On behalf of Australian men, they aren't this ugly. Just had to clarify that cos Yigang sounded so disappointed. Hahaha! But I just love these random events. I waitied 30 mins for lunch courtesy of this!
Anyway, I apologize for the lack of updates. There isn't much going on really, and I don't go out much. Save for Saturday night. I had to review a Brazilian dance party for my African Drums elective (it just keeps getting better doesn't it?). Google lied. It said it was on the corner of Elizabeth and Queensberry, which was a LIE!
Bidina and I walked so far from Carlton we ended up venturing into a very dingy part of West Melbourne. It was quiet, dark, and had all the makings of a bad horror film. We made a pact to just make a mad dash back to Carlton should anything happen.
And of all suayness, the club was just a block or 2 away from the point we decided to turn and head back. Then again, if we went there we'd have to walk all the way back through the ulu-ness at 1am.
So Joy, Meijuan, Bidina and I headed down to Cho Gao at Melbourne Central for some drinks. For added suayness, it was Bollywood night. If they weren't so eager i'd have gladly turned around and gone somewhere else. But it didn't turn out too bad, save for the music. But the crowd was nice - random lady said hi to me, I thought she was talking to someone behind me (oops), some boys invited us to Chasers on Friday (free drinks free entry woot), and I made some non-gangster Vietnamese friends. I said I was from SG and they all started speaking Singlish, it was hilarious.
My last $15 of the month was spent on drinks, and the lovely Joy bought me my last drink. I almost got a free drink but he saw I already had one. Nuts.
Walked home mildly tipsy, slept terribly because I kept having the strangest of dreams. The only one I can remember is of having a bug in my eye. And I could seeeee it. Buzzing on my cornea, freaky shit.
Ah well. Tomorrow is grocery shopping round 1, then round 2 on Tuesday at Queen Vic Market. I shall definitely have some salmon and baked potatoes. And pancakes and baked apples on Thursday! My 20th with be a small quiet one. By myself. If I don't end up spending that much on groceries I shall indulge in some sort of dessert. And use my vast imagination to pretend its something Maya baked. Haha.... :D
And I have banned myself from Tim Tams. Healthy (cheap) snacks for the win!