Depending on your computer, this pic may be too dark. So too bad then.
Crappy photos coz I was just plain tired. Will take better ones soon.
Apparently he's 4 weeks old, but I think he's younger. Rasputin hasn't shown any signs of aggression, which is great, but he isn't showing much signs of interest either.
Stalin on the other hand, keeps trying to crawl under Rasputin's belly. Really makes me think he's not 4 weeks old :/
Rasputin's a platinum/grey hooded rat, and Stalin is a beige hooded rat, but he looks a bit more Dumbo.
Dumbo meaning a rat breed, not the derogatory term. Dumbo rats tend to have a rounder dolphin-like forehead, unlike regular hooded rats that just have a slant, straight forehead. But we won't be able to really tell until he grows a little. He's terrified of people, tho I just got him yesterday night. He'll take awhile and in the meantime i'll get him adjusted to Rasputin.
I need to start sourcing for a big-ass cage to house both rattys, wahhh backside tear :(
On to other things.
I don't think I blogged about last last week's BBQ for my birthday! It was great la, in every way possible. Just my closest friends laughing and talking cock, eating and playing the Wii.
Initially I was nay close to just cancelling it because sometimes my family can really test my patience. I was so lost as to how to prepare all the food that I called Maya bawling like a retard. The woman is my saviour I swear, without her I think I really would've just cancelled.
Was simple, playing like 1 game of twister before we got distracted by Wario on the Wii haha. That game is pure hilarity, and probably the one reason why anyone should buy a Wii.
Maya's chocolate cheesecake was beyond amazing, and it was finished by the end of the night. The last few slices were pounced on by my cousins and Aunty Gogi when they came back from a party. Ernie came later with even more cake from Secret Recipe, which my family happily devoured over the course of the following 3 days, save for 1 which I stuck two unlit candles on and served to Yigang the following Monday morning cause it was his 20th!
Iggy! No longer a teenager. You have no more excuses! Haha!
Yigang has been coming over almost everyday the past few weeks for work. But I swear, the home environment is totally inconducive for this kinda work. The lethargy that comes with the weather, after lunch, then lounging on the sofa with the TV on till we almost drift into a full-blown nap has occured one too many times.
I haven't visited the vet since weeeeks ago. I feel bad about it, but I will go back next week. This week the boy is booking out early, and also I want to buy some things for the trip.
For the last 2 weeks Aunty Gogi, David and Aniek have desecrated my room. Okay la that's a bit extreme but stomping on my stuffed toys? Leaving bits of food in weird places? I can't even find some of my stuff. But that aside, having them around was, although a headache and a half, enjoyable because they were not as bratty as before.
Still pretty bratty but it wasn't hard to sort them out. Sometimes they'll put on their atas English ang moh airs but we tried to open their eyes as much as possible while they were here.
They left just a few hours ago, and should be somewhere between India and here by now, i'm not entirely sure how far the last 3 hours would've taken them.
Am now back in my own room, in my own space doing my own thing. I think this is best for a healthy sister-sister relationship. Hmm.
1 day less than 2 weeks till me in the UK. Kinda surreal, going there alone. But I think i'll be okay, maybe befriend a random in the plane/train/bus. Aresha was shocked when I told her I don't have friends in the UK.
Is it really shocking? I mean... no one I know has yet to go there to study, even then they'll only be there September. And apart from Amit and Jason (A Sides), there aren't any other DNB artistes that I got to know well enough to really meet up with them while i'm there.
In this gap year I need to travel. A lot. Should make a list. Now.
Cambodia again, of course
Thailand, one of those cool islands Aresha's been to like Koh Samui or Koh Phangan
Batam, with the girlies
Bali, because it's just so beautiful but I heard since I was last there it's been overrun with chao ang mohs urgh
Japan, whoa dream big
KL, because the boy wants to
It's strange, apart from Japan I wouldn't really think of going anywhere new. I need a decent paying job when I get back from the UK. It'll be like 'okay reality check girly, you need a JOB job.'
No more brainless waitressing and misc jobs. Its the real deal, well at least for a good 8 months. The prospects of full-time tuition look very naisee...
I should consider an ad in the Classifieds with some decepticon of a description like.... straight 'A' Level Distinctions Student (with bad grammar, but it's Singapore where 'native English speakers' come from the USA or the UK where people can't even fucking spell for fuck's sake okstop), reasonable rates offering 'O' Level Biology, Chemistry, E Math, English blah dee dah.. Reasonably attractive.. Ok wait it's tuition i'm offering.
Now i'm reminded of that Sufiah Yusof woman (this isn't to say i'm likening myself to a genius, or a hot hooker). The sad case of a child genius turned prostitute. Then again, people will argue as to who am I to judge her choices in life, as long as she's happy? Tho this is true, Sufiah is really putting it out there and glossing over the ugly details, who's to determine the effect of this on impressionable young girls? At 14 when I was a wayward monkey, if I read something like that I would be wondering eh eh.... If life's so easy for her then.... etc.
Branding prostitution to be something so lucrative, it could be, but not for everyone.
Most of my sentence structures are directly out of my head. So in a nutshell, i'm having a discussion with myself.
But hey, this totally proves my point from before that geniuses confirm got a screw loose somewhere, some wiring in the brain gone wrong. Haha! Totally subjective, but it's an extremely amusing observation.
I need to pee now, so I might as well wrap this up. There's a mighty crack in the toilet seat in the bathroom, and I need to take extra care when sitting my ass down on it, should the crack (pun hurr) open and kiap my bum.
Yes, ouch.
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