I didn't know the cardboard buns in China were a hoax.
Apparently China now makes fake eggs. That's a hoax too.
Just today in the papers a farmer staged a fake photo of an endangered South China tiger, leading to various explosions of happiness from wildlife conservationists.
Skinning domesticated animals ALIVE, exporting their fur for commercial purposes. I don't know if this is really true or not, but I signed the petition on the website protesting against it anyway.
Wah. Earthquake in Sichuan and violence in Tibet. People trying to blow out the Olympic torch.
No country's record is squeaky clean but China.... just.. wow. They're on a roll now aren't they?
At the very least, they made an effort to rescue the pandas from the Wolong Giant Panda Reserve.
Damn the internet, you will never know what the truth really is.
Monday, June 30, 2008
a relationship? inspire me.
Today someone asked me to get a boyfriend if I haven't already.
I'm just.... too lazy right now. Unless you're rich/ridiculously good looking/amazing in bed/going to Melbourne next year, at this point I really can't be bothered.
I dunno la, I'm at a pretty nice place in my life at this point. Comfortable. Too lazy to get out of this routine?
What if i'm gonna be too lazy for a relationship forever? Haha.
However, there was this hensem boy at the big birthday bash held at Wild Oats making real fierce eye contact that threw me off while I was bustling around serving Heinekens. All damn night. Stupid things like these make me talk retardedly, and stumble and trip more often than usual.
His several tattoos did not help, neither did his annoying friend that thought I was hitting on him when I handed him a fallen coupon. I only did so cos he COMPLAINED NON-STOP when he had to pay the usual price for beers ($12), prior to the organisers handing us a whole bunch of coupons to sell at $6 so they can claim whatever drinks they wanted.
Hensem boy then proceeded to stay till past closing time as the crowd shrank to about 10+ people, still watching me watching him watching me. I said bye to most of the lot that stayed cos they made small talk here and there while I was serving them, and they were seriously the sweetest bunch, giving me cake and telling me who was going to which Australian uni next year.
Afterwhich I left, and Daniel walked me down to Peace Centre (cos the area at night is a lil... seedy, and we both needed to catch cabs home).
If he did not ask me for my number because he thought Daniel was my boyfriend, I will vomit blood.
I'm just.... too lazy right now. Unless you're rich/ridiculously good looking/amazing in bed/going to Melbourne next year, at this point I really can't be bothered.
I dunno la, I'm at a pretty nice place in my life at this point. Comfortable. Too lazy to get out of this routine?
What if i'm gonna be too lazy for a relationship forever? Haha.
However, there was this hensem boy at the big birthday bash held at Wild Oats making real fierce eye contact that threw me off while I was bustling around serving Heinekens. All damn night. Stupid things like these make me talk retardedly, and stumble and trip more often than usual.
His several tattoos did not help, neither did his annoying friend that thought I was hitting on him when I handed him a fallen coupon. I only did so cos he COMPLAINED NON-STOP when he had to pay the usual price for beers ($12), prior to the organisers handing us a whole bunch of coupons to sell at $6 so they can claim whatever drinks they wanted.
Hensem boy then proceeded to stay till past closing time as the crowd shrank to about 10+ people, still watching me watching him watching me. I said bye to most of the lot that stayed cos they made small talk here and there while I was serving them, and they were seriously the sweetest bunch, giving me cake and telling me who was going to which Australian uni next year.
Afterwhich I left, and Daniel walked me down to Peace Centre (cos the area at night is a lil... seedy, and we both needed to catch cabs home).
If he did not ask me for my number because he thought Daniel was my boyfriend, I will vomit blood.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Was around Joo Chiat today taking photos, decided to meet Yigang for a bit of dinner at Delifrance, Parkway Parade. He started fooling around with my camera taking candid shots while I was trying my level best to enjoy my seafood mayo croissant. After uploading all of them just earlier and going through them, I got the biggest mf-ing shock of my life.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Aruna, Spawn of Satan.
Letsee a close-up.

I swear the photo is completely undoctored. Also, if you look at it long enough, you'll see that actually my eyes had moved the instant the shutter went off.
But still. Freaky.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Aruna, Spawn of Satan.
Letsee a close-up.

I swear the photo is completely undoctored. Also, if you look at it long enough, you'll see that actually my eyes had moved the instant the shutter went off.
But still. Freaky.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
totally unexpected.... narcissism.... but only mildly
Something about 2007 disappointed me slightly.
It was... the injustice done to my dress in the photos I took on Prom Night. All the photos I took were of the front of the dress in my Dracula-esque makeup. Prom Nights here are nothing like the big hoo ha they are in the US and other angmoh countries, so it shouldn't be a big deal right?
But, the amount of worry and anxiety that went into waiting for that one-of-a-kind dress made it... Special.
So yes, like I was saying, the photos I took seriously do not do the dress justice. And also due to the fact I was running from the Ballroom to the reception and back several times, the number of photos I have are absolutely pathetic. Worst part is... I have NO PICTURES OF THE BACK OF THE DRESS!
Do you know where this is going?
I know you're thinking it.
7 months after my prom, on the strangest impulse I took my dress out of the cupboard. I put my camera up, got into my fantabulous dress and (self-timed) snapped away. The following two pictures are a result of my lack of self-taken shots, cos I generally don't do those. But I just had to.
I present to you... The dress I kicked up a giant fuss about, with me in it of course.
First, the front;

And the main attraction, the back. Pardon my cheesy smile.

My butt looks a little strange. I blame the angle. Don't you just love the train?
I don't know how well I pulled it off. In the photos sans makeup and pretty hair obviously I can't, but on that night I think it was quite a hit.
Okay, totally self-centred post ends here.
It was... the injustice done to my dress in the photos I took on Prom Night. All the photos I took were of the front of the dress in my Dracula-esque makeup. Prom Nights here are nothing like the big hoo ha they are in the US and other angmoh countries, so it shouldn't be a big deal right?
But, the amount of worry and anxiety that went into waiting for that one-of-a-kind dress made it... Special.
So yes, like I was saying, the photos I took seriously do not do the dress justice. And also due to the fact I was running from the Ballroom to the reception and back several times, the number of photos I have are absolutely pathetic. Worst part is... I have NO PICTURES OF THE BACK OF THE DRESS!
Do you know where this is going?
I know you're thinking it.
7 months after my prom, on the strangest impulse I took my dress out of the cupboard. I put my camera up, got into my fantabulous dress and (self-timed) snapped away. The following two pictures are a result of my lack of self-taken shots, cos I generally don't do those. But I just had to.
I present to you... The dress I kicked up a giant fuss about, with me in it of course.
First, the front;

And the main attraction, the back. Pardon my cheesy smile.

My butt looks a little strange. I blame the angle. Don't you just love the train?
I don't know how well I pulled it off. In the photos sans makeup and pretty hair obviously I can't, but on that night I think it was quite a hit.
Okay, totally self-centred post ends here.
Monday, June 23, 2008
weezer > everything.
Weezer's Pork and Beans. I need to get their new album. I absolutely adore them, and this video had me laughing every 2 seconds.
They even got Tay Zonday in their video hahahahah chocolate rain is raining inside my brain CHOCOLATE RAIINNNNN.
The Miss USA contestant is blending MAPS HAHA
When I was 14, I used to use that dancing .gif banana everywhere.
the porker
I apologise for the somewhat sombre mood of the post before this. On the flipside...
This is a pig in boots.

Just looking at these (unphotoshopped) photos alone seem to make me feel quite happy with life. It really is a pig in boots, afraid of the mud.
Steve was released today. He still can't take off but can fly quite a bit of height. He refused to be caught again and instead scrambed up a tree. A crow decided to keep him company. Crows in general do not strike me as compassionate animals. I've seen them tag team smaller animals, attack injured animals, people, and garbage bins. Pa INSISTED it hung around to protect Steve, because Steve is a baby crow. NO HE IS NOT. I don't understand what I have to do to convince my parents he isn't a baby crow.
I couldn't hang around to keep an eye on him, so my mom set a chair out in the garden and watched him with a pair of binoculars.
Headed to Maya's to bake some brownie cupcakes for Ameer's 21st! And they turned out loooovely, because most of the baking was done by Maya hahaha. Tons of girly talk in between, about pretty much everything, to the point where we were about 30mins late for Ameer's BBQ.
This is a pig in boots.

Just looking at these (unphotoshopped) photos alone seem to make me feel quite happy with life. It really is a pig in boots, afraid of the mud.
Steve was released today. He still can't take off but can fly quite a bit of height. He refused to be caught again and instead scrambed up a tree. A crow decided to keep him company. Crows in general do not strike me as compassionate animals. I've seen them tag team smaller animals, attack injured animals, people, and garbage bins. Pa INSISTED it hung around to protect Steve, because Steve is a baby crow. NO HE IS NOT. I don't understand what I have to do to convince my parents he isn't a baby crow.
I couldn't hang around to keep an eye on him, so my mom set a chair out in the garden and watched him with a pair of binoculars.
Headed to Maya's to bake some brownie cupcakes for Ameer's 21st! And they turned out loooovely, because most of the baking was done by Maya hahaha. Tons of girly talk in between, about pretty much everything, to the point where we were about 30mins late for Ameer's BBQ.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
the dog.
Loyalty. The owner is dead.

"The best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name, may become traitors to their faith. The money that a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it the most. A man’s reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads. The one absolutely unselfish friend that a man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him and the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog."
"Gentleman of the Jury, a man’s dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master’s side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer, he will lick the wounds and sores that encounters the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens."
"If fortune drives the master forth an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him to guard against danger, to fight against his enemies. When the last scene of all comes, and death takes the master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by his graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even to death."

"The best friend a man has in this world may turn against him and become his enemy. His son or daughter that he has reared with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name, may become traitors to their faith. The money that a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it the most. A man’s reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action. The people who are prone to fall on their knees to do us honor when success is with us may be the first to throw the stone of malice when failure settles its cloud upon our heads. The one absolutely unselfish friend that a man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him and the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog."
"Gentleman of the Jury, a man’s dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master’s side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer, he will lick the wounds and sores that encounters the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey through the heavens."
"If fortune drives the master forth an outcast in the world, friendless and homeless, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of accompanying him to guard against danger, to fight against his enemies. When the last scene of all comes, and death takes the master in its embrace and his body is laid away in the cold ground, no matter if all other friends pursue their way, there by his graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws, his eyes sad but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even to death."
Saturday, June 21, 2008
i am a failure in the kitchen pt2
In an attempt to prepare for independent student life in Australia, I do sometimes make an effort to cook a lil somethin' somethin' for myself, normally in the middle of the night in my Spongebob boxers.
Normally it's instant noodles. I know, it doesn't count as cooking. But this time I actually tried SOMETHING.
Scrambled eggs! Woo! With milk sugar and butter. All the nice fatty goodness.
They looked more like a broken up omelette than scrambled, but it tasted yummy. I don't know how my mom makes her scrambled eggs so nice and fluffy.
So, everything went fine, could've used a bit more sugar. Didn't burn anything down, thankfully.
And then, I thought something nice to complement my sweet scrambled eggs would be a glass of cold milk. Maybe it was residual butter or oil on my fingers, but the glass slipped out from my hand and fell on the floor, and just as well, I got a nice big cut on my leg from a flying shard.
In other words, that was the kitchen's way of telling me to get the fuck out now now now.
Normally it's instant noodles. I know, it doesn't count as cooking. But this time I actually tried SOMETHING.
Scrambled eggs! Woo! With milk sugar and butter. All the nice fatty goodness.
They looked more like a broken up omelette than scrambled, but it tasted yummy. I don't know how my mom makes her scrambled eggs so nice and fluffy.
So, everything went fine, could've used a bit more sugar. Didn't burn anything down, thankfully.
And then, I thought something nice to complement my sweet scrambled eggs would be a glass of cold milk. Maybe it was residual butter or oil on my fingers, but the glass slipped out from my hand and fell on the floor, and just as well, I got a nice big cut on my leg from a flying shard.
In other words, that was the kitchen's way of telling me to get the fuck out now now now.
Friday, June 20, 2008
memory lapse no. 3
Wednesday night. A night to forget. I am somewhat thankful my memory blanked out, so I wouldn't know first hand how I completely embarassed myself at Clarke Quay, drunk out of my mind. I feel terrible about it, not so much my stomach, but that I made a mess out of myself and our girl's night out for Lani's birthday.
Am not gonna go into details. The only thing I will say is that I won't be going to Clarke Quay anytime soon. Eesh...
How could you freaking forget everything Aruna.
The last thing you remember was spilling a lychee martini on yourself at Arena.
you weren't even drunk yet
Am not gonna go into details. The only thing I will say is that I won't be going to Clarke Quay anytime soon. Eesh...
How could you freaking forget everything Aruna.
The last thing you remember was spilling a lychee martini on yourself at Arena.
you weren't even drunk yet
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
insane day, and it's not even over.
Slept 5 hours. Picked up an injured bird last night. I named him Steve. Woke up early today to get him to the vet to make sure it was nothing serious. Steve poops EVERYWHERE.
Fed him bread mushed with water with chopsticks. He'll open his mouth to nip at my fingers but not to eat.
Headed to the bank to do up a bankdraft for my enrolment, then headed for lunch. Since Ma was at school me and my dad thought we'd call her out for lunch. After a slightly hostile conversation on the phone, my dad suddenly said;
"Haiya, shouldn't have asked Ma to come with us for lunch."
"Huh, why la?"
"So we can eat MEAT!"
He then went on to rant about how Thai vegetarian food is fake and sucks - referring to mock meat, which isn't particularly Thai. And then we were turning into Still Rd, when;
"You know, one day if I have lots of money I want to open a NON-HALAL Restaurant."
"Pa, there are plenty of non-halal restaurants all over the place."
"No I mean, the name of the restaurant will be NON-HALAL RESTAURANT."
It's funny how a grassroot leader has all this pent up emotion.
Shit. I need to clock in some naptime otherwise I will be so completely exhausted tonight.
Fed him bread mushed with water with chopsticks. He'll open his mouth to nip at my fingers but not to eat.
Headed to the bank to do up a bankdraft for my enrolment, then headed for lunch. Since Ma was at school me and my dad thought we'd call her out for lunch. After a slightly hostile conversation on the phone, my dad suddenly said;
"Haiya, shouldn't have asked Ma to come with us for lunch."
"Huh, why la?"
"So we can eat MEAT!"
He then went on to rant about how Thai vegetarian food is fake and sucks - referring to mock meat, which isn't particularly Thai. And then we were turning into Still Rd, when;
"You know, one day if I have lots of money I want to open a NON-HALAL Restaurant."
"Pa, there are plenty of non-halal restaurants all over the place."
"No I mean, the name of the restaurant will be NON-HALAL RESTAURANT."
It's funny how a grassroot leader has all this pent up emotion.
Shit. I need to clock in some naptime otherwise I will be so completely exhausted tonight.
Monday, June 16, 2008
hell week.. or no?
I'd consider the week ahead hell week. But for only 1 reason. Otherwise it'd be pretty much the best week i'll have since returning from the UK.
All the money i'll be spending. Sigh. I will NOT EXCEED $100 this week. I'd better not.
First, tomorrow. Lunch at Relish with the girlies plus the Relish goons when they knock off. Then maybe a movie. I don't know, I just hope they don't choose to do something expensive. Renie's broke too.
But that Relish lunch is going to carve a nice hole in my wallet.
Tuesday it's tuition day. So is Wednesday, but in the evening will be Ladies Night for us cos it's Lani's birthday!
The aim of the game is to dress cute, get into places free, and get as hammered as possible before dragging our drunk asses home. Haven't had a night like that since... My birthday! With Yiling! Such nights are the most awesome amounts of fun, especially with the right company.
Now that I think about it, all my nights out have been post-work - cos of the free cab. And also cos the weekend's usually more fun and i'd go straight to meet Ernie with Lani. Thing is, i'd always be in sneakers and jeans. I have reached a point where I can't be arsed to dress nice to club BUT, that occasional night out with the girls does warrant a little dressing up.
Then Thursday is Meijuan's farewell BBQ cos she's off to Melbourne for a foundation course, before heading to the University of Melbourne WITH ME NEXT YEAR! We're gonna get an apartment together, it's gonna be so much fun. I hope i'm not a slob to live with eheh. Oh fuck, I need to do my enrolment.
Friday its another tuition day, and no Wild Oats so I shall give my wallet a rest and stay in, or maybe have a milo down the road. Saturday its more tuition then WO, and Sunday is Ameer's 21st birthday BBQ at ECP.
My wallet will be committing ritual suicide together with my bank account after.
All the money i'll be spending. Sigh. I will NOT EXCEED $100 this week. I'd better not.
First, tomorrow. Lunch at Relish with the girlies plus the Relish goons when they knock off. Then maybe a movie. I don't know, I just hope they don't choose to do something expensive. Renie's broke too.
But that Relish lunch is going to carve a nice hole in my wallet.
Tuesday it's tuition day. So is Wednesday, but in the evening will be Ladies Night for us cos it's Lani's birthday!
The aim of the game is to dress cute, get into places free, and get as hammered as possible before dragging our drunk asses home. Haven't had a night like that since... My birthday! With Yiling! Such nights are the most awesome amounts of fun, especially with the right company.
Now that I think about it, all my nights out have been post-work - cos of the free cab. And also cos the weekend's usually more fun and i'd go straight to meet Ernie with Lani. Thing is, i'd always be in sneakers and jeans. I have reached a point where I can't be arsed to dress nice to club BUT, that occasional night out with the girls does warrant a little dressing up.
Then Thursday is Meijuan's farewell BBQ cos she's off to Melbourne for a foundation course, before heading to the University of Melbourne WITH ME NEXT YEAR! We're gonna get an apartment together, it's gonna be so much fun. I hope i'm not a slob to live with eheh. Oh fuck, I need to do my enrolment.
Friday its another tuition day, and no Wild Oats so I shall give my wallet a rest and stay in, or maybe have a milo down the road. Saturday its more tuition then WO, and Sunday is Ameer's 21st birthday BBQ at ECP.
My wallet will be committing ritual suicide together with my bank account after.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
full, full day.
God I am so unbelievably shagged. Never again will I allow Yigang to con me into things with words like 'You're so not spontaneous.'
Bright and early today for tuition, and she was 30 mins late. No worries, just push everything back 30 mins. Went to the bank, went on to Parkway to pick up some assessment books for my kiddos. Did my jungle mafia eyebrows, then rushed back to get ready to leave the house again to meet Yigang for swimming.
After an hour of nonsensical laps and checking out all the eye candy (hardly), I had to cab home so I could get ready for work at Wild Oats in time. The amount of effort it took me to scale Mt. Emily cos I was already so tired caused my back strain in 2 different areas.
Mitchy tried to crack my back, much to both of our amusement, but it didn't quite work out too well.
Today also happened to be one of the BUSIEST days a Wild Oats ever, sans event. To think I was gonna call in sick to cover photography for the Plain Sunset album launch for Magmug. Butttt I decided not to, I don't even listen to them, so I called up Lani to ask her if any of her friends were interested to do it in my place.
My back is FUCKED. Can I pay someone who could give me a kickass back massage? I don't wanna smell like those chinese massage parlours, and I heard it hurts more than it provides relief. I still have to work tomorrow, and we have to carry cocktail tables to the 2nd floor.
Blah, 4am. I am going to wake up tomorrow at some crazy time in the afternoon feeling like absolute SHITE.
Good night.
Bright and early today for tuition, and she was 30 mins late. No worries, just push everything back 30 mins. Went to the bank, went on to Parkway to pick up some assessment books for my kiddos. Did my jungle mafia eyebrows, then rushed back to get ready to leave the house again to meet Yigang for swimming.
After an hour of nonsensical laps and checking out all the eye candy (hardly), I had to cab home so I could get ready for work at Wild Oats in time. The amount of effort it took me to scale Mt. Emily cos I was already so tired caused my back strain in 2 different areas.
Mitchy tried to crack my back, much to both of our amusement, but it didn't quite work out too well.
Today also happened to be one of the BUSIEST days a Wild Oats ever, sans event. To think I was gonna call in sick to cover photography for the Plain Sunset album launch for Magmug. Butttt I decided not to, I don't even listen to them, so I called up Lani to ask her if any of her friends were interested to do it in my place.
My back is FUCKED. Can I pay someone who could give me a kickass back massage? I don't wanna smell like those chinese massage parlours, and I heard it hurts more than it provides relief. I still have to work tomorrow, and we have to carry cocktail tables to the 2nd floor.
Blah, 4am. I am going to wake up tomorrow at some crazy time in the afternoon feeling like absolute SHITE.
Good night.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
so he does not have a brain tumour
From a Rat Care website;
Weaving the head back and forth and swaying on the front end: Commonly seen in red and pink eyed rats, this strange behaviour is the rat trying to judge depth perception. Rats have very poor vision and pink and red eyed rats can often see even worse. Moving from side to side like this helps them judge how far away something is in relation to them.
Aha. That explains Stalin's weird swaying. And here we were thinking he was tripping on something.
Stop looking at me Rasputin, you are being punished for being such a meanie to Stalin.
He just loves to peer out of his cage, with his chin resting against the metal wires. Watching me. Stupid monkey.
Weaving the head back and forth and swaying on the front end: Commonly seen in red and pink eyed rats, this strange behaviour is the rat trying to judge depth perception. Rats have very poor vision and pink and red eyed rats can often see even worse. Moving from side to side like this helps them judge how far away something is in relation to them.
Aha. That explains Stalin's weird swaying. And here we were thinking he was tripping on something.
Stop looking at me Rasputin, you are being punished for being such a meanie to Stalin.
He just loves to peer out of his cage, with his chin resting against the metal wires. Watching me. Stupid monkey.
Monday, June 09, 2008
a dead end
I just blogged about my inability to be attracted to someone my age. And deleted it, cos i'm so full of shit. But it stands true nonetheless. I'm not creating that block for myself, telling myself things will never work because i've tried and it comes up as wasted effort.
In other news, Gael GarcÃa Bernal really rings my bell.

And the Science of Sleep will be replaying in my head for the next few weeks. It really is a lovely movie.
I just blogged about my inability to be attracted to someone my age. And deleted it, cos i'm so full of shit. But it stands true nonetheless. I'm not creating that block for myself, telling myself things will never work because i've tried and it comes up as wasted effort.
In other news, Gael GarcÃa Bernal really rings my bell.

And the Science of Sleep will be replaying in my head for the next few weeks. It really is a lovely movie.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
lousay morning
My tuition ad went in the papers today. It looks like any other, cos 3 lines of text doesn't exactly allow you to express yourself very well. It cost me $35! Yeowch.
So I got a shitload of calls from 11am onwards. I guess 'very negotiable' works.
90% of them were in the West. Right at the very end of the EW Line. It'd take me over a good hour to just get to the right station. People would ask where I stayed, and say it wouldn't make practical sense for the both of us.
There was this one call though. I put down the phone in her face and went back to sleep. Note : I am quite desperate for tuition jobs.
She got all the details, my rates, subjects I teach, number of hours a week and her final question was.... "Are you Chinese or Malay?"
I was a bit stunned. "Indian." I said. And damn fucking proud of it, mind you. I am brown and beautiful.
She tells me to hold on, while she asks her little racist asswipe of a son in Chinese. I can't relay exactly what she said, but it was pretty obvious she was asking him if it was okay if she hired an Indian tutor. I could almost clearly hear their exchange.
"EEYER PU YAO PU YAO WO PU YAO chingchingcheong something else"
There's a 2 second silence, and on my end the expression on my face would've made a Kodak moment.
She comes back on the line and tells me she'll call me back. I nearly retorted but I just hung up.
Dear god I can't wait to leave this country.
So I got a shitload of calls from 11am onwards. I guess 'very negotiable' works.
90% of them were in the West. Right at the very end of the EW Line. It'd take me over a good hour to just get to the right station. People would ask where I stayed, and say it wouldn't make practical sense for the both of us.
There was this one call though. I put down the phone in her face and went back to sleep. Note : I am quite desperate for tuition jobs.
She got all the details, my rates, subjects I teach, number of hours a week and her final question was.... "Are you Chinese or Malay?"
I was a bit stunned. "Indian." I said. And damn fucking proud of it, mind you. I am brown and beautiful.
She tells me to hold on, while she asks her little racist asswipe of a son in Chinese. I can't relay exactly what she said, but it was pretty obvious she was asking him if it was okay if she hired an Indian tutor. I could almost clearly hear their exchange.
"EEYER PU YAO PU YAO WO PU YAO chingchingcheong something else"
There's a 2 second silence, and on my end the expression on my face would've made a Kodak moment.
She comes back on the line and tells me she'll call me back. I nearly retorted but I just hung up.
Dear god I can't wait to leave this country.
did you know...
Sean Connery was first approached to play Gandalf in Lord of the Rings.

Gosh that'd just be the strangest thing. I can't get SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy's Sean Connery parodies out of my head now.
Apparently a LoTR prequel's in the works - Hobbit. To be entirely honest, I have never even picked up a LoTR book (although I should, seeing how much free time I have now I can even count the hairs on my legs if I wanted to). But I love it to death all the same, because I appreciated how fucking fantastic the CGI was, and the overall beauty of the film. Every movie/computer game portrays Middle Earth in so many different ways but the way it was done in LoTR was executed perfectly.
For me, the aesthetics of a film are probably the most important aspect. The war scenes were top notch.
But I guess in a way not reading the book was a good thing, because it'd take a huge-ass load of CGI to truly express an individual's imagination. And you find yourself disappointed in many cases of book to film translations. Like I was for Harry Potter. A trainwreck in every way possible, except the CGI hurrr..
Speaking of movies, I need to catch Sex and The City and Indiana Jones. Both equally important.
Today I think I can conclude my brain is in the process of decomposing. No serious. I feel like my brain is wasting away. I was having the strangest headache the entire day, maybe spending the entire day on my laptop was the culprit, or my brain is really melting into mush.
I did however read-up on some exciting reviews for a zombie movie not due for any kind of theatrical release in most countries. It was out end 2007. Apparently, it's Blair Witch meets Cloverfield meets Dawn of the Dead and 28 Days Later.
I'm a serious sucker for kickass zombie movies, so I Rapidshare-d it and downloaded it by the end of the day. It was filmed in Barcelona, not a big-budget Hollywood piece of crap like most movies nowadays, and in Spanish. So finding one with English subtitles was a bitch and a half.

Synopsis : While covering the night shift at a small-town fire department, an ambitious young television reporter (Manuela Velasco) and her cameraman follow the crew on a call to rescue an elderly woman who has fallen in her home (or something). Upon their arrival at the scene, the calm midnight air is pierced by the sound of horrific screams, and the television report takes an unexpectedly dark turn.
Downloaded, burnt it into a DVD and watched it. It doesn't disappoint that's for sure, but the atmosphere I watched it in was far from scary i.e Ma came back from BKK and insisted on showing us absolutely everything she bought and telling us every nitty gritty detail about each of her 4 days despite it being 2am.
The chaos of it all might put someone off but it was film a la Cloverfield, with a handheld cam by the reporter's cameraman, so there would be discussion with him, running scenes and the works. But it is nowhere near as headache-inducing. It's a sad 85mins but the ending will freak you out so bad you just want it to end, not cos it's bad but cos it's that... traumatising.
For serious.
Ohmahgaw its 4.30am.

Gosh that'd just be the strangest thing. I can't get SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy's Sean Connery parodies out of my head now.
Apparently a LoTR prequel's in the works - Hobbit. To be entirely honest, I have never even picked up a LoTR book (although I should, seeing how much free time I have now I can even count the hairs on my legs if I wanted to). But I love it to death all the same, because I appreciated how fucking fantastic the CGI was, and the overall beauty of the film. Every movie/computer game portrays Middle Earth in so many different ways but the way it was done in LoTR was executed perfectly.
For me, the aesthetics of a film are probably the most important aspect. The war scenes were top notch.
But I guess in a way not reading the book was a good thing, because it'd take a huge-ass load of CGI to truly express an individual's imagination. And you find yourself disappointed in many cases of book to film translations. Like I was for Harry Potter. A trainwreck in every way possible, except the CGI hurrr..
Speaking of movies, I need to catch Sex and The City and Indiana Jones. Both equally important.
Today I think I can conclude my brain is in the process of decomposing. No serious. I feel like my brain is wasting away. I was having the strangest headache the entire day, maybe spending the entire day on my laptop was the culprit, or my brain is really melting into mush.
I did however read-up on some exciting reviews for a zombie movie not due for any kind of theatrical release in most countries. It was out end 2007. Apparently, it's Blair Witch meets Cloverfield meets Dawn of the Dead and 28 Days Later.
I'm a serious sucker for kickass zombie movies, so I Rapidshare-d it and downloaded it by the end of the day. It was filmed in Barcelona, not a big-budget Hollywood piece of crap like most movies nowadays, and in Spanish. So finding one with English subtitles was a bitch and a half.

Synopsis : While covering the night shift at a small-town fire department, an ambitious young television reporter (Manuela Velasco) and her cameraman follow the crew on a call to rescue an elderly woman who has fallen in her home (or something). Upon their arrival at the scene, the calm midnight air is pierced by the sound of horrific screams, and the television report takes an unexpectedly dark turn.
Downloaded, burnt it into a DVD and watched it. It doesn't disappoint that's for sure, but the atmosphere I watched it in was far from scary i.e Ma came back from BKK and insisted on showing us absolutely everything she bought and telling us every nitty gritty detail about each of her 4 days despite it being 2am.
The chaos of it all might put someone off but it was film a la Cloverfield, with a handheld cam by the reporter's cameraman, so there would be discussion with him, running scenes and the works. But it is nowhere near as headache-inducing. It's a sad 85mins but the ending will freak you out so bad you just want it to end, not cos it's bad but cos it's that... traumatising.
For serious.
Ohmahgaw its 4.30am.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
hooker trash
Never a time I don't enjoy myself with Yigang.
Stalin seems a little depressed. All he wants to do is hang out inside his tube. He's not stuck... I think.
And Rasputin's doing his usual run around the room, exploring things and finding new ways to get to places i've blocked off. He needs to stop thinking he's a human being.
Slept at 5am instead of 2.30am like I had intended. Woke up at 1pm instead of 11am like I had intended.
Went to the bank, but it took so long putting Aresha's money in I didn't have time to claim my cash check.
Still nooo luck with getting tuition jobs. I'm now relying on spreading the word. My target is 5 kids. 5 bleeming kids. Not hard. Slowly but surely.
The nice thing about today was bumping into an old teacher of mine and Ash's birthday.
Tomorrow I may or may not be going for Aman's sister's wedding. Then again it would be nice to dress up for a change. Khalsa Association here I come?
Stalin seems a little depressed. All he wants to do is hang out inside his tube. He's not stuck... I think.
And Rasputin's doing his usual run around the room, exploring things and finding new ways to get to places i've blocked off. He needs to stop thinking he's a human being.
Slept at 5am instead of 2.30am like I had intended. Woke up at 1pm instead of 11am like I had intended.
Went to the bank, but it took so long putting Aresha's money in I didn't have time to claim my cash check.
Still nooo luck with getting tuition jobs. I'm now relying on spreading the word. My target is 5 kids. 5 bleeming kids. Not hard. Slowly but surely.
The nice thing about today was bumping into an old teacher of mine and Ash's birthday.
Tomorrow I may or may not be going for Aman's sister's wedding. Then again it would be nice to dress up for a change. Khalsa Association here I come?
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
can you describe something as very negotiable?
I'm not too sure...
Tomorrow I need to:
Bank my cashcheck
Pick up moolah from Erika to pay my sis and Deb
Update my passbook
Be more aggressive in promoting my tuition services
Find a steady 9-5 Mon-Fri job. It's only for less than a year, i'll survive. But in that case I need to quit Wild Oats. Damn, I think i've grown attached to the stupid place! Okay stupid in a nice, happy feeling in your tummy way. All those silly memories over the past... 6 months! Holy shit it's been 6 months of Wild Oats and all the bumbling madness.
Broken glasses, split beers and wines, crappily made margaritas (and that would be my fault hurr), watching Flaming Lambos and Waterfalls by Mitch in deer-caught-in-headlights awe, forgotten orders and that amazing memory games we play cos we take orders without order sheets, making our own homemade garbage in the bar, running back and forth in the rain moving furniture, and last but not least, the itchy-backsided-ness that is my manager, Mitchell Paul Noble.
When he's not trying to grope us, he's yelling at us. Him and I never see eye to eye because I can never tolerate his gatal tendencies. He has the occasional bad day and that usually ends up with me screaming and squirming on the floor cos he's tickling me to death, after trying to wrestle with me.
He also has a low tolerance for my messy hair and inability to make drinks faster.
Don't know if i'll ever quit that place anytime soon, cos its just so much fun. The best part are the girlfriends i've made in the process. Speaking of them, we still haven't done our overnight dai dee and booze session. And our Sentosa session.
Haven't hit a single club since I got back, and am totally fine with that. Clubbing really squeeezes your wallet dry. Maybe only occasionally now, cos I need to save money. But the convenience of going out after work is just sooo tempting, especially when you can get in free, which is normally the case if you go with Ernie the monkey.
Last Thursday we were supposedly gonna drink and chill, but because of Clarke Quay's anniversary, Ernie was stuck working there till 3am, while me and Lani were goofing around on the bridge. Finally when Ernie was done, we hung out till her transport van came to take her home. We sat on the curb near MOS having girly talk.
A creepy angmo walked past and blew kisses at us. Lani and Ernie giggled and waved. Later, another two younger angmos walked past and waved. Lani and I laughed, while Ernie the gatal waved back. They stopped dead in their tracks and exchanged looks. It was such an animated moment. They turned right around and headed towards us. We started yelling at Ernie for being such a goon, and she was laughing her ass off.
They sat themselves down alongside us and started shooting all sorts of questions. I was just about to tell them about the scary Nigerian I met on the plane WHICH BY THE WAY I MET AGAIN ON THE WAY BACK FROM DUBAI. SCARIEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE
But anyway, Ernie told them I just came back from London and they starting making up an entire story about my imaginary boyfriend that I visit in London. What?
The two young guys, Vikkhhhh *phlegm* and Yongrilum (don't know how the fuck to spell these dutch names), Yong for short started attacking me with all sorts of questions, right down to the rubbish ring I was wearing, asking if it was from my boyfriend in London.
This particular ring I bought in Camden for 5 pounds, is a square of black nails fossilized in clear plastic.
The commotion attracted a lot of looks from minahs.
The creepy kiss-blower from earlier was then walking back our way, and decided to invite himself to sit with us. A 40 year old dutchman named Richard.
One of the more hilarious moments of my life.
I am 2 hours past my bedtime. For fuck's sake it's been a week and i'm still not over the jetlag.
Tomorrow I need to:
Bank my cashcheck
Pick up moolah from Erika to pay my sis and Deb
Update my passbook
Be more aggressive in promoting my tuition services
Find a steady 9-5 Mon-Fri job. It's only for less than a year, i'll survive. But in that case I need to quit Wild Oats. Damn, I think i've grown attached to the stupid place! Okay stupid in a nice, happy feeling in your tummy way. All those silly memories over the past... 6 months! Holy shit it's been 6 months of Wild Oats and all the bumbling madness.
Broken glasses, split beers and wines, crappily made margaritas (and that would be my fault hurr), watching Flaming Lambos and Waterfalls by Mitch in deer-caught-in-headlights awe, forgotten orders and that amazing memory games we play cos we take orders without order sheets, making our own homemade garbage in the bar, running back and forth in the rain moving furniture, and last but not least, the itchy-backsided-ness that is my manager, Mitchell Paul Noble.
When he's not trying to grope us, he's yelling at us. Him and I never see eye to eye because I can never tolerate his gatal tendencies. He has the occasional bad day and that usually ends up with me screaming and squirming on the floor cos he's tickling me to death, after trying to wrestle with me.
He also has a low tolerance for my messy hair and inability to make drinks faster.
Don't know if i'll ever quit that place anytime soon, cos its just so much fun. The best part are the girlfriends i've made in the process. Speaking of them, we still haven't done our overnight dai dee and booze session. And our Sentosa session.
Haven't hit a single club since I got back, and am totally fine with that. Clubbing really squeeezes your wallet dry. Maybe only occasionally now, cos I need to save money. But the convenience of going out after work is just sooo tempting, especially when you can get in free, which is normally the case if you go with Ernie the monkey.
Last Thursday we were supposedly gonna drink and chill, but because of Clarke Quay's anniversary, Ernie was stuck working there till 3am, while me and Lani were goofing around on the bridge. Finally when Ernie was done, we hung out till her transport van came to take her home. We sat on the curb near MOS having girly talk.
A creepy angmo walked past and blew kisses at us. Lani and Ernie giggled and waved. Later, another two younger angmos walked past and waved. Lani and I laughed, while Ernie the gatal waved back. They stopped dead in their tracks and exchanged looks. It was such an animated moment. They turned right around and headed towards us. We started yelling at Ernie for being such a goon, and she was laughing her ass off.
They sat themselves down alongside us and started shooting all sorts of questions. I was just about to tell them about the scary Nigerian I met on the plane WHICH BY THE WAY I MET AGAIN ON THE WAY BACK FROM DUBAI. SCARIEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE
But anyway, Ernie told them I just came back from London and they starting making up an entire story about my imaginary boyfriend that I visit in London. What?
The two young guys, Vikkhhhh *phlegm* and Yongrilum (don't know how the fuck to spell these dutch names), Yong for short started attacking me with all sorts of questions, right down to the rubbish ring I was wearing, asking if it was from my boyfriend in London.
This particular ring I bought in Camden for 5 pounds, is a square of black nails fossilized in clear plastic.
The commotion attracted a lot of looks from minahs.
The creepy kiss-blower from earlier was then walking back our way, and decided to invite himself to sit with us. A 40 year old dutchman named Richard.
One of the more hilarious moments of my life.
I am 2 hours past my bedtime. For fuck's sake it's been a week and i'm still not over the jetlag.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
you are not allowed to feel bitter, period.
Ah, the smell of burnt meat. The neighbours are having a barbecue.
Job hunting at this point. There is a chance Erika will be dropping me as a tutor so that leaves me fucked. I need to get a tutor ad in the papers ASAP!
Full-time. A full-time tutor. That's the only way i'm gonna reach my target amount of moolah in savings. Then i'll spend a bit on an awesome holiday(s) and hoard the rest like a hamster before I head off to Sydney. Or Melbourne.
Need to confirm my enrolment soon.
Job hunting at this point. There is a chance Erika will be dropping me as a tutor so that leaves me fucked. I need to get a tutor ad in the papers ASAP!
Full-time. A full-time tutor. That's the only way i'm gonna reach my target amount of moolah in savings. Then i'll spend a bit on an awesome holiday(s) and hoard the rest like a hamster before I head off to Sydney. Or Melbourne.
Need to confirm my enrolment soon.
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