Gosh that'd just be the strangest thing. I can't get SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy's Sean Connery parodies out of my head now.
Apparently a LoTR prequel's in the works - Hobbit. To be entirely honest, I have never even picked up a LoTR book (although I should, seeing how much free time I have now I can even count the hairs on my legs if I wanted to). But I love it to death all the same, because I appreciated how fucking fantastic the CGI was, and the overall beauty of the film. Every movie/computer game portrays Middle Earth in so many different ways but the way it was done in LoTR was executed perfectly.
For me, the aesthetics of a film are probably the most important aspect. The war scenes were top notch.
But I guess in a way not reading the book was a good thing, because it'd take a huge-ass load of CGI to truly express an individual's imagination. And you find yourself disappointed in many cases of book to film translations. Like I was for Harry Potter. A trainwreck in every way possible, except the CGI hurrr..
Speaking of movies, I need to catch Sex and The City and Indiana Jones. Both equally important.
Today I think I can conclude my brain is in the process of decomposing. No serious. I feel like my brain is wasting away. I was having the strangest headache the entire day, maybe spending the entire day on my laptop was the culprit, or my brain is really melting into mush.
I did however read-up on some exciting reviews for a zombie movie not due for any kind of theatrical release in most countries. It was out end 2007. Apparently, it's Blair Witch meets Cloverfield meets Dawn of the Dead and 28 Days Later.
I'm a serious sucker for kickass zombie movies, so I Rapidshare-d it and downloaded it by the end of the day. It was filmed in Barcelona, not a big-budget Hollywood piece of crap like most movies nowadays, and in Spanish. So finding one with English subtitles was a bitch and a half.

Synopsis : While covering the night shift at a small-town fire department, an ambitious young television reporter (Manuela Velasco) and her cameraman follow the crew on a call to rescue an elderly woman who has fallen in her home (or something). Upon their arrival at the scene, the calm midnight air is pierced by the sound of horrific screams, and the television report takes an unexpectedly dark turn.
Downloaded, burnt it into a DVD and watched it. It doesn't disappoint that's for sure, but the atmosphere I watched it in was far from scary i.e Ma came back from BKK and insisted on showing us absolutely everything she bought and telling us every nitty gritty detail about each of her 4 days despite it being 2am.
The chaos of it all might put someone off but it was film a la Cloverfield, with a handheld cam by the reporter's cameraman, so there would be discussion with him, running scenes and the works. But it is nowhere near as headache-inducing. It's a sad 85mins but the ending will freak you out so bad you just want it to end, not cos it's bad but cos it's that... traumatising.
For serious.
Ohmahgaw its 4.30am.
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