I called up about 4 tuition agencies today. I suppose them taking half of my first month can't be THAT bad.. depends on the rates they've proposed to prospective uh... tutees.
Went assessment book shopping again today, and did a good job in resisting the urge to buy unnecessary stationery. I just love the feel of a new notebook, a new pen, a new file. I bought myself a Pure 'O' Level Physics study guide for.... myself.
I told myself while I was looking through every Physics book that i'd consult Yiwei (a Melbourne vet school senior) about this first, cos he was telling me I could just take beginners' Physics in my pre-vet year. Those who did Physics at 'A' Level however, can go on to take the intermediate and advanced Physics courses.
Despite that, I bought a study guide anyways. A lil' reading up wouldn't hurt. And speaking of reading up, my Basic Theory's in 2 weeks and I have zero confidence. I know it's easy, but people still fail anyway. During my E-trial I failed the first set, then passed the second. So... I don't.... know.
I'm glad that i'm doing this... Phasing-stupid-people-out-of-my-life thing. I find myself to be much happier - sans drama, sans heartache (only a lil bit recently but it's cool now), sans puffy eyes, sans anger. But I wouldn't say it's 100% sans all of the above.
Most recently, for the past 2 months at least I've been angry, depressed, and feeling guilty in small pockets for the smallest reasons, sometimes even for no reason. And despite narrowing down the circle to a handful (or two), and feeling much happier for it, the biggest stitch must now be undone. Or cut. Or whatever.
I am the leading lady of my own life.
Anyone who doesn't think so, get the hell out of my life then.
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