks, saw a few jackasses here and there and as we were about to leave.. If Aresha didn't say it, we'd have gone home feeling quite bleh.
She pointed out this one pretty cute Eurasian looking guy sitting nearby with a group of boys. All dressed quite well and not hitting on any girls so we could only assume they were gay. On an alcohol-fuelled impulse (just love that phrase) I grabbed the arm of one of his friends passing by, a Chinese dude. Asked him if his friend was available and whether he'd like to speak to Aresha, much to her extreme horror (I could tell by the look on her face).
Turns out the whole table was a group of guys from Paris in London for a couple of days. Got the cute Eurasian to talk to Aresha, so the rest of the French boys were left talking to me and Renu. Who by the way I conveniently forgot to blog about, is my cousin from the States who's here for her 21st birthday. The last time I met her was 12 years ago, but we've made up for lost time pretty well. Anyway...
Couple of hours later, I was pretty smashed, standing on a street corner in Leicester Square eating pizza in the snow. It started snowing on New Year's Day! How god damn romantic is that. One of the French guys was pretty insistent on getting my number. Up till now I haven't memorised my UK number.. So I gave him my Australian one? I don't know what's the point of that but... Drunk lah. I just liked listening to them rattle off in French.
So took the free tube home, was harassed by a threesome of dickheads. Openly making comments about how they'd like to 'smack that'. Dude.. that song is so old. Keep up with the times, and while you're at it please buy a mirror. You look like a hedgehog.
So far all the asshole encounters we've had were from British Indians. Which isn't a surprise but yet it irritates me. Especially how you can continue to behave the way you do despite us feeling (and looking) thoroughly pissed off.
I think this UK trip has been the most fruitful within just these 2 weeks. I've revisited Big Ben, London Eye, and I finally got to see Buckingham Palace and St. Paul's Cathedral! Visited Tate Modern and the Natural History museums which were fantastic. Saw the millenium bridge too which was pretty cool.
Next up?
Tower Bridge
Arsenal FC
Chelsea FC (cos they're both in London, I might as well make someone jealous)
Camden Market (tomorrow!)
I know it's just a zebra crossing. But it's iconic. And I love the Beatles!
There's much much more to come. I hope to make some cool friends. Maybe go to France? Haha! Fucking no money.
I need to get some sort of illegal job while i'm here. Cash in hand or something.
Speaking of money, I may just end up losing my apartment. Courtesy of my ex-housemate who hasn't returned my bond yet so I can pay the landlord. If I do... Ohhh dear. Let's hope it doesn't come to that. Finding an apartment like mine is hard! It's one of a kind! I will seriously cry if anything serious happens. I just put up my fairy lights! And I won't get my 3 weeks of being a swinging single in my apartment before Geetha arrives!
I'll save ranting about self-mutilating artists for another entry. Some exhibits at Tate Modern just plain shocked me. I know art is subjective and shouldn't always be taken literally but... I guess I only like certain kinds of art. What the fuck kinda comments am I making. This is why I'm a science student.
In a nutshell. I want to marry a French boy one day. 'Nuff said. Let's not stray down any unchartered paths just yet.